The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 118 Fierce God and Evil, Cover the Moon

Chapter 118 Fierce and Evil, Cover the Moon

Mr. Liang's eyes were a little blurred, and his cheeks were still very painful. His mind was full of what had happened these days. He didn't know how long he had run. He was deep and shallow. He didn't know when he stepped on somewhere and fell down.

With a plop, Mr. Liang lay on the ground like that, motionless.

The moonlight occasionally shines through the thick clouds, shining on his body, looking like a dead man from afar.

The clouds moved slowly, as if quietly covering something.

The streets seem to be much colder than usual. I don't know where the sound of horses' hoofs came from somewhere, which spread far away in this quiet night.

The light of the torch is much brighter than the moonlight, and those who hold the torch have no expression on their faces, just as if they were outside.

When they ran to their destination, the light of the torch lit up the splendid vermilion gate.

The two big stone lions in front of the door are still extremely solemn. Looking up at the plaque, the shiny golden lacquered words, "Nayan County government".

Everyone lined up on both sides and flashed out the soft sedan chair with a peacock blue velvet top in the middle of the team. Someone picked up the curtain of the sedan chair, and He Lijing, dressed in a neat government, bent down and came out.

Beside him, standing with relevant people, etc. These people have no sympathy or concern in their eyes, as if they had expected such a day to come.

He Lijing waved his hand and ran forward to knock on the red gate of the county government.

Without two knocks, a man in government clothes came out of the corner door.

As soon as the man appeared and saw the situation outside, he was so scared that he immediately wanted to shrink back. But before he withdrew, the collar was caught by the doorman.

"Lord He, the governor of Wuming County, is here. Why don't you open the door quickly!"

The mans said aggressively.

The government nodded vigorously, finally broke free from the other party's hand, and went back to open the door of the county government.

He Lijing and the people behind him strode into the county government.

The movements of these people woke up all the government employees living here, and the government employees came out in a hurry, one by one.

He Lijing didn't look at these people at all, but asked in a low voice, "Why hasn't Liang Qiurong come out yet?"

When a governmentman heard this, he hurried inside to report the news.

In the county government's private house, Liang Qiurong has gathered all his family and dressed neatly, waiting for He Lijing to come.

They all heard the noise in front of Liang Qiurong. The women covered their faces and cried. At this time, Liang Qiurong and the second son of the Liang family calmed down a lot.

Seeing that a government official came to report the news, Liang Qiurong slowly stood up, trembled his hands, and sorted out the government on his body, supported by the second son of the Liang family, and the two walked to the front lobby.

In the lobby, there is a fierce momentum.

Liang Qiurong fell to his knees and listened to He Lijing's master read his crimes one by one. Liang Qiurong had thousands of words of excuses, but he couldn't say a word at this time.

When the master finished reading what was in his hand, He Lijing frowned and asked, "Liang Qiurong, you have three sons. Why is there only one?"

Liang Qiurong trembled and looked up and said, "Lord He, what the subordinate has done doesn't seem to be enough to involve my son, right?"

When He Lijing heard this, his face suddenly sank.

"Liang Qiurong, I have been your official for many years and left you a face. I think you are unrepentant now! Do you think you will be less charged with what you have done? How many people have you killed? How many lives have you buried?

After saying that, He Lijing patted the wood vigorously and said angrily, "Reclaim Liang Qiurong's official uniform! Together with his family, all of them were imprisoned! If there is anyone who escapes, they will be arrested quickly!"

When everyone heard the words, the whole county government suddenly cried.

These people who work for He Lijing are all brought by He Lijing from Wuming County. He Lijing is useless for those government officials in the county government.

Those people were divided into two teams. One team stayed here to raid Liang Qiurong's home, and the other team was sent out to capture the escaped Liang Muhan.

In the dead of night, the county suddenly exploded like a water into an oil pan.

He Lijing's men had no scruples at all and knocked door to door for inspection.

In this way, the people in Yan County soon learned that their county magistrate Liang Qiurong had committed an accident and was investigated by the county magistrate.

The news soon reached Du Yilin's ears.

Du Yilin frowned and clenched his fist fiercely. The anger in his heart had been stored, and it was getting stronger and stronger, almost burning him to death.

He was relieved to hear that the three sons of the Liang family had run away, and he didn't know why.

Du Yilin stood up and circled around the house. Before long, another guard came to report.

"Your Majesty, the patrol camp and Luqi camp of Wuming County have surrounded the whole Yan County."

The voice of the guard was calm, and there was no panic.

Du Yilin knew that his subordinates would sacrifice their lives to protect themselves at a critical moment.

But he doesn't want to see these people lose their lives for him.

Du Yilin frowned and waved his hand to let the guard go out.

