The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 171 Report a very selfish idea

"Don't worry, I'll be back after I finish my work." Brother Yan Liang would comfort her with a bright smile every time before going out, which seemed to become Leng Xuanrong's reassurance. Brother Yan Liang said that there was no problem, so there must be no problem. Every time he came back, he would talk about the process of going out to act, and his every action seemed to be very relaxed.

Of course, Leng Xuanrong knew that it was Brother Yan Liang who didn't want her to worry, so she deliberately ignored the dangerous part, but over time, her trust in Brother Yan Liang also increased day by day.

No problem.

When Brother Yan Liang disappeared for two days, Leng Xuanrong still reluctantly comforted herself like this. But on the fourth day, Leng Xuanrong couldn't sit still.

Brother Yan Liang is missing.

After this idea passed through Leng Xuanrong's mind, Leng Xuanrong suddenly panicked. She began to regret that she should not let Brother Yan Liang go out and let him take risks. She even began to be afraid. What if something happens to Brother Yan Liang? Is she going to lose him again in this life?

Leng Xuanrong's mind seemed to be unable to think. She was at a loss and didn't know who to discuss this matter with, let alone what to do next. Are you going to find Brother Yan Liang? But where is she going to find it? How does she find it?

Leng Xuanrong sat in her room in a daze, with her eyes as if she had lost her soul.

At this time, a clerk knocked on the door and told her that Qi Dong's family in Chenggui Buzhuang came to find her, which seemed to be quite anxious. Leng Xuanrong is not in the mood to deal with Qi Zongyan now. She told the staff that she was not feeling well and asked him to go back to Qi Dong's house. But not long after, the little guy ran back and said to Leng Xuanrong that the Qi Dong family would meet her no matter what, and said that there was something very important.

Helplessly, Leng Xuanrong had to cheer up and follow the little guy to the front store.

In the room on the second floor, Qi Zongyan stood by the window with her hands behind her back. When Leng Xuanrong pushed the door in, she happened to see his anxious face. Qi Zongyan turned her head and saw Leng Xuanrong. She hurried forward and asked her to come in. Then she mysteriously closed the door and said in a low voice to Leng Xuanrong, "Miss Leng, I'm here to tell you something today..."

As soon as Leng Xuanrong heard Qi Zongyan's words, her already panicked heart suddenly became more flustered. She had an almost suffocating illusion and widened her eyes to listen to what Qi Zongyan was going to say.

Qi Zongyan seemed to notice Leng Xuanrong's nervousness. He came to Leng Xuanrong's side and frowned and asked, "Rong Zai asked first... Brother Zeng... Is he not in the Raven Green Ink Pavilion?"

Leng Xuanrong calmed down and asked, "Why does Qi Dong's family have this question?"

Qi Zongyan doesn't seem to want to go around with Leng Xuanrong. She simply sighed and told Leng Xuanrong, "Recently, we have a business in Buzhuang. Didn't we tell Leng before that our carriages and horses transport cloth have been robbed several times and injured several martial artists. So this time I specially asked them to bring more people and pay special attention to the noise around them. This time, nothing happened to our goods, but my group of martial artists saw someone else's accident..."

When Leng Xuanrong heard the words "something happened", she couldn't help but "buzz" in her head. An ominous premonition arose spontaneously. She resisted the urge to know the details and waited for Qi Zongyan to finish her words.

"At that time, the martial artists under me saw a group of suspicious figures, but they did not go to our team, so they only sent two martial arts brothers to see the situation. Unexpectedly, the group of people robbed two people in the mountain forest, and then saw a man coming down from the tree and were also knocked down and taken away by them. Qi Zongyan said solemnly, "The two of them looked like the martial artists under Mr. An, and the one who came out later, my men said, looked very much like Mr. Zeng."

Leng Xuanrong's heart was about to jump out of her throat. She knew that Brother Yan Liang was going to investigate the movements of An Pingzhi and his men. In this way, what Qi Zongyan said should be true.

"How about Brother Yan Liang? Who are those people?" Leng Xuanrong couldn't help asking Qi Zongyan eagerly.

A light flashed through Qi Zongyan's eyes, but he immediately closed his eyes and shook his head regretfully.

"At that time, the martial artists under me were not sure whether they were Mr. An's subordinates and Mr. Zeng. And they also escorted our goods in Buzhuang, so they didn't do much investigation, and they didn't confirm what they saw... After they came back and told me about it, I had scolded them... But it didn't work, so I specially came to inform Leng girl..."

Leng Xuanrong's eyebrows were locked. She staggered to the side and sat down, trying to calm herself down and think of a countermeasure.

