Rebirth's direct daughter

Chapter 283 Fear, trapped in the palace of Yan

Mo Xuetong was wrapped in the quilt and couldn't see her head and feet, but she also felt that the two people who lifted her were very light. Although they carried them away, they did not feel uncomfortable. Obviously, these two people were also very skilled in lifting people. Someone was robbed into a yard? Mo Xuetong thought it was impossible.

I feel that I have been carried inside for a long time. Anyway, I am also a large family. Since someone has taken advantage of me, it is more likely to be those royal palaces, and I heard that the royal palace has the practice of washing women and wrapping them in quilts, imitating the emperor and concubines in the palace.

The two people carrying it are familiar with the road. This must have been done all the time. Combined with the words heard before, a vague idea formed in their minds.

Some people want to frame this person, and they are the "tool" to frame him. If they are found in him**, their father will certainly hate it. Their father is in charge of the public security in the capital. Several princes compete for the throne. The first thing they know is their father, but their father is only loyal to the emperor and has no intention of standing in line.

This is someone forcing his father to stand in line!

Biting her lips, her hand moved slightly at the bottom of the quilt, and a chill rose from her heart. She only felt that her heart was freezing. This was someone who wanted to attack her father, and she was the pawn that forced her father. Her heart beat fast and she picked up the messy mood. She can't be messy now. The more she is, the more calm she is at this time.

It's not only his own life, but also his father's life. This man is really too vicious!

I stretched out my ears and listened to the movement outside. I don't know how long it took. I stopped. A woman smiled and asked, "Aunt Ling, who is here today?"

The female voice Aunt Ling heard before replied with a smile, "It's not Your Highness's favorite Master Han. Your Highness specially took care of her when she went to the front."

"It turned out to be Master Han. Hurry in. It's already warm inside. Your Highness will come over in a moment, and I just sent a message in front of you." The woman smiled politely.

The two politely said to each other again. Mo Xuetong felt that the person carrying her had moved again. This time, she seemed to enter the room and immediately warmed up around her.

"Sister Yirong, we put Master Han in it. She just took a shower. At this time, you don't need to serve her. The inner room is warm. Master Han said that if she is tired, she will go to bed first. If Your Highness comes back, she will serve herself." Aunt Ling didn't follow up and said to Yirong with a smile.

Being blocked by her at the door, Yirong was embarrassed to follow up. Moreover, this master Han has been favored these days, and there is no reason to go against her meaning, or this person wants to seduce His Royal Highness. She remembered that once came in such an empty dress like this, and she didn't do anything about it. Several maids looked at a big red face.

Yi Rong snorted coldly. After all, she was the woman who came out of the Chu Hall of the brothel. There were many things and people. Even if she was a maid, she could not be compared with a good woman. When your Highness was fresh, she would know who was the master of the royal palace.

It's just that his face looks a little like that person, and he really regards himself as the original match!

I thought so, but he said more and more politely: "Since Master Han is willing to be tired, we will wait to enjoy happiness in the out room. Your Highness is coming soon, so that Master Han doesn't have to worry."

The two people inside spread out the quilt, and Mo Xuetong rolled out of it. One of them listened to the sound and muttered at the other. Mo Xuetong immediately felt that there was a hand in it and pulled her clothes as her chest. She was so frightful that she almost lost her soul. Fortunately, she could enter the prince. In the inner room, the beautiful woman carrying the clean must also be a woman, so that she can restrain her mind and not make a sound.

They must be more interested in making it on the spot.

"Sister, is it almost done?" Sure enough, a woman asked in a low voice.

Another hand came and loosened her belt, and another female voice said, "That's it!"

Then there is the sound of footsteps withdrawing.

Mo Xuetong closed her eyes and lay motionless. Listening to the surrounding sound, the room was very quiet and there should be no one else. There was a faint orchid-like fragrance floating out of the room. There must be incense in the room. Mo Xuetong slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a large bedroom and was too wide. The bed, ** hung a light blue tent with gold patterns, and the tall cloud-patterned gold hook was hooked.

The thin quilt of the colorful light purple feather veil, and the emerald screen of a big red yarn. The narcissus bonsai inlaid with jade are placed on one side of the multi-treasure shelf. The table with carved bars of Nanmu is placed in front of the window, and there is a pomegranate flower with a rare bird pattern silver smoked ball. This faint orchid fragrance is Floating out of it.

Look at the interior decoration and you will know that the owner deserves the word wealth.

It's Your Highness again. In addition to Feng Juexuan, the king of Chu, it is Feng Juelei, the king of Yan.

After swallowing, Mo Xuetong stood up with one hand and found that it was still a little sour and soft. She got up a little anxious and almost fell down for a long time before standing straight. First, she tied up her clothes, tied her belt again, and walked slowly to the window. She had to see clearly before she could find a chance to escape after a while.

There must be a guarded maid outside, and she can't make too much noise.