After the door was closed, Du Yilin muttered softly, " Haowei, Haowei, you must come back quickly..."


Mr. Dou frowned and subconsciously raised his hand and touched his buttocks.

It hurts.

It hurts so much.

At this time, the horses next to him ran slowly, and the big man's voice was clear. He looked at Mr. Dou and asked, "Hao Wei, if you can't stand it, we will walk slowly. Anyway, the generals should be almost there.

Mr. Dou shook his head dejectedly and said with a wry smile, "Thank you, Brother Kang... I... can't stand it..."

The speed of the horse team is actually not slow, but Mr. Dou knows very well that this speed may not even be a walk for the horses wearing armor around him. But for him, a weak scholar whose buttocks have been injured for a long time, it is already the limit.

Mr. Dou's heart was inexplicably irritable, and he also wanted to go back to Nayan County quickly. I don't know why, since it was dark, he always felt uncomfortable.

The horseshoe kept galloping on the official road. Mr. Dou secretly calculated in his heart that although his speed was not fast enough, General Gu and others should almost be able to get to Ganyan County...

Mr. Dou looked ahead and prayed silently. I hope General Gu and others can catch up with it. I hope the prince is sound. I hope... Miss Xuanrong didn't have any accidents...

As Mr. Dou expected, Gu Zhiyi took his two teams of sergeants to run fast.

Dark clouds rolled in the sky. In such a night, these people were like rushing out of the underworld, and the sound of horseshoes and the sound of armor on horses resounded through the sky.

Suddenly, a horse ran back in front of him.

"General! Someone in front of me surrounded the county town of Quyan!"

The man's tone was extremely excited.

Gu Zhiyi waved his hand, and the horse, which was still galloping, suddenly stopped like a knife and axe.

As soon as the whole team stopped, there was no sound. Only the rolled up dust slowly drifted in front of them and gradually dispersed.

Gu Zhiyi asked the man who came back coldly, "How many people besieged the city?"

The man replied loudly, "There are about two or three thousand people at the gate!" They are all imperial troops!"

When everyone behind Gu Zhiyi heard this, their eyes glowed strangely.

Gu Zhiyi slightly raised the corners of his mouth and sneered, "It's time to give them a chance to exercise!" Let's go!"

At the exit of the word "walk", these armored sergeants all took their weapons from the saddle bridge and held them in their hands. They kicked their feet, and the horses hissed and rushed to Nayan County like wolves and tigers.

In the eyes of these unicorn battalion soldiers, there is no so-called friendly army, let alone anyone can be called their own people.

There are only enemies in front of them!

When the sergeants blocked outside the town of Quyan County found the people in the Kirin Camp, they were all shocked.

Although the patrol camp and Luqi camp are usually well trained, where have they seen such a posture?

The black light was blind, and these people were at a loss just when they heard the deafening sound.

The horses they rode were also frightened. Many people were thrown off their horses, while the frightened horses fled and immediately disrupted the originally neat team.

As soon as the formation dispersed, people's hearts immediately dispersed.

In the blink of an eye, the monster horses of the Kirin Camp rushed over.

Where else dares to resist?

There was a sound of sadness in front of the whole city gate. The Kirin Camp was like a hot knife into frozen oil, and there was almost no resistance.

Behind him are panicked and sad sergeants, and there is a gate in front of them.

Gu Zhiyi frowned and was shocked. He looked back at the sergeants and thought to himself that if these useless things were really the enemy, I'm afraid there would be no one left in such a while.

He turned his head to look at the city gate and asked Bai Chongling and Xiaojiu beside him.

"Who will go?"

Little Nineteen raised his hand violently, "I!"

But Bai Chongling next to him smiled and said proudly, "It's too late! My men have gone up!"

As soon as he finished saying this, he only heard the gate creak.

It turned out that when they first arrived at the city wall, Bai Chongling asked his men to climb up the city wall by shooting eagle claw hooks with flying swords. Such skills can be done by everyone in the Kirin Camp.

The gate opened, and several people who had just climbed over got back on the war horse.

Little Nineteen was robbed of his credit. With an angry face, he rushed to the city.

Of course, Bai Chongling would not give in. He kicked a little under his feet and rushed in.

The two teams separated, and in the end, only Gu Zhiyi rode alone and walked leisurely to the city.

He entered the gate, looked back at the sergeants behind him, and saw that although some of them had found order, no one dared to stop him.

Gu Zhiyi snorted coldly and thought to himself that the generals who brought out such a team must also be cowardly. Such a person dares to receive the emperor's food, which is really deserved to be killed.

While thinking about it, Gu Zhiyi recalled the route that Haowei told him.

Where is the dyeing study?