The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 16 Slugs compete, fish die and the net is broken

Chapter 16 The snipe and clam compete, and the fish die and the net is broken

Shopkeeper Han was slapped a few times before he understood what was going on. He only felt that the Venus in front of him was spinning. Fortunately, at this time, the bald man still grabbed his collar and did not let go, otherwise he would have lost a few teeth.

Before he recovered, he only heard the bald man snorted and pulled him and said in a low voice, "You are optimistic that this is Mr. Li from the Li family gambling house in front of you. If you dare to pretend again, don't blame me for being ruthless and pulling out your old boy's mouth full of teeth!"

After saying that, the bald man let go, and the shopkeeper Han fell down like a pool of soft mud.

The bald man looked back at Li Duen. Li Duen rode on the horse and nodded slightly. This horse-down was very suitable for him.

Shopkeeper Han lay on the ground and gasped for a long time, and the hot pain on his face made him almost unable to open his mouth. When he recovered and stood up again, he really didn't dare to be as arrogant as just now.

He carefully looked up at Li Duen and thought, this is really strange. I have no grudge with this local scoundrel. Why did he come to find me in the middle of the night? And so unscrupulous? Doesn't he know that there is someone behind me?

Li Du'en saw that the Han shopkeeper stood up, and he also jumped off the horse. With his feet on the ground, Li Du'en shook the fan and walked in front of the shopkeeper Han.

The shopkeeper Han instinctively took two steps back. When Li Duen saw this, he couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth and smiling, "Yo, isn't this the Han shopkeeper of the Ink Pavilion? What's the matter? How much fat do you eat to make you fat like this?

Shopkeeper Han reached out and touched his cheek, but as soon as his hand touched the swollen place, he took a breath of cold air and withdrew his hand back.

He endured the pain and wanted to pull out the smile of the past, but as soon as the corners of his mouth were opened, he couldn't laugh.

Shopkeeper Han looked at Li Duen fiercely, suppressed all his anger, reluctantly opened his mouth, and asked inexplicablely, "Sir Li, what are you going to do?"

Li Duen smiled and said coldly, "What do you want to do?" I also want to ask what you want to do. Shopkeeper Han, you and I are both businessmen, and we should understand the principle of first-come, first-served in the business. If you want to rob my goods halfway, don't you allow me to ask you?

The shopkeeper Han was stunned when he heard the words.

He does the business of literati. What he buys and sells are the four treasures of the study, plus some precious books and old books. As far as he knows, this Li Duen should be an ignorant market man who does gambling business. When did Han Zhongyi rob Li Duen's goods?

"Ms. Li, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding in this matter. The business I do is different from Mr. Li's..."

Before the shopkeeper Han finished his words, Li Duen gave a wink at the bald man standing beside him. The bald man rushed to the shopkeeper Han again and grabbed his collar and asked harshly, "Old boy, what are you talking about! Do you look down on our gambling business? Ah?" With that, the bald man slapped the shopkeeper Han twice.

After the fan, the bald man bowed his head and retreated to Li Duen again, who looked at the embarrassed Han shopkeeper with a smile.

Shopkeeper Han's cheeks on both sides were swollen. After getting up, he stared at Li Duen and the bald man beside him. His lips trembled a few times, and finally resisted the words.

He took a deep breath, bowed to Li Duen, gritted his teeth and said, "I made a mistake!"

Li Duen shook his fan with a smile, "Shopkeeper Han said politely. Well, in that case, we can still talk about it."

"Please make it clear to Mr. Li." Mr. Han's voice was trembling. He tried his best to bear it and listened to what Li Duen said.

At this time, Li Duen looked at the appearance of shopkeeper Han, and there was some admiration in his heart. This old man is really a veteran of the shopping mall for many years, and also a person who has been favored by the adult in the imperial city.

However, Li Duen couldn't help sneering at the thought of this. As the saying goes, the good man did not mention the bravery in those years, and the old man is doomed today.

Li Duen shook his head and took a step closer to the shopkeeper Han and whispered, "Let's open the skylight and speak up. A few days ago, did you go to someone surnamed Leng for a brush?"

Shopkeeper Han was shocked when he heard the words. In any case, he didn't expect Li Duen to come for this matter.


Mr. Han's flushed face suddenly turned white and he couldn't say anything.

The first thought that flashed in his mind was the "night general" brush he looked forward to day and night. Does this Li Duen's "goods" refer to that brush?

But the shopkeeper of Han is very sure. He has checked it carefully, and the brush should be in the hands of the cold waiter...

At this time, Li Duen said, "Shopkeeper Han, I'll ask you today. Do you know that there is an old saying called debt repayment?"

