The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 10 Mr. Gambling, Unexpectedly

Chapter 10 Gambling Mr. Zhuang, unexpected

Li Duen was shocked when he heard the words. He stared at Leng Xuanrong for a long time, and suddenly turned around and said loudly to his men, "Are you slaves all dog-eyed?" Let the cold girl stand outside and talk, damn it! Hurry up and go inside!"

After saying that, Li Duen turned around and smiled at Leng Xuanrong, "It's all my subordinates who haven't seen it. Please don't be surprised, Miss Leng. Come on, let's go inside and talk about it. Cold girl, please."

Leng Xuanrong calmly followed Li Duen into the gambling house.

Li Duen's men were scolded confusedly, and no one knew what was going on.

Behind the gambling house was Li Duen's private house. He took Leng Xuanrong to the main hall, asked his servants to make a pot of good tea, personally filled Leng Xuanrong with a cup, and pushed it in front of her.

"This is this year's new tea. It was just delivered yesterday. Leng girl tasted it."

Leng Xuanrong glanced at the cup full of emerald green and didn't do anything.

She looked up at the servants standing next to her, turned her head and said to Li Duen, "Sun Li, can you ask these people to avoid it?"

Li Duen nodded hurriedly, waved his hand, and beat out everyone in the room.

At this time, Leng Xuanrong put her hand on the teacup and whispered, "Congratulations to Mr. Li."

Li Duen was stunned. He hasn't had any happy events recently. I don't know why Leng Xuanrong said congratulations as soon as he opened his mouth.

Leng Xuanrong looked at him, sneered, and then said, "I heard that Mr. Li has recently been appreciated by Lord He Li Jinghe, the governor of Wuming County. This is really a great thing."

Leng Xuanrong's words almost scared Li Duen down from his chair.

Wuming County has jurisdiction over more than a dozen counties, including Quyan County. The county magistrates of Wuming County are also four-grade officials. The controlling party can be regarded as their parents and officials in charge of everything here. He Lijing, the governor of the county, has been an official for many years and has been well-in-proclaimed. It is said that he and the current prime minister are still prospective relatives. If he is up to this person, his future is really unlimited.

Li Duen has actually had some contact with Lord He for a long time, but Lord He has been lukewarm and has not given any special care. Until some time ago, Lord He suddenly sent someone to entrust him to do something and made a wish for him. If this is done, there will definitely be senior officials in front of him. Houlu is waiting for him.

But the contact between the two has always been very secret. Li Duen can't figure it out anyway. Why was this matter known by the little girl in front of him?

Leng Xuanrong saw a cold sweat on Li Duen's forehead. Just now, she was nervous because of the bluff, so she couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth and sneering.

Li Duen is also a person who has gone through things. He happened to see Leng Xuanrong sneer. Obviously, she is a girl in her teens, but her smile just now, and her eyes at that moment are like those desperate people who are used to life and death.

What on earth is this little girl!

Li Duen wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, stabilized his mind, and asked Leng Xuanrong with a flattering smile, "What did Miss Leng say? Lord He is the county magistrate of Wuming County. The official position is respected. How could he like the boss of such a small gambling house as me?"

Leng Xuanrong whispered, "The official position is respected..." After saying that, she looked up and smiled coldly, "If I remember correctly, the county magistrate should also be a four-grade official?"

Li Duen's heart trembled. Of course, he knew that Leng Xuanrong meant that the county magistrate and her father were actually the same official position.

But even so, the cold old man is a fugitive officer after all. Although Li Duen does not know what the old man has done, he knows that the father and daughter of the Leng family are very important people now. The county magistrate let himself approach them, but he is not allowed to take their lives for the time being, which is enough to show that their father and daughter have any important value.

Li Duen hesitated a little. According to reason, even if the little girl in front of her knew what was going on between him and Lord He, she should have run away with her father. Why did she find a gambling house?

At this time, he looked up at Leng Xuanrong again and saw that Leng Xuanrong was staring at him.

There was a chill behind Li Duen, and his hair stood up.

He screamed, damn it! Why is this girl's eyes so scary?

Leng Xuanrong saw what Li Duen was thinking about, but Leng Xuanrong also knew that even if he lent him three more heads, he could not think of his purpose of coming here.

Seeing that Li Duen seemed to be a little angry, Leng Xuanrong said according to her idea, "Actually, I have also heard Mr. Li's name for a long time. My father comes to this gambling house every day, thanks to Mr. Li's care. Although the little woman doesn't know any etiquette, she has also heard the truth of gratitude. For a long time, she has been very grateful to Mr. Li.

When Li Duen heard this, he hurriedly waved his hand.

