Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 95 I will never agree

"No, I won't allow you to go back." The wet nurse's attitude became more and more resolute.

Lin Huazhi smiled and said, "Nanny, do you still remember the begonia flowers I planted when I was 16 years old? It's planted in the North Courtyard. The flowering period of Begonia is only half a year, but the one I planted has not blossomed for a year. In the back, I saw that it was dying. Pearl was still careful, saying that there might be something underneath that would affect the flowering period. Sure enough, I opened the ground and found several nests of gophers, and there was a nest under the begonia flowers. The gophers bit the root, so the begonias could not bloom. It was not until the gopher was beaten that the flowers bloomed, but it only bloomed for one season, and the leaves were broken. I invited the old gardener in another courtyard to see it, saying that the begonia was born bad, and it was not carefully taken care of later, so it stopped blooming in a season.

The nurse said, "I naturally remember this. There has always been a custom in this dynasty, and women should grow begonias to show their adulthood. The begonia you planted has never blossomed. Although you don't say anything, I know you are sad. If you don't care about so many flowers and plants in the house, why don't you care about anything else and love that begonia alone?

"Yes, my begonia finally bloomed for a season and thanked it in a hurry. I wonder if my life is too hard to even grow a begonia. It was also necessary for the florian to give advice that there was another gopher under Begonia. At that time, he only hit the gopher, so he didn't want to make up the hole. Instead, he attracted a new gopher. When the hole was blocked, the begonia only bloomed every year. Last year, I went to the house and went to see it. The one I planted was more beautiful than other begonias.

"So what?" The wet nurse knew her nature and could not suddenly mention this matter for no reason.

"So, I must go back to Chen's house. The person who hurt me is like a gopher. If he doesn't die, he will always hurt me again. Seeing that I won't go back, she must have thought that I was afraid of her. She became more and more proud, and I'm afraid I won't have a good birthday in the future. Cutting grass without rooting has always been my favorite. You also know that I don't have a good temper and it's easy to hold revenge. I always have to ask for an explanation for this injury on my body.

The wet nurse saw that Lin Huazhi's attitude was resolute and knew that she could not speak to her. Chen Suyue used to be like this. Once she was determined, nine cows could not be pulled back, not to mention hurting her self-esteem. She was determined to be entangled and would not let go.

The wet nurse sighed, but she still insisted and did not allow Lin Huazhi to return to Chen's house.

Lin Huazhi thought for a while and knew that it was undoubtedly useless to discuss this matter at this time. It was her own business that she could not go back to Chen's house. Now she just wants to tell the wet nurse not to worry about it.

As soon as the wet nurse saw a smile on her face, she knew what she was thinking. The nurse said sharply, "Huazhi, don't talk about me, Lin won't agree. You won't want us two old women to block the door and force each other to die, will you?

Lin Huazhi was slightly stunned, and the wet nurse said this. She was really worried.

Today, it is really not appropriate to talk about this matter. Lin Huazhi said, "Oh, I'm hungry, wet nurse. I want to eat oil spill noodles. You can cook a bowl for me. Oh, don't forget, I also want to add a poached egg."

The wet nurse stared at her angrily: "Little slippery head, I know you are not good-hearted. Got it. Sit down for a while and I'll cook noodles for you.

The wet nurse went out and was left alone in the room. At this time, Lin Huazhi thought of Yan Shaobai.

Since the last time we talked, Yan Shaobai hasn't come to see her this month. Except for sending someone to send something, Yan Shaobai seems to have disappeared. Not only did he not see anyone, but he didn't even bring her a word.

Naturally, Lin Huazhi thought it was good. She put the words there early, and Yan Shaobai also knew what was thinking in her heart. She was not like Yan Shaobai. She not only did not explain, but also pulled and deliberately caused something to confuse people. Yan Shaobai didn't come to see her. She was so happy that she didn't have to think of other things as soon as she saw him.

What the wet nurse just said was not to scare Lin Huazhi. If she really returned to Chen's house silently, I'm afraid that the wet nurse would really pull Lin and hang her up.

But if Yan Shaobai comes to please people, the situation will be different. She also has the work contract of Chen Mansion, and it is reasonable for the owner to ask someone to go back to work. At that time, the wet nurse and Lin may have nothing to say.

Well, why didn't Yan Shaobai come to see her?

Before going to bed at night, Lin Yuyang suddenly entered the house: "Sister, haven't you rested yet?"

Lin Huazhi just changed her clothes. Hearing Lin Yuyang ask, she put on a thin coat, motioned Lin Yuyang to sit down and asked him, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

Lin Yuyang nodded, but his eyebrows seemed to be a little hesitant.

Lin Huazhi became more and more curious when she saw his look: "What's the matter? Let's see you making it so difficult."

Lin Yuyang whispered, "Today I went to the east of the city and heard something in the jade store in Dongshengfang. He said that Mr. Zhang didn't seem to be able to do it.

Lin Huazhi didn't understand. Can't Mr. Zhang do it? She thought about it carefully for a while before she suddenly realized it and hurriedly said, "Did you hear what Zhang Jun Zhang said?"

Lin Yuyang nodded.

Lin Huazhi's heart sank. Lin Yuyang means that Zhang Ziqing's grandfather is more or less auspicious.

Lin Huazhi hurriedly asked Mr. Zhang what had happened? Can you ask carefully?

Lin Yuyang expected that Lin Huazhi would ask him like this, so he sighed slightly and told Lin Huazhi what he had found out one by one.

The thing is that during the Yuanxiao Festival, Mrs. Zhang was happy to drink two more cups. When he went back to the house, he accidentally fell down. At first, he didn't care about it, but later he found that he injured his vertebrae. Within a month, the old man basically couldn't go to the ground, and he was also very thin. It was rumored in Beijing. The old man may not survive this. Summer.

Lin Huazhi frowned: "The old man's bones have always been healthy. Even if he hurts the vertebrae, it is enough to carefully recuperate. There is no curse that can't live. It can be seen that he is not well-hearted. Such nonsense should have been banned a long time ago, so as not to sound unpleasant.

Lin Yuyang guessed: "Will it be seriously injured? Last time I heard the doctor say that people sometimes hurt their vertebrae. If the force is not right, the lower body will easily be unconscious. After a long time, they will be paralyzed.

Lin Huazhi stared at him: "Nonsense, I think the old man is a long-lived face, how can he be paralyzed so easily? Don't talk nonsense outside.

Lin Yuyang sighed, "Come on, I knew you were worried about that fool and said clearly about Mr. Zhang, but you must be worried about that fool. Think about it. If the old man left like this, the fool would not be bullied to death.

Lin Yuyang's words broke Lin Huazhi's mind.

No, she is really worried about Zhang Ziqing. Although Zhang Ziqing wants wind and rain in the Zhang family, it is because the old man supports him behind him. If the old man shakes his hands and legs like this, who will coax Zhang Ziqing?

Lin Yuyang saw Lin Huazhi's face and said a few comforting words: "In fact, Zhang Ziqing may not be angry in the future. I think the old master has already made arrangements. Anyway, with his temperament, others don't pay attention to it, so don't worry."

Lin Huazhi is funny and angry. After a moment, she will be bullied and then she will not care. It's all about Lin Yuyang's mouth, but as for the matter of the Zhang family, he, as a child, understands it.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help sighing when she thought of this, looking worried.

Lin Yuyang came closer and asked in a low voice, "Sister, you don't want to see that fool in Beijing, do you? No, I will never agree."