Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 92 Miss You

- If you have ever liked Chen Suyue, then I believe you really like me.

Lin Huazhi looked at Yan Shaobai. She wanted to try to be casual, but as if she couldn't pretend to be pitiful in front of him, she knew that she was serious.

After a moment of silence, Yan Shaobai tapped his head.

Lin Huazhi's hanging heart is slightly loosened, but what is the astringent feeling in the bottom of her heart?

She doesn't want to explore.

Seeing Yan Shaobai get out of the carriage with Lin Huazhi in his arms, Lin Yuyang looked unhappy.

"Son Yan, I'll do it." Lin Yuyang wanted to reach out to pick it up, but Yan Shaobai shook his head and entered the yard without saying a word.

Lin Yuyang stared at Yan Shaobai's back, and his face was gloomy and terrible.

In the room, Yan Shaobai carefully put Lin Huazhi on **. Lin came forward to pull the quilt for her and looked down for a while. Lin's eyes were red, and obviously she had just cried.

"Flower branches, does it still hurt?"

Lin Huazhi shook her head and tried to smile: "No pain, I'm fine."

How can Lin believe that her daughter is so seriously injured that it can not hurt? Knowing that Lin Huazhi was to comfort her and didn't want her to worry, Lin was very sad and didn't want Lin Huazhi to see tears. Lin also quickly turned around and quietly wiped the corners of his eyes. Then he looked up and said to Yan Shaobai, "Mr. Yan, please send Huazhi back. Please go to the main room and sit for a moment."

Yan Shaobai said, "Mrs. Lin, please take care of Huazhi. It's my negligence to worry about such a thing.

Lin Shi hurriedly said, "Mr. Yan, I really don't dare to say that. I just hope to find the murderer as soon as possible and give Huazhi an exchange.

Lin Huazhi lay in ** and looked up. Yan Shaobai's face had always been tight and worried. She reached out and pulled Lin's sleeve and whispered, "Mom, please send it to the master for me."

Yan Shaobai saw that Lin Huazhi was a little withered and had no spirit. Even if he wanted to accompany her for a while, he couldn't bear to make her tired. After saying two words, Yan Shaobai said goodbye to Lin, went out of the room and went back in a carriage.

After he left, the wet nurse walked into the room, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Lin Huazhi, and couldn't help crying.

Lin Huazhi smiled and said, "Nanny, don't think I can't move now, but I'm in good body and won't get better soon. Don't cry. I'm really fine."

The wet nurse cried, "You child, you are so seriously injured, how can you be all right? Oh, why on earth is this? Why did you get hurt like this for no reason?

Lin Huazhi also wants to know what's going on. Unfortunately, she hasn't figured it out so far.

Lin Huazhi comforted the wet nurse a few more words and came all the way from Chen's house. Although it was not a long distance, she was injured and felt very tired after saying a few words.

Seeing that Lin Huazhi was uncomfortable, the wet nurse quickly wiped her tears, helped her close the quilt, and whispered, "I won't disturb you. Have a good rest. I'll guard you on the side."

Lin Huazhi said, she really didn't have any energy. After a while, she fell asleep.

When Lin came in, she saw the wet nurse sitting on the edge of the bed and sighing gently. Lin couldn't help but feel sad and wanted to cry. Afraid of disturbing Lin Huazhi to sleep, Lin signaled the wet nurse, and the two left the house back and forth.

Half-covering the door, Lin and the wet nurse stood at the door and whispered.

"Anyway, it won't take long. When Huazhi gets better, I will go to Chenfu to resign for her."

The wet nurse nodded: "That's what I mean. It's only been three or four months. Huazhi is like this now. She has to raise her for half a year. When she is completely cured, I don't know when she will go home early so that we can really feel at ease."

Lin sighed: "I thought that Chen's house is a good place. Mr. Yan treats people well. It's a great good thing for Huazhi to work in Chen's house, but I didn't expect such a thing would happen, and it was obviously aimed at Huazhi. How can I rest assured to send the girl into Chen's house again."

The wet nurse also sighed. No matter how she looked at it, it was strange. Is it possible that someone has discovered the secret of Lin Huazhi?

This idea popped out of her mind, and the wet nurse immediately denied it. It's impossible. It's impossible for anyone to find the secret. Even she didn't believe it at the beginning. It was only as time went by that she gradually believed that Lin Huazhi was Chen Suyue.

Who on earth is so cruel to Lin Huazhi?

The wet nurse thought about it for a long time, but she didn't have a clue. This is difficult to do.

Lin Yuyang stood at the gate of the courtyard and saw Lin and the wet nurse talking quietly. Although he did not understand what they said, he knew that their faces must have something to do with Lin Huazhi.

Lin Yuyang's heart is like a burning fire, and his hands are tightly held. As long as he knows who dares to hurt Lin Huazhi like this, he will break the man to pieces.

If Lin Huazhi knew that Lin Yuyang had the same idea as her, she didn't know how happy she would be.

After a nap, when Lin Huazhi woke up, she found that it was already dark. There was a candle lit in the room. Under the dim lights, she saw Lin Yuyang sitting at the table with a calm face, looking out of the window and didn't know what she was thinking.

She tried to move, but found that she didn't know what part was pulling, and her whole body was in pain.

She couldn't help shouting. Lin Yuyang, who was stunned at the table, immediately recovered, quickly walked to the bedside and asked in a low voice, "Sister, are you thirsty?"

