The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 79 Cold night, sleeping lotus bloom

Chapter 79 Cold Night, Sleeping Lotus bloom

Mr. Liang San heard what he wanted to know and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He poured himself a cup of tea and drank it leisurely.

Mr. Dou looked up and down at Mr. Liang San and couldn't help saying, "Mu Han, it's not common for you to dress like this..."

Mr. Liang San smiled, put down his teacup and said, "This morning, the county government received news that the murderer of Li Duen's case was found. Recently, my father has been busy helping the prince turn over the previous records, so I came forward to take people to solve this matter. Unexpectedly, he was crowned first by the prince.

Leng Xuanrong was more puzzled after hearing this.

In this way, Mr. Liang and Du Yilin are investigating Li Duen at the same time.

Although Leng Xuanrong knew that there was another mystery behind Li Duen's incident, on the surface, Li Duen's death was just a good person seeking revenge. Why are Mr. Liang and Du Yilin going to investigate?

Leng Xuanrong still doesn't understand. Looking at the anxious appearance of Mr. Liang just now, it must be because he is eager to know something. What on earth did they see? Or do you feel something strange?

These doubts have been lingering in Leng Xuanrong's heart, but after thinking about it for a long time, she didn't come up with anything.

After returning home at night, Leng Xuanrong was upset by the incomparable powerlessness in her heart. When Zeng Yanliang came back, Leng Xuanrong heard that those people with big money were finally taken away by Mr. Liang Sanzi, and Leng Xuanrong's irritability seemed to be much heavier.

Zeng Yanliang found that Leng Xuanrong seemed to be different from before today. After dinner, he took the opportunity to pack up with Leng Xuanrong and asked softly, "Xuanrong, is there something difficult again?"

Although Leng Xuanrong was extremely irritable, as soon as she saw Brother Yan Liang's worried face, the anger seemed to have been reduced a lot.

Leng Xuanrong whispered to Zeng Yanliang while washing dishes, "Brother Yan Liang, I always feel like something is going to happen during this period, but I can't figure out what's going to happen..."

Zeng Yanliang felt a little strange when he heard Leng Xuanrong say so. The so-called impermanence of the world, who can predict what will happen in the future? Isn't it normal that you can't think of it?

Leng Xuanrong didn't see the puzzled expression on Zeng Yanliang's face, and then said, "No matter what... you have to be more careful."

After saying this, Leng Xuanrong put away all the washed dishes, then turned her head and squeezed out a smile and said to Zeng Yanliang, "Actually, it's nothing..."

Before he finished saying this, Zeng Yanliang suddenly took Leng Xuanrong's hand and walked out.

Leng Xuanrong didn't react for a moment. When she came to her senses, she found that Zeng Yanliang had pulled her out of the old house.

"Brother Yan Liang, what are you going to do?"

Zeng Yanliang pulled Leng Xuanrong out of the alley, hid in a secret place first, and then said to Leng Xuanrong in a low voice, "Brother Yan Liang will take you to relax?"

Leng Xuanrong was a little surprised. She was about to say that it was too dangerous for them to come out like this, but Zeng Yanliang didn't give her a chance to talk and pulled her in one direction.

Leng Xuanrong felt Zeng Yanliang's powerful hand holding her hand tightly. Somehow, this sense of peace of mind made Leng Xuanrong leave all her irritability behind.

At night, most people in Kunyan County turned off their lights and went to sleep. The moonlight was cold, and the sound of the night patrolman was a little ethereal. Leng Xuanrong did not need to look down at the road. She followed Zeng Yanliang closely and let Zeng Yanliang take her forward.

I don't know how long it took, Leng Xuanrong suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.

Looking up, I saw that the sparkling pond in the distance seemed to be a pond, and the pond was shadowy. I don't know what was swinging with the wind.

Zeng Yanliang took Leng Xuanrong and walked a few steps quickly, and then Leng Xuanrong saw it clearly. It turned out that there were several water lilies in this not too large pond.

Leng Xuanrong felt a little surprised. It should not be the time for water lilies to open, but those snow-white and delicate flowers are swaying and blooming.

Zeng Yanliang looked at the small pond and sighed, "A few days ago, I saw that these flower buds seemed to be blooming... It's great to catch up..."

The moonlight shone on the water lily petals, making the petals seem to be shining. Leng Xuanrong came closer and was a little fascinated to see it.

The more Leng Xuanrong looked at it, the better she felt. She stood by the pond and leaned down. Suddenly, she found that there seemed to be fish in the pond.

The palm-length fish swam leisurely under the water lilies leaves. Zeng Yanliang took a small stone and threw it into the water. The fish were frightened and fled. After a while, they gathered back and still looked leisurely.

Leng Xuanrong smiled and whispered to Zeng Yanliang, "Look how brave they are."

Zeng Yanliang touched a small stone on the ground again and threw it down. The fish escaped for a while and gathered back.

When Zeng Yanliang took the pebbles and was about to throw them in, Leng Xuanrong took his arm to stop it. In this way, she held Zeng Yanliang's arm and quietly looked at the fish swimming in the pool and the water lilies swaying in the wind. This rare comfort made Leng Xuanrong calmer down a lot.

