Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 104 Exchange Rules

The words fell to the ground, and Cui Ting's face suddenly appeared death-like pale, and her lips lost blood in an instant. She looked at Lin Huazhi in horror, as if she were looking at the most horrible thing.

"You killed Chen Suyue." Lin Huazhi paused word by word, and she slowly walked towards Cui Ting.

Cui Ting subconsciously retreated. Lin Huazhi took a step forward and took a step back.

"No... I didn't kill Chen Suyue." Cui Ting suddenly screamed.

"You killed her."

"No, I didn't kill her." Cui Ting shook her head violently.

Lin Huazhi stared at her: "You said you didn't kill Chen Suyue, so what are you afraid of? You are guilty."

"No, I'm not guilty. I didn't kill her."

Lin Huazhi pressed step by step: "You lied, Chen Suyue was killed by you."


"You killed it. You poisoned Chen Suyue."

"No, I didn't kill her. I didn't poison her."

"You killed it."

"No, no."

"You killed it."

"No, it's not." Cui Ting couldn't help retreating. At this time, her face was full of fear, and she couldn't help shouting.

"You killed it."

"I didn't kill Chen Suyue."

"Who killed Chen Suyue?" Lin Huazhi suddenly asked.

"Chen Suyue was..."

Cui Ting only said half of her words, and she only felt that something tripped her under her feet. She didn't stand firmly for a moment. She was not free to fall back and sat on the ground. When there was a slight tingling in the palm of her hand, Cui Ting suddenly looked up at Lin Huazhi and trembled all over, but could no longer say a word.

Lin Huazhi's face was full of gloomy looks, only a little short. Unexpectedly, there was only this last step.

She hugged her hands and looked condescendingly at Cui Ting sitting on the ground. After a long time, she said, "Cui Ting, this is your secret."

It seems that a basin of cold water was splashed down on her head. Cui Ting's eyes widened and said in a shrill voice, "Lin Huazhi, it's you, you seduced me to speak. I have no secrets. I don't have any secrets.

"If you don't have a secret? So what are you afraid of at this moment? What are you guilty about? Who killed Chen Suyue?

Cui Ting learned to be smart this time. No matter how Lin Huazhi asked, she didn't say anything.

Lin Huazhi was a little depressed. She had almost touched the secret door. As long as she pushed forward, everything would become public, but when she stretched out her hand, it was empty again.

"Cui Ting, everyone has secrets, how can you not have secrets? I also have a secret, do you want to know?

Cui Ting shook her head but didn't say anything.

Lin Huazhi smiled and said, "One day, you will want to know my secret."

Cui Ting squeezed her mouth tightly. She sat on the ground and stared at Lin Huazhi with hatred, as if every word of Lin Huazhi was coaxing her.

Lin Huazhi can see that Cui Ting is very scared and nervous at this time. But why is Cui Ting afraid? Why are you nervous? Lin Huazhi looked at Cui Ting at the end of pity, and then turned around and left.

Turning the corner door, she saw Yan Shaobai.

Lin Huazhi didn't know how long Yan Shaobai had stood behind the corner door, nor how many conversations he had heard between her and Cui Ting. She was not too surprised to see his appearance.

Yan Shaobai's face looks gloomy and scary, and there is no smile on his face. Lin Huazhi quietly looked at him for a while, and then walked past him without saying a word.

"Lin Huazhi."

Just as the two passed by, Yan Shaobai suddenly reached out and grabbed her tightly: "Lin Huazhi, what secret do you have? What are you hiding from me?"

Lin Huazhi raised the corners of her mouth slightly. Despite the pain in Yan Shaobai's hand, she replied softly, "Sir, what secret do you have? Master, you should know that only secrets can be exchanged for secrets in this world. If you want to know my secret, tell me your secret first. She looked at Yan Shaobai with a smile, but her eyes were strange and cold.

Yan Shaobai didn't like Lin Huazhi's eyes, which made him always think of that person. He subconsciously exerted his hands and did not let go of any look on her face.

There was great pain in Lin Huazhi's arm. She frowned and squeezed her mouth but did not gnaw. She just looked at Yan Shaobai's eyes quietly.

His eyes are as deep as the sea, and there are too many feelings hidden in it that she can't understand. The flowing eyes seem to be talking about something.

She saw the pain, yes, the pain hidden in the deepest part, and the pain was related to a secret.

-Yan Shaobai, what is your secret?