Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 156 Sick

When I got up in the morning, the sky was gray and white, and it was faintly cold. Lin Huazhi was wrapped in a single coat and felt a little boring. I thought it would not rain today. Only then did I think about it. There seemed to be a bright light flashing in the corners of my eyes. Looking up, I don't know when a layer of dark clouds piled up in the sky. Golden snakes flashed in the clouds, but in the blink of an eye, there was a shocking thunder.

It's raining.

After a while, the earthy smell mixed with rain came from the air. Lin Huazhi felt more and more cold. He returned to the house, closed the window, added a dress to his body, thought about it and ran back to **, pulled the quilt to cover it, and soon fell asleep.

In a faint way, she heard someone calling her, and there was a gentle touch on her face. After a while, Lin Huazhi struggled to open her eyes.

"Well, mother!"

As soon as I said the words, I felt wrong, and my voice was much more hoarse. I felt breathless, and I didn't know why my body was a little heavy.

Lin put his hand on her forehead, and then said with a little worry, "It's a little hot, Huazhi, you're sick."

Lin Huazhi was a little confused, but she still heard it clearly. She was fine in the morning. Why did she get sick?

Turned his head and looked at the sky outside the window. It was still raining, which seemed to be more urgent than in the morning. The raindrops hit the roof and made a small sound.

Lin Huazhi asked feebly, "What time is it now?"

"It's almost noon." Lin carefully raised Lin Huazhi and poured a bowl of water to moisten her throat.

I didn't expect that after a while, she slept for three hours. Lin Huazhi drank water and felt a little uncomfortable and felt colder. Wrapped the quilt tightly, Lin Huazhi said with difficulty: "Mom, please help me invite Miss Jinhou. I think I'm really sick."

Needless to say, Lin Shiyuan also planned to help Lin Huazhi cover the quilt, and Lin Shi hurried to the main house.

Lin Huazhi was a little dizzy. After a while, he heard the rapid footsteps outside the house, and then he heard Zhang Ziqing nervously asking, "Is Huazhi sick? Is it serious? Huazhi, I'm coming. Don't be afraid.

The door was rudely pushed open, and a cold wind came to his face. Lin Huazhi couldn't help shaking and opened his eyes, just in Zhang Ziqing's worried eyes.

"Huazhi, are you sick, are you sad?" Zhang Ziqing seemed to want to touch her, but looking at the look on his face, he seemed to be afraid of hurting Lin Huazhi.

"Son, don't worry, let me see." Then Lin Huazhi heard Jinhou's voice from behind Zhang Ziqing.

Zhang Ziqing obediently retreated to the side. Jinhou stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed, carefully looked at Lin Huazhi's face, held her wrist and condensed her pulse. Finally, he reached out and touched Lin Huazhi's jaws on both sides before saying, "Hot and poisonous attack, I saw a cold again. I'm sick."

It was heard that it was hot, and there was nothing strange about Lin Huazhi. She remembered something last night. She didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night. I'm afraid it rained in the morning. She caught a cold when she opened the door to breathe.

"Does it really matter?" Zhang Ziqing was very nervous and only heard him ask repeatedly, "Is Huazhi really all right? Her face looks very bad, is it just a general fever? Jinhou, have you taken a closer look?"

Jinhou looked up at Zhang Ziqing quickly, and then said softly, "Young master, Miss Lin will get better as long as she takes a few pairs of medicine. Don't worry." After saying that, Jinhou got up and went to the table and spread out his pen and ink to write the prescription.

In the meantime, the wet nurse, Uncle Chen, Lin Yuyang and Chunbai entered the house, surrounded by the bed, and worriedly asked Lin Huazhi what was wrong.

Maybe she was ill. On the one, Lin Huazhi thought that people were talking a little noisy, and on the other, she was weak and didn't say anything, but her spirit was a little weak.

Zhang Ziqing suddenly whispered, "Huazhi is sad. Don't say anything. Go out, go out." His voice was full of unhappy, and his black face was a little scary.

Seeing Zhang Ziqing angry, the wet nurse also knew that what Lin Huazhi needed most at this time was Jing Xiu and pulled the crowd out of the house. Jinhou glanced at Zhang Ziqing and followed the crowd back.

Lin Huazhi was a little tired. After saying such a conversation, she wanted to sleep. She didn't think that Zhang Ziqing suddenly held her hand tightly and half lay on the edge of her bed. He whispered, "Huazhi, don't get sick, don't leave me."

Lin Huazhi was originally in a trance. Hearing his words, she couldn't help but be stunned. Then she understood why Zhang Ziqing thought so. I'm afraid she looked at her and thought of the old man in Beijing.

Holding Zhang Ziqing's hand, Lin Huazhi whispered, "I'm a minor illness. It will be fine in five days at most. Don't worry."

Zhang Ziqing didn't answer, just looked at her, and his eyes were full of worry. Finally, he reached out and gently covered Lin Huazhi's eyes: "Huazhi, you sleep for a while, and I'll guard you."

Inexplicably relieved, Lin Huazhi's illness came so suddenly that she fell asleep after a while, and her hand had been held by Zhang Ziqing and never let go.


Lin Huazhi's illness improved after a few days. According to Jinhou, it was just a loss of spirit and nothing serious.

Zhang Ziqing muttered dissatisfiedly, "Isn't five days enough? Didn't you say five days? Lie to me." Hearing this, Lin Huazhi suddenly cried and laughed.

When Jinhou sent medicine in, Lin Huazhi saw Qingling behind her and immediately remembered what Lin said before she fell ill.

Lin Huazhi was a little annoyed by drinking medicine these days, but today she took the medicine urgently and found an excuse to send Zhang Ziqing and Jinhou out. Then she looked at Qingling with a smile and asked, "I've been sick these days. Why do you want to come to see me at this time?"

Qing Ling smiled, pulled a chair and sat in front of her bed. After a while of silence, she said, "Huazhi, something happened to me."



Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!!!!