"Brother Yan Liang..." Leng Xuanrong suddenly asked in a low voice, "Why do you think this water lily opened at this time?"

Zeng Yanliang thought for a moment, pointed behind him, and said in a low voice, "The house behind lives the Lian family who is engaged in the medicinal herbs business. In the past, I heard that he liked to find some strange things. I guess he also bought the sleeping lotus and these fish in this pool.

"Rare things..." Leng Xuanrong repeated softly and sighed, "These flowers have bloomed in advance. I don't know how many people have come to see them, and I don't know if they can bloom again next year."

Zeng Yanliang smiled and said, "If you like Xuanrong, I will pay attention to it for you next year."

"Next year..." Leng Xuanrong muttered and hugged Zeng Yanliang's arm.

She recalled the next year of her previous life. At that time, there was no sleeping lotus flower, let alone Brother Yan Liang around her. What was she doing at that time?

Leng Xuanrong shook her head vigorously. She didn't want to think of those things at this time.

"Xuanrong..." Zeng Yanliang frowned again when he saw Leng Xuanrong and comforted him softly, "I know you are doing it for me and Uncle Leng. Think about it and act cautiously. But..." Zeng Yanliang said this and gently patted Leng Xuanrong's arm. "If you have any difficulties, I would also like to help you share..."

Leng Xuanrong's heart ached when he heard this.

She hesitated for a long time before whispering, "Brother Yan Liang, what do you think people will look like after they die?"

Zeng Yanliang was stunned at first, then thought for a moment and replied, "I heard Uncle Chang tell me that people die like lights. If the light goes out... there may be nothing."

Leng Xuanrong looked up at Zeng Yanliang and whispered, "So... once the light goes out, will there be a chance to light it up again?"

Zeng Yanliang shook his head, "The lamp is dry, and there is no way to light it up anymore."

That's right... Generally speaking, death is death, and it should not be lit again. Leng Xuanrong sighed in his heart.

Zeng Yanliang saw that Leng Xuanrong's mood fell down again. He hurriedly changed the topic and said to Leng Xuanrong with a smile, "Xuanrong, I have been chatting with Uncle Leng these days. Uncle Leng said that in the future, he would want to go to the deep mountains and forests, build a few huts and live a secluded life. Just like Mr. Dou's master."

"Father had such a wish before. Maybe they all yearn for seclusion. Leng Xuanrong echoed.

Zeng Yanliang worked hard for a long time and finally asked in a low voice, "So...what about you?"

Leng Xuanrong turned his head and looked at Zeng Yanliang, and it took him a long time to react. Her cheeks suddenly turned red and muttered in a low voice, "Naturally, I also went to live in seclusion in the mountains with my father..."

In the deep mountains and old forests, there is no intrigue, no right and wrong. Once Leng Xuanrong thinks of it, she is fascinated. However, she knows that the people who can live in seclusion in the mountains and forests are either people with great wisdom like Master Dou, or people with no worries and desires.

She is not one of the two now, so even if she goes to the deep mountains and forests now, she must not be peaceful.

Leng Xuanrong just slipped away, and Zeng Yanliang's voice sounded in his ear.

"Well... At that time, I will patrol the mountains and hunt every day, and maybe I can cultivate some fields. Uncle Leng said that he can also make wine. There is wine and meat, but it's really a fairy day..."

Leng Xuanrong listened to this, and it seemed that the picture of his father and Brother Yan Liang raised their glasses and laughed together in the hut.

unconsciously, the corners of the mouth rose slightly.

But when Leng Xuanrong came to her senses, she saw Zeng Yanliang looking at herself and giggled.

Leng Xuanrong was suddenly embarrassed. She hurriedly let go of Zeng Yanliang's arm, pushed it, and whispered, "What are you laughing at..."

At this time, the two were standing by the pool. Leng Xuanrong never thought that when she pushed like this, Zeng Yanliang's body shook and her feet were unstable, and she fell into the pool with a plop!

"Brother Yan Liang!" Leng Xuanrong exclaimed and looked at Zeng Yanliang fluttering in the pool at a loss.

Zeng Yanliang struggled to stand up, wiped the water on his face, and hurriedly made a silent gesture to Leng Xuanrong.

Leng Xuanrong raised his hands and covered his mouth and looked left and right. Seeing that no one passed by, he called in a low voice, "Brother Yan Liang... Are you all right..."

Zeng Yanliang smiled and shook his head to show that he was fine. At this time, he turned his head and saw the blooming water lily beside him. He pulled out a knife from his arms and cut off the snow-white flower.

When he finally climbed out of the pool, the first thing he did was to send the flowers to Leng Xuanrong's hand.

Leng Xuanrong took the sleeping lotus, looked at Zeng Yanliang, who was soaked all over, and whispered, "I'm sorry, Brother Yan Liang... I didn't mean to..."

Before he finished speaking, Zeng Yanliang came over and kissed her on the cheek while Leng Xuanrong was unprepared.

"Go back."

Zeng Yanliang's face bloomed with a bright smile, as if nothing had happened.

Leng Xuanrong blushed, holding a water lily in one hand and being pulled by Zeng Yanliang in the other, and returned to the old house in the night.