The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 207 Escape, the top of Zixia Mountain

After the little doctor wrapped all the wounds on Zeng Yanliang's body, Leng Xuanrong also calmed down. Looking back on what happened just now, she was still afraid. Even if Xiao 19 and the others arrived a little later, they would have died long ago. Later, I heard from Zeng Yanliang that Xiaojii didn't show up at all, but killed those gatekeepers with the unique masterpieces that Xiaojii had demonstrated to Zeng Yanliang. Although his life was saved by them, Leng Xuanrong inevitably sighed that these people in Qilin Camp were too vicious.

The group rushed to Nayan County all night and had nothing to say. When they arrived outside the county and saw the closed gate, Zeng Yanliang and Leng Xuanrong were in trouble again. But Little Nineteen didn't seem to pay attention to the two heavy gates at all.

"Brother Yan Liang is injured. You don't have to go with us. Just wait outside the city. We'll go and pick up Uncle Leng out."

After leaving these words, Xiao 19 disappeared with his men, and the little doctor who stayed behind sighed as if he was a little unwilling.

The three got off their horses and hid in the woods in the distance to wait for their news. The little doctor saw Leng Xuanrong's restless face and comforted him, "Miss Leng, don't worry, bringing out a person from the county government is like exploring things for Xiao 19. It's the simplest thing. There must be nothing wrong."

Hearing what he said, Leng Xuanrong was indeed a little relieved.

"Brother Yan Liang's injury..." It was dark around. Leng Xuanrong only knew that the little doctor had dealt with Zeng Yanliang's injuries, but he didn't know how much he had suffered. When Zeng Yanliang went out to see Xiao 19 and others, Leng Xuanrong asked the little doctor in a low voice, "What happened to Brother Yan Liang's injury?"

The little doctor smiled and said, "It's all skin injuries, and it won't take long to heal."

Leng Xuanrong couldn't help sighing when she heard the words.

About an hour later, Leng Xuanrong suddenly heard a slight voice in the distance. She leaned over and found that Little Nineteen and the others came back unconsciously! And Zeng Yanliang is also helping a man to walk towards them.

"Father!" Leng Xuanrong quickly ran forward and jumped into his father's arms.

Leng Chengqi burst into tears, hugged Leng Xuanrong and choked and said, " long as you are long as you are safe..."

Leng Xuanrong raised his head to wipe his tears and looked up and down at his father. He found that although his father's face was a little pale, it was obviously caused by running around just now. Compared with before, his father's complexion was much better. It seems that he did not suffer at all during his days in Quyan County, but recovered his health.

"Father, a lot of things have happened in Wuming County. We have to escape now." Leng Xuanrong said, pointing to Little Nineteen and introducing them, "These life-saving benefactors are the people of Qilin Camp, and this is Brother Nineteen..."

Xiaojii took a step forward with some embarrassment, scratching his head and laughing, "Mr. Leng, I'm really sorry just now. The county government is not a place to talk, and I didn't explain it to you... Hey hey hey... Just call me Xiaojiu..."

Leng Chengqi hurriedly bowed and saluted, "I'm sorry to bother you to take the risk of saving the old man out of the city. The kindness of saving my life, the old man can only repay it in the afterlife..."

Leng Chengqi's words made Xiao 19 even more embarrassed. He laughed and then asked with a restrained smile, "Have you ever thought about where to escape? I don't think it's too late. We'd better start as soon as possible.

What Xiaoshii said was absolutely right. Seeing that it was about to dawn, Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang made such a big noise when they left Wuming County, and Anping would definitely get the news immediately. Although their reaction must not be as fast as those in the Kirin Camp, it is not much slower. And how smart An Ping is. Can he imagine that Leng Xuanrong will come back to save her father next?

Escape...but where on earth are you going to escape?

Leng Xuanrong had just thought about living in seclusion in the deep mountains and forests, but at this time, it seemed difficult to determine a direction.

At this time, Zeng Yanliang suddenly patted his forehead and said regretfully, "Oh, I was in a hurry when I left Wuming County and forgot the letter..."

Leng Xuanrong shook his head at him and whispered, "I wrote two letters to King Xiaohan. We brought one out, and I left one in Meng Zhuangqing's house. Now he should have seen it."

Leng Chengqi listened to the two of them sing and make peace, but they don't know what happened, but now it's not the time to say so. He lowered his head and thought about it, looked up to Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang and said, "A few days ago, I received a letter from an old friend saying that if there is any difficulty in the future, we can go to him. Why don't we do it now? Let's go to him for a while, and then make a plan.

When Leng Xuanrong heard the words, she couldn't help frowning and asked, "At this time, I expected that my father would be in trouble in the future. Who is this?"

