Strategy for Rebirth of the Daughter

203 What did you say? The Qin family is missing?!

Speaking of Xiuyue, Chu Chen lowered his head like a child who did something wrong. "I knew that the eldest brother hurt Xiuyue, so I wanted to make some compensation for the eldest brother. Unexpectedly, I accidentally touched Xiuyue's wound... so that Xiuyue scolded me."

"Chu Chen? I just found out now that you are not ordinary ignorance!" Mu Xi came over angrily and then scolded, "How can the beast forgive what you have done? You are simply deliberately sprinkle salt on the wound of the embroidered moon. So many years have passed, and she has gradually forgotten. What do you mean by mentioning it now?! I really doubt if you are here to make trouble for me.

When Chu Chen saw Mu Xilan's angry appearance for the first time, he felt a little funny, and the corners of his mouth couldn't hide his smile. He said awkwardly, "Yes... is what Nan Shi said. The best way to forget one person is to like another person. Don't I... want to dislike you?

Hearing the words, Mu Xiran's beautiful eyes widened and looked at Chu Chen in a stunned state. Finally, he understood that Chu Chen wanted to like the embroidery moon.

"Chu Chen, you'd better leave as soon as possible." Speaking of which, Mu Xi ran out in a hurry.

Chu Chen, who showed a strong wry smile, rubbed his forehead impatiently, and then lay down on the table and sighed.

Out of the room, it took Mu Xian a long time to stand outside to suppress her anger. She adjusted her smile and entered Xiuyue's room. Seeing Xiuyue's absent-minded appearance, she came out again.

Back to the room on the second floor, Mu Xiru lay down tiredly and fell asleep unconsciously.

"Madam, madam... Qin Yan is eager to see you."

Mu Xiran turned over lazily and woke up. When she saw Nan Xiao standing in front of her, she looked at the dark outside. "What time is it? Why don't you wake me up?"

Nan Xiao came over to help Mu Xilan, "Madam slept too deeply, and the maidservant had sex once. Madam didn't respond."

"I'm getting more and more sleepy these days." Mu Xilan said and breathed, pulled his shoes to the table and sat down, "Let Qin Yan in."

"Madam, have some hot porridge first." Nanshi carefully brought the hot porridge.

Qin Yan lifted the curtain and came in with a bad face. "Madam, Manager Qin's family moved away a few days ago. After insuching all afternoon, I knew that the Qin family had moved out of the capital.

With a "pop", followed by the crisp broken sound of the porcelain bowl, and even the hot porridge was sprinkled all over the floor.

Nianhua hurried over, looked at Mu Xi'an's body carefully, and said worriedly, "Madam, isn't it hot?"

Mu Xian held Nianhua's arm, his fingers gradually tightened, and his face turned pale. "What are you talking about? Qin's family is gone?!"

"Yes, madam." Qin Yan lowered his head slowly.

Originally, it was doubtful that the shopkeeper Qin could escape back alone, but now that all the Qin family had left, it is difficult to doubt that the shopkeeper Qin wanted to use his uncle's distress to attract Qin Yu to leave. Then... She sat down in a chair and couldn't recover for a long time.

The others in the room realized the seriousness of the matter, and Nianhua pushed the hand that Tumorian put on his arm, "Madam, you have to calm down."

Hearing this, Mu Xiran suddenly came to his senses, and his eyelashes trembled slightly, "Qin Yan, did the prince really say anything when he left?" With Qin Yu's wise mind, he will not put himself in danger.

"When the prince left, he just wanted his subordinates and Qin Han to protect the princess, and there was no other explanation." Qin Yan stated it again.

When Mu Xilan thought of the gentle kiss that fell on her forehead when she left, she suddenly felt panic. There has been no news for seven or eight days. She dared not imagine...

Qin Yan looked at Mu Xiran's trembling palm and couldn't bear to comfort him: "The prince has been on the battlefield for a long time and will be fine. Madam, you still take good care of yourself and the child in your belly.

Mu Xilan slowly, with a cold smile in his eyes, "Since this matter is deliberately intended to harm Qin Yu. There must be a trick. He will definitely use Qin Yu's absence to defeat the royal palace. Qin Yan, if there is any wind blowing outside, you should come and report as soon as possible.

Qin Yan is the only woman who can guarantee that she can stay calm in such a mixed and severe situation, so he is more and more respectful to Mu Xilan in his heart, "Yes, I understand."

"Ye-huh, you go down." Mu Xian kept touching his lower abdomen and asked Nan Xiao, "What's going on in the big room and the second room today?"

Nan Xiao still recalled the scene at that time and finally replied, "I didn't find anything wrong."

Mu Xi leaned against the back of the chair with aween frown, "That's all. Regardless of the purpose of the second room. Ghosts can no longer be mixed up. We will solve this matter tomorrow." The tone relaxed for a moment, "Clean up the dirt on the ground."

