The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 276 Mulian in the past, joke in this life

What the leading subordinate said was obviously to tell Leng Xuanrong that their parents know what Leng Xuanrong is most worried about now. Leng Xuanrong gritted her teeth fiercely and thought to himself, what does the disappearance of Brother Yan Liang have to do with An Pingzhi? According to common sense, there is no need for An Pingzhi to do anything unfavorable to Brother Yan Liang, but now Leng Xuanrong clearly knows that disputes between these people must not be considered by common sense.

If her Leng Xuanrong disappeared, wouldn't Brother Yan Liang risk everything to find her?

Leng Xuanrong snorted and said to the leading servants, "The eldest son is very affectionate, so please lead the way in front of you."

The subordinate's face showed a successful expression, waved to the side, and the sedan chair that had been prepared there came over.

"Miss Leng, please get in the sedan chair." The servant raised the curtain of the sedan chair and his face was full of smiles.

Leng Xuanrong stepped into the sedan chair.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Leng Xuanrong thought about the current situation carefully. Countless ideas lingered in Leng Xuanrong's mind, but there seemed to be nothing that could really make point.

The soft sedan successfully entered the Prime Minister's mansion, and Leng Xuanrong was led all the way inside by the leading subordinate. After a distance, Leng Xuanrong became familiar with the surrounding scenery. At this time, he only heard the subordinate ask in a humble voice that made people uncomfortable to hear, "Miss Leng seems to be quite familiar with this prime minister's mansion?"

Leng Xuanrong was stunned when he heard the words, and then said coldly, "What is the Prime Minister's Mansion? How can I be familiar with a civilian woman? I have had the honor to come with the third lady of the imperial palace several times before.

The subordinate nodded thoughtfully, just as they walked to the place where the corridor branched. The subordinate pointed to the left and said, "That's where the master and his husbands live..."

Leng Xuanrong glanced at his hand and thought to himself that I haven't walked here a thousand times and a hundred times in my previous life. Don't you know where it is? But since the subordinate asked something just now, Leng Xuanrong took the opportunity to pretend to be completely uninterested and frowned, "Is it possible that the ladies of your family also want to see me?"

The subordinate smiled, shook his head, pointed to the road on the right, and said, "I'm afraid that Miss Leng has gone to the wrong place. This way, please."

It didn't take long for them to come to the desolate yard where Anping often went to touch the piano. The servant took Leng Xuanrong to the door of the yard and didn't go inside. Leng Xuanrong ignored him and walked to the wooden building alone.

Leng Xuanrong was a little puzzled by the faint sound of the piano that could not be tuned in the wooden building. In her impression, An Pingzhi seemed to never play music like this.

When he came to the door, Leng Xuanrong took a deep breath and raised his voice as much as possible, "Ceng Xuanrong asks for a meeting."

As soon as the words fell, I saw someone open a door and looked up and down at Leng Xuanrong. As soon as Leng Xuanrong saw the man who opened the door, she couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

"Are you Miss Leng? Please come in quickly. The eldest son is waiting for you. The speaker was a young woman who looked extremely gorgeous in a tulle dress, and Leng Xuanrong recognized her without her self-introduction. This woman is the one who taught her to play the piano and recognize music in her previous life.

Leng Xuanrong stepped into the wooden building and couldn't help looking at the woman beside him. The woman seemed to find Leng Xuanrong's expression and said with a smile, "My name is Mulian, a dancer in the Prime Minister's mansion."

Mulian, Leng Xuanrong nodded slightly and forced herself not to be too excited. She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes without a trace, and thought to herself that in this life, you no longer know me, but in the previous life, you were the only person in the Prime Minister's mansion who was cold and pleasant to me. At that time, she could only tell Mulian what was on her mind, and she also heard about her background from Mulian. She also suffered a lot before entering the Prime Minister's mansion, and later An Pingzhi rescued her from the land of tigers and wolves. She was full of gratitude to An Pingzhi, and the two secretly talked about their admiration for the eldest son.

In this life, Mulian should still live the same life as in her previous life, and she should still silently like the immortal-like eldest son.

Just as Leng Xuanrong's mind was full of memories of the past, the two went up to the second floor. As soon as he went up the stairs, Leng Xuanrong saw An Pingzhi sitting among several dancers like Mulian. He is teaching a dancer to play the piano. The dancer is dressed exactly like Mulian, but she looks more beautiful than Mulian. An Pingzhi sat behind her as if he had held her in his arms. Although his face was a little cold, he spoke very softly. The woman's face glowed with red glow and looked extremely happy.

Leng Xuanrong saw this situation and couldn't help turning her head to look at Mulian. She saw Mulian's eyes burning, and she was really jealous.

Seeing this scene, Leng Xuanrong laughed dumbly.

If it had been in her previous life, Leng Xuanrong would probably see this scene with the same expression as Mu Lian now. In fact, Mu Lian was much luckier than her. At the beginning, she still had the opportunity to contact An Pingzhi like this, but Leng Xuanrong could only eavesdrop on the piano from afar. At that time, she was also jealous of Mulian. But now when they think about it, everything is like the moon in the mirror. How can they know what kind of person An Pingzhi is really?

