The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 20 Steady to win, greed will die

Chapter 20 Winning while maintaining stability, corruption will die

Leng Xuanrong knew that Li Duen and Shopkeeper Han must be weighing the pros and cons now. Neither of them is a fool. She has made it very clear just now. Leng Xuanrong killed two senior court officials with her own hands in her previous life. Although she wanted to suppress the chill in her heart that made her feel scared, when there was a threat, she still did what she decided to do. The three people in front of her are not the biggest threat to Leng Xuanrong. Now she just hopes that they won't ruin her.

To save Brother Yan Liang and his father, Leng Xuanrong can't fall into the hands of these little people now.

Li Duen's eyes when he looked at Shopkeeper Han just now saw it clearly. She knew that as long as she could deal with Mr. Liang on the opposite side, Li Duen would not let go of Shopkeeper Han.

On the contrary, the shopkeeper of Han even stared at the brush taken by the third son of Liang.

Leng Xuanrong thought to himself that greedy people would definitely die on this greed in the end.

At this time, Mr. Liang, who had been silent, suddenly stood up, patted his hands, and said with a smile, "Miss Leng's words make sense. These thieves are all to blame for this matter. In the final analysis, it is because of our road blocking and robbery under the governance of Yan County, which made the father and daughter of the Leng family become what they are today. As the son of the county magistrate, I am willing to take this responsibility and solve the problem for you. What do you think?

Leng Xuanrong didn't say anything after hearing this. What she can't figure out now is this third son of Liang.

Looking at what he did today, Leng Xuanrong vaguely felt that he seemed to be coming for the "night general" brush. Although Leng Xuanrong is distressed about the brush, she already has a plan in her heart. Even if the brush is taken by Mr. Liang now, she must have a way to get it back in the future.

She has almost no grudge against Mr. Liang Sanzi, but his father Liang Qiurong is Leng Xuanrong's big enemy. In his previous life, Liang Qiurong wronged Zeng Yanliang and led Leng Xuanrong to the path of pain for a lifetime.

Moreover, even if it is not counted as the hatred of the previous life, Yan Liang in this life has been framed by Liang Qiurong.

Leng Xuanrong will definitely ask Liang Qiurong to calculate this account. So even if the brush is taken by Mr. Liang San, Leng Xuanrong feels that it is only a matter of time to take it back.

The time is not yet ripe, and Leng Xuanrong now has to adopt an attitude to avoid disaster. When she saw the situation in this room, she already knew that this brush could not be preserved today. It was because she had such a calculation in her heart that she just gave the brush to Mr. Liang without saying a word. Now for Leng Xuanrong, this brush is much better in the hands of Mr. Liang San than in the hands of Li Duen and Mr. Han.

Choose a relatively favorable path in all unfavorable situations is one of the important ways of survival that Leng Xuanrong learned in her previous life.

Thinking of this, Leng Xuanrong also stood up, gave a deep bow to the third son of Liang, and said, "Thank you, third son Liang, for standing up and asking the third son to make the decision for the little girl."

When Li Duen saw what Leng Xuanrong said, he hurriedly stood up and said loudly, "What should I do? I, Li Duen, have no other meaning!"

Shopkeeper Han is full of confidence and feels that even if Mr. Liang did not show his preference for his side before, it must be to wait until the final sound, and he will definitely stand on his side. So Mr. Han also arched his hand and said, "It's all up to the three princes."

Mr. Liang clapped his hands and laughed and cheered repeatedly. After a while of jubilation, he said, "Actually, it's very simple to solve this matter. Isn't it because of such a brush and a gambling debt?

All three of them stood there quietly listening to Mr. Liang's words.

Mr. Liang held his shoulder and said, "Let's talk about this brush first. In my eyes, this brush is not a big deal, just like usual. But since you all say that it will tell stories of great value, I will believe you this time. Now the cold girl only has one brush, and both of them want it, so if any of you gets the brush, I think it will be a matter in the future. Why don't you do this, cold girl, give me the brush, and I will not only pay you the gambling debt, but also give you another sum of money, even as compensation for your father and daughter being robbed in Nayan County. How about it?"

Leng Xuanrong thought that the third son of Liang really came for the brush. The method he said is the safest way to solve this problem on the surface, but Leng Xuanrong has another concern.

She said to Mr. Liang, "This brush is my father's most precious thing. Please treat it kindly."

Mr. Liang smiled when he heard the words, "Don't worry, I will find a person who treats the brush well and give him this good story-telling brush to him for safekeeping."

Leng Xuanrong frowned and turned his head to look at the shopkeeper Han.

Mr. Liang immediately added, "For the sole reason, and in order to avoid future events, I will never give the brush to the shopkeeper Han. I, Liang Muhan, did what I said.

