The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 303 Correction, Trembling and Sorrow

The second meeting between Zeng Yanliang and Chang Hongkai made both of them sigh with emotion, but at the same time, both of them couldn't say a thousand words in their hearts. Zeng Yanliang asked a question about Chang Hongkai's sadness. Chang Hongkai shook his head with a wry smile and whispered, "Yan Liang, Uncle Chang can't ask you to forgive me for what I've done. I just want you to know. I'm also forced to."

"Does it have to?" Zeng Yanliang endured his discomfort and asked tightly, "Is it that you have no choice but to train these private troops to settle down? Do you have no choice but to let these private troops clean up Chaoyang Village? Zeng Yanliang knew that if he missed today's opportunity, he would not be able to ask Chang Hongkai's truth in the future, so he should know the truth anyway.

Chang Hongkai couldn't help but be shocked when he heard Zeng Yanliang's repeated questions. He didn't expect Zeng Yanliang to know so many things about him and his subordinates. At this time, he couldn't help but think of what Liu Laba and others had just said.

"Yan Liang, do you know why you were tied here by Liu Laoba and others?" Chang Hongkai asked nervously.

Zeng Yanliang frowned and said in a low voice, "Uncle Chang, tell me what I want to know, and then I'll tell you what you want to know."

Changhong Kai looked at Zeng Yanliang and shook his head with a smile, "You are really promising. I taught you these bargaining methods. How dare you use them on me? Do you have enough chips?"

One sentence was poking Zeng Yanliang's weakness, and he couldn't help lowering his head. But at this time, Zeng Yanliang suddenly thought that he had heard some wind and grass before he left the imperial city, and maybe there would be no harm in the last fight. He made up his mind to raise his head and said coldly, "Uncle Chang, you may not know my current identity. Since the robbery of Guanyin, I have been helped by King Xiaohan and Dou Haowei, the young master of the Imperial Division. I also went to Zixia Ding with Uncle Leng, the servant of the Military Affairs Department, Zhang Chengmu, and Dou Yandong, the fifth gentleman of the Imperial Division. He even became friends with the people of Qilin Camp, and even An Pingzhi, the eldest son of the assistant prime minister, has been with us several times. Uncle Chang, I got the news from them that there must be what you need.

Each of the series of names reported by Zeng Yanliang surprised Changhongkai. He couldn't help staring at Zeng Yanliang and asked in a low voice for a long time, " can you..."

Zeng Yanliang replied with a wry smile, "All these strange women are by my side. Without her, I probably don't know where I will die tragically soon after the official silver was robbed." Speaking of this, Zeng Yanliang remembered the disappearance of Leng Xuanrong before he was kidnapped. In that carriage, he had already thought that the other party's goal might be himself from the beginning. If that's the case, it's okay, at least nothing will happen to Xuanrong. Those Wang Jiawei who came out with him should have recovered Xuanrong, right? This is what Zeng Yanliang is most worried about now. However, he still held his mind and dealt with Chang Hongkai in front of him first.

After listening to Zeng Yanliang's words, Chang Hongkai slightly understood why Liu Laba and others were instructed to send Zeng Yanliang to him. Obviously, Zeng Yanliang is a key figure now. Some people want him to come to this barracks, and they also want to kidnap him in the name of the eldest son An Pingzhi. Why? Changhongkai couldn't guess that there are too many things he doesn't know now. Perhaps after both ends explained clearly, Zeng Yanliang could figure out a clue. Chang Hongkai hesitated for a long time and finally decided to believe in this person he once loved like his own son.

"Okay." Chang Hongkai sighed and told Zeng Yanliang about what he had experienced.

Changhongkai, the two dynasties, was the leader of the teaching army under the general's mansion and was in charge of training new recruits. This is a hard job without oil and water, but Chang Hongkai took pleasure in it and did it for most of his life. The soldiers he trained were all tough soldiers, so he was also very famous in the court. However, the tree was so windy that many people in the general's mansion looked at Changhongkai. Until one day, the imperial reservoir outside the imperial city was flooded, and a major case was widely implicated, and Chang Hongkai was also framed and became awaiting crime.

"At that time, 27 people in my family were imprisoned in the prison. I thought I had served under the general for many years. When the general saw me wronged, he would help me find a way. Unexpectedly, people's hearts were sinister. Seeing that this big case is getting more and more complicated, they wanted to quickly find a scapegoat to get them out of trouble." Chang Hongkai talked about what happened at the beginning, and his whole body seemed to be much older.

Although Zeng Yanliang had many questions, he did not interrupt Chang Hongkai and listened to him quietly.

