The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 160 Ten fingers stroking the strings, light and empty

Leng Xuanrong carefully put the guqin on the table in the middle, and then said to An Pingzhi, "The eldest son, let's listen to our two sisters' piano skills first."

An Pingzhi nodded happily and sat down, drinking tea while waiting to listen to He Ruiping and Leng Xuanrong play.

Leng Xuanrong pulled He Ruiping and asked softly, "Sister Ruiping, will you come first or me first?"

He Ruiping didn't prepare in advance and was a little nervous. Although she has also learned the guqin, compared with the students who played in front of An Pingzhi before, He Ruiping can only sigh. And if it is compared with Anping, He Ruiping is far less than that.

Seeing that He Ruiping was a little flinching, Leng Xuanrong immediately made a dilemma and said, "I just wanted to promote this matter, but I forgot that I didn't know the rhythm at all... If I were asked to go first, I would probably make the eldest son angry..."

He Ruiping stared at Leng Xuanrong fiercely when she heard the words and thought to himself, since you don't know the rhythm, why do you still play for Mr. An? Thinking about it, I heard that Leng Xuanrong and her fugitive father have taken out the imperial city for several years. In the past few years, they have also lived a very hard life. If they want to make a living, they have to avoid pursuit. How can they have time to learn the rhythm of Guqin...

Thinking of this, He Ruiping sighed, shook her head and whispered, "I'll go first."

After saying that, He Ruiping went to the back of the middle table and sat down with her knees, tidyed up her sleeves, and then stretched her fingers to try the string sound a little.

The sound of Guqin was crisp and pleasant. He Ruiping looked at An Pingzhi and looked at her with a very expectant expression when she saw him put down the teacup and looked at her attentively.

This was the first time that He Ruiping saw An Pingzhi looking at her like this. He Ruiping was happy and a little nervous. She took a deep breath, remembered what Leng Xuanrong said, and made up her mind to convey her heart to An Pingzhi with the piano sound.

I, He Ruiping, am the best woman in a million, and my marriage with you is a match made in heaven!

He Ruiping picked out her most familiar song and played it. Although she hadn't touched the guqin for a long time, He Ruiping still played the whole song smoothly. But after she finished playing, she looked up at An Pingzhi and found that he was frowning and drinking tea.

Anpingzhi doesn't look happy at all, but seems to be extremely disappointed...

When He Ruiping saw his expression, her whole heart sank. She got up silently and thought to herself that it was such a bad idea from Leng Xuanrong. What conveying her heart with the sound of the piano was simply a self-exploding weakness. Even those students who are proficient in piano art can't please An Pingzhi. It's really stupid that they want him to hear his heart from his piano sound... Such a stupid idea can probably only be thought of by people like Leng Xuanrong... I really shouldn't have listened to her...

Just when He Ruiping was regretted, Leng Xuanrong stood up with a smile and said loudly, "No wonder everyone in Wuming County said that Sister Ruiping is a talented woman. This song is played by Sister Ruiping's hand, which is even warm and charming, which simply makes me a crow. There are clusters of delicate flowers in it. Leng Xuanrong praised a few words and then asked An Pingzhi, "What do you think of the eldest son?"

An Pingzhi put down the teacup and thought about it and whispered, "It's a good song. It's perfect for Miss He to play such a soft song."

He Ruiping didn't expect that An Pingzhi could say such a compliment to herself. Does he like it very much? I like it very much but didn't show it? Is it possible that Mr. An pretends to be cold because he is shy? After this idea came out of He Ruiping's mind, He Ruiping immediately became ecstatic. If this idea is true, then An Pingzhi's indifference to her all the time is shy rather than really hates her!

But before He Ruiping was happy, she looked up and found that Leng Xuanrong had actually sat in front of Guqin.

"Leng... Xuanrong's sister... You are..." He Ruiping was a little puzzled. Didn't this Leng Xuanrong say that she didn't know the rhythm just now, and the words to play would make An Pingzhi angry? Why did she sit there?

Leng Xuanrong smiled and said, "It's rare that the eldest son and Sister Ruiping are here. I'm ugly. Don't laugh at me."

After saying that, Leng Xuanrong didn't wait for He Ruiping to say anything, but also stretched his fingers and stroked the strings.

The song played by Leng Xuanrong is extremely ethereal. The sound is long and people can't touch it. The song is extremely simple, but it makes people feel indescribably uncomfortable. It's like the whole person floating in the air, sometimes relaxing, sometimes bumping into the clouds, blinded in front of them, and can't see anything, even if it is Coming out of the cloud, it is difficult to get rid of the fear that it will fall at any time.

