Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 202 The Old Man Comes

Lin Huazhi has never been to sea in her life, and she has never been to sea when she was Chen Suyue, but she once heard Yan Shaobai say that in a thunderstorm, the calm sea will set off stormy waves in an instant, with irresistible thunder and engulf everything in an instant.

At this time, she only felt that her heart was as chaotic as a storm, and she couldn't help thinking of the hot afternoon in her study.

Hongyun quietly stained her cheeks, and Lin Huazhi didn't know what to say.

Looking up, Zhang Ziqing did not give in because of her silence. He stared at her closely, longing in his eyes.

Half a day later, Lin Huazhi was distracted and staggered her eyes. She whispered, "You must be hungry. I'm going to cook." After saying that, she didn't dare to look at Zhang Ziqing again and rushed out of the house.

Under the chest, the heart beats very fast, like an unrestrained wild horse, and it seems that it can break free from everything and rush out between the next breath.

Lin Huazhi hid in the kitchen. She didn't know what was wrong with her? How can Zhang Ziqing's simple words attract her such a strong reaction?

Is it because you are happy?

raised his hand and touched his face, and the heat on his face climbed through his fingertips to the depths of his heart. The heart is soaring sour and sweet, and the indescribable feeling is like something sprouting in the bottom of my heart.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Huazhi suddenly couldn't help laughing, and the corners of his mouth were faintly sweet.

She often laughs at Zhang Ziqing like a child, but at this time, she doesn't look like a child who hasn't grown up yet.

At dinner, Lin noticed that Lin Huazhi's face had been red and couldn't help asking, "Huazhi, is your face so red, are you sick?"

Subconsciously, Lin Huazhi looked up at Zhang Ziqing sitting opposite her. The latter obviously did not understand how much impact his afternoon words had on Lin Huazhi. Seeing Lin Huazhi look at him, Zhang Ziqing also asked puzzledly, "Huazhi, are you sick? Is there something wrong?"

Lin Huazhi shook her head in a hurry. How to explain it?

lowered her head and took two mouthfuls of rice. Lin Huazhi said vaguely, "It's okay. Maybe I was lifted by the stove fire. Just wash my face later."

Hearing this, Lin was a little worried. She reached out and tried on Lin Huazhi's forehead and didn't forget to tell him, "If you are not feeling well, go to see a doctor."

Lin Huazhi answered and was about to eat when a chicken leg suddenly appeared in the bowl.

Looking up, Zhang Ziqing said with a smile, "Huazhi, I'll share my favorite chicken leg with you. You eat more and raise it white and fat, and you won't get sick."

Everyone at the table was happy. Lin Huazhi blushed and wanted to drip blood. She couldn't help biting Zhang Ziqing and scolded, "Are you raising pigs?"

Others laughed more happily.

Secretly, Lin Huazhi breathed a long sigh of relief. To be honest, she was still worried about how to face Zhang Ziqing, but seeing that Zhang Ziqing was heartless, Lin Huazhi repeatedly warned herself that he was a child, just a child.

After Xu, Lin Huazhi drove Zhang Ziqing back to Zhang's house, but Zhang Ziqing lost his temper and pulled Lin Huazhi's sleeve but didn't leave: "Huazhi, Huazhi, won't you go back today?"

looking at him, Lin Huazhi said lazily, "Okay, but I agreed first. My family has many rooms and few rooms. Without your young master's place to sleep, I barely clean up the kitchen, and you will be wronged all night."

Hearing that he was going to sleep in the kitchen, Zhang Ziqing opened his mouth wide and muttered for a long time, "Then I'll go back."

Lin Huazhi laughed and didn't forget to reach out and touch his head: "Good boy, go home and stay with the old master. Don't let the old man worry."

Zhang Ziqing pouted and nodded reluctantly.

Before waking into the carriage, Zhang Ziqing suddenly rushed to Lin Huazhi standing at the gate of the courtyard and waved his hand: "Huazhi, come here, I have something to whisper to you."

