The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 311 True and False, False and False

Compared with the tension in Wuming County, everyone in the harem paid more attention to the birthday of the first assistant prime minister. Every year on An Longyi's birthday, the palace always sends some precious things to show the emperor's favor to the prime minister. This year is An Longyi's birthday, and naturally it is no exception.

Since the year before last, the selection of birthday gifts has fallen on the Yanling Lady, who is now in an increasingly stable position.

In a busy scene in the palace, several eunuchs of Huangmen gathered in the palace of the Empress Yanling to discuss what to send. At this time, the little eunuch suddenly came in a hurry and said something in the ear of one of the eunuchs. The eunuch Zhang's face suddenly turned pale.

"General Manager Zhang, is there something wrong?" Mrs. Yanling asked.

General Zhang looked at several people around him with a bitter face and hesitated for a moment. Then he thought that the news would definitely spread among the crowd immediately. He was not as good as what he said now, so he said to several people in a low voice, "Just now someone came to report that the bodyguard belonging to the inner servant Huangmen has been replaced, and at the same time, the new leader also brought another One thousand people entered the palace to investigate the hidden dangers of the palace..."

"What?" Another chief officer immediately said harshly when he heard this, "Why didn't you change the bodyguard commander in advance..." But in the middle of the words, the man swallowed the words back abruptly.

Everyone here seemed to be enlightened at this moment and understood what was going to happen.

The guards in the palace are divided into several types, each of which needs to go through layers of procedures to take office to replace the leader. Normally, it will take at least three days to replace a leader, but now suddenly a new general manager has brought a large number of people to the palace to investigate hidden dangers, which only shows that someone is secretly promoting this matter. Everyone here is the smartest guy among people. Just thinking about it for a moment, it is not difficult to find out what's going to happen.

Yan Ling looked at the faces of several chiefs, and her heart couldn't help pounding. Finally, at the critical moment of life and death, Yan Lingniang knew that from now on, her words and deeds may put herself or even the emperor in great danger.

Yan Ling calmed her mind and said to the general manager in a normal tone, "Since we are going to investigate the hidden dangers in the palace, there must be a lot of things to do. There are still seven days left for the first assistant prime minister's birthday. Now you go back to help the new commander eliminate hidden dangers, and also think about what we just discussed. Let's all go back. Don't delay the big things.

Several general managements understood the meaning of Yan Ling's words, got up one by one, saluted respectfully, and then withdrew from the palace. After they went out, the Empress Yan Ling hurriedly called the maid of honor and asked in a low voice, "Where is the emperor now?"

The maid replied softly, "Just now, the imperial study sent a message that the emperor still has something important to do, and it will take two hours to come."

"Is the emperor alone in the imperial study?" Yan Ling's wife locked her eyebrows and asked nervously.

The maid shook her head, "It is said that there is a young master in the imperial palace."

When Yanling heard this, her heart was relieved. After she pulled the close maid and ordered a few words in a low voice, the little maid also showed some nervousness, nodded vigorously, and then hurried out of the palace.

The little maid of honor walked quickly all the way. As soon as she came out of the door of the Yanling Lady Palace, she met a team of patrol guards. The leading bodyguard raised his hand to stop the little maid and asked harshly, "Stop! Why are you in such a hurry? Where are you going?"

The little maid's heart trembled, but then she immediately stabilized her mind. Although the maid of honor is young, she has been following the Empress Yan Ling since three years ago. She has seen a lot about the dangers in the harem, so in the face of the team of bodyguards in front of her, the little maid of honor did not appear in a hurry at all. She raised her face, glared at the leading bodyguard, and said, "Don't you see that I came out of the Yanling Palace? Mrs. Yanling ordered that the snacks made in the imperial dining room should be cooked, so I went to pick them up and send them to the emperor. What? Do I have to slowly go to the imperial dining room and send cold snacks to the emperor? Who can bear this sin!"

As soon as the bodyguard led by

heard this, he hurriedly gave way to the little maid and bowed his way with a smile.

The little maid had an idea, looked up and down at the leading bodyguard, and asked coldly, "You asked me, but I haven't asked you yet. I know all the guards patrolling outside the palace of Yanling. Why haven't I seen you?"

The leading bodyguard smiled and said, "We are all newcomers, hey hey, newcomers. Don't you want to have a snack? Please."

The little maid stared at him and hurried away.

Although the snacks in the imperial dining room were an excuse that the little maid came up at the last minute, she was more careful. She really quickly went to the imperial dining room to get a small box of snacks, and then rushed to the imperial study.

