Rebirth's direct daughter

Chapter 674 Once the same master

Qin Yufeng stopped here for a moment, with a leisurely smile on the corners of his lips, completely as if he was talking casually. He picked up the teacup on the table and slowly took a sip.

"What happened later?" You Yuecheng couldn't help asking.

"This matter was later. Because this matter is very troublesome, the architecture of the teahouse has been improved in all aspects. Suddenly, a staircase was built from the bottom, which is inconvenient. It not only needs to break the original pattern, but also needs to be redesigned. The characteristics of the guests of the jade shop are both to go, and few people choose. After watching it for a long time, I still wait to drink tea while watching it, so it is not cost-effective to make such stairs.

Qin Yufeng gently put down the teacup in her hand and laughed.

"This didn't happen in the end?" You Yuecheng looked at Qin Yufeng with a look.

"It didn't work, so the relationship with that side is not harmonious." Qin Yufeng said with a smile.

While talking, the clerk led the shopkeeper over. He was a middle-aged man of more than 30 people. He looked polite and gave gifts to the two. Hearing You Yuecheng ask about the owner of the jade shop next door, the shopkeeper's face showed a little anger: "Son, although I don't know who the owner is, I look at the head of the jade store. In that way, I know that the owner is not discerning. The business of the two families is obviously irrelevant, but they have to make a ladder up and down. It's not nothing to look for trouble.

"How did you talk? How did other people's boss provoke you?" Qin Yufeng scolded gently.

"I didn't say that about the young owner. It's really that the jade shop is too stubborn. It's been so long. When I met the two of us, I had nothing to say, but I was still thinking about how to mention this to me. If it hadn't been agreed by their owner, how could it still be so out of tune now?"

The shopkeeper's angry spit can be seen that he is really annoyed, and the more he says it, the more excited he is.

Seeing that he really couldn't find any words, You Yuecheng asked the shopkeeper to go back. Is it true that he was wrong?

The two shopkeepers have had such a long dispute over this matter. When he came up, he also asked the dwarf to inquire if he had never heard of such a dark ladder. It seemed that there should be no connection between the jade shop and the teahouse.

He chatted casually with Qin Yufeng, but on the grounds that his official business was busy, Qin Yufeng sent him to the door of Yazuo and watched You Yuecheng leave with a smile. It was not until he could not see the figure at all that he leisurely returned to the elegant room just now. The clerk sent tea again and retreated out to close the door.

Qin Yufeng did not sit down. She went to the wooden wall connected to the compartment and gently pressed the dark corner on the side. The wooden screen wooden wall quietly slid away, revealing the gaping eyes of Mo Xuetong sitting on the chair behind her and two wary maids standing beside her.

Mo Xuetong was really shocked. She was sitting in this position and heard it clearly. You Yuecheng was leisurely fooled away by Qin Yufeng and breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, this teahouse belonged to Qin Yufeng, and today he happened to be there. The most unexpected thing was that Qin Yufeng and the shopkeeper said that there was no one in one. The stairs can be directly up and down from the jade shop.

This teahouse is from the Qin family. Mo Xuetong didn't know that in the last life, even the jade store was controlled by Sima Lingyun. She was locked in a high wall. The only time this jade store was about to get married, Mo Huawen took her family to see it and asked her to remember which shops were her. Of.

At that time, she also saw this magnificent teahouse in the downtown area. On this inch of the main commercial street of the capital, there was such a large-scale teahouse. Its financial resources can be seen. The jade store only occupied two stores, and downstairs, with this tea The building is completely incomparable.

At that time, she just marveled and did not ask who the teahouse was. She only remembered that Mo Huawen's face was not very good, and let the carriage and horse hurried by. It seemed that she did not want to see this teahouse. Mo Xuetong was the bride to be married at that time, and she thought it was Sima Lingyun, who was gentle and close to her. She didn't find Mo Huawen at all. Abnormal.

Now that I think about it, my father's look is completely different from usual.

Originally, she still accepted her shopkeeper's words, saying that the relationship with the shopkeeper upstairs was good, so there was such a dark ladder to go up and down. At this time, when she thought about it carefully, there were more doubts. This... was a little unreasonable and seemed to be a little strange, but she was puzzled.

When she heard You Yuecheng leave, she waited and wanted to leave after a while.

Unexpectedly, the wooden board behind her slid away quietly. She was stunned by Qin Yufeng's handsome and elegant smiling face. Hearing that the corner of the wall was also caught. She didn't know what to say for a moment, she simply didn't say anything, but rushed up and generously saluted Qin Yufeng.

She heard that she was wrong in the corner!

But he just opened the wooden partition wall and owed a little generousness.

It had nothing to do with him, did it?

In her heart, Mo Xuetong showed herself as if two people had met by chance on the road, with a leisurely salute and a light smile.

In the end, both sides didn't mention it and just laughed!