The shopkeeper Han nodded.

Li Duen continued with satisfaction, "That's it. The old man surnamed Leng gambled in my gambling house, lost a lot of money, and borrowed a lot of money. When he wanted to pay back the money, guess what happened? Well, he has no money to pay me back. So, he said that he had a funny thing on hand, a brush that can tell stories... I was curious and was waiting for him to bring it to me. Well, I heard that the thing was like by Mr. Han. Is that the case?"

The shopkeeper Han almost smashed his teeth.

What kind of brush can tell stories!

"Shopkeeper Han, think about it, this pen has already offset the gambling debt, so this pen is already my Mr. Li's thing. If you want it in every way, isn't this the robbery of my goods?"

Li Duen said this, and the shopkeeper Han also understood.

It seems that Li Duen also knows the preciousness of that brush, so he wants to get it from the father and daughter of the Leng family. It must be the little girl of the Leng family who told Li Duen about this.

But the shopkeeper still doesn't understand that although the "night general" brush is precious, it is probably not enough to make Li Duen move such a big position. Is there any mystery in that brush?

Shopkeeper Han was thinking, but Li Duen came over and patted him gently on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Shopkeeper Han, again, you and I are both businessmen, and we should understand the rules of the business. Right?

Shopkeeper Han locked his eyebrows and looked at Li Duen. He suddenly found that there was a cold light in Li Duen's eyes and a dangerous smell on his body.

Is it...

An idea flashed through Mr. Han's mind, and cold sweat oozed from his forehead in an instant.

At this time, he looked at Li Duen and was turning around and walking slowly towards his horse.

The shopkeeper Han knew that it should not be too late, so he quickly shouted, "Ms. Li, stay! There is still something to say!"

Li Duen looked back at Shopkeeper Han with an impatient face.

Shopkeeper Han ran forward and said to Li Duen in a low voice, "Sir Li, you can see that I'm just a small shopkeeper in this Yanmo Pavilion, and I still have an owner above me. I'm a businessman. The person who really wants that brush is our owner.

Li Duen picked up the corners of his mouth and asked with a sneer, "Oh? I really haven't heard of anyone from your boss.

The shopkeeper Han looked around nervously, covered his mouth with his hand, and whispered a name.

Li Duen's smile on his face after hearing it, frowned and thought about it, and then asked in a low voice, "Is it really that adult's property?"

The Korean shopkeeper nodded vigorously.

"It's true!"

Li Duen turned his hands twice, suddenly squeaked his mouth and said coldly, "If it's true, then I'll apologize in front of that adult again. Presumably he won't care about a small business in this small county. Haha."

After saying that, Li Duen opened his eyes, waved his hand fiercely, and said loudly, "Strike it!"

With this sound, more than 100 people behind him shouted and all rushed into the Yanmo Pavilion, and even the doors and windows were smashed to pieces.

Listening to the store, the crisp sound of bamboo pole breaking, the sound of jade breaking, and the sound of prickly tearing paper all sounded.

Shopkeeper Han stood in the distance and watched those people wild in his store like tigers and wolves. He actually didn't believe it was true.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of horses' hoofs in the distance.

The shopkeeper Han shook his head and almost cried.

It's a team of county officials.

Shopkeeper Han heard the little guy say that someone came to make trouble. Just in case, he asked the little guy to go to the county government office to find someone. Just now, the reason why shopkeeper Han was able to stand it was that he wanted to wait for someone from the government to support him.

He felt that even if Li Duen was domineering, he was just a local snake, but the government of Quyan County also knew about Han Zhongyi and was even more afraid of the forces behind him. The shopkeeper Han felt that the government would definitely stand on his side at this time.

The servants got off the horse and frowned and looked at the Zhuangdings who were making noise in the Moge, but no one spoke first.

The shopkeeper Han took a closer look at these people and found that the leader was not the government.

"Three sons!"

Shopkeeper Han exclaimed and ran two steps to the front horse and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Three sons! You have to make the decision for me!" Manager Han couldn't help saying this, and tears fell down.

These people around, including the lively and Li Duen, know the young man in plain black in front of them. He is the third son of Lord Liang Qiurong, the county magistrate.

Li Duen's face showed surprise. He didn't expect that Mr. Liang would come here in the middle of the night. In fact, he deliberately chose to make trouble late at night, one to catch the shopkeeper Han off guard, and the other was to consider that there would be no trouble in the government late at night. Although this third son of Liang is unofficial and unofficial, he is famous in Yan County, and there are many people who fall into his hands. I heard that the famous and talented Mr. Dou has nothing to do with this boy.

Li Duen thought to himself, this guy is not going to do me bad...