In fact, when the old man came to the casino at the beginning, Li Duen didn't pay attention to him at all. This casino is sent every day, and a large part of them are people who are alive and boring at first glance like old Leng. Moreover, the cold old man is not a rich man at first glance. Li Duen's gambling business is to cause big things and not to small things. He knows that the other party has nothing to do and nothing to squeeze, he will not deliberately trouble him.

It was not until some time ago that Li Duen suddenly received instructions from Lord He that he began to set up a situation to cheat the old man's money, and then pretended to be good intentions and lend him money. This cycle made him experience the fun of the casino and made him unable to leave here again.

To put it bluntly, Li Duen just wants to trap this cold old man.

He also knew that what the little girl said about care and kindness were all scenes. However, if a scene person says such words, it doesn't matter. With such a little girl saying such words, Li Duen's uncomfortable feeling is getting more and more serious.

Leng Xuanrong didn't care what Li Duen thought. She continued to talk about the topic, "My father recently told me that he seemed to owe Mr. Li a sum of money, didn't he?"

Leng Xuanrong's words are simple, but Li Duen seems to have been armyed.

Leng Xuanrong saw that Li Duen was trying to think of countermeasures, and she did not urge her, waiting for the other party to make a decision.

Such a short pause made Leng Xuanrong very happy. In her expectation, it should be like this.

She knows that a little man like Li Duen is best at bullying the weak, but in fact, if he wants him to do something big, he will be in chaos immediately. Leng Xuanrong began to report her father's name and official position. In fact, she wanted Li Duen to have some scruples.

A fugitive should try his best to hide in anyone's eyes, but Leng Xuanrong said it openly, not only saying it, but also setting the fog of the county magistrate.

At this point, Leng Xuanrong thinks she has taken a great risk.

However, according to what she knew about Li Duen in her previous life and what she knew, she expected that Li Duen should be a little at a loss at this time.

Sure enough, after a moment of pause, Li Duen smiled bitterly and said, "Miss Leng doesn't know that there are always wins and wins in the casino. Naturally, she will be happy to win money, but after losing money, most gamblers are unwilling to admit defeating like this, so we will lend a little money to such gambler in this gambling house. . Maybe that's what Miss Leng said... It's all done by her subordinates according to the rules..."

Hearing what he said, Leng Xuanrong knew that what she had done before worked. Li Duen is leaving a way out for himself!

Leng Xuanrong suppressed her smile, sighed and said, "Ms. Li is indeed a kind-hearted businessman. However, since ancient times, it has been natural to repay debts. It is also reasonable for you to send people to my home to collect debts from my father. We didn't pay back the money at that time. I'm really sorry for Mr. Li.

Li Duen frowned slightly. He personally arranged the matter of going to the Leng family to collect debts, in order to let the old man Leng, who had not been on the road for a long time, come back to gamble again. However, those people said that a good man suddenly appeared in the Leng family, and the people sent to the gambling house were driven out by the man. Li Duen was about to ask someone to find out what was going on, and the little girl of the Leng family came to the door.

She said so, did she come to pay off the gambling debt?

Li Duen is a little puzzled. He knows the economic situation of the Leng family very well. The father and daughter of the Leng family are almost out of the question. All the things they went to the pawnshop were redeemed by Li Duen. At first, there were still some good things, but recently they only had ragged clothes. The amount of gambling debt is not small, and they should not be able to pay it back.

Before Li Duen could speak again, Leng Xuanrong continued, "Presumably Mr. Li should know that our father and daughter don't even have enough money on them now. I'm afraid this gambling debt is difficult to repay."

Li Duen just showed a "sure enough" expression. Leng Xuanrong suddenly came to Li Duen's side and asked in a low voice, "In fact, Mr. Li, I came to you this time to thank you, and secondly, to return your money."

Li Duen was stunned. Didn't he say that he couldn't go? Now he really wants to ask someone to tie up the little girl immediately and whip dozens of whips.

Leng Xuanrong took out the small box from her arms and opened it in front of Li Duen. Inside the box was the "Night General".

Although Li Duen also knows how to write, he has no good impression on pen, ink, paper and inkstone, so when he saw Leng Xuanrong suddenly take out a brush, he was really confused.

Leng Xuanrong got up and walked to the door, opened the door to look out, and then closed the door and came back, looking very cautious.

Looking at Leng Xuanrong like this, Li Duen's angry nose was crooked. If he hadn't seen what Leng Xuanrong was going to say something important, he would have shouted at her. He clenched his fist fiercely and suppressed his anger, hoping that the little girl of the Leng family could really say something valuable, otherwise he really couldn't stand it.

Is there any spies on his territory?