Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 142 Old Man, Girl and Prince

At dawn, when she was half asleep and half awake, Lin Huazhi vaguely felt that someone was calling her name in a low voice.

"Flower branches...Flower branches...Flower branches..."

With a sound, as far as near, gently, like flying catkins falling to the ground, floating but attracting people to listen more forcefully.

Who is calling her? The voice was deep and familiar, with faint wounds, and its name made people feel sad.

Then, in the sound of patting the door, Lin Huazhi suddenly opened her eyes.

"Sister, have you got up yet? There are guests waiting outside the house. The sound of the green lock came in through the closed door.

After a long trance, Lin Huazhi slowly sat up from **, put on her coat and opened the door.

"Who?" Who will be if there is a guest so early?

The green lock rarely blushed, his eyes were half drooping, and he whispered, "An old man, two girls, and... and a prince."

The visitor was a little strange. Lin Huazhi didn't care at first, but then reacted and stared at Qing Suo for a while: "Mr.? Is he a handsome man?" Was the green lock just twisting? Lin Huazhi couldn't help joking.

Qing Suo blushed and hurriedly said, "Sister, I'll get water for you to clean up." After saying that, he hurriedly turned around and left.

The old man, the girl and the prince, Lin Huazhi thought about it for a long time, as if she had never known such a strange person sent by Mao Dazuo? Yesterday, he talked to Qing Ling about the apprentice, but he didn't object. He thought that the guest who came today should be sent by Mao Dazui.

In his heart, Lin Huazhi was not in a hurry. He slowly changed his dress, washed his face, combed his hair, and then turned to the front yard.

"Huazhi, come and see who this is." As soon as the wet nurse saw her, she called her urgently. The wet nurse was standing in the courtyard talking with a man.

Hearing the joy in the nanny's tone, Lin Huazhi looked up, and the next second, her eyes couldn't help straightening.

", Uncle Chen?" Lin Huazhi simply couldn't believe her eyes. Who did she see? She saw the most unexpected person at this moment, Chen Tong.

"Miss!" Chen Tong was as excited as Lin Huazhi. He strode forward as if he wanted to pull Lin Huazhi, but in the end, he still stood still. His eyes couldn't help looking at Lin Huazhi greedily, and his eyes were full of tears of joy.

Hearing this "Miss", Lin Huazhi couldn't help crying, as if she had been lost for too long and finally met her relatives. No more caring, Lin Huazhi rushed into Chen Tong's arms and cried like a little girl.

The wet nurse couldn't help wiping her tears. She was not sad. Today, as soon as she opened the door and saw Chen Tong, she cried for a while. Then she talked to Chen Tong about Lin Huazhi and cried with Chen Tong for a while. At this time, she was always happy, and even if she cried, she was tears of joy.

After crying for a while, Lin Huazhi felt that she had lost her state, but it was not for anything else. I'm afraid that Lin will see it for a while and ask that it is difficult to reply. There are too many words to say to Chen Tong in her heart. Looking up, Lin Huazhi couldn't help but feel sad. He hadn't seen him for only a year. Chen Tong seemed to be old for more than ten years. His originally black and bright hair was all white at this time. Because his eyebrows were locked, there were deep marks in the printing hall.

holding Chen Tong's hand, Lin Huazhi choked and said, "Uncle Chen, it's really hard for you this year."

Chen Tong sighed, looked at Lin Huazhi and shook his head gently: "Miss, as long as you are safe, the old slave is fine."

"Uncle, I'm not who I used to be. If you don't give up, just call me a flower. Your family... Your lady is gone, and we won't mention that person again." Lin Huazhi made up his mind to take good care of Chen Tong from now on and prevent the old man from working hard.

The wet nurse also whispered: "Brother, now her surname is Lin, and you can call her Huazhi."

Chen Tong also knew the reason for this. After listening to Lin Huazhi's words, he was not affectionate. He nodded and shouted, "Huazhi."

"Alas!" With a crisp response, Lin Huazhi held Chen Tong's hand and the wet nurse in one hand, and his three hands were tightly clenched and inseparable.

"Where's my mother?" Lin Huazhi asked that she cried outside for a while and didn't see Lin come out. She was a little strange.

"Jinhou is giving her pulse inside." Chen Tong answered her.


Before Lin Huazhi asked, as soon as the curtain was opened, someone came out of the room and looked at Lin Huazhi Yingying and said, "Miss Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Lin Huazhi stared with a stunned face and spit out a few words after a long time: "Spring...Miss Chun, why are you in my house?" She only knows a spring girl, a spring girl from the Four Seasons Building in Beijing.

Chunbai smiled and said, "Miss Lin, I said that we would meet soon, and I really got it right."

Lin Huazhi was not concerned about this. When she was about to ask again, a figure suddenly rushed out from behind Chunbai and then rushed to Lin Huazhi.

Only one person in the world can do this. Lin Huazhi's heart slowly developed a very complicated mood. Then, she gently opened her mouth and shouted, "Ziqing, you're here!"

"Flower branches...Flower branches...I miss you."