The other party captured An Ping's men, and according to Qi Zongyan, Brother Yan Liang was found out after hiding at that time, so the other party's target was An Ping's men. So if you want to know the identity of the other party, you have to take action on Anpingzhi's side... However, if you go to find Anpingzhi at this time, won't it expose Brother Yan Liang's tracking Anping?

Thinking of this, Leng Xuanrong looked up at Qi Zongyan.

"Qi Dong's family, you said that the other two who were captured were Mr. An's men, so you must have told Mr. An about this news, right? On their side..."

Before Leng Xuanrong finished his words, Qi Zongyan waved his hand. He pulled a chair and sat next to Leng Xuanrong and said to her in a low voice, "I haven't told Mr. An yet. Only me and Miss Leng know about this now."

Leng Xuanrong was a little surprised. She suddenly found that the purpose of Qi Zongyan's coming here to tell her the news was not so simple. He wants something from himself.

Qi Zongyan looked at Leng Xuanrong and seemed to see what she was thinking now. He smiled and whispered, "Miss Leng is really smart. I, Qi Zongyan, don't whisper in front of Mingren. The reason why I want to tell Miss Leng about this matter first is because I know that in case I tell Ann first. Son, if they take any action, I'm afraid Mr. Zeng's life will be difficult to protect. Miss Leng, what is Mr. Zeng looking for with Mr. An's people?

If Qi Zongyan tells An Pingzhi this news first, An Ping will take action immediately. After he finds the person who captured his men and Zeng Yanliang, whether Zeng Yanliang finds out his secret or not, An Ping will not leave Zeng Yanliang as a living person. In case Leng Xuanrong finds out at that time, as long as it is said that it was done by those who captured them, everyone can imagine this.

Leng Xuanrong knew that Qi Zongyan did not do this, just to owe him a big favor.

"Qi Dong's family, I want to save Brother Yan Liang. I don't know what you can do?" Leng Xuanrong has no one who can discuss this matter. Now that Qi Zongyan deliberately wants to owe him this favor, it shows that Qi Zongyan has something to expect Leng Xuanrong to do. He is a person who knows what happened. I guess he can also guess why Zeng Yanliang was arrested there, so he discussed it with him. It's not too much. As for what is specific, Leng Xuanrong has no time to think about it now. The most important thing now is to save Brother Yan Liang.

Qi Zongyan seemed to know that Leng Xuanrong would definitely ask something. He said to Leng Xuanrong in a low voice, "Miss Leng, don't panic. In my opinion, this matter is all from Mr. An's side. Those people must have just intended to catch Mr. An's men. When the matter is over, they will definitely let Mr. Zeng back.

When the matter is over, the cucumber vegetables will be cold.

Leng Xuanrong narrowed his eyes slightly, stood up and said to Qi Zongyan, "Thank you for telling me this news. I'm afraid it's not convenient for Qi Dong's intervention. Just now, I didn't think about it. Please don't blame Qi. After Brother Yanliang is rescued, we will come to thank him.

Qi Zongyan was shocked when he heard the words. What had happened before was as he expected, but at this moment, Leng Xuanrong suddenly issued an expulsion order, which was greatly beyond his expectation. Seeing Leng Xuanrong suddenly become calm from panic, he couldn't believe that there was a teenage girl standing in front of him.

Leng Xuanrong knew that Qi Zongyan must have something to say. Did he deliberately come to sell a favor and then leave? No, he must have any other purpose. But she doesn't have time to deal with this Qi Zongyan now. I don't know how long it has been since Brother Yan Liang was arrested, and every moment now is precious. If Qi Zongyan has a good way to save Brother Yan Liang, Leng Xuanrong is naturally willing to listen, but if he wants to use this matter to achieve his purpose, there is no need for Leng Xuanrong to circle with him here. Leng Xuanrong doesn't know where such courage came from. Now she is taking retreat as progress and stirred Qi Zongyan. If he leaves, Leng Xuanrong immediately thought of another way to save Brother Yan Liang. If he doesn't leave, it shows that he has a way.

Sure enough, as Leng Xuanrong expected, Qi Zongyan did not move.

"Qi Dongjia, is there anything else?" Leng Xuanrong simply did nothing and looked at Qi Zongyan with a cold face.

Qi Zongyan finally sighed helplessly and said to Leng Xuanrong with a bitter smile, "I didn't expect Leng girl to be so vigorous... I have a selfish idea, but I'm afraid that Leng girl said that I was taking advantage of people's danger, so I hesitated for a moment and didn't know whether to say it..."

"If Qi Dong's family has an idea, you might as well say it. As long as I can save Brother Yan Liang, I am willing to do anything." Leng Xuanrong sat back in the chair and squinted to listen to Qi Zongyan's "selfish" idea he came up with.