Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 206 sucks

Cui Yuan stepped forward and said something, but when he saw the Taoist nun standing in front of Yan Shaobai, he paused and frowned subconsciously.

He glanced at Yan Shaobai without a trace, and then looked carefully at the Taoist nun in front of him. After a while, Cui Yuan asked, "This priest has some face. How dare you ask which Taoist priest?"

Lin Huazhi, who was scared to death, dared not answer, covered her face and looked around. She could not be recognized by Cui Yuan.

"Does the priest?" After not seeing the answer for a long time, Cui Yuan frowned more tightly and gradually showed a fierce look on his face.

"Brother, this priest is a mute." Yan Shaobai suddenly said a sentence, which relieved Lin Huazhi's siege. As if to prove that Yan Shaobai's words were true, Lin Huazhi Yiyi shouted hoarsely and shrank back.

Mute? Cui Yuan didn't seem to believe it. Before the meeting, the aunt covered her face and looked like she didn't dare to see anyone. Cui Yuan didn't know what she was thinking. She raised her eyebrows and suddenly stepped forward to reach out to pull, but she was pulled by Yan Shaobai halfway: "Brother, I really can't hold it anymore. You'd better accompany me to find a place to change clothes first." In ancient times, going to the toilet was called dressing, which was very euphemistic and literary.)

Lin Huazhi suppressed her smile and knew that Cui Yuan had had some doubts. Taking advantage of Yan Shaobai's words, he bowed to the two, turned his head and hurried away. He faintly heard Cui Yuan behind him and said doubtfully, "Look at this back, it's a little familiar, like a very person."

Hearing this, Lin Huazhi walked faster and faster. Cui Yuan was not only evil, but also poisonous. In fact, when she went out, in order to prevent an accident, Lin Huazhi deliberately drew her eyebrows very thick and drew a black birthmark on her left eye. It was difficult for people who were not familiar with her to recognize who she was.

However, Lin Huazhi suspected that her makeup had failed, because Yan Shaobai recognized her at a glance.

Lin Huazhi had to sigh that she was so ugly that Yan Shaobai could still recognize her. It's really amazing.

I didn't know where I was going. Hearing the voice not far away, Lin Huazhi estimated that there was a poetry meeting over there. Seeing that someone in the right-hand yard kept going back and forth, Lin Huazhi carefully leaned over without any effort. Soon she saw Du Yinglian.

"Du Yinglian...Jingyang..."

He whispered a few words and finally attracted Du Yinglian over.

As soon as she saw Lin Huazhi, Du Yinglian was also shocked: "Lin Huazhi, what's on your face?"

Lin Huazhi was also too lazy to explain and said quickly, "You don't have to worry about this. By the way, has Wu Shanggong come?"

Du Yinglian shook her head and whispered, "I haven't come yet. Even the eldest princess hasn't arrived. I guess I won't watch it until dark."

Lin Huazhi nodded, looked around, and said uneaslessly, "Du Yinglian, I'll go to your Zen room to hide for a while."

Hide? Du Yinglian** found something. She looked at Lin Huazhi strangely for a while and asked, "There's something wrong with your appearance. What's wrong with you? Who do you want to hide from?"

Lin Huazhi hesitated to tell the truth. Obviously, the old man said yesterday that Cui Yuan would not come to Xuanhuaguan if he had something to do, but now not only Cui Yuan came, but also Yan Shaobai came. Lin Huazhi was thinking about an old problem again. She went out today to see the almanac.

"I saw Yan Shaobai." Lin Huazhi finally decided to tell the truth.

"What?" Du Yinglian was shocked, and her reaction was completely in Lin Huazhi's expectation.

"I just met Yan Shaobai over there, and he recognized me. In order to avoid accidents, I have to hide until it gets dark before I can come out.

Seeing Lin Huazhi's reasonable words, Du Yinglian nodded quickly: "You're right. If your brother-in-law accidentally spills the beans, not only will you be unlucky, but I won't be much better. Let's go. I'll take you to where I live.

Du Yinglian took Lin Huazhi and secretly walked to the Zen house in the south.

The Zen room where Du Yinglian lives is quiet. It is a small courtyard surrounded by green bamboo, and the air is filled with a faint bamboo fragrance. Lin Huazhi likes this place at a glance.

"It's really a good place. It looks comfortable."

Du Yinglian said angrily, "This place is too quiet. It's okay to live for a few days. If you live for a long time, I'm afraid you will go crazy."

Lin Huazhi gave Du Yinglian a white eye: "I know you are not a safe master. You have only been in for a few days. How can you say such a thing? I think you should take this opportunity to cultivate your mind.

Du Yinglian made a grimace and didn't pay attention to Lin Huazhi's words at all.

When the two entered the room, Lin Huazhi noticed that the furnishings in the room were also very simple, one bed, one cabinet, one table, and two chairs, and there were no more.

"Well, it's a little simple, but it's a good place to calm down." Lin Huazhi really thinks this place is good.

Du Yinglian was completely too lazy to pay attention to Lin Huazhi. She sat down to ** and pointed casually: "You can rest in this room for the time being, and no one else will come here on weekdays. I'll go to the main hall to help later. I'll come to you when it's dark.

Lin Huazhi nodded and said a few words, and urged Du Yinglian to go busy.

Before going out, Du Yinglian did not forget to tell: "Oh, by the way, this is Xuanhuaguan, not an ordinary Taoist temple, so like you... Well, such an ugly Taoist aunt, the eldest princess will not accept it. So, please wash your face when you show up at night."