Lin Huazhi walked over to Zhang Ziqing without hesitation: "What's the matter? Do you have any little secret?"

However, before Lin Huazhi's words fell to the ground, Zhang Ziqing stretched out his long arm and fished Lin Huazhi with lightning speed. Before she could react, she bent down and quickly pecked her mouth.

The unique smell of the young man instantly penetrated into her nose, and he only felt that his lips were touched by a soft thing. Before he could recall it, the soft thing left quickly.

After a long time, Lin Huazhi suddenly woke up. Just now... just... she seemed to be, no, she was kissed by Zhang Ziqing.

With a bang, Lin Huazhi, who reacted too slowly, only felt thunder in his mind, and then Lin Huazhi began to be angry.

Damn Zhang Ziqing dares to kiss her secretly, this dead child.

But when she was angry that she was going to arrest people, she found that she didn't know when Zhang Ziqing had jumped into the carriage and went far away. Zhang Ziqing shouted happily, "Huazhi, I'll come to play with you tomorrow."

Bastard, Lin Huazhi was angry and helpless, but when she saw Zhang Ziqing's carriage disappear far away at the entrance of the alley, she finally laughed.

What a bastard. Lin Huazhi cursed again, but couldn't help raising his hand and gently stroked his lips, as if there was still the smell of Zhang Ziqing on it. Numb, crisp. Crispy, not too bad.

Oh, Lin Huazhi covered her face with both hands. What's wrong with her today? Why is it so strange? There is an indescribable feeling in my heart, scratching like a cat. Changchang exhaled, and Lin Huazhi thought that she must have stayed with Zhang Ziqing for a long time, so she became stupid.

That fool!

I don't know how long I stood. It was not until I felt that the night was dewful that Lin Huazhi slowly returned to prepare to enter the hospital, but I didn't want to look up. I didn't know when there was a figure at the gate of the courtyard, and I was shocked.

Looking back, Lin Huazhi frowned and said puzzledly, "Nanny, what are you doing here?"

The wet nurse looked at her with a smile. After a while, she laughed jokingly and said, "Why don't you just send someone? How can you give her for so long? Huazhi, what did you just do with the young master?

As the wet nurse's words fell, Lin Huazhi's face burned again. Is it possible that the wet nurse just saw anything?

Snugged her mouth, Lin Huazhi lowered her head and didn't say anything. It was Zhang Ziqing's fault. What did she say now?

The wet nurse couldn't help laughing, came over, grabbed Lin Huazhi, looked at her face carefully, and asked, "Are you really not sick? It's a little abnormal to blush. Won't you really get sick?"

Seeing that the wet nurse still made fun of her, Lin Huazhi stamped her feet and said shyly, "Nanny, what are you talking about?" After saying that, he lowered his head and rushed into the yard and went back to the house in panic.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, a pink face was reflected in the bronze mirror, and the corners of his eyes were raised. Although it was a little blurred, he could still see the smile at the corners of his mouth.

Lin Huazhi thought that he was really enchanted today.


The next day, Lin Huazhi fell ill.

Lin was right the night before, and her blush was really abnormal.

Lin Huazhi slept in a daze and only felt sore and uncomfortable everywhere. She faintly heard someone say in front of the bed that she was cold and was infected with a cold. Hearing this, Lin Huazhi rarely had a trace of clarity. No wonder it was abnormal yesterday, and she was so easy to be disturbed by Zhang Ziqing's words. .

Yesterday, it seemed that the man said he would come over, but I don't know...

He turned over and Lin Huazhi fell asleep again. He was really good.


It will be three days before Lin Huazhi can go to the ground.

At this time, she sat in the courtyard, basking in the sun, and looked boredly at Chunbai sitting aside teasing moon cakes. For a long time, she whispered, "What's going on in Cui Yuan's side recently?"

Chunbai didn't raise his head. He stuffed a piece of dried meat into the mouth of the moon cake and replied leisurely, "One word, busy."

