The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 166 The piano is valuable and free

Leng Xuanrong finished speaking and looked at He Ruiping with a smile.

He Ruiping didn't seem to pay attention to Leng Xuanrong at all. She asked the maid Hongye to call back those servants. When they all stood next to He Ruiping, He Ruiping stood up and asked Leng Xuanrong, "Say, how much money do you want?"

Leng Xuanrong looked at the family around He Ruiping and called Meng Zhuangqing with his face down.

Meng Zhuangqing didn't know when he went to the back. He came out with Leng Xuanrong, but he had been standing in the distance and didn't come. Seeing Leng Xuanrong calling him, Meng Zhuangqing reluctantly came over, bowed his hand to Leng Xuanrong and asked, "What's the order of the shopkeeper?"

Leng Xuanrong pointed to the guqin on the table, "Miss He wants to buy this guqin. What should I do about this business? Mr. Meng still want to ask you to come forward."

Meng Zhuangqing understood and nodded and said, "I understand."

He took out a small notebook with the cover of Molan from his arms, opened it, and then said to He Ruiping, "Miss He, I want to make it clear to you first that this guqin is not sold in our store. But if you have to buy it, there is nothing I can do to quote you a price. If Miss Guqinhe wants to take it away, it can't be lower than this price.

Say here, Meng Zhuangqing raised his hand and covered his palm with a small book on Molan's cover, revealing four fingers.

He Ruiping snorted coldly, "Four thousand taels? OK! I'll get out!"

After saying that, He Ruiping reached out to get the wooden box. Meng Zhuangqing hurriedly stepped forward, covered the wooden box with his body, and shook his head, "Miss He, our cold shopkeeper has explained to you just now that this guqin is priceless. If you want to take 4,000 taels away, you are too contemptuous of our Raven Green Ink Pavilion."

Meng Zhuangqing has never said anything important when dealing with guests, but just now He Ruiping scolded him as a slave, which really made Meng Zhuang Qingqi. At this time, he also saw that Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang were ready to fight with He Ruiping, so Meng Zhuangqing simply put aside his literati's courtesy and did not be polite to He Ruiping at all.

He Ruiping frowned slightly. Thinking about it carefully, what An Pingzhi could like should indeed not be worth 4,000 taels of silver. But she also knew that Leng Xuanrong and others deliberately didn't want to sell things to themselves, so what they said before was priceless must have been fabricated casually.

"So it's 40,000 taels? OK! I want it!"

40,000 taels of silver is definitely not a small amount. Even if He Lijing himself is present, I'm afraid he will hesitate to hear the number of 40,000 taels. But He Ruiping knew that as long as she could please peace, even if she spent twice as much money, her father would never give it to her.

Hearing He Ruiping's words, Leng Xuanrong couldn't help laughing.

Meng Zhuangqing also showed a trace of contemptuousness on his face. He shook his head again, "Miss He, I think you'd better go back. Yaqingmo Pavilion may not be the place where a lady like you should come.

As soon as He Ruiping heard his words, the blue veins on her forehead almost jumped up. A small accountant dares to speak wildly to her. This Raven Green Ink Pavilion is really rampant!

"Do you want 400,000 taels?" This time, He Ruiping didn't dare to say directly that she wanted it. Because of 400,000 taels of silver, He Ruiping could no longer imagine a concept. She seemed to have heard her father mention that several counties under his jurisdiction wanted disaster relief, and the money allocated at that time was 400,000 taels. Such a sum of silver should be regarded as a huge amount of money, right? Is this little guqin worth so much money? Leng Xuanrong... This is really going to be a lion's mouth...

With no idea, Meng Zhuangqing still shook his head after hearing the number said by He Ruiping. He couldn't help but be happy when he saw He Ruiping's face.

"Business should not have made the amount of money you exchange so clearly, but since Miss He is not a businessman and doesn't understand the market, I might as well tell you directly." Meng Zhuangqing looked at He Ruiping with a smile and said loudly, "We will fight this guqin for four million taels."

When He Ruiping heard Meng Zhuangqing say this number, her head suddenly buzzed.

Four million taels? It's a joke!

At this time, Leng Xuanrong took a step forward and came to He Ruiping and whispered, "Sister Ruiping, now we have a price for pianos. It's up to you whether to do this business or not."

He Ruiping's face was blue and white. She thought that Leng Xuanrong would ask for a price, but He Ruiping could not think of such a figure of four million taels.

The whole Raven Green Ink Pavilion was quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on He Ruiping.

He Ruiping has never been so anxious. Originally, she wanted to get this guqin even if it was robbed, but now Leng Xuanrong has not created a chance for her to rob her at all.

"Ceng Xuanrong, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to ask for such a high price?" He Ruiping's forehead oozed sweat, tried to stabilize her mind, and tried to find a way to turn the current situation back.