"The eldest son, Miss Leng has arrived." Mulian said in the most charming voice.

Sure enough, An Pingyi let go of the dancer's hand in his arms and looked up at Leng Xuanrong. When his eyes fell on Leng Xuanrong's face, the corners of his mouth rose slightly and smiled extremely brightly.

"Miss Xuanrong, I thought you would not be honored, but I didn't expect you to really come."

An Pingzhi's smiling face to Leng Xuanrong obviously made Leng Xuanrong jealous by this group of dancers. Leng Xuanrong even felt the pricking sight of the wooden lotus around her like a knife. Leng Xuanrong looked at these people with some embarrassment, and then thought of the salute to Anping.

"The eldest son was kindly invited, how dare I not come..."

After Leng Xuanrong said this sentence, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became much more solemn.

However, An Pingzhi didn't seem to notice anything. He waved his hand to the dancers and said, "You all go back. Remember to practice hard. If you don't understand, go to the musician in the house for advice."

The dancers moved when they heard the sound. Although they all had incomparable nostalgia on their faces, no one dared to dab any longer and quickly withdrew.

There were only two people left in the room, Leng Xuanrong and An Pingzhi. An Pingzhi smiled at Leng Xuanrong and asked, "Miss Xuanrong, do you want to try Fuqin?"

Seeing Mulian made Leng Xuanrong more upset. She shook her head and couldn't wait to immediately pry out what he wanted to say from An Pingzhi's mouth, and then quickly left.

"The eldest son, I really don't want to play the piano now." Leng Xuanrong told the truth.

When An Pingzhi heard the words, he came to reach out to pull Leng Xuanrong's wrist. Leng Xuanrong hurriedly dodged and looked at him with a wary face. An Pingzhi pointed to the chair next to the piano rack and said, "This is not a place to treat guests. Even if you don't want to play the piano, you can only ask you to sit here."

Leng Xuanrong hesitated for a moment and finally sat down in front of the piano rack.

An Pingzhi stood beside her with his hands behind his back and whispered, "Miss Xuanrong, I know why you are upset now. I heard that your lover Zeng Yanliang is missing? In fact, you don't have to worry about him."

An Pingzhi talked about Yan Liang's eldest brother, Leng Xuanrong hurriedly turned around to ask him if he knew anything, but before she turned around, An Pingzhi pulled her from behind.

An Pingzhi pressed Leng Xuanrong's shoulder with both hands and whispered in her ear, "The piano sound will not lie. If you want to know a person's sincerity, just listen to the music she plays." With that, his hands slid down Leng Xuanrong's arm, clasped her wrists, and put her hands on the strings in front of him.

Leng Xuanrong only felt a strange feeling in her heart, and she didn't know whether she was afraid or excited. Her hands trembled a little, which looked very obvious when she put them on the strings.

"Are you afraid?" An Pingzhi smiled and said, "Are you afraid that your lover won't come back, or what I will do to you?"

Leng Xuanrong gritted her teeth and said angrily, "The eldest son, why do we have to talk in circles? Could it be that you took Brother Yan Liang away?

An Pingzhi pulled Leng Xuanrong's finger and made a sound on the strings with her fingers like playing with a toy. With this sound, he whispered in her ear, "Miss Xuanrong, why do you always think of me An Pingzhi? How dare I offend such a lover with the title of Xiaohan Wang Qinwei and the masters of Qilin Camp? Besides, what's the use of my life? It can only increase your resentment against me.

Leng Xuanrong has thought of what An Pingzhi said for a long time.

"In this case, does that mean that the eldest son is completely unaware of the disappearance of Brother Yan Liang? Then..."

Before Leng Xuanrong finished his words, An Pingzhi looked sideways at Leng Xuanrong and said, "Do you think there is anything in the world that I don't know?"

Leng Xuanrong locked his eyebrows and couldn't wait to open his mouth to bite off An Pingzhi's nose.

An Pingzhi seemed to find the murderous atmosphere bursting out of Leng Xuanrong's body. Finally, he straightened up and let go of Leng Xuanrong's hand, stepped back a few steps, and said with a smile, "If I hadn't sent someone to investigate carefully, I would really think that you, the little girl had killed someone."

Leng Xuanrong secretly gritted his teeth, stood up, and said to An Pingzhi angrily, "If the eldest son just wants to tease me, I will leave."

An Pingzhi shook his head, "Tranking you is just one, and the other is that I have a few good words to tell you." With that, the expression on An Pingzhi's face was less joking and a little more stable. He stood there with his shoulder in his arms and said to Leng Xuanrong, "I heard that you were kidnapped before Zeng Yanliang disappeared? The person who kidnapped you is Qi Zongyan's group, right?

Leng Xuanrong was stunned when she heard this.

I didn't expect that An Pingzhi even knew about this? Hasn't Qi Zongyan's purpose been exposed for a long time? In this way, how can they revenge?