Rebirth's direct daughter

Chapter 681 accept it or not

Neang was carefully picked up by the palace people. Just now, everyone just looked at it from afar and was just attracted by the bright color. Now when you look at it carefully, you feel more and more beautiful. Originally, it was just a color of clothes. If you stand in a slightly different position, you can get a different color, and these colors are staggered and combinations The different pattern makes the whole dress more beautiful.

It's just a piece of material, which has made people feel so amazing. How beautiful it is to put on this dress. How beautiful it is to be born as a woman, who can refuse such a beautiful thing? But it is not an ordinary woman here. She knows that there are some things they can't afford.

Such a gorgeous and gorgeous clothes, no matter how many princesses should be present, the princess should have.

Some people further thought of other things. They looked at the colorful princess, and then looked at the quiet and curious six princesses sitting aside. They were uncontrollably surprised. There was an inexplicably more sense of honor of the country. Everyone was a close princess. In truth, the identity of the six princesses was only higher than that of Princess Caifeng. Why? Princess Caifeng has some, but Princess Six doesn't.

"Princess Caifeng, this colorful Neong is really beautiful. It really matches our six princesses. Isn't it that Princess Caifeng took it out today and specially gave it to us the sixth princess, He Liu Princess's trip to the south?" A lady shook her fan and joked with a smile.

The fan in his hand seemed to be meaningless. He rowed from the side of Nishang to the side of the sixth princess, and immediately attracted everyone's attention to the sixth princess.

This sounded like a joke, but it pointed out the identity of the sixth princess. Of course, it shows that the sixth princess is not only the princess of the State of Qin, but also the imperial concubine of Nanman. She can be regarded as the daughter-in-law of Nanman. How can she not give her daughter-in-law and only give it to her daughter-law?

What's more, the well-informed people here also heard that the Southern Barbarian Queen is the biological mother of the third prince. She may not treat a princess from a palace girl, but does not like her own daughter-in-law.

Princess Caifeng was enjoying looking at the envied eyes of everyone. She was stunned by this seemingly provocative but actually provocative words. She opened her mouth and couldn't get it for a moment, and she was angry.

Her original plan was to wait for everyone to envy and praise. She then proposed to give it to the sixth princess to make full of her personal feelings, and then deliberately raise the sixth princess to make her face shine. After that, she went to Nanman, and the queen gave her colorful pieces, and the effect was not as good as herself.

But she didn't expect that things had not reached the peak she preset, and she hadn't been proud enough. Before she appreciated it enough, she had already turned around and turned around. How could Princess Caifeng be happy? She looked at the unknown lady and said, "This lady means that I don't match the Nishang?"

This is extremely rude and arrogant. Although the lady's words were provocative, she was more begging for the sixth princess, and it was also said in a joke. No matter what Princess Caifeng answered, everyone will not be bad-looking. There must be a lady sitting here. Such a means is flat It is also very easy to use.

But this lady obviously miscalculated the degree of Princess Caifeng's arrogance and didn't count Princess Caifeng's temper. She was immediately stunned by Princess Caifeng's rude question. Her face was blue and red for a while, and she couldn't even continue to talk for a moment. At present, so many people's faces How dare she say she doesn't deserve it?

But since Princess Caifeng is worthy, why did she only mention the sixth princess, as if Princess Caifeng is far less than the sixth princess.

A lady was so rudely scolded by Princess Caifeng, and the scene calmed down strangely.

The large hall suddenly fell into silence, and the needle fell audible.

Hu Qianyue lowered her head calmly, with only a trace of mockery in the corners of her eyes. She knew that some people would be unconvinced when Princess Caifeng pushed out that piece of clothes with such a high fanfare. It was inevitable to deliberately compare Princess Six with Princess Caifeng and squeeze Princess Caifeng. Of course, she was also willing to watch the quiet development of the situation.

The eyes looked slightly at the other side, facing the other pair of eyes, and the two looked at each other without saying anything, and then turned away as if nothing had happened.

The enemy of the enemy can become friends.

"Princess Caifeng doesn't have to be angry. With the posture of Princess Caifeng, how can she not deserve this piece of Neon? I'm afraid only Neon is not worthy of Princess Caifeng." The topic is because of the sixth princess. Even if the sixth princess does not come forward now and see that everyone's eyes have turned to her, she has to open her mouth to defend, smiling and gently laughing at Princess Caifeng to excuse the lady.

This was said by Princess Six, and Princess Gao Caifeng deliberately put her head, which made Princess Caifeng happy. Today, Princess Caifeng originally showed her goodwill to the Sixth Princess. Naturally, she can't really show her face. Of course, she took the opportunity to go down the steps.

He smiled, covered his lips with a veil, looked at the people who didn't understand for a moment, and smiled like flowers: "I'm not angry. I'm just joking with this lady. Of course, such a gorgeous and beautiful beautiful lady is worthy of the status of the sixth princess. I borrowed flowers to present Buddha here and gave it to the sixth princess."

She waved her hand generously and motioned the palace people to send the Nishang to the sixth princess.

