The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 190 Five-string and Six Laws, Life and Death

Leng Xuanrong didn't know how she left the room where An Pingzhi was. She was a little lost. Even Mu Tangsha pulled her shoulder and asked her what the result was. She could only shake her head, but she couldn't say anything.

The thoughts of the past and present life are mixed together. I firmly believe in the most beautiful thing in my previous life, but I didn't expect it to be broken so easily.

Leng Xuanrong has always felt that the sound of Anping's piano is the best voice in the world, either as clear as a spring stone, or as thick as a torrent of anger, sometimes as leisurely as clouds in the sky, and sometimes as bleak as the autumn wind sweeping leaves. Such a wonderful voice can comfort people and make people look forward to it. However...

Leng Xuanrong knows now that these piano sounds are not as beautiful as she thought.

She misread An Pingzhi. From her previous life, she misread the eldest son who seemed to be indisputable and only thought about the rhythm.

The piano has five-string and six rhythms. Only when these five-string and six rhythms are properly controlled can people play a satisfactory tune. Further, a song can affect people's hearts, making people happy and sad. Leng Xuanrong in her previous life was unconsciously influenced by those songs. Her joys and sorrows seemed to be resolved by that song...

If An Pingzhi hadn't said those words today, Leng Xuanrong would not have thought of these things. But the flashing light in An Ping's eyes was so strong that Leng Xuanrong could not ignore it at all.

She now understands that An Pingzhi is not the person she imagined to be indisputable. He has a huge ambition in his heart and he wants to control everything.

Why was the affair with He Ruiping been postponed until now, and why did An Pingzhi not like He Ruiping? Even in his previous life, he was extremely cold to her after marrying her. Now that I think about it, it should be because this marriage is not all under the control of Anping. So he hates it very much. In this life, Leng Xuanrong has known from An Pingzhi's words that An Pingzhi is not only not disgusted with what she has done, but has always been playing games with her. If the situation continues, Leng Xuanrong's purpose can't be reached, but An Pingzhi's grasp of the situation has never made any mistakes. Everything is under An Pingzhi's control. I'm afraid that he has calculated in advance what Leng Xuanrong has done. That's why he does those things without any disgust. After Leng Xuanrong's tricks were finished, An Pingzhi seemed to see his completed work. He could have a happy aftertaste, while Leng Xuanrong was the doll who had been acting unconsciously according to his ideas.

Anpingzhi's good impression of Leng Xuanrong is not an accident. He likes this feeling of looking down on others, especially when the person he looks down is racking his brains to play tricks, but everything is under his control. This feeling may make Anping unable to stop.

This time it was the same. An Pingzhi knew that Qi Zongyan was using Leng Xuanrong, but he still followed them. Previously, Leng Xuanrong thought that An Pingzhi was just a brave and resourceful adventure, but now it seems that he is still the manipulator of the situation.

Because Long Hanqing and others unexpectedly defeated the martial artists under An Pingzhi, An Pingzhi miscalculated. Once things get out of control, he will be bored and take a disregarding or repulsive attitude. This also explains why he has been unwilling to negotiate with Long Hanqing. Just like he was forced to marry He Ruiping in his previous life, An Pingzhi would not look at the people and things he didn't want to see.

At this time, Leng Xuanrong became the best plaything in Anping.

In fact, in An Ping's eyes, Leng Xuanrong may have always been just a plaything.

Leng Xuanrong knows that her relationship with King Xiaohan is also a decisive factor. An Pingzhi wants to control everything around him, and his father's rights seem to help him realize this idea. But the thorn in their father and son's eyes was King Xiaohan. They can even control the current emperor, but they can't control King Xiaohan.

In An Ping's eyes, Leng Xuanrong is the man of King Xiaohan. Even if she was just a toy used by King Xiaohan, An Pingzhi would not turn a blind eye to it.

Leng Xuanrong doesn't know what An Pingzhi plans to have, but now he has made it clear that he wants to take Leng Xuanrong away from King Xiaohan. It's not because of how important Leng Xuanrong is, but because An Pingzhi wants to take this opportunity to suppress King Xiaohan.

Yesterday's kiss, Leng Xuanrong knew that it must be to shake her heart. Because An Pingzhi was not sure whether Leng Xuanrong knew the secret at that time, he had to make sure that Leng Xuanrong could not follow the expected action. Sure enough, after a kiss, Leng Xuanrong panicked and fled almost without hesitation, indicating that she did not care so much about the lives of hundreds of people here.


A huge sense of crisis surged up, and Leng Xuanrong could hardly stand it. She squatted down and put her hands on the top of her head, as if she were avoiding something. However, there is nothing around her, and those houses are empty.