Fear...and strong sadness. I don't know why I'm sad, but I can't help but want to cry.

The more He Ruiping listened, the more uncomfortable she felt. She couldn't help it. She put the teacup in her hand on the table in front of her and said loudly, "Don't play any more!"

The piano sound stopped, and Leng Xuanrong asked He Ruiping with a blank face, "Why didn't Sister Ruiping let me play? This song hasn't been..."

"It's hard to hear!" He Ruiping frowned and said to Leng Xuanrong, "Sister Xuanrong, you just said that you don't know the rhythm. I thought you were modest. I didn't expect what you said was true. Your piano sound is so uncomfortable... Sister, if you want to learn the rhythm in the future, I can introduce you to this famous musician in Wuming County..."

After saying this, He Ruiping sighed and turned her head to An Pingzhi and whispered, "Mr. An, don't blame Xuanrong's sister. She came from such a small place in Kunyan County and has never heard any good music..."

At this point, He Ruiping suddenly found that An Pingzhi was looking at her.

No, it shouldn't be said to be looking at her, but staring at her fiercely.

Leng Xuanrong sat in the middle seat and looked at An Pingzhi's angry face and almost laughed out loud. Looking at He Ruiping, she also found An Pingzhi's anger. Now she is at a loss. Leng Xuanrong thought to herself, He Ruiping, this is really what you asked for. You should understand what this sentence means now.

At this time, An Pingzhi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Leng Xuanrong, and asked, "Miss Leng, how do you know this song?"

Leng Xuanrong stood up and gave a deep salute to An Pingzhi and whispered cowardly, "The eldest son probably doesn't know that my father and I have been exiled to many places in the past few years and have heard a lot of piano sounds, but this is the only one that can remain in my memory. If you ask me where I heard this song, I really can't remember it. Leng Xuanrong sighed, "It's just because I'm not good at it. I can't play that refreshing song again... And I've only heard it once so far, and I don't know who made this song, let alone what the title of the song is... It's really a pity..."

After hearing this, An Pingzhi shook his head vigorously, looked straight at Leng Xuanrong, and sighed for a long time.

"...but I don't know where to find that song."

Leng Xuanrong only heard An Ping's sigh. She wanted to tell An Pingzhi that she knew where to find this song, and she also knew why An Pingzhi was so angry after hearing He Ruiping's words. This song was heard the most times when Leng Xuanrong hid in the dark in her previous life. Every time this song sounds, Leng Xuanrong will cry about it. She really doesn't know the name and author of this song, but she knows that this song is An Pingzhi's favorite song.

Leng Xuanrong walked to An Pingzhi and whispered, "The eldest son, please."

An Pingzhi was stunned at first. Seeing Leng Xuanrong pointing to the guqin, he remembered that he had agreed that three people had played in turn. He hesitated for a moment, and finally got up and walked towards the guqin.

Sitting in front of the guqin, what lingered in Anping's mind was the melody just played by Leng Xuanrong. An Pingzhi will play that song alone in the dead of night. That song was made for himself.

An Pingzhi didn't know where Leng Xuanrong heard this song, but Leng Xuanrong just played it, which really made An Pingzhi feel the deep sadness that this song should have. This sadness does not come from this song, but from Leng Xuanrong.

An Pingzhi can hear a lot of things from the sound of the piano. At first, when He Ruiping played, An Pingzhi only heard the empty sound of a daughter playing with the strings. The reason why he didn't say so was that he took care of He Ruiping's face. The music played by Leng Xuanrong made An Pingzhi feel more deeply that Leng Xuanrong, a woman, was by no means an ordinary person. What secret is she hiding? It's a secret that makes her feel sad.

Ten fingers stroke the strings, light and empty, which is exactly the song Leng Xuanrong just played. However, this guqin came to An Pingzhi's hand, as if he had been given life immediately. The same song, played by An Pingzhi, changed its charm.

At that moment, Leng Xuanrong seemed to forget the existence of He Ruiping and was completely immersed in this wonderful music. Who would have thought that it would be a lifetime to hear this song again.

It was still the man playing and the same song. Leng Xuanrong had imagined sitting opposite the man countless times in his previous life and listening to him. In this life, this wish has become a reality without any effort.

How good it would be if it weren't for revenge on He Ruiping.

Revenge, Leng Xuanrong doesn't know how to deal with this word "revenge".

Looking at An Pingzhi, who was dedicated to stroking the strings, Leng Xuanrong suddenly thought that if he really succeeded in revenge, would the eldest son also be implicated? Even just now, was the eldest son also implicated in Leng Xuanrong's "revenge"?