Don't provoke the evil wife

Chapter 221 I'm innocent

Chen Suyue does not believe in ghosts and gods. Whether she goes to the Taoist temple or the treasure temple, she only cares about adding incense and oil and money, never prays for anything, and never kneels to Buddha. She only believes that what she holds in her hand is her own.

Maybe it's this kind of behavior. Chen Suyue's personality is less adaptable and easy to recognize death.

However, Chen Suyue, who has never been a ghost, was reborn and continued to live in this world as Lin Huazhi.

Is there anything that dominates fate? Or is rebirth a test for her?

What is available? What is unattainable?

After a long silence, Lin Huazhi whispered, "I don't understand what is too deep. I just know that when we want to have something, when we have the ability to have something, the idea of 'want' is 'available'; on the contrary, it should be 'unavailable'."

The old man smiled and said, "There is a Zen machine in this saying."

Lin Huazhi is embarrassed. What's the Zen machine in her words? It's just the words of her family.

Lin Huazhi said again, "Master, there is no difference between 'available' and 'unavailable' in this world. Everything is just the hearts of the people. If you don't do it or don't think about it, it's natural to get it.

"So, according to what you said, the moon hangs high in the air, knowing that it is not available. As long as we think about it, is it available?"

This is really a very sharp question. Looking at the old master, Lin Huazhi is pecking in her heart. Is this her test?

After thinking for a long time, she said, "Although the moon is far away, it is close to the moon seal pool. Isn't it possible?"

After listening to her answer, the old man laughed and said, "It's a little interesting. But..."

Lin Huazhi's heart hung up. The old man obviously had something to say. What on earth did the old man want to say? Or what do you want to ask? Or do you want to warn her of something?

In an instant, countless possibilities appeared in Lin Huazhi's mind, but she didn't dare to guess randomly, afraid that the result was not what she imagined.

Today's old man is a little weird.

After a long time, the old man didn't say the following, but asked her, "Jinhou said that you were sick a few days ago. Are you all right now?"

"With Jinhou's medicine, it has been much better."

What disease? I heard that I can't speak. Is it a damaged neck or a sore throat? After asking this question, the old man looked sideways at Lin Huazhi.

Lin Huazhi's heart suddenly broke out and he didn't speak for a while. Is this telling the truth or a lie?

"Yo, has your tongue been bitten? I can't even say anything." The old man added a sentence without hesitation.

Thinking of Tong Chunbai's words before, Lin Huazhi vaguely felt that the old man had known the truth.

Looking at Zhang Ziqing opposite, Lin Huazhi suddenly became a little more unnatural.

"Kad, the little flower branch is not sharp yet. Go and get the fur of your room." The old man patted Zhang Ziqing's hand and ordered him to get the clothes with Lin Yuyang.

Zhang Ziqing was really obedient. He looked at Lin Huazhi and didn't forget to say, "Huazhi, you really wear too little. Wait a minute, I'll bring you the fur right away. Please take care of the old man for me."

When Zhang Ziqing and Lin Yuyang walked out of the corner pavilion, the old man did not say anything, but pointed to the teacup on the table. Lin Huazhi immediately agreed and hurried forward to make new hot tea, respectfully brought it to the old man and said, "Sir, please be careful not to burn your hands."

The old man looked at her thoughtfully, with a smile on his face.

With a sigh in his heart, Lin Huazhi thought for a moment before whispering, "I should have come to see you a long time ago, but there was a small accident a few days ago... Well, three days ago, I had some small misunderstandings with Cui Yuan. The wound on my neck was left by him." Lin Huazhi decided to tell the truth. Although she tried her best to express it, it was obvious that the effect was not good.

When the old man heard her arguing with Cui Yuan, he couldn't help frowning: "He... wants to kill you?"

Lin Huazhi knew that the wound on her neck was very scary, but it was not related to such a serious topic. She shook her head quickly: "With Cui Yuan's nature, I will never do such a thing. Besides, I am not a big man. At most, I only have money conflicts with Cui Yuan, which can't touch the root. What's the advantage of him killing me? My injury was just an accident, really just an accident. He scared me, and I hit him. He didn't take any advantage of it.

Lin Huazhi said while secretly looking at the old man's face. The old man's face was getting darker and darker, and Lin Huazhi became more and more uneasy.

Fighting with people is not a good thing in itself, not to mention that she still quarreled with Cui Yuan. That day, Cui Yuan had a good saying that he was a man and she was a woman. Some things were obviously wrong with men, but women suffered losses.

Lin Huazhi was afraid that the old man would think too much, such as thinking that she had been taken advantage of by Cui Yuan and ruined her innocence, or that she was with Cui Yuan Gou and was injured because she didn't pay attention to her movements. In fact, no matter what the old man thinks, in a word, it is not a good thing.

Thinking of all the terrible consequences, Lin Huazhi hurriedly said, "Master, I'm still innocent." This is really not what her eldest daughter can say, but at present, Lin Huazhi can't help but be shy.

The old man looked at Lin Huazhi with a trace of uncertainty in his eyes: "Little Huazhi, what are you worried about?"

Alas, she is worried a lot. First, I was worried that the old man thought that she was unclean and had an ambiguous relationship with Cui Yuan, which broke her friendship with Zhang Ziqing; secondly, I was worried that the old man was unwilling to support her to participate in the silk conference because of this matter, so what she did would lose more than when she was threatened by Cui Yuan in Jiangdong City; thirdly, I was worried that she would affect Lin Yuyang's future career. . Don't say anything, Lin Huazhi can't bear these three worries.

