The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 158 Watch the change, ice fox tail

Although Zeng Yanliang didn't find anything in the valley, he quickly inquired about many things from outside. Among them, the most important thing is that He Lijing is mobilizing people, which seems to be something big.

Because of the change in Nayan County, He Lijing lost two confidant generals, and now the leaders of Luqi Camp and the Patrol Battalion are taken over by new people from Chaoli. In this way, He Lijing can no longer mobilize those troops as he used to.

Leng Xuanrong vaguely felt that He Lijing's mobilization of the army in this way should be related to those strange robbers, and the news Zeng Yanliang received was indeed the same. According to Zeng Yanliang, it is absolutely no accident that the team transporting cloth in Qi Zongyan's Buzhuang was robbed. All day later, Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang went out to inquire about the news separately. After returning, both of them learned that many merchants in Wuming County, like Qi Zongyan, had been robbed of goods and money on the official road near the valley. Moreover, it is said that this kind of thing has not only begun recently. So far, it has been about three or five years, but somehow, the county government of Wuming County has always ignored similar cases and has never been in charge of it.

Zeng Yanliang felt that there was something strange in it.

"Maybe those robbers are related to the robbery of Guanyin."

When Leng Xuanrong found that Zeng Yanliang said this, her eyes were still flashing with anger. It seems that he still hasn't given up pursuing that matter. According to the events that happened in the previous life, they should not give up the case of the official silver robbery.

At this time, everyone's eyes seem to be focused on He Lijing. In this way, if Leng Xuanrong and others secretly investigate the truth of the robbery of Guanyin, they will not seem to attract too much attention. The more evidence can be obtained at this time, the smoother things may be in the future.

However, Leng Xuanrong still dares not tell Zeng Yanliang that if she really said this to Zeng Yanliang, Zeng Yanliang would definitely ask why. What's more, the current investigation can only rely on Zeng Yanliang alone, and if anything happened to Leng Xuanrong and others, Mr. Dou and the prince are their backing, now there are only two of them, and at the same time, they have to be wary of the people around them, so Leng Xuanrong thinks it's better to take as little risk as possible.

After thinking about it, Leng Xuanrong finally decided to persuade Zeng Yanliang to watch the change first, and then wait for the first class.

"I think that Qi Zongyan seems to be going to do something." Leng Xuanrong said to Zeng Yanliang, "Otherwise, he would not have come to me so boldly."

Zeng Yanliang thought for a moment that since Qi Zongyan's behavior was abnormal, he should investigate him well.

About Qi Zongyan, since the opening of the Raven Green Ink Pavilion, Zeng Yanliang has learned more or less from the staff and the surrounding vendors. Few people know what the ancestors of the Qi family did. Since Qi Zongyan's father brought Qi Zongyan to Wuming County, they have started the business of Buzhuang, and this business has been booming by them. I don't know what the Qi family has to do. They can always get the best and most precious fabrics, and the things sold by them are not even comparable to the Dabuzhuang in the imperial city.

Unfortunately, when Qi Zongyan was 28 years old, the old man of the Qi family suddenly died. Later, Qi Zongyan did not appear in Wuming County for two years. It is said that she sent his father's coffin back to her hometown for burial. After he came back, Buzhuang's business was still handed over to the shopkeeper. Qi Zongyan became a free young master and visited friends all day long, or went hunting in Fengquanling.

Zeng Yanliang specially went to investigate and found that this Qi Zongyan was really like others, either drinking and having fun with a group of people or riding out of the city alone to hunt.

Zeng Yanliang has not made any progress, but Leng Xuanrong seems to be very smooth.

Two days after the folding willow meeting, the son of Anping came to the Raven Green Ink Pavilion again.

This time, not only Anping came. Leng Xuanrong went out to greet him. Seeing the two soft sedan chairs coming slowly, she knew that He Ruiping must have followed Anping.

Wait for the two to get off the sedan chair, Leng Xuanrong greeted each other with a smile, and then invited them into the store.

Leng Xuanrong invited them to the room on the second floor to receive distinguished guests. As soon as they entered the door, He Ruiping looked up at the room, and then sighed softly, "I didn't expect that there would be such an elegant room in this Raven Green Ink Pavilion."

Leng Xuanrong made a request to the two of them and said with a smile, "After all, the shops under Mr. Dou's name were specially arranged by people in the imperial city."

He Ruiping looked up at Leng Xuanrong, sat down and said, "Sister Xuanrong, although we have met several times, we are always in a hurry. I haven't had a chance to hear about how you met King Xiaohan and Mr. Dou of the Imperial Palace.

This problem came up by He Ruiping sitting in a sedan chair all the way. Her resentment against Leng Xuanrong reached the peak this morning when she heard that An Pingzhi was coming to the Raven Green Ink Pavilion, so when An Pingzhi was about to leave the county magistrate's mansion, He Ruiping couldn't take care of anything and followed An Ping. Fortunately, after getting off the sedan chair, He Ruiping found that An Pingzhi did not seem to be bored, so she was relieved. She wanted to take this opportunity to let An Pingzhi get to know Leng Xuanrong, so as to break the contact between the two of them.