Hundreds of people in Chaoyang Village gathered on a sunny hillside behind the cottage. There is a flagpole more than one person high, with a dilapidated flag hanging on the flagpole. There are no patterns on the flag, only two ugly big characters, and few of these hundreds of people can recognize what these two big characters are.


Long Hanqing took down the flag, gently stroked the two big words, and then looked up at the people standing in front of him. They were ragged and yellow and thin. These men and women were the people he had tried his life to protect.

Long Hanqing sighed and folded the flag to Qi Zongyan beside him.

Qi Zongyan had tears in her eyes and reluctantly took over the flag.

Last night, he argued with Long Hanqing for half a night, but was finally persuaded by Long Hanqing. In a moment, he will take people away from Chaoyang Village. This farewell is eternal farewell.

Long Hanqing saluted everyone and said loudly, "I, Long Hanqing, am sorry to everyone! For so many years, I haven't let everyone live a good life for a few days. In the end, I have encountered such a thing... I'm sorry for you!"

No one spoke. They knelt down silently and kowtowed to Long Hanqing.

Tears came out of Long Hanqing's eyes. After a long time, he wiped his tears, grabbed Qi Zongyan's arm, and said in a low voice, "You can run as far as you can. Don't look back!"

Qi Zongyan nodded vigorously and wiped away her tears. She bent down to pick up the things he had sorted out and strode towards the mountains and forests. Behind him, there were many women and children. When this team disappeared into the mountains and forests one after another, Long Hanqing looked at his side, and there were only 50 or 60 people left.

These fifty or sixty people were all brothers born and died with Long Hanqing. They decided to stay in the cottage, and other men who wanted to stay were persuaded by them. There are dangers everywhere in the deep mountains and forests. In case of encountering fierce beasts, old and weak women and children alone can't survive. So in the end of the discussion, Long Hanqing decided to let them all leave.

After sending them away, Long Hanqing returned to Chaoyang Village with the remaining 50 or 60 brothers. He wanted to make a final negotiation with An Pingzhi. If not, he would rather die with him.

Mutangsha did not leave with the crowd, and she has been following Long Hanqing. Long Hanqing walked towards the cottage and turned his head to Mu Tangsha and said, "Go to see that Leng Xuanrong again and bring her here."

Mutangsha answered the sound and went straight to the room where Leng Xuanrong was.

As soon as he entered the room, Mutangsha saw Leng Xuanrong squatting in the corner of the room. She now doesn't understand why the little girl suddenly went crazy, and she is not in the mood to care about it at this time.

"Leng Xuanrong, our big head asked you to meet him."

Mutangsha said, raised his hand and grabbed Leng Xuanrong's arm, pulled her up from the ground effortlessly, dragged her away.

Leng Xuanrong knew that something must have happened. Mu Tangsha treated herself like this, maybe because she failed to convince An Pingzhi, so Long Hanqing, the big head, lost patience with himself... Are they going to kill me?

Leng Xuanrong was scared at this moment.

No. Never die here.

Leng Xuanrong wanted to struggle, but found that her wrist had been firmly clamped by Mu Tangsha. She is holding Leng Xuanrong's vein door, which makes Leng Xuanrong unable to exert much strength at all.

They walked all the way. When Leng Xuanrong found that their destination seemed to be the house where Anpingzhi was, Leng Xuanrong seemed to see a trace of vitality.

Anyway, save your life. This is Leng Xuanrong's only idea at this time.

Mutangsha went straight into the room with Leng Xuanrong. The doors were open, and the room that should have blocked the window is now very bright. Long Hanqing sat on the edge of the warm couch, while An Pingzhi sat in the innermost part of the warm couch as if he was deliberately hiding from the sun.

As soon as Leng Xuanrong and others came in, the two people who were still talking stopped. They looked at Leng Xuanrong and seemed to be thinking about something.

Mutangsha let go of Leng Xuanrong's wrist and retreated.

Leng Xuanrong rubbed her wrist while observing what was going on here.

Long Hanqing opened his mouth first. He pointed to the warm couch across the small square table and said to Leng Xuanrong, "Miss Leng, please sit down. Long has something to say to you two."

Leng Xuanrong turned his head to look at An Pingzhi again. Seeing that he nodded with a cold face, Leng Xuanrong sat down.

Long Hanqing's voice was low and loud, and his body was full of murderous atmosphere, and even Leng Xuanrong could feel it.

"Both of you know what happened. Since Mr. An is unwilling to do this business with us, there is nothing we can do. Mr. An has always said that Chaoyangzhai is a thief's nest. What you said is absolutely right. We are indeed a thief's nest here. Mountain thieves have a way to do things. Now that the business can't be done, I, Long, can only feel sorry for both of you.