Things turned sharply, which was completely unexpected. Even the attention of the absent-minded You Yue'e was also attracted here. She looked up at Princess Caifeng, as if she wanted to see how much sincerity there was in her eyes.

Which of the wives present was not fighting out of the backyard? Who hasn't seen that Princess Caifeng is really angry? There is no way to pretend that the gloomy anger in her eyebrows can't be fake. Unexpectedly, as soon as the sixth princess spoke, the anger immediately disappeared, and she seemed to be sincere to send the sixth princess. The same.

Who can't see Princess Caifeng's eyes looking at Nishang? She is heartbroken! It's obviously very reluctant.

The lady was relieved when Princess Caifeng said such a scene. She was afraid that she would make a mistake again. She was shameless by Princess Caifeng and hurriedly greeted Princess Caifeng with a smile: "Princess Caifeng is indeed a princess of a country. We really admire her with such a demeanor."

Her original intention was to say that she was willing to send out the treasures like Princess Caifeng. She was really generous and worthy of being a dignified princess.

It's just that when she said Xu, she happened to speak with the sixth princess, which seemed to belittle the sixth princess, so as soon as she finished speaking, the lady's face turned black.

The sixth princess happened to speak, and also said it very gently and refused, "Thank you for the love of Princess Caifeng. It's just such a treasure that anyone can treasure it. If I have such a nicely, I can't bear to give it away casually, so I really dare not accept it."

Any of these two sentences is right, and you will feel that the speaker is extremely polite, but when the two are reflected, Princess Caifeng can generously send out her hair, while the sixth princess said that she is reluctant to give them casually. The temperament between the top and bottom and the demeanor of a personal princess, Princess Caifeng on the whole overw the six princess.

So as soon as she finished speaking, Princess Caifeng proudly raised her head and looked at the lady's kindly nodded.

The corners of the sixth princess's eyes unconsciously beat. If it hadn't been for her good cultivation, she would have been a little uncontrollable anger and rushed up. She glanced at the lady coldly. The coldness of the corners of her eyes made the lady shrink back unconsolately and directly behind people and dared not say more words.

I sighed at my bad luck. When I went out, I didn't read the almanac, but I said more and more wrong. The more I said, the more wrong I said two words, but I offended all the two princesses present.

"Six princess, you don't have to be polite. Since Princess Caifeng is so sincere to give Nishang to Princess Six, it is also a kind of heart. It's too polite for the Sixth Princess to push it again, and the Sixth Princess is going to Nanman immediately. Anyway, they are all a family, and it seems to be too polite."

Ling Mingyan was the one who spoke. Everyone looked at Ling Mingyan with a smile and looked particularly kind and kind. Today's thing is too abnormal. Ling Mingyan, who has always been conceited and arrogant, would say such words for others in front of people. Looking at the corners of their eyes and eyebrows, if everyone hadn't been familiar with Ling Mingyan, I really thought it was not Ling Mingyan himself.

When has the wife of the prince of the Ming Dynasty been so sensible?

"Yes, the sixth princess, when I was in the southern barbarians, the third brother was very kind to me. I borrowed flowers to present Buddha here, and also sent the colorful beautiful flowers to the sixth princess first for my mother. The sixth princess didn't accept it, but she didn't treat me as a family." The smile on Princess Caifeng's face became more and more intimate. She knew that what she was talking about was the wife of the prince of Ming, who was noble and deliberately smiled at her.

The four princes are the top families of the State of Qin. Although their identities are different from the princesses, which princesses are polite to see them. What's more, the wife of the prince of the Ming is not only the future wife of the Duke of the Ming Dynasty, but also the direct daughter of the Duke of Dingguo. She comes from the descendants. Princess Caifeng has long inquired about it. No matter what, I will take a high look.

When the two of them talked in harmony, the sixth princess frowned slightly. She also liked the colorful hair, and even wanted to have such a one. Which young woman could resist that beautiful treasure, but now she saw that Ling Mingyan was also so enthusiastic that she had no reason to meditate a little.

Ling Mingyan is not a stupid person. How can she have no grudge about what happened in the Duke of Ming Dynasty? In the memory of the Sixth Princess, Ling Mingyan has never been an elegant person, especially for many years of chasing You Yuecheng. The sixth princess herself is focused on You Yuecheng. How could she not know about Ling Mingyan?

If something like that happened, how could she stand on her side kindly? And she is too kind today, but it's really different from her. Will Ling Mingyan complain? There is only one answer, no!

So that's why she?

Receive or not? In the flash of sparks, the sixth princess had a plan. She withdrew her eyes suspiciously and smiled generously at Princess Caifeng: "Princess Caifeng is so polite. Since Princess Caifeng has said so, I have no choice but to accept it. Thank you, Princess Caifeng."

At this point, she only looked petty, but she was worried about the place on the other side of Nanman. What happened in the Empress Dowager's palace suddenly remembered that it was said that what Princess Caifeng got from the Empress Dowager at that time was not a good thing.

Although the sixth princess has good medical skills, she is not focusing on this aspect, and she dares not take it lightly.

Of course, she will not take in this beautiful clothes and turn to the other side with a smile, with beautiful eyes...