When I gently lifted the corner of the curtain, I found that there was a brightly lit yard outside. The high palace lamp was raised from the door of the house to the door of the courtyard, and not only the lanterns, but also a few maids in colorful clothes stood under the lamp, because there was no master coming, or three or two or two, very comfortable chatting.

That Aunt Ling seems to have been gone for a long time.

In this case, if you want to rush out directly, it is impossible to escape.

Although she doesn't know what's going on outside, she also knows that there is no chance for such a weak woman to escape from this yard. Moreover, there is also the royal palace outside, and the guards of the royal palace, which are not vegetarian.

She is now someone else's pawn. She was thrown into this royal palace and framed this prince. If the prince knows that he is in his house, Mo Xuetong does not need to think that he will inevitably be silenced. Only when he is silenced can the prince escape from this trap.

So, she can't run out and say to the prince.

She doesn't think she has a friendship with Feng Juexuan and Feng Juelei enough to make them take responsibility for saving her.

"Bang" seemed to be the sound of the door opening, and there was a low voice. Mo Xuetong thought about it, walked to the door, lay down on the door, and eavesdropped outside. The situation was unknown, and she did not dare to move lightly.

"Yirong, we really don't have to go in and serve the one inside. Don't rake it again and say that we are slowing her down." A woman asked in a disdainful voice, as if she was cleaning up, and the sound of utensils gently colliding.

"It's not that we won't wait today. Aunt Ling just said the same thing. Let's go in again and reverse her intention. Anyway, the concubine is about to enter the door, and she can only be arrogant for a few days. Miss You is the eldest lady of the Duke of Ming, and her eyes must not tolerate sand." Yirong had a disgusting voice, which obviously didn't like the master inside.

"This man has been very arrogant since he came to the house. He really thought he was the person in the heart of the palace, but he didn't know that he was just an imitation. After a day or two, His Highness didn't want her. Seeing that she was still proud." There are some voices of disaster.

Yan Wang Feng Juelei?

Mo Xuetong was stunned and immediately put together the words before and after. It turned out to be Feng Juelei, the king of Yan. Only he wanted to marry You Yue'e of the Duke of the Ming Dynasty, and the days were quite urgent. Not long after the two families seemed to have settled the marriage, the king of Yan intended to advance the marriage. The royal marriage was unusual.

It's not too much to go through the whole process for a year and a half. It's really rare to see things as quickly as the King of Yan requested.

Fortunately, Emperor Zongwen also likes to see his son get married early, so he didn't even ask. Only two months later is a good day. It's suitable for marriage and travel. This day is so urgent.

Mo Xuetong hasn't thought about it yet. Suddenly, someone outside the door shouted, "Your Majesty is back. Come and help me."

From the curtain raised by Mo Xuetong, he could see Feng Juelei being helped by everyone. Looking at his unstable appearance, he was actually drunk. Several maids had already come forward to help his servant, and someone shouted, "Sister Yirong, come on, the prince is drunk and let people wait for the soup."

The direction the maids came over was this room.

Mo Xuetong was anxious for a moment. She put her shoulder against the door in a panic, and her fingers trembled involuntarily. No matter how calm she was, she had never experienced such a thing. If she was really blocked in **, she could only commit suicide with her full name. In that way, Feng Juelei would be hated by her father, and even endlessly.

Behind Feng Juelei, there is the support of the queen and the Duke of Dingguo, which is very easy to achieve. The only way for his father to fight against him is a dead end.

No, she can't let her father fall into such a desperate situation.

Calm down. At this time, you must calm down. There were staggering footsteps in the outer room, and there were some messy questions. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Mo Xuetong put down the door against, stretched out her hand, took off the small swords on her head, held one in each hand, walked two steps, shrank, and quickly closed into the bottom of the bed.

The bottom of the bed is very spacious, and there are drooping swirls outside. Through the confused swirls, you can see the knee-high place.

The door was kicked open heavily.

A group of people helped Feng Juelei into the room.

It was not easy to help Feng Juelei lie down in **. Yirong looked around, gently said "Oh" and said to himself, "Who are you!"

The owner in this room is there, but there is nothing to push the door in.

"Sister Yirong, come on, sobering soup for Your Highness, Your Highness is going to vomit." Someone is exclaiming.

Yirong didn't have much time to think about it. She hurried out to let people prepare sobering soup. After a burst of confusion, she finally served Feng Juelei and lay down. Several other maids retreated, and Yirong and Yiyun were left in the room to clean up.

"Where is Master Han?" Yirong didn't have time to ask until this time.

"Yes, the room is so messy. Why didn't you see Master Han?" Yiyun put down Feng Juelei's robe and asked in consternation.

The room was in a mess just now, but no one saw Master Han there, no one in the room!

"Is there anyone going out?" Yirong asked hesitantly. It was really too chaotic just now. They were all taking care of the King of Yan, and no one noticed the others.

"I'll go out and ask." Yiyun stood up and took out Feng Juelei's dirty robe.

He came in half a sound and his face was a little pale: "No one went out. The people in the yard said that they saw His Highness's people coming in, and no one was seen anyone going out again."

So, people are still in the yard!