Lin Huazhi didn't understand at first, and immediately thought that His Majesty had officially appointed Cui Yuan as the new weaving department. That man should be busy dealing with people from all walks of life these days. In this way, Cui Yuan was so busy that he didn't have time and time to provoke her.

Chunbai looked up at her: "What did Lin Yuyang say? Still don't want to go out? Prince's brother, if you say this, I don't know how many people envy you.

"There are many people who envy, but there are also many people who are also jealous. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, wait for Lin Yuyang to take the exam. Moreover, do you think that the old men of the Three Dynasties like Lord Meng will hide their students like this? It's just waiting for an opportunity."

Chunbai laughed, called Xing'er to take away the moon cake, and then said leisurely, "I remember something. The day after tomorrow, the eldest princess will hold a poetry meeting in Xuanhuaguan. Has your Lin Yuyang received the post?"

Lin Huazhi nodded: "Yesterday, the eldest father-in sent someone here. It was Du Yinglian. Oh, no, he should change his name to Qingyang Jushi."

"Lin Huazhi, you are really bad. Let the little girl be a Taoist nun. You have bad intentions." Chunbai smiled and teased Lin Huazhi. She was one of the few people who knew that Du Yinglian went to be a Taoist nun in order to avoid the second young master of the Li family.

Lin Huazhi raised his eyebrows: "Is this bad? If it were you, I'm afraid you would have no choice. Mr. Li, I have listened to his romantic affairs a lot these days. If Du Yinglian followed Mr. Li, I'm afraid there would be no hope in my life.

Chunbai nodded: "Yes, as women, we are most afraid of marrying the wrong man, otherwise there will be hardships in our life. However, Mr. Li is not a good person. If he knows that you asked Du Yinglian to be a Taoist nun, be careful how he will deal with you.

Lin Huazhi didn't agree: "In the past, I might have been afraid of him, but now I'm afraid of what he does? Among other things, I have Zhang's protection outside, and Lin Yuyang, the future champion, inside. Am I afraid that he is a bastard? Joke."

Chunbai rolled his eyes and said, "by the way, Qingling's cloth is lustful. What are you going to do next?"

Lin Huazhi was in trouble: "At first, I just wanted to focus on color, but looking at Cui Yuan's strength, we can't compete with Cui Yuan if we only rely on the color of cloth. When will the Sun family arrive in Beijing?

"Sun Zhengming should arrive tomorrow. Yesterday, a servant of the Sun family has arrived. This morning, the old man sent someone to the Sun family's other hospital to help. You can see Sun Zhengming tomorrow. Speaking of Sun Zhengming, are you sure he is helpful to us?

Lin Huazhi hummed, "Sun Zhengming is the most talented and legitimate son of the young generation of the Sun family. Not surprisingly, he will be the next head of the family."

Chunbai frowned: "If Sun Zhengming is so powerful, why don't you ask for a position? Is the combination of officials and businessmen the king's way?"

I heard that Sun Zhengming also served as an official in his early years, but later something happened, so he broke his obsession as an official and returned to Jiangbei to take care of the family business. Also, you certainly don't know that Sun Zhengming and Cui Yuan are classmates at the same time.

Ah? Chunbai was shocked and looked at Lin Huazhi in disbelief.

Lin Huazhi laughed and said, "The old man is indeed the most powerful person. I guess there must be a problem between Sun Zhengming and Cui Yuan."

Chunbai flattened his mouth: "Others may not understand. You Lin Huazhi still don't understand the old man's mind. All this is just for the young master."

Lin Huazhi smiled and was about to open her mouth to speak, but she saw Xing'er coming over in a panic.

"Sister, someone sent a greeting post outside, saying that you are an old friend of Jiangdong City. Look..."

The deceased? From Jiangdong City?

Lin Huazhi reached out to take over the worship sticker, opened it, and couldn't help but change his face.

Why is it him!