Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 208 Sun Zhengming

The so-called one step wrong, step by step wrong.

Lin Huazhi was recognized one after another tonight because of this robe.

Where is this mysterious view? It is also smart and smart to find a Taoist child to come out. It's not easy to find an ugly one, not to mention how unreasonable it is for a mute to suddenly appear in Xuanhuaguan.

And Cui Yuan is very familiar with the Xuanhua view of the eldest princess. If it hadn't been for Yan Shaobai's help, Lin Huazhi would have impressed Cui Yuan too much, and Cui Yuan would not have recognized her so soon.

According to Cui Yuan's words, even if Lin Huazhi covers her face, her eyes can't deceive people.

Cui Yuan said that he only looked at Lin Huazhi's eyes and recognized her.

Hearing such words, Lin Huazhi really has nothing to say.

On the way back to the city, Lin Huazhi has never talked to Cui Yuan. First, she is in a bad mood, and second, on the other hand, she and Cui Yuan are also opponents. It has always been her principle not to make friends with the enemy.

When waiting to enter the city in Dongcheng, there were indeed some problems. Although it was not as serious as Cui Yuan said, the garrison's investigation of Lin Huazhi was stricter than others, but Lin Huazhi just sat quietly and said nothing. With Cui Yuan, she was not worried.

Lin Huazhi got off the carriage at the entrance of the alley, politely said a few words to Cui Yuan, and then turned around and left.

"Lin Huazhi." Cui Yuan suddenly called her.

Looking back, Lin Huazhi asked softly, "Is there anything else? Lord Cui?"

Cui Yuan didn't say anything, but just looked at her. Lin Huazhi looked back quietly. Is there anything on her face? Why does Cui Yuan have that kind of confused look in his eyes?

Lin Huazhi didn't want to study it carefully. After seeing Cui Yuan for a long time, Lin Huazhi had to say, "It's late at night. It's better for Lord Cui to go back earlier." Leaving this sentence behind, she walked forward without looking back.

When she got home, Lin's wet nurse had already fallen asleep. The green lock opened the door of the courtyard and saw that she was the only one. She looked around and asked puzzled, "Where are my brother and brother Yuyang?" Didn't you come back?"

Lin Huazhi said that she was the only one who came back first.

The green lock frowned: "Then who sent you back?"

Lin Huazhi was stunned and paused slightly. She just reached out and gently touched the head of the green lock and said nothing.

Back in the boudoir, Lin Huazhi sat tiredly** and felt that her chest was pressed by something. She gasped and couldn't relieve it, not to mention how sad it was.

Today is really a chaotic day, rubbing the tangled eyebrows. Lin Huazhi is thinking about it. What should I do next?

It was not until about midnight that Lin Huazhi heard the sound of Lin Yuyang and Qingling returning home. She put on her robe and went to see it. As soon as she walked to the courtyard well, she saw Qingling stumble in with Lin Yuyang. Lin Yuyang still danced and looked stupid.

"What's wrong with him?" Lin Huazhi just came over, and there was a smell of wine, covering his nose. Lin Huazhi frowned, "How much wine did Lin Yuyang drink?"

Qing Ling gasped: "Many, anyway, dozens of people toasted him. Oh, I said, come and give me a hand. Your brother is really heavy."

Seeing that Qingling was about to lie down by Lin Yuyang, Lin Huazhi hurried forward to hold Lin Yuyang and half hugged Lin Yuyang into the room. The green lock brought hot water. Lin Huazhi helped clean his face and waited for Lin Yuyang to sleep, and then she came out with Qingling.

Shaking his shoulders, Celadon exhaled: "You came back early, otherwise you should have seen it. Your brother is great."

Don't guess, with Qingling's words alone, Lin Huazhi can already imagine what amazing actions Lin Yuyang should have done at the poetry party after she left.

Qingling continued: "I was dumbfounded when I saw Lin Yuyang. I didn't expect that he was so good at poetry. I was shocked by the bigwigs in the poetry meeting. You didn't see it. The eldest princess's eyes lit up. Looking at Lin Yuyang's eyes were like looking at the treasure."

Lin Huazhi became interested: "What poem did Lin Yuyang make?"

Looking up at the bright moon in the sky, Celadon said loudly, "The sky is half singing, and the wind sends drums and laughter. The shadow of the Moon Hall opened and smelled the night leak, and the crystal curtain rolled close to the autumn river.

Lin Huazhi couldn't help laughing: "Drums and songs, moon night and autumn rivers, but it's a scene. It's good."

Qingling also laughed: "From tonight, I guess Lin Yuyang's name has spread all over the capital. You, just wait for a champion brother."

Lin Huazhi teased Qingling: "He is also your brother, so... we are happy together." After saying that, the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

After talking for a while, Qingling asked, "Bear by the way, whose carriage did you come back?"

"Cui Yuan." Lin Huazhi is telling the truth.


Seeing the puzzlement and anger on Qingling's face, Lin Huazhi said, "I can't help it. I was recognized by him, so I can only take his car back."

Qing Ling said dissatisfiedly, "You are really confused. In this way, you have a handle in his hands."

Lin Huazhi was also helpless: "I had no choice. At that time, if I hadn't been arrested by the officers and soldiers or listened to Cui Yuan's words, I also knew I was wrong. Now I just want not to do anything wrong before Lin Yuyang's big exam."

Qingling thought for a moment, "Why don't you go to Zhang's house to avoid the limelight for two days?"