Leng Chengqi knew that his daughter was suspicious, so he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It's not strange that this man can expect that we are difficult. He said whether he is an old friend of his father or a high climbs for his father. This man's surname is Zhang, who is the master of Mr. Dou you all know..."

Zhang Chengmu, a hermit of the previous dynasty!

When Leng Xuanrong thought of the name, she couldn't help but brighten her eyes. She knew that her father knew Mr. Zhang, but she didn't know how their friendship was. If she could get Mr. Zhang's protection at this time, at least the three of them would be in risk!

After a little discussion, the three decided to follow the route mentioned by Leng Chengqi to find Mr. Zhang, who lived in seclusion in the mountains.

Xiao 19 slightly calculated the time it would take for them to get to the place mentioned by Leng Chengqi, which seemed to be a little more than the holiday given to him by General Gu, but when he saw the three people in front of him, an injured Zeng Yanliang, an elderly old man, and a weak woman, Leng Xuanrong, let them Isn't it the same as letting them die without preparing to go straight to the deep mountains? After a little thought, Xiao 19 decided to give them a ride.

Everyone did not delay any more and immediately went on the road.

The horse they rode when they came was not the war horse of their Kirin Camp, so they were released together with the horse that Zeng Yanliang rode. The mountain road is difficult to walk, and it must be a burden to carry these horses. Fortunately, they don't have many things to carry, which is light and simple. As for water and food, Xiaojiu patted his chest and told Leng Xuanrong that these were all wrapped around him.

According to Leng Chengqi, Mr. Zhang now lives in a place called Zixia Top. This Zixia peak is also in the deep mountains of Fengquanling, but it is relatively far from Nayan County and Wuming County. They entered Fengquanling from Nayan County, estimating that if the journey goes smoothly, it will take a month to reach the peak of Zixia.

Little Nineteen's men followed Leng Xuanrong and others, just like playing in the mountains and rivers. Even the little doctor disappeared leisurely from time to time. When he came back, he always brought a lot of medicinal materials collected in the mountains.

Leng Chengqi has seen and heard widely, and has also dabbled in medical books and pharmacopoeia, so every time the little doctor gets some precious medicinal materials, he will be excited to talk about the classics with Leng Chengqi for a day or two. After Zeng Yanliang's injury improved, he went hunting with Xiaojiu. Sometimes they could fight back small things such as hares and pheasants, but sometimes they could get back some big guys. At first, they were a little worried about whether An Pingzhi and He Lijing would send someone to chase them, but after gradually walking into the deep mountains, these concerns were also dispelled, and even Leng Xuanrong, who had been the most vigilant before, would no longer think of those things.

While on the way, Leng Xuanrong told Leng Chengqi what had happened during this period. After hearing about it, Leng Chengqi couldn't help but be afraid for a while, but now it is a comfort to escape safely. Leng Chengqi sighed and said to Leng Xuanrong, "It's enough to live away from the world and hide in the mountains and forests. If you don't hear about the world, you can feel at ease for a moment."

Leng Xuanrong knew that after his father's time in Nayan County, his mood had also changed a lot compared with before. Before, he was disheartened and tired of the world, but now he is disengtangled. Being able to put down those things in the past, fame and fortune is probably really like the past in his father's eyes. . However, the sigh was still in my ears, and Leng Xuanrong also understood what his father sighed.

They don't listen to the world, but the world still won't stop. King Xiaohan has to fight with the person who intends to rebel. He is the one who can't escape. Leng Xuanrong hopes that the letter he left to Meng Zhuangqing can reach Du Yilin. If he can help him a little in the end, it can be regarded as repaying the opportunity he gave him in his previous life.

Putting aside these things, their days in the mountains and forests are definitely not hard. Every morning, when they get up on their way, when they are hungry, they will probably come back from hunting, eat some roasted game, and eat some wild vegetables and fruits brought back by the little doctor. Each meal is quite colorful. And the most indispensable thing in the population of Qilin Camp is the story. It is rare to have a little girl like Leng Xuanrong as an audience. These people are really excited to tell stories.

There was laughter along the way, and more than 20 days passed in a flash.

In the early morning, Xiao 19 sorted out the dried meat and animal skins left during this period and gave them to Zeng Yanliang, and then said goodbye to them. Although there is still a long way to go, as long as they are careful of the beasts in the mountains, there will be no problem. These days, Xiao 19 has taught Zeng Yanliang a lot of tricks, which is estimated to be enough for him to deal with those beasts.

Zeng Yanliang, Leng Xuanrong and Leng Chengqi thanked the nineteen people. After sending them away, they rearranged the things they carried, distinguished the direction, set off again, and went to the top of Zixia.