Leng Xuanrong, she is just the daughter of a fugitive official, and she doesn't know what means to beat up to King Xiaohan and Mr. Dou of the Imperial Family. This woman looks like a calculating person at first glance. In case she hits Mr. An's idea again... Humph! I, He Ruiping, am not so easy to bully!

He Ruiping was struggling in her heart, but her face did not come out at all.

Leng Xuanrong had long expected that He Ruiping would fight back, but He Ruiping had a few catties. Leng Xuanrong made it clear that she was not in a hurry now. She was just waiting for a chance to get out of her previous life and avenge her previous life.

"Sister Ruiping, if our sisters want to talk about the past, I'm afraid we should wait for the eldest son to finish talking about it." After saying that, Leng Xuanrong looked at An Pingzhi and asked, "I don't know if the eldest son came here specially today. Is it still for the origin of that guqin?"

Anpingzhi nodded happily and asked softly, "Miss Leng sent someone to look for it. Is there any reply?"

"Although there is no reply yet, I found something under the guqin." With that, Leng Xuanrong stood up and signaled An Pingzhi that she was going to get the guqin, and then turned away.

He Ruiping locked her eyebrows. When Leng Xuanrong went out, she blurted out, "This Leng Xuanrong is really bold. How dares to call Mr. An the eldest son directly. Is she a close person to Mr. An?"

Anpingzhi picked up the teacup at hand and took a sip of tea, and then said to He Ruiping, "It's not the cold girl. I want her to call her that."

He Ruiping was stunned when she heard the words. She had heard that only the people of the First Assistant Prime Minister's Mansion and those closest to An Pingzhi called An Pingzhi the eldest son. Even He Ruiping did not dare to call him that, but An Pingzhi actually allowed Leng Xuanrong to call him like this... Perhaps for An Pingzhi himself, a name is nothing, but for He Ruiping, this is What she can't give in! Especially for Leng Xuanrong!

"An... Why did the eldest son treat Leng Xuanrong so politely?" He Ruiping asked angrily.

An Pingzhi said indifferently, "If we meet in peace and don't treat her with courtesy, can I still speak dirty words?"

One sentence blocked He Ruiping back. Before she could speak again, Leng Xuanrong had come back with a big wooden box in her arms.

The wooden box this time is different from the one taken out last time. An Pingzhi saw the wooden box, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He hurriedly got up and forward. He stretched out his hands and took the wooden box from Leng Xuanrong's hand. He looked carefully at the wooden box and saw that the carving of the wooden box was extremely detailed and the pattern was also very beautiful, but there seemed to be dust that had not been cleaned between the textures, making the whole wooden box look old and dirty.

Leng Xuanrong stood aside and said to An Pingzhi, "When I went back to the warehouse to look for it, I found this box. It turned out that the staff here were afraid that the wooden box would look too old to affect the guqin, so they replaced it with a new wooden box, and the old wooden box had been left in the corner of the warehouse. I cleaned it up a little..."

"The road is too far..."

An Pingzhi interrupted Leng Xuanrong's words, carefully put the wooden box on the table, then stroked the surface of the wooden box with a loving face, and whispered, "This wooden box contains the guqin, and it probably took a very long way to get here. The distance between the State of Mu and the State of Huangyu may take a year and a half... It's really rare to come and turn..."

Leng Xuanrong stretched out her hand and pointed to something like a pattern on the wooden box and asked An Pingzhi, "Does the eldest son know what this pattern is?"

An Pingzhi leaned over and looked at the pattern carefully. When he saw it clearly, he couldn't help but be happy. He looked up at Leng Xuanrong and said loudly, "This Guqin turned out to be something dedicated to the royal family of Muxi Kingdom!"

Leng Xuanrong nodded, "That's what I inferred."

In fact, Leng Xuanrong doesn't know what represents the pattern of the royal family of Muqi Kingdom, which is all blessed by Meng Zhuangqing. Leng Xuanrong found the box in the warehouse and took it to Meng Zhuangqing to ask Meng Zhuangqing to carefully find the clues. Under the pressure of Leng Xuanrong, Meng Zhuangqing reluctantly told Leng Xuanrong the origin of the pattern.

"Since there is an ice fox tail pattern of the royal family in this box, this guqin must have been circulated from the royal family. Moreover, the eldest son concluded that this guqin was indeed made by Master Mei Longzhi Mei, and I guess there should be no mistake. Leng Xuanrong said to An Pingzhi with a smile.

An Pingzhi stroked the ice fox tail and whispered, "This would be better if it were a guqin with a story. The preciousness of the piano, one is the texture, the second is the craftsmanship, and the most important thing is the story in this piano.