"Cousin Tong is here, but is it because of the son of the Duke of Ming?" Obviously, Mo Xuetong miscalculated Qin Yufeng's meaning. Of course, the purpose of pushing the partition wall away was not to say hello to her, so he smiled.

Mo Xuetong sighed in her heart. It seemed that she had to deal with Qin Yufeng today. Qin Yufeng had slowly walked back and sat on the chair happily. There were two cups of tea on the table, faintly scattered the fragrance of Biluochun that Mo Xuetong often drank, which was light but leisurely.

It turns out that everything is ready, obviously not a temporary intention.

Mo Xuetong squeezed her lips, and her eyes were a little more vigilant!

Since she is ready, she can't refuse. Moreover, she also wants to know why there is a dark ladder between the teahouse and the jade shop, and this dark ladder seems to be prepared for her today, a secret staircase that is easy to leave or enter.

Something seems to flash in my mind, but I can't catch it.

"Cousin Feng, You Yuecheng came to find me. He was just in the tent downstairs and knew that he had a private conversation with a woman outside." Mo Xuetong did not intend to hide it. Her dark water eyes were pure. Only in the flow of her eyes could there be a faint charm, and the purity formed a beautiful picture.

From downstairs to upstairs, You Yuecheng immediately chased after him. This matter could not be concealed. Moreover, who Qin Yufeng was, and the cause and consequences were clear without a few deliberation.

Qin Yufeng's eyes fell on Mo Xuetong's body, a little deep, and her eyes drooped slightly to avoid the exploration in her eyes. The corners of her lips were slightly raised and smiled faintly: "When my cousin Pupil came, I happened to arrive and happened to see my cousin coming up from the abandoned staircase and asked The shopkeeper said that the shopkeeper of the jade shop asked him for a favor, and I asked him to bring his cousin Tong here.

What a coincidence! No wonder others say that it is not a book!

"Do you know why there is a dark ladder between your teahouse and my jade shop?" Mo Xuetong's eyes were a little more confused. This hidden staircase was inadvertently found when she came last time. At that time, she didn't care about it. She just remembered it urgently and came up. It didn't seem strange at all here with Qin Yufeng!

"These two families are originally one family, and it's normal to have a dark ladder that is convenient to go up and down. It's not strange." Qin Yufeng smiled leisurely and looked up and fell on Mo Xuetong's face again. This time, he did not dodge.

"Originally, this teahouse used to be an industry of the Fuguogongfu?" Mo Xuetong was stunned and immediately reacted. She turned her eyes and asked that her shop was left by her mother, and her mother's identity was the eldest daughter of the State House of Fu. If this shop was taken by the Qin family from the Duke of Fu State, then the existence of such a secret door can also be understood.

It is indeed necessary for the convenience of the same owner.

As soon as the words came out, looking at the joking smile in Qin Yufeng's eyes, Mo Xuetong blushed and knew that she had said something wrong.

What is the identity of the Duke of Fu? How can the proud Duke of a country and a top family sell out the shop where he made money? Even the Qin family is also extraordinary, but it is still not as good as the Duke of Fu of the top family, so the shop of the Duke of Fu can never fall into the hands of others.

"Have you seen that picture clearly, cousin Pupil?" Qin Yufeng did not catch what was obvious in Mo Xuetong's words. She smiled,cuoed her topic and asked with a smile.

"Where did you get the picture of cousin Feng's aunt and grandmother?" Mo Xuetong's heart thumped and immediately turned to Qin Yufeng's topic. He was secretly alert, but his face was still smiling, as if he was just following Qin Yufeng's words.

That painting is now an insoluble mystery in Mo Xuetong's heart. She always feels that this matter is related to the Fugong Mansion, but now she can't find the key for a moment. Although Luo Mingzhu said she would investigate, the focus of this investigation is only on the Fugong Mansion, and even because some of the accounts were torn off, it was impossible to find. Check.

It seems to have entered the final path!

"I really don't know the origin of my grandmother's painting. If my cousin is interested, I can ask my grandmother directly next time. This teahouse is actually under my grandmother's name. It was originally presided over by my grandmother herself. Now my grandmother is old and powerless, so she entrusted this place to me." Qin Yufeng smiled gently and pushed the words away.

"Cousin Feng's meaning..." Mo Xuetong asked carefully. Facing Qin Yufeng, she did not dare to be careless. Her eyes showed some vigilance. Although it was very well hidden, Qin Yufeng still looked at it clearly, and the leisurely smile at the corners of her lips was a little more bitterness that he had not aware of.

"I'm not interested. Grandma hasn't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much. If you have time, go to see her!" Seeing Mo Xuetong's eyes looking at him attentively, he immediately cleaned up his thoughts and still had a consistent elegant smile on his face. Then he didn't say much. He stood up and saluted Mo Xuetong, with wide sleeves and turned away gracefully.

I didn't say anything more to Mo Xuetong...