Leng Xuanrong was relieved and nodded to Mr. Liang, saying that he had accepted his solution.

For Li Duen, he really doesn't want such a broken brush. What he wants to hear most is actually the last sentence said by Mr. Liang Sanzi. With this sentence, it can show that Mr. Liang has completely abandoned his relationship with the shopkeeper Han.

Li Duen coughed softly and straightened up and said to Mr. Liang San, "The gambling business done by the villain only depends on the money entering the account, no matter where the money comes from. The third son is kind-hearted and willing to help the father and daughter pay off their gambling debts. It is the third son who accumulates virtue and blessings for himself. Although I, Li Duen, am now in the market, can also be regarded as a man on the scene. Today, this matter is the face of the third son. My account with this cold girl and her father is settled. I will definitely not bother these two again in the future.

Speaking of this, Li Duen glanced at the shopkeeper Han, which meant to tell him that although the account with the Leng family had been settled, the matter between the two of them was not over.

When the shopkeeper Han saw Li Duen's eyes, he couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Just now, when Mr. Liang said that he wanted to accept the brush, the shopkeeper Han had made a calculation. He thought that Mr. Liang must have calculated it. First, he received the brush in his own hand and then transferred it to me. Isn't that it logical and no one will be offended? But when he was secretly happy, Mr. Liang said that he would not give him a brush.

The Korean shopkeeper is really stunned.

He really didn't expect Mr. Liang to do this. At this time, he carefully recalled what happened today and found that Mr. Liang had never stood by his side and talked to him.

Is it possible that Mr. Liang wanted that brush from the beginning?

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper Han suddenly thought, could this be the situation laid by Mr. Liang San with Li Duen in order to get the brush?

Mr. Liang is notorious, and it is also possible for him to do such a thing. If so, maybe he already knows the identity of the Leng family's father and daughter. In that case...

The Korean shopkeeper had another cold war.

Leng Xuanrong also hinted at him in his words before. After learning the identity of the father and daughter of the Leng family, he swaggered to threaten them to take out the brush, but on the other hand, logically, he should report to the official first after finding the fugitive. Especially for shopkeeper Han, although he is in the mall, he is very close to the official family. Naturally, he should know the importance of such things. He didn't go to tell the county magistrate the identity of the father and daughter of the Leng family, which was a double dead heart. One is the "night general" brush, and the other is to use this to ask for credit to the adult behind him.

After such a small abacus is known by the county magistrate, he will not easily forgive the shopkeeper of Han. It is secondary to wear small shoes. Now what the shopkeeper of Han is most afraid of is that Mr. Liang Sanzi and this Li Duen are united.

Li Duen's cold glance scared Mr. Han so much that he almost slipped off the chair.

He thought tremblingly. It's over. It's really killing me.

Shopkeeper Han turned his head and looked at Mr. Liang San, but saw that Mr. Liang was smiling and whispering to Leng Xuanrong and Li Duen, and didn't notice him at all.

"That...three...three sons..." The shopkeeper Han said tremblingly.

Mr. Liang glanced at Mr. Han, his face sank in an instant, and asked coldly, "What's wrong? Is Mr. Han dissatisfied with my method?"

Shopkeeper Han was shocked and hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, no! The third son's method is the best way...just..."

"Just what?" Mr. Liang looked at Shopkeeper Han with an impatient expression.

Shopkeeper Han swallowed a mouthful of water and whispered, "I... Mr. Li smashed my Nayan Moge... This misunderstanding..."

When Leng Xuanrong heard this, she sneered secretly, and then recalled the high appearance of the previous shopkeeper Han. Compared with the current appearance that can be scared at any time, it is really funny.

Mr. Liang curled his lips, stood up and walked to the shopkeeper Han. He said coldly, "Shopkeeper Han, I didn't mean to say anything unpleasant. You said you were too old. Don't you understand this truth? What did Li Duen do to you? What did he do to your store? It's not something I can control. I have no official position, and I will mediate for you at most. Mr. Han, if you really have anything to be dissatisfied with, you can go out and go to the county government office. Whether you go directly to your father or beat the drums and complain, I don't care about this.

After saying that, Mr. Liang turned around and immediately burst into a smiling face. He waved to Leng Xuanrong and whispered, "Miss Leng, I'm really sorry to find you late at night. I'll ask someone to prepare a soft sedan to take you home. Please."

Leng Xuanrong gave a slight courtesy, first glance at Li Duen, and then looked at the shopkeeper Han. He didn't say anything and left the room with Mr. Liang.

As soon as the two of them left, the room seemed to have entered a cold winter in an instant.