But Leng Xuanrong didn't seem to be fooled at all. She kept smiling and answered He Ruiping, "What's wrong with Sister Ruiping? If you want to buy this guqin, you can take it away with you now. If you don't want to buy it... It's getting late. Sister Ruiping has been out for a long time. I'm afraid Uncle He will be worried, right?

He Ruiping thought about it, and finally gritted her teeth, patted the table and shouted, "I bought this Guqin!"

People in the whole store were shocked to hear He Ruiping's words. Even Meng Zhuangqing was a little stunned.

He Ruiping stood opposite Leng Xuanrong and said to Leng Xuanrong with her head crossed, "Four million taels, I will definitely give it to you. But I'm going to take this guqin away now.

Leng Xuanrong frowned, "Is Sister Ruiping going to make an IOU for our Qingmo Pavilion first?"

He Ruiping snorted, "Can I rely on your money!"

Leng Xuanrong shook his head, "Sister Ruiping, as you know, this store is not my Leng Xuanrong's. I just took care of it here at the order of the prince. Four million taels, I dare not accept your IOU for such a big business. Besides, if I accept your IOU now, I won't be able to go to your county magistrate's office to ask for debts in the future. If Uncle He is angry at that time, I can't deal with it.

He Ruiping waved her hand impatiently and said angrily, "I don't care about those things. As you just said, there is a price for the piano. I will write down the certificate for you. I must take this guqin away. As for the silver, you don't have to worry. I will ask someone to send it to you.

After saying that, He Ruiping asked the maid Hongye to get paper and pen to write the certificate. The little maid Hongye frowned and said to He Ruiping in horror, "Miss, four million taels... This... This is too much..."

He Ruiping shouted angrily, "I have my own opinion!" It's your turn to be a maid here! Go and get the paper and pen!"

Hongye was scolded and ran to the shelf in the distance to bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table beside He Ruiping. He Ruiping brushed and wrote a note, and then threw down the pen and picked up the wooden box to go out.

Zeng Yanliang looked at He Ruiping's appearance and was no different from robbing things. He got angry and came forward to stop He Ruiping's way. But the family around He Ruiping were not vegetarian. A group of people protected He Ruiping in the middle and pulled out as if they were going to fight.

Zeng Yanliang was really annoyed. He raised his legs and kicked the nearest family far away, and then pointed to He Ruiping and said angrily, "If you want to do business, you don't pay money. What's the difference between this and robbers and robbers?"

He Ruiping was scared by Zeng Yanliang's kick. She hugged the wooden box in her arms and shrank behind the family.

Leng Xuanrong looked at this scene, hurried forward to hold Zeng Yanliang and whispered, "Brother Yanliang, since Sister Ruiping must want the Guqin and wrote us a certificate, let her go."

Zeng Yanliang turned his head to look at Leng Xuanrong. Seeing that she blinked her eyes slightly, he immediately knew that this situation was expected by Leng Xuanrong. So Zeng Yanliang's anger suddenly subsided, snorted and stopped talking.

He Ruiping saw that the angry lion-like Zeng Yanliang was pulled, and then she escaped from the Raven Qingmo Pavilion with the Guqin and those family, and returned to the county governor's mansion.

After they left, Zeng Yanliang was still angry.

"Then He Ruiping is really unscrupulous and arbitrary!"

When Meng Zhuangqing heard Zeng Yanliang's words, he couldn't help nodding beside him. A group of guys from the Raven Green Ink Pavilion also gathered and talked about how He Ruiping was.

At this time, only Leng Xuanrong smiled with the voucher written by He Ruiping.

Zeng Yanliang came over and asked Leng Xuanrong, "That Guqin was taken away by He Ruiping. I'm afraid An Ping will not come again in the future."

Leng Xuanrong looked up at Zeng Yanliang and whispered, "It doesn't matter whether he comes or not in the future." With that, she shook the paper in her hand and smiled, "With this thing, you can get twice the result with half the effort."

Zeng Yanliang took a look at the voucher and saw that it said, "He Ruiping, the daughter of the county magistrate, bought a guqin in the Raven Qingmo Pavilion, which was worth 4 million taels. Take away the guqin today, and the silver will be delivered later. This is the basis."

"Four million taels..." Zeng Yanliang sighed that he had never seen so much silver in his life. Zeng Yanliang felt a little unbelievable at the scene when He Ruiping patted the table and said she wanted to buy the four million taels of guqin.

"Can she return this money?" Zeng Yanliang turned his head and asked Leng Xuanrong.

Leng Xuanrong shook her head and smiled, "He Ruiping must not be able to pay this money. Not only she can't, but also her father He Lijing."

At this time, Meng Zhuangqing interrupted and said, "Four million taels of silver, even if the court wants to take out such a large sum of silver, it will have to raise for a while. How can her daughter, a county magistrate, pay..."

Zeng Yanliang frowned and shook the paper in his hand and asked, "Isn't this useless?"

"Since Her He Ruiping dares to write down this certificate, it's up to her to figure out about these four million taels of silver."

Leng Xuanrong smiled, took the paper and put it in his arms.