Nan Xiao and Nianhua looked at each other and looked distressed. Finally, Nianhua said, "Madam, it's too hard for you to support the royal palace. Why don't the maid call the cousin?

"What's your name, young master? Just call your wife's brother." Nan Xiao hurriedly stared at Nianhua.

Mu Xiran, who was closing her eyes to refresh herself, suddenly opened her eyes and remembered the news that Qin Yu told her before she left. Her eyes lit up: "Why didn't I think of it? Nanxiao, you can go to Yifu tomorrow morning and call your brother here.

"Yes, madam." Nanxiao responded crisply and finally found a person who could protect his wife.

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, the sky is clear, the red glow is beautiful, and the morning sun rises.

Mu Xilan sat in front of the bronze mirror, with Nanxiao putting on makeup and combing her hair. Looking at himself becoming more and more delicate in the bronze mirror, Mu Xiren couldn't help touching his face and sighed, "In just one year, from entering the palace to leaving the palace and being a woman at home, I really haven't been idle for a few days this year."

Nan Xiao's dexterous fingers skillfully tied Mu Xilan's hair bun, chose an elegant pearl hairpin, and answered Mu Xilan's words, "When the little son is born, my wife will be busy."

Speaking of this, Mu Xilan's gloomy mood suddenly dissipated.

At this time, Nan Shi came in with a lunch box, "Madam, Mr. Chu and Miss Xiuyue have left."

"What's going on?" When Chu Chen left, Mu Xilan was extremely happy, but Xiuyue left anyway. When she thought of Chu Chen touching the old story of Xiuyue, she was itching her teeth angrily, "Did Chu Chen leave Xiuyue away?"

Nan Shi arranged the food, "That's not true. Qin Yi said that it was Miss Xiuyue who took the initiative to leave with Chu Chen.

left voluntarily? She doesn't know what happened between the two. Forget it, as long as they are not in danger, they don't have to interfere too much. It's just that Chu Chen has given herself the trouble that she hasn't figured out yet.

So, Mu Xi ran after eating breakfast while thinking about countermeasures.

"Last night, was there a 'haunted'?" Mu Xilan wiped her mouth and let Nanxiao dress her.

Nianhua sneered, "Yes, it even scared a maidservant crazy. The maidservant has sent the maid out.

"Okay, let's go to the West Courtyard."

In the West Courtyard, many people had not yet got up, so she sat alone in the main hall drinking tea.

Half an hour later, the young lady in the big room took care of her sleeves and walked in. She saw Mu Xian obviously stunned, and then smiled and said, "Let the princess wait for a long time. We are used to being idle and late. Please don't blame the princess.

"My sister is serious. They are all a family. There is nothing to blame. Xi Ren came too early. Mu Xian didn't look at Yuan, but his eyes fell on the teacup in his hand and smiled lightly.

"I don't know what's going on these days. I can't sleep in the middle of the night. People always say that people with bodies are easy to sleep, but why doesn't it work on me? I don't know if my sister can understand it?

When Yuan heard the words, his eyes flashed and looked at Mu Xiyan, "It turns out that the princess can't sleep either. Like me, I always can't sleep these two days, and I always doze off during the day.

"Didn't you eat something you shouldn't have eaten?" Mu Xian suddenly exclaimed.

The smile at the corners of Yuan's mouth was deeper, "I don't think so. I heard that the female ghost in the royal palace made trouble again last night. I wonder if it's because of this... After all, ghosts and gods come out in the middle of the night, and insomnia is not for no reason.

As the two were talking, Leng helped the first lady in. Mu Xijian and Yuan got up and worshiped the first lady respectively, but before their buttocks were hot, they saw Su come in with the second lady. Now Mu Xijian did not get up again, only Yuan got up and worshiped the second wife.

When the second lady saw this, she just snorted coldly and sat down, surprisingly without scolding Mu Xiren.

The first lady coughed twice and showed her majesty, "What's the matter with Yu's daughter-in-law inviting everyone here so early?"

Waiting for everyone's eyes to fall on Mu Xiran, she slowly put down the teacup and raised her eyes to smile. "Xiran knew that there were ghosts in the royal palace these days, which made everyone uneasy. And just yesterday, Xilan has found out the female ghost. The tone paused slightly, and then the voice was soft and gentle,

"Actually, this female ghost was just intentional. Otherwise, he would not have continued to appear last night after the Taoist priest did the Dharma. I think the female ghost would be in this room.

"Yu's daughter-in-law, it's not nonsense." The first lady subconsciously looked at everyone in the hall, but found nothing abnormal.

The second lady should also say, "The Taoist priest has done legal deeds, and ghosts and gods still exist. It only shows that this ghost and deity is very profound. In this way, something unknown has indeed happened in the royal palace.

Hearing the words, Mu Xiran laughed in a low voice, and the dazzling laughter felt a little chill in everyone. When Mu Xiran laughed enough, she said, "I don't know what happened in the royal palace. However, this female ghost was indeed deliberately done by someone.