The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 280 Re mention of the past, one case

After reading the folds and letters in his hand, the emperor couldn't help sighing in his heart. Although he had heard of these things from his brother, he couldn't help but want to get angry when they were really presented to him like this. The emperor is a kind person. Although he is not as popular as King Xiaohan, he is even more depressing. The emperor put those things on the dragon book case in front of him, frowned and sighed, and said, "Emier An, the former emperor set up the first three assistants at the beginning, but now the other two old ministers are old and sick. Only you are still bowing for me. You have worked hard to do everything in the court. In the past, the matter reported by the Prime Minister has basically been properly dealt with, but now the matter you submitted is really difficult for me to decide. He Lijing's loss of his daughter was heartbroken, but why did he raise the anti-flag for this? As far as I know, He Lijing was born in the imperial examination, and now he is the governor of Wuming County. He is also a member of the court. The court treats him well!"

An Longyi bowed slightly when he heard the words, made a respectful look to the emperor, and said, "The emperor doesn't know anything. He Lijing is cunning and sophisticated. At the beginning, when he was an official in the imperial city, he had a good voice, and the emperor's kindness was so great that he made him guard Wuming County. Unexpectedly, this person doesn't know how to be grateful, but has a disrespectful heart. Although the old minister was aware of it for a long time, the crime of conspiracy was too big, and the old minister did not dare to accuse his colleagues in the court, so he sent people to investigate secretly for a long time. Long before the old minister noticed this, He Lijing tried his best to ask someone to ask for a marriage with the old minister. The old minister thought that if the marriage was completed, he could be more good as a family member, let him know the emperor's great kindness, follow kindness, and assist the emperor to guard one side. Unexpectedly... There are unexpected weather... Alas... It's all the negligence of the old minister, and I would like to ask the emperor to condemn..."

With that, An Longyi actually stood up and looked as if he was going to kneel down.

The emperor took a look and hurriedly waved his hand, " Prime Minister An is flat!" Come and help the Prime Minister sit down.

The eunuch was sharp and ran over and helped An Longyi back to sit down.

The emperor took another look at the fold on the Longshu case, hesitated for a moment, looked up at Du Yilin, who had been sitting there silently, and said, "An Prime Minister found that He Lijing had already had a desire to rebel and raised more than 100,000 private troops. Now all his sergeants have gathered to openly confront the court. The general's mansion jointly petitioned for war. What do you think about this matter?

After the emperor said this, everyone's eyes focused on Du Yilin.

An Longyi's idea of beating He Lijing was actually beyond everyone's expectation, but at the same time it was reasonable. At the beginning, An Longyi wanted to attract He Lijing and marry the He family. Now his in-laws can't do it, so they can only except for this future trouble, but it all happens suddenly, but An Longyi seems to have been prepared for a long time, so it has become a fog.

Because of this, King Xiaohan's response is particularly important. If King Xiaohan supports the attack of He Lijing, it will be the first time that both sides are united against the enemy and provoke a war. Everyone knows that as soon as the soldiers and horses move, it will be difficult to say what happens later. In this way, King Xiaohan should be more inclined to harmony. Looking at the appearance of these cinnabar attendants today, most of the people present guessed that King Xiaohan still wanted to make peace.

The atmosphere in the room is solemn, but Du Yilin, the king of Xiaohan, seems to be completely unaffected. He still looked at the tea that had not moved at all. The heat on the tea had dissipated, and it seemed that he could drink it.

"Come on." Du Yilin suddenly raised his head, gave a hand to the little eunuch beside him, and said, "Change a cup of hot tea for me."

The little eunuch removed this cup of warm tea and went to exchange it for a hotter one.

At this time, Du Yilin seemed to feel the sight of everyone. He looked back at the crowd coldly and said in a low voice, "Your Excellency, I am still young, and my father and grandfather have said that I am serious about killing. When things happen, you should listen more and don't be impulsive. Now I have heard about this matter for a long time. I heard that He Lijing When I raised the anti-flag, I wanted to wear armor and personally lead the army to eliminate this traitor thief..." At this point, Du Yilin deliberately stopped and looked at An Longyi.

An Longyi's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold light in his eyes. He picked up the corners of his mouth, made a smiling face, and said, "King Xiaohan is famous for his martial arts, but this charge to repay the former enemy is not a joke. The old minister thought that King Xiaohan can't lead troops in person."

Du Yilin nodded when he heard the words, "What Prime Minister An Cheng said is reasonable. I also asked myself if I really have this ability. I thought about it and thought that I should still follow the guidance of my ancestors and listen to the words of the virtuous ministers. Should I fight this battle or not? If I want to fight, how should I fight it? If I don't fight, how should I deal with He Lijing..." At this point, Du Yilin glanced at General Chi and lifted it up. He pointed to him and asked, "General Chi must have talked about this for a long time."