Lin Huazhi shook his head: "That's not necessary. Besides, Cui Yuan doesn't know what I'm going to do in Xuanhuaguan. Anyway, I told him. I'm not sure about Lin Yuyang, so I followed him. Cui Yuan is not a fool. Who can threaten me by talking about me? I don't have the right to threaten people."

Qing Ling thought that what Lin Huazhi said was reasonable, but for Cui Yuan, not to mention Lin Huazhi, others also thought that Cui Yuan was too unfathomable. If he didn't pay attention, he would be calculated by Cui Yuan.

can only be calculated one step at a time.

"Bear by the way, have you seen Wu Shanggong?"

"We met from afar and didn't say anything." Lin Huazhi only cared about not being recognized at that time. Besides, when she saw Wu Shanggong, she was at the poetry meeting. She couldn't appear in front of Wu Shanggong.

Qing Ling smiled and said, "Then I'm luckier than you. I not only met Wu Shanggong, but also talked to her."

Lin Huazhi was shocked: "What? Alas, then...what did you say to her?"

Qingling hurriedly said, "I only said something that doesn't matter, but I thought I would have a chance to see Wu Shanggong in the future."

Lin Huazhi is puzzled, what does this mean?

Qing Ling was a little proud: "It's all because you have a good brother. After the poetry meeting, the eldest princess specially called Lin Yuyang to talk. I listen to what the eldest princess means. Yunlin Yuyang can often go to Xuanhuaguan for tea, which is a great opportunity."

I don't know if it was too frightened. Lin Huazhi exclaimed for a long time: "Are you true?"

Qingling nodded vibly.

Lin Huazhi can finally breathe a sigh of relief. In addition to occasionally holding poetry parties, the eldest father-in-law will also hold a regular tea party every month. Most of the people who can participate in the eldest princess tea party are senior officials or today's famous scholars. The eldest princess allowed Lin Yuyang such an opportunity and invisibly helped Lin Yuyang build his network.

Qing Ling said with emotion, "We will also have a backer in the future."

Lin Huazhi laughed, but at least it accounted for the eldest princess's personal promise that she no longer had to be bullied as before, especially by Cui Yuan.

After a dull day, her mood suddenly became cheerful. Lin Huazhi only felt the light in front of her eyes, and she could finally let go and fight with Cui Yuan.

Ah, the moon is really nice tonight.

Lin Huazhi thought so before going to bed.


The next day, Lin Huazhi went to Sun's mansion with a good mood. The meeting with Sun Zhengming was also pleasant. Although it was not clear, it was obvious that when he heard that there might be a conflict with Cui Yuan in the future, Sun Zhengming patted his chest on the spot and said, "I'm afraid of a bird. Cui Yuan is just a sinister boy who can't become a climate. With me, you don't have to be afraid of him.

Before seeing Sun Zhengming, Lin Huazhi always thought that Sun Zhengming was a person like Cui Yuan, but now at first sight, he found that Sun Zhengming was a person with a quite refreshing personality. He spoke directly and not pretentiously. Lin Huazhi appreciated Sun Zhengming's temperament very much.

At this time, the cloth materials seen on the market are divided into 14 categories: silk, silk, satin, spinning, yarn, velvet, silk, brocade, Ge, silk and silk. The latter three categories are commonly used by ordinary people. Before Chen Suyue's death, Chen's dyeing workshop mainly produced silk and satin yarn, while the Sun family focused on the production of woven silk and satin silk velvet. From Cui Yuan's handkerchief to Lin Huazhi, it can be seen that the Cui family's production and weaving is biased towards the Sun family.

Therefore, Lin Huazhi wants to combine the strength of the Sun family and mainly attack Lingluo and silk satin. These four products are pleasing to the palace and dignitaries, and are also a symbol of status. If you can get the tribute of these four products, the profit will be very large.

After listening to Lin Huazhi's opinion, Sun Zhengming clapped his hands and said, "If you do it well, it's not as simple as the annual tribute. It's an imperial tribute and a great blessing. Sister, what can the Sun family do for you?

Lin Huazhi laughed and said, "I have a new weaving method, brocade cloth, but this weaving method does not meet my requirements. I heard that the Sun family has produced a kind of material, like gauze and velvet this year, which is much better than what I said. I wonder if I can combine the two to weave new materials?

Sun Zhengming was slightly stunned: "How do you know that my Sun family has made new materials? Few people know about this?"

Lin Huazhi said, "I just heard about it, but after listening to Mr. Sun's words, I can be sure."

Sun Zhengming couldn't help laughing: "Okay, it's cheating me. Yes, we have new fabrics, but the problem is not without them, like uneven coloring and easy to break. I also have a headache."

Lin Huazhi pointed to Qingling sitting aside and said, "We have master people who can solve the problem in coloring. The key is cloth weaving. This grandson is an savage. I hope you can give me more advice. However, we don't have much time, so we need to step up."

Sun Zhengming nodded: "Don't worry, I brought the best weaver of our Sun family to Beijing this time, and I won't miss a big deal."

Lin Huazhi and Qingling smiled at the same time and said in unison, "There is a son of Lao Sun."

Three people were drinking tea, and at this time, a small party came in.

"Son, someone visited and said it was the prince's old knowledge."

Sun Zhengming put the tea bowl and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's a young woman whose surname is Cui."

Lin Huazhi sat aside and moved her heart. Her surname was Cui, isn't it...


The jade tower sings in the middle of the sky, and the wind sends the palace concubines a smile. The shadow of the moon hall opened and smelled the night leak, and the crystal curtain rolled near the autumn river. ( Gu Kuang "Palace Words")