Lin Huazhi was stunned and thought that her trick of blending into Taoism was seamless, but now it seems to be the biggest failure. At the beginning, she was recognized by Yan Shaobai, and she should have been aware of it. Now when she heard Du Yinglian, Lin Huazhi's face turned white.

Fortunately, so far, no accident has been found, and Cui Yuan has not recognized her.

nodded, and Lin Huazhi said righteously, "I know. I'll be careful. Go ahead. If you don't show up for a long time, others will be suspicious."

When Du Yinglian came out of the yard, the first thing Lin Huazhi did was to wash her face. When she washed her face, she closed the door tightly and sat at the table alone, worried.

Now it seems that her action today is really reckless, and she is a little naive.

And at this moment, she also knows that she can't retreat. At this time, leaving the yard, there may be any demon moths, and everything can only wait until dark.

The time suddenly became long and boring. Lin Huazhi sat and could only hear the rustling of bamboo leaves outside the house, and there was no other sound.

I am very confused, a little afraid, and a little confused. Fear is because she is not considerant, so why is she confused? Lin Huazhi didn't know, because everything was too quiet at this time? Or is it because of seeing Yan Shaobai and Cui Yuan?

Lin Huazhi sighed quietly. In fact, what she should do today is to see Sun Zhengming, instead of sharpening her head to attend the poetry party. At night, I'm afraid that with the arrival of the eldest princess, it will be more difficult to quietly leave Xuanhuaguan.

He secretly scolded a few times, and what Lin Huazhi can do now is just wait for the dark.

Finally, after a long wait, the sky turned west, and the sunlight shining through the window on the ground slowly shortened inch by inch, disappeared on the window sill, and finally turned into darkness.

The sound of footsteps came from afar. Hearing Du Yinglian's soft call outside the door, Lin Huazhi exhaled a long breath.

"Are you hungry?" Du Yinglian squeezed into the room, lit the candle on the table, and asked with a smile.

Lin Huazhi was shocked at this time. Within a few hours, she didn't drink water or eat anything. She touched her stomach with a wry smile. She said, "I'm so hungry that I can eat a cow now."

Du Yinglian couldn't help laughing, put the food box in her hand on the table and said, "What Xuanhuaguan eats are all vegetarian dishes, but fortunately it tastes good and is still hot. You can eat some first."

Lin Huazhi ate two steamed buns in one breath, drank a bowl of porridge, and then ate all the side dishes he brought before patting his stomach: "I'm full."

Du Yinglian's eyes widened: "Lin Huazhi, you can really eat it."

The sound of drum music came from afar. Lin Huazhi and Du Yinglian listened carefully at the same time. After a while, Du Yinglian whispered, "The poetry meeting has begun. Let's go there."

Lin Huazhi nodded and walked out of the yard with Du Yinglian. After a few steps, Lin Huazhi took out a square scarf from his arms to cover half of his face and whispered, "If you tie it like this, no one should recognize it?"

Du Yinglian nodded. Generally, Taoist aunts walk outside, and many people wear veils on their faces, so Lin Huazhi's dress is much better than her ghost charm on her face.

Du Yinglian took Lin Huazhi from the west to the main hall and said, "It's strange that I didn't see my brother-in-law this afternoon, and I don't know where he is sitting. However, I saw Li Cunyuan and made trouble in front of him for a long time. Fortunately, Li Cunyuan didn't see me, otherwise something might happen again.

Lin Huazhi said, "Just let him make trouble. The more fierce the noise, the better. The eldest princess has always been friends with the prince. Although there is no big contradiction with Cui Guifei, there is no good friendship. Now that Li Cunyuan makes jokes at the eldest princess's poetry meeting, he will naturally be regarded as deliberately looking for trouble. At that time, he will make the eldest princess angry. Li Cunyuan can There is no good fruit to eat.

Du Yinglian looked at Lin Huazhi and couldn't help poking: "You are still smart, and your thoughts are fierce and vicious. However, I have long seen Li Cunyuan unpleasantly. This cleaning up him can also be regarded as seeking justice for the girls who have been bullied by him in Beijing.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help laughing when she saw Du Yinglian's cute words. After a while, the two arrived at the Sanqing main hall and stood under the veiled corridor. Lin Huazhi looked straight from afar.

In front of the Sanqing main hall of Xuanhuaguan was originally a large square. At this time, I don't know how many long tables were placed, which filled the whole square. After each table, people sat in twos and threes, talking, which was very lively. There was a fire around, shining the Sanqing main hall like the day.

Seeing so many students crowded in one place, Lin Huazhi couldn't help sighing at the appeal of the eldest princess. At the same time, the female Taoist priests in the Taoist temple crowded over, and everyone stood under the corridor and couldn't help whispering.

Listening to these Taoist nuns talking about which prince is good-looking and which which prince has talent to learn, Lin Huazhi couldn't help laughing. These Taoist nuns have cultivated their hearts for so long and participated in Zen for so long, but their Taoist hearts are still not calm.

Suddenly, Du Yinglian pulled her sleeve and whispered, "Oh, I saw my brother-in-law."

Looking in the direction pointed by Du Yinglian, it was about to leave about seven long tables. Yan Shaobai sat with Cui Yuan and whispered.

Maybe Du Yinglian's voice was a little loud. Lin Huazhi saw Yan Shaobai and Cui Yuan looking this way at the same time. Underconsciously, Lin Huazhi hurriedly lowered her head and tried not to attract attention.

After touching for a while, she slowly raised her head, but with a punch, she bumped into Cui Yuanzhi's straight eyes.

Seeing Cui Yuan's look, Lin Huazhi couldn't help but suddenly feel a strange idea in her mind, and Cui Yuan recognized her.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help twisting his hands together, which was bad.