General Chi was asked to speak by name, hurriedly saluted the emperor, and then saluted Du Yilin, saying, "I think this battle must be fought!" I have designated a march plan. As long as the emperor sends the imperial edict, I will kill the enemy bravely and bring the traitor He Lijing to justice.

"Good!" Du Yilin shouted, stretched out his hand and pointed to Wei Yulin, the chief of military affairs behind him, "What do you think, Lord Wei?"

Wei Yulin has long known that he could not escape this disaster, so he has already figured out how to deal with it.

"Since my emperor ascended the throne, although he has always enjoyed peace, his military affairs have never been neglected. If there is a war, the Military Affairs Department can ensure that it will cooperate fully in all its affairs. I am confident that there will never be any problems.

When Du Yilin heard Wei Yulin's words, he couldn't help laughing in his heart and thought, this old fox of Wei Yulin, he didn't say whether he supported or supported it. At this time, he could still show his achievements for himself. It was really amazing.

With a leader like Wei Yulin, the following ministers who spoke also learned to speak, only saying their confidence in their responsibilities and not mentioning whether the main battle or the main peace.

After the whole room said it, Du Yilin himself did not say anything.

An Longyi showed a little impatient and asked Du Yilin, "The prince asked a circle, but there is a conclusion?"

Du Yilin stood up and bowed his hand to the emperor, "Brother, all the ministers are confident in their duties, and they must have succeeded as soon as they come out. I thought it would be a war."

When he said this, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, after saying this, Du Yilin continued, "Although it is a war, it is normal to salute first and then soldiers. I think we should send someone to persuade He Lijing to pull back from the cliff. If He Lijing listens to the advice, he will also avoid the suffering of the people's struggle. If he doesn't listen, it's not too late to do it.

"Oh? Persuasion?" Hearing this, the emperor hurriedly turned his head and asked An Longyi, "Sir An, what do you think of King Xiaohan's idea?"

An Longyi hesitated and said in a low voice, "It is common sense for the two countries to send envoys to each other before the war, but He Lijing is just a thief. If the court sends someone to persuade him, I'm afraid it will damage the emperor's face..."

"If even the people who persuade and comfort don't send them to fight directly, I'm afraid that the world will think that the royal brother is a cold-blooded person who doesn't miss the old love, right?" Du Yilin said coldly.

An Longyi's face was darker, and his eyes glanced at the vermilion above the bodyguard's head outside. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "King Xiaohan's words are very true."

"Well..." The emperor was a little happy and his tone was lighter. He asked, "Who should be sent to this persuasion person?"

An Longyi looked at Du Yilin. He knew that this must be the countermeasure that Du Yilin had arranged for a long time. Now the person he said must be a key for him to control the whole thing.

Everyone listened and only listened to Du Yilin's voice, "Your Majesty, I mentioned a person who has an extraordinary relationship with He Lijing and has been friends for many years. At the beginning, the two of them were both candidates for the exam, drinking together and sleeping together. Later, the two of them were on the gold list and became officials. Although we have been separated for many years, we are still extremely close when we meet again. This person's daughter is even more like a sister to He Lijing's deceased daughter. She must have this relationship and can also help to comfort He Lijing.

The emperor followed Du Yilin's words and asked, "Is there such a person in the court? King Xiaohan, who are you talking about?

Du Yilin arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, this person is the fourth-grade servant of the Military Affairs Department, named Leng Chengqi."

As soon as Wei Yulin, the director of military affairs, heard Du Yilin say the name, his body couldn't help shaking and his eyes suddenly turned to An Longyi.

An Longyi also frowned when he heard the words.

Everyone present has some impression of the name Leng Chengqi. He Lijing was a famous talent in those years. Although He Lijing came from the same list, in terms of talent, I'm afraid that No matter how long He Lijing has a head, he can't compare with Leng Chengqi. Unfortunately, a series of things happened later that made Leng Chengqi abandon the official and fled, and there has been no trace since then. Someone has heard about Nayan County, but they didn't expect that King Xiaohan would mention this person again at this time.

An Longyi is even more familiar with Leng Chengqi. For him, Leng Chengqi is a stubborn scholar who admits his death. He took important things and hid them for so many years. An Longyi wanted to send people to Wuming County to kill him more than once, but He Lijing intended to use that person as a bargaining with An Longyi, so that This curse has been left behind.

"Cold Chengqi?" The emperor frowned and asked, "If I remember correctly, this person should have disappeared after the Yuchengku watering case. King Xiaohan, when you suddenly mentioned this person, did you know where he was now?

Du Yilin nodded and said, "I have sent someone to Zixia Ding to bring this person back. According to the itinerary, it is almost there."

An Longyi had to stand up at this time and said, "Your Majesty, this Leng Chengqi was originally a fugitive official, and there was still an unfinished case on him. Let such a person appease the rebellious minister. The old minister thought it was impossible."