On the way to the imperial study, the little maid was interrogated four times, and almost all the guards they met said that they were new. Even the little maid of honor guard guarding the door in front of the imperial study felt very eye-catching.

After finally reported, the little maid entered the imperial study. As soon as she entered the door, the little maid saw two men with sad eyebrows.

The emperor raised his eyes and saw the little maid coming with a food box. He waved his hand to her with a bitter smile and motioned her to put down the things. The little maid came to the emperor and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the Empress Yan Ling asked the maidservant to bring a sentence."

"Well, say it." The emperor casually took the snacks out of the food box and said in person.

The little maid turned her head and took a look at the young master of the imperial palace sitting aside, and then said in a low voice, "Mother Yanling, please rest assured that after the new bodyguards investigate the hidden dangers of the harem, the birthday gift prepared for the first assistant prime minister can almost be selected."

When the emperor heard this, he looked up at the little maid of honor, then smiled, handed her a plate of snacks in his hand, and whispered, "I know. Go back and tell Mrs. Yan Ling that it doesn't matter if you spend more time on the birthday ceremony, and you don't have to worry about other things. So is your little girl. Take it back and eat it.

When the little maid heard the words, she hurriedly knelt down to thank the little snack, and then turned away. When she left the door, the emperor sighed, reached out and took out a piece of snack, handed it to Dou Haowei, and said, "Go, snack."

Dou Haowei got up and took the snack with both hands, frowned and bit a piece. He and the emperor ate snacks and chewed wax together. The two sat speechlessly and didn't know what to do. After eating the snack, the emperor said, "I don't know if my brother has any good ways to deal with it. The cinnabar waiters he pulled out last time looked very useful, but this time... they have increased their manpower again... Is it true that they have to wait for the two sides to fight and decide whether to win or lose?

Dou Haowei shook his head vigorously when he heard the words, "Your Majesty, it is impossible to have a deal with each other. The number of guards in the palace has increased, which only shows that the prince's actions outside make those people more guilty, so he keeps an eye on this side."

The emperor nodded helplessly and said with a wry smile, "It may also be that the time is coming. The other party is beginning to be fully prepared, just waiting for the time to come and start."

In fact, this is also the worst plan in Dou Haowei's mind. If this is really the case, there is not much time left for King Xiaohan.

The emperor sighed and simply turned over and lay on the ground. He looked at the top of his head blankly and whispered, "It's really hard. Is my life going to last like this? Or wait until when you make a break, it will be easy..." After saying that, he sighed again, then pulled the corner of Dou Haowei's clothes and whispered, "Houwei, there is one more thing I haven't figured out. Please explain it to me."

Dou Haowei sat on the ground, looked at the emperor, and whispered, "Does the emperor want to ask, what's wrong with these distorted things now?"

The emperor raised his hand and pointed to Dou Haowei and made an expression of approval.

Since the beginning of the water-running case of the imperial city reservoir, the emperor and Du Yilin have firmly believed that the first assistant prime minister An Longyi formed a party with a private intention to rebel. Over the years, he has been trying to harm countless loyal people, and he must raise the anti-flag one day. Du Yilin and the emperor have been preparing for this day, but no one expected that things would change dramatically from a certain point in time. I don't know when An Longyi suddenly changed from a slang minister who intended to rebel to a virtuous minister loyal to the country. For example, in today's wild, even those who tried their best to resist An Longyi at the beginning have now adopted a moderate attitude. Everything was due to the sudden rise of He Lijing.

The matter of He Lijing's rebellion, if only from the surface of the matter, his opposition is reasonable and well-founded, and the court has not been able to get in touch with He Lijing, so many courtiers think that He Lijing should be appeased. Unexpectedly, Du Yilin, the king of Xiaohan, who had a clear attitude on everything, has not made a clear statement on this matter, which also gave An Longyi and the general's mansion the upper hand of the main battle. It can be imagined that among the courtiers, especially those who had always supported Du Yilin, naturally complained about this.

The matter of He Lijing has changed all the situation. Now in the eyes of outsiders, even if An Longyi once had a disloyal heart, he still chose to stand beside the emperor and be loyal to the country. And King Xiaohan became a person who couldn't stand the big deal. This is a distorted thing.

What was originally unfavorable to the emperor has become more unfavorable now. The emperor thought hard but did not find the key point in the whole matter.

Dou Haowei sat next to the emperor and closed his eyes slightly. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said quietly, "True or false, false, if I guess correctly, all this was expected by those people. They had already calculated this in order to... deceive the world and steal the world."