Set her mind, Lin Huazhi lowered her head and didn't let the old man see the fluctuate in her eyes, and then she whispered, "I just don't want the old man to worry."

I don't know how long it took, Lin Huazhi heard the old man laugh, and the laughter became louder and louder.

Looking up, Lin Huazhi doesn't know why, is it possible that her words are so funny?

The old man smiled at himself for a while and sighed quietly, "Do you still care about that child?"

Lin Huazhi was stunned. What does the old man mean? On second thought, she seemed to know the answer, and she did.

"You can't be so impulsive next time. Cui Yuan is a calculating person. Although he won't touch you at present, it doesn't mean that he won't touch you in the future. No one can tell what will happen in the future. Don't be careless. The old man carefully told Lin Huazhi to be careful.

Lin Huazhi was moved that the old man could say these words, but in fact, he did not intend to continue to ask about those small misunderstandings between her and Cui Yuan. Moreover, she also knows that what the old master said is not false. Cui Yuan's kind of person is like a jackal, good at hiding in the dark. As long as one is not careful, he will jump out at any time and give you a fatal bite.

"Remember that there is nothing insoluble in the world, and there is also the Zhang family and me. Just concentrate on doing your things well. There will be no problem if Sun Zhengming is in front of the silk conference.

Lin Huazhi nodded and responded one by one. In fact, she really didn't mean it. It was really unexpected that she had a dispute with Cui Yuan that day, but she also found that even if there were thousands of explanations, no one would never understand it except for her and Cui Yuan.

When the old man finished his words, he heard Zhang Ziqing's voice. After a while, Zhang Ziqing strode in with a fur coat in his hand.

"Huazhi, are you in a hurry? Put it on quickly. This fur coat is very warm and will not make you cold. Zhang Ziqing said while busy putting her hair on Lin Huazhi, for fear that she would get cold and get sick.

In fact, Lin Huazhi was not cold at all, but a little hot. However, when she saw the care in Zhang Ziqing's eyes, she didn't say anything but smiled.

"Where's Lin Yuyang?"

Lin Huazhi looked outside and didn't see Lin Yuyang following Zhang Ziqing.

Zhang Ziqing smiled and said, "Listen to me that there were several lonely books in my study, and my eldest brother went to find books. Huazhi, let's have dinner with us at noon.

Lin Huazhi saw the old man lying on the soft chair with half-squinted eyes, smiling at the corners of his mouth and did not object, so she smiled and nodded.

Zhang Ziqing was very happy to see that she was willing to stay. He sat down next to Lin Huazhi and ignored the old master. He talked to her quietly. While she was not paying attention, he reached out and held her hand in his arms and held it tightly.

Lin Huazhi was shocked by Zhang Ziqing's grab and hurriedly wanted to throw him away, but Zhang Ziqing held it very hard. Lin Huazhi did not dare to make too much noise. After a while, he saw Zhang Ziqing and couldn't help but stare at him. Then he blushed and looked at the old man for fear that the old man would find out.

"Bear by the way, did you receive the post for the eldest princess's tea party five days later?" Just as Lin Huazhi and Zhang Ziqing stared at each other, the old man suddenly asked.

Lin Huazhi was shocked. Zhang Ziqing had quickly lowered their hand and covered his wide sleeves, but he couldn't see anything wrong.

"Well, the eldest princess sent a post earlier, and I was wondering if it would be too rude to go to the tea party in my capacity?"

When the old man heard this, he laughed again: "Xiao Huazhi, you don't have to be in vain. It must be the eldest princess who is extraordinary that will invite you to the tea party and improve your knowledge. At the last poetry meeting, Wu Shanggong in the palace also attended. I don't know if Wu Shanggong will participate in this tea party?

Speaking of Wu Shanggong, Lin Huazhi remembered another thing. Earlier, she pretended to be a Taoist nun and sneaked into Xuanhuaguan and was recognized by Cui Yuan. She had already planned to tell the old master about it, but she was scared and forgotten by the old master before. Do you want to say it now?

However, the old man even knew about her fight with Cui Yuan. It seems that the old man must know about her pretending to be a Taoist nun. Since the old man didn't mention it, Lin Huazhi was naturally not stupid enough to mention the old things.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Lin Huazhi thought about it. She was worried a lot. Whether it was Xuanhuaguan pretending to be a Taoist aunt or a fight, the most anxious thing should not be her, but Cui Yuan. It's not a good thing for a new official to make a scandal before he comes to office.

To understand this, Lin Huazhi was suddenly in a good mood.

She laughed and said, "Wu Shanggong is in charge of the three divisions of silk weaving in the palace. I'm afraid he doesn't have time to leave the palace these days. I have long heard that the eldest princess's tea party is very popular. It's rare to have this opportunity. I will definitely take a good look at it.

As soon as he finished saying this, he didn't want to. Zhang Ziqing suddenly put his hand hard and then fell down in her ear and whispered, "Huazhi, although there are many men at the tea party, they are not good-looking. Don't learn from those ladies who are stupid and winking. I don't allow you to like others."

Hmm?? What??

Lin Huazhi thought for a long time, and suddenly said, listening to Zhang Ziqing's meaning, is the eldest princess's tea party a disguised Lalang match?