After being wronged, I didn't look forward to coming to the general's mansion to deliver charcoal in the snow, but I saw many people who fell into the well. The court officials involved in the case were gradually executed, and Chang Hongkai, who was in prison, became more and more afraid. At this time, An Longyi, the first assistant prime minister, sent people to the prison to send a message to Chang Hongkai, giving him a chance to live.

"At that time, the criminal department had been sentenced and convicted of dereliction of duty. Such a charge would have only sentenced a dismissal, but it is a big deal. For the first assistant prime minister, there may be a holy judge who will be executed after me. I was scared at that time. I was really scared." When Chang Hongkai said this, he couldn't help showing incomparable regret in his eyes. He clenched his fist and continued in a low voice, "So the family gave me a favor to save my life, and I immediately agreed to their terms."

At that time, An Longyi put forward the condition that Chang Hongkai would hide his name and come to Nayan County to wait for his order, and in the future, he changed his identity and was not allowed to meet his family again.

"The people who came to send the news told me that although they could not meet each other, the prime minister promised that my family would not be in any danger, and their livelihood was also borne by the prime minister. They must live a good life... But..." Chang Hongkai locked his eyebrows and said angrily, "Wait for me to follow the meaning of An Longyi. After changing my identity and fleeing to Fengquanling, and even training 100,000 private troops for him... By chance, I actually learned the truth of what happened in those years! Then An Longyi eradicated the dissidents in the court with the case of walking in the imperial library. As for me, it was also his goal! After he asked me to escape from the criminal department, he actually killed all my family! There are 27 people in my family, and I am the only one who survived! They are all...all affected by me..."

Chang Hongkai gritted his teeth and his voice trembled a little, as if the deep blood hatred appeared in front of him again. Although he did not see his family being silenced, the nightmare had been around his eyes.

When Changhongkai learned the news, he also found that An Longyi had other plans for his private army.

"100,000 troops eat and drink countless times a day. Although we open fields in the valley of Fengquanling, it is difficult for us to be self-sufficient after all. The grain and salary sent to us by An Longyi every year was transported into the mountains through He Lijing. Just two years ago, they actually cut off the grain and salaries to us.

Chang Hongkai, who calmed down a little, looked at Zeng Yanliang and said in a low voice, "Although I know what An Longyi has done to me, I can't get up against him immediately. I am not the only one in power in this army, and there are many people in Anlong Yi'an. If I say the opposite, they will never listen to me. I may be killed here without even a chance of revenge. So I borrowed An Longyi's change of attitude towards our private army to encourage everyone to find a way to attract the attention of the outside world and force An Longyi to discuss the way out with us in the future. The 100,000 army did not say that they would gather and disperse. If An Longyi doesn't want this private army, we will have to find another way to survive, but as long as we appear, An Longyi's conspiracy will be exposed. That's why we robbed the official bank.

Speaking of this, Chang Hongkai took a long breath. He lowered his head and whispered to Zeng Yanliang, "Yan Liang, the official silver was robbed in the area of Nayan County because Liang Qiurong, the county magistrate of Nayan County at that time, had no foundation in the court, and He Lijing and others were not a direct line. After the accident, no party members in the court would take such a thing. On my side, so things must be big. If it is placed in other counties, the officials above them will definitely suppress the matter immediately... 100,000 troops... 100,000 people' lives are in my hands, and I really have no choice..."

After listening to Chang Hongkai's explanation, Zeng Yanliang felt even more uncomfortable. He never thought that Uncle Chang, who smiled beside him all day, was carrying so many things. He hated Uncle Chang for the robbery of Guanyin and Uncle Chang for the affairs of the private army, but he never thought that he had so many grievances. After all, Uncle Chang is also a pawn in the hands of the assistant prime minister An Longyi. His fate is so manipulated that he struggled to resist, but he had to hurt others when he resisted.

A burst of sadness surged up, and Zeng Yanliang almost shed tears. He took a deep breath, squeezed out a smile, and said to Chang Hongkai, "Uncle Chang, I don't understand many things you said. You people can always think of such complicated things, but I'm the only one who can't. Forget it, I'm used to it. Since you have explained clearly about the robbery of the official bank, I also... don't want to ask any more. But there is only one thing, Uncle Chang, I would like to ask you to grant me a request.

Chang Hongkai looked bitter and asked in a low voice, "What request?"

Zeng Yanliang lowered his head and sighed silently, saying, "When everything is over, please go to the graves of those dead brothers to kowtow to them, burn a piece of paper, and tell them about your pain, so that they can be a clear ghost on Huangquan Road..."