Lin Huazhi nodded. Lin Yuyang hurriedly poured a glass of water, picked up Lin Huazhi, let her half lean in his arms, and carefully fed her water.

"What time is it?"

"Just after You."

"Where's your mother?"

"I'm in the front yard with the wet nurse. Today, they met several toothed women and discussed buying a little girl to take care of you.

Lin Huazhi laughed. If she hadn't been ill, I'm afraid Lin would not have wanted to buy a girl back.

"Sister, I heard that Chen Fu did not report to the official. Is it Yan Shaobai's idea?" Thinking of Yan Shaobai's refusal when he came back with Lin Huazhi in his arms, Lin Yuyang was angry.

"I didn't allow the officer to report."

Lin Yuyang was shocked and asked why.

Lin Huazhi didn't say anything. Anyway, what she decided would not change.

Lin Yuyang seemed to have guessed something. He looked at Lin Huazhi and whispered, "Sister, don't forget this account."

Lin Huazhi recognized the fierceness in Lin Yuyang's voice. The child thought of her. She was very relieved and reached out to hold his hand, as if to tell him her determination.

Lin Yuyang did not dare to talk more with Lin Huazhi. He did not forget Lin's order. Lin Huazhi was weak at this time and it was not easy to talk too much. Carefully helping her lean against **, Lin Yuyang came out of the house to bring some porridge back.

Lin Huazhi only took two bites and shook her head and didn't want to eat again. She had no appetite.

Thinking about it, Lin Yuyang coaxed her to take a few more bites before putting down the bowl.

"That's right, sister, there is a letter from Beijing." Just as Lin Huazhi wanted to sleep again, Lin Yuyang suddenly said this.

Hearing the letter from Beijing, Lin Huazhi's first reaction was that Zhang Ziqing wrote it to her.

She couldn't help saying anxiously, "Where's the letter?"

Lin Yuyang stared at her and found a letter from the cabinet by the window.

She reached out to pick it up, but Lin Yuyang refused to give it to her. She withdrew her hand and said, "I'll read it to you." After saying that, he nodded regardless of Lin Huazhi and opened the letter two or three times.

Looking at a few lines quickly, Lin Yuyang looked disdainful and flattened his mouth: "It's really written by Zhang Ziqing."

Somehow, Lin Huazhi was happy, and something warm flowed through her heart.

"Give me the letter."

Lin Yuyang refused and read loudly, "Flower branches, it's like meeting. Huazhi, I miss you, I miss you so much. Do you know? From the day I left Jiangdong Mansion, I began to miss you and kept thinking about you. I miss you when I get up in the morning; I miss you when I eat; I still miss you when I study; I miss you when I play chess with my grandpa, so I lose. Grandpa punishes me for copying books. I miss you while copying books; in the evening, the cook cooks fresh fish soup and says that it is the winter fish in the clip river in the capital. The soup is delicious. I want you to be here. It's good to be by my side. I know you like fish soup best. When you go to bed at night, you look at the moon outside the window, as if you were laughing, smiling at me sweetly. Huazhi, I really miss you. What about you? Do you miss me?"

After reading halfway, Lin Yuyang looked unbearable. He snorted and scolded, "I miss you all the time. Sister, that man is obviously flirting with you."

But Lin Huazhi felt so happy. Thinking of what Zhang Ziqing said in her letter, she seemed to be able to see it, and she couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that her eyebrows were full of unconcealed smiles, Lin Yuyang said sourly, "Are you so happy? It doesn't look like a girl at all. Reserved, do you understand? Be reserved."

Lin Huazhi stared at Lin Yuyang, asked for the letter to come, and read it carefully several times before carefully putting it away and pressing it under the pillow.

Lin Yuyang couldn't help humming again: "What's good about that fool? That's how you hang him."

Lin Huazhi was too lazy to pay attention to him and closed his eyes, but there was still a smile at the corners of his mouth.

Lin Yuyang sighed slightly. For a long time, he suddenly asked, "Sister, I think Mr. Yan is also good to you. you...isn't you..."

Lin Huazhi opened his eyes and said, "What do you want to say?"

Lin Yuyang grabbed his head and looked very embarrassed. He muttered for a long time and didn't say everything.

Looking at him, Lin Huazhi seemed to guess what Lin Yuyang was thinking. She lowered her eyes and made no sound.

"It's late at night, sister, go to bed. I'll stay outside. Just call me if you need anything. Lin Yuyang helped her cover the quilt, put down the tent, and gently retreated.

There was only a faint candlelight in the room. Lin Huazhi gently moved her left hand, which was a little numb, and her hand was still wrapped around a splint. Lin Huazhi knew that the injury was not light.

The situation of that night appeared in my mind again, as if it happened in front of me, and Lin Huazhi remembered every detail clearly.

is a woman, thin and not tall. Although I can only see the eyes, I can still see that I am very young. From the location and time when the woman attacked her, it can be seen that the woman is very familiar with her and knows that she will return to the west courtyard from the corner gate. Another important point is that in order to hide her identity, the woman deliberately put on black and brought nothing.

However, Lin Huazhi vaguely remembered that when she hit the woman with a stone, she saw the woman's socks, white, embroidered with an apricot flower on her face. Lin Huazhi seems to have seen it somewhere, but she can't remember it for a moment.

It doesn't matter if you can't remember now. Lin Huazhi thought that if she is alive, it means that she has a chance.

Wait, she will get well soon.

Who wears that style of socks?