Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 164 Madam is here

Lin Huazhi wanted to do whatever motives of the Cui family. Anyway, the water in Jiangdong City has been microwaved everywhere. Everyone stared at the fat meat of Huanggong. In the end, whoever died depends on his own ability and his fate. Instead of fighting with those rich people, it's better to make another strange move. Lin Huazhi thinks that what Qingling said last time is a way.

Qingling raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you thought about it?"

Lin Huazhi nodded: "This is natural. Although it's a little rushed to start weaving now, we let people rush to make it in batches, and we can also weave it before the silk weaving conference. Of course, this is a small matter, and the key is still on you."

This dynasty's textile craftsmanship has always been developed. Lin Huazhi wants to rush to make cloth, but to find a few more textile women to weave in sections. As long as there is an inch left in the front and back, and then filaments can be woven into a whole cloth. Silk Weaving Conference, in recent years, has been said to be nothing more than cloth color. The more beautiful it is, the less likely it is to be imitated. Therefore, the key is to see what kind of cloth color Qingling can match.

Qingling also knew that he had a heavy task. He patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I have been working on this for a long time. This time, I must match it with an unparalleled cloth color."

Lin Huazhi is also very happy to see Qingling's ambition. The two talked casually, and Qing Ling asked, "If the Cui family really intends to intervene, will Chunbai come forward?"

Lin Huazhi thought about it, and the bad news brought to her was enough to disrupt many things. However, it was also true that Lin Huazhi was more determined to develop her strength quickly. It is by no means a long-term solution to be so weak.

Lin Huazhi smiled and said, "It seems that you have already told Chunbai that it is necessary for her to come forward. If we come forward now, it is easy to be suppressed by Yan Shaobai and Mao's big mouth. Maybe we have to include the Cui family. I don't have any background now. Naturally, I can't force Chunbai to come forward. Let Chunbai come forward. Tell Miss Chunbai that I have written down her feelings, and I will thank her in the future.

Qing Ling answered, drank some water and went back to his yard.

Lin Huazhi sat aside and thought about it carefully. He changed his dress and went to the east of the city. He found a boy on East Street and gave him 20 copper coins to send a message to Yan Shaobai.

"Chen Mansion?" The half-year-old boy tilted his head and thought for a long time before clapping his hands and said, "Oh, the girl is talking about Chen Suyue's tigress's Chen mansion? Now it has been renamed Yanfu.

Lin Huazhi was dumb for a while. Yes, she also knew that after Yan Shaobai and Cui Ting got married, she changed Chen's house to Yan's house, but she couldn't change her words for a while.

Taking a long breath, Lin Huazhi was secretly funny. Now it's finally good to change the name of the house. Yan Shaobai and Chen Suyue have nothing to do with it.

The world is really impermanent.

Lin Huazhi specially booked an elegant room in an in an inconspicuous pub in the east of the city. She met Cui Ting earlier. At this time, she asked Yan Shaobai to meet again. It always felt a little strange, but...

When Yan Shaobai arrived, Lin Huazhi was thinking about things. Even when he entered the elegant room, Lin Huazhi didn't pay attention. It was not until he heard the footsteps that Lin Huazhi looked up.

"Huazhi, have you been waiting for a long time?" Yan Shaobai didn't expect that Lin Huazhi would ask him out at this time. After all, the two broke up unhappily in the morning.

Lin Huazhi smiled, let him sit down, poured hot tea into the thin white bone porcelain bowl, put it in front of Yan Shaobai, and whispered, "It's just right to make this year's new tea after cooling for about half a minute." Yan Shaobai's habit of drinking tea is a little like his temperament, a little gentle, which is the opposite of Chen Suyue's explosive temper.

Yan Shaobai didn't expect that Lin Huazhi still remembered his little habit. He couldn't help reaching out and grab Lin Huazhi's hand, but he just clenched it, and then let go. He only heard him whisper, "Lin Huazhi, it's not my fault."

Lin Huazhi didn't answer, and some things really don't have to be said.

After sitting quietly for a while, Lin Huazhi asked, "I heard that Cui Ting's eldest brother, Lord Cui, will not go to Jiangdong City in the future?"

Yan Shaobai looked at Lin Huazhi and frowned gently: "Huazhi, where did you hear the news?" After a pause, Yan Shaobai asked again, "Did Mao Dazu tell you?"

Lin Huazhi just smiled, but it's obvious, isn't it? Qingling can hear this from someone.

Yan Shao had a white face and looked a little unhappy: "This big mouth is also a face-faced person. Why is it so..."

Lin Huazhi glanced at Yan Shaobai and couldn't help hitting him and said, "Yes, a person with face should not say this behind people, but don't forget that he is now an opponent with you. Although Mao Dazui is a muddy man, it doesn't mean that he is a fool. He can't wait until Lord Cui arrives in Jiangdong Mao Dazui. Move it."

"Huazhi, what do you mean?" Yan Shaobai became more and more unhappy when he heard Lin Huazhi's words, "Now your people are matching him with dyes, so do you also help him talk?"

"I'm just talking about things, and I can't help or not. Also, what's my name? Didn't the people in your dyeing workshop buy the dye prepared by Qingling? Speaking of this, Lin Huazhi was angry. When the people in Yan Shaobai's dyeing workshop saw that the dye matched by Qingling was brighter than theirs, they bought it privately and mixed it with other colors, which became the dye produced by their strict government.

Yan Shaobai didn't expect Lin Huazhi to mention this. For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Half a day later, Lin Huazhi softened his voice: "These days, the Chen clan hasn't bothered you, has it?" Lin Huazhi actually wanted to know whether it was true that the Chen clan was eager to let go of the dyeing workshop.

Seeing Lin Huazhi's question, Yan Shaobai raised the corners of his mouth, half sarcastic and half relieved his hatred: "Now that their clan is in chaos, why are they still in the mood to find trouble for me? There is no advantage in this world."

Lin Huazhi's heart moved, and Yan Shaobai had something to say.

"What happened?" She asked quickly.

Yan Shaobai looked up at Lin Huazhi. Obviously, he didn't understand why Lin Huazhi was so curious, but just for a moment, Yan Shaobai still said, "One son of the old guy has a life lawsuit in Beijing and was locked up in prison. It's a big deal. Now many people in the clan are asking the old guy to step down. He Why do you still have time to take care of the trivial matters of Jiangdong Mansion?

Lin Huazhi said, which was really surprising. The patriarch had an accident and was already busy. No wonder the clan would spit out the fat in his mouth.

She was about to speak when she suddenly heard Chen Dali's anxious voice outside: "Master, it's not good. Madam is here."

Lin Huazhi and Yan Shaobai were shocked. Why did Cui Ting come?