The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 335 The birthday banquet begins, and the boy dances

After walking around the Prime Minister's mansion, Leng Xuanrong said goodbye to Mrs. Seven and returned to the yard where she lived alone. Until dusk approaching, servants came to tell her that the birthday banquet was about to begin.

Leng Xuanrong rearranged her clothes. After everything was done, she followed her servants to the wedding hall of the Prime Minister's mansion.

This hall is located in the third courtyard of the Prime Minister's mansion. The hall is very wide. Large round tables are placed there, which is more than enough to accommodate hundreds of people. It will only be used here during the Spring Festival, but An Longyi still rarely appears here.

Leng Xuanrong followed her servants into the hall and found that many people had come here first. Most of them are the women's wives of the Prime Minister's mansion, and the rest are the young ladies who are close to the Prime Minister's mansion. They will find excuses to help with such a big event. Leng Xuanrong glanced and saw that Miss Dou San had not arrived yet, so she followed the guidance of her servants to greet Mrs. Seven first, and then found a corner with a wide view and sat down.

Guests came one after another, and Leng Xuanrong sat there and looked at them quietly, still thinking about the scene of his previous life and today. At that time, it was very difficult for Leng Xuanrong to sneak close to here, and she didn't expect that she could sit at the table and wait calmly one day.

The sky was getting dark, and it was almost time to hold the lamp, and the whole hall was full of people. Although people's seats were specially arranged by the stewellers of the Prime Minister's mansion, the atmosphere in the hall still became a little tense when people were about to arrive. Many people seem to have expected what will happen tonight. If their determination is a little insufficient, they can't help but look strange and look very eye-catching.

At this time, An Pingzhi finally appeared in front of everyone. He was wearing a moon-white shirt, covered with a moon-white robe, and the dark lines of running water against the newly lit light, which looked very luxurious. An Pingzhi's eyes swept through the crowd and quickly found Leng Xuanrong hiding in a corner. He quickly came to Leng Xuanrong's side, bent down and whispered in her ear, "Come with me."

Leng Xuanrong was stunned when she heard the words, but was immediately pulled up by An Pingzhi, so she could only follow An Pingzhi and strode out of the hall with him.

A large group of familymen followed them. Leng Xuanrong frowned and couldn't help asking, "Where is the eldest son taking me?"

Anping's footsteps kept and replied softly, "King Xiaohan is coming. You come to the door with me to welcome you."

The main gate of the Prime Minister's mansion is very lively, but most of the guests have entered. Leng Xuanrong followed An Pingzhi through the door and found that it was not the people who came to celebrate Anlong's birthday, but a large number of ordinary people.

At first glance, these people are all dressed in the clothes of the people, but Leng Xuanrong saw Liu Mingchu holding the package and Meng Zhuangqing hiding in the crowd at a glance. With these two people, there is no need to guess the identity of these people. They are all students who failed to participate in Enke this year.

These people gathered in front of the Prime Minister's mansion and talked to each other in twos and threes. Some spoke loudly, and some even quarreled with the gatekeepers in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion. However, when these people saw Anpingzhi's figure, they suddenly stopped their voices and looked at the people of Anping.

An Pingzhi stood in front of the doorstep and looked into the distance. Seeing the light flashing in the distance, he turned his head and said happily to Leng Xuanrong, "Look, King Xiaohan's team is coming."

Leng Xuanrong looked in the direction of his finger and was shocked to find that under the light of fire, there seemed to be a large number of people brought by King Xiaohan. Leng Xuanrong couldn't help wondering. Could it be that Du Yilin wanted to break into the Prime Minister's mansion with soldiers and horses? Is it because she asked Miss Dou San to bring news to Du Yilin, so he came up with such a way to confront the 8,000 dead?

Leng Xuanrong turned his head and looked at An Pingzhi and saw that there was no nervous expression on his face. Leng Xuanrong knew that An Pingzhi must be confident and did not pay attention to the people brought by Du Yilin at all.

Wait for the vast team to come to the door of the Prime Minister's mansion, An Pingzhi enthusiastically greeted him and bowed Du Yilin, who had just turned over from the war horse.

Although there was no smile on Du Yilin's face, he opened his mouth and said a few words to An Pingzhi, which was also polite. After their greeting, Leng Xuanrong came forward to salute Du Yilin. Du Yilin looked at her coldly and said, "Are you used to living in the Prime Minister's mansion these days?"

Leng Xuanrong replied with a smile, " Prime Minister An and the eldest son take good care of me, but I can't help but feel uneasy when I hear that the Criminal Division re-examination my father's case."

Du Yilin nodded when he heard the words, "Your father's Leng Chengqi's case will be investigated sooner or later." He stared at Leng Xuanrong coldly and continued, "What I said must be done."

After saying that, he strode into the Prime Minister's mansion with An Pingzhi.

The presence of King Xiaohan made the atmosphere in the whole wedding hall calm. Everyone looked at Du Yilin sitting high and secretly sweated in their hearts. Several close guards stood not far behind Du Yilin. They were fully armed. It seemed that the king of Xiaohan had no intention to hide hostility today.

In contrast, from the beginning of Du Yilin's appearance, people with intentions can find that there are many light armored guards around the whole wedding hall. These people also look cold as if facing a big enemy. The tense posture of the two sides really makes people really admire Du Yilin's courage to come to the banquet alone.

After Leng Xuanrong returned to the wedding hall with them, she found the real intention of An Pingzhi to take her on this trip. An Pingzhi took Leng Xuanrong to the table where the househusbands were in An's house and personally pressed her to sit not far from the main seat where Du Yilin and An Pingzhi were. Leng Xuanrong sat next to An Qiaoqiao and Mrs. Seven. Mrs. Seven took Leng Xuanrong's hand and said in a low voice, "Miss Xuanrong, I think my eldest son is really interested in you. For so many years, I have never seen him take such considerate care of any woman. Another day, I will tell my father-in-law about this matter. My father-in-law loves the eldest son and follows him about everything. I think this matter can be done!"

After Mrs. Seven said this, Leng Xuanrong felt the burning sight thrown by An Qiaoqiao around her. Leng Xuanrong pretended to be shy and bow her head and listened to mutter beside her, "Big brother is really strange... First look at a short-lived man, and then look at a poor man... Humph..."

After saying that, she stood up angrily and shook her sleeves away.

Less than half a cup of tea from Du Yilin, the king of Xiaohan, appeared as the first assistant prime minister An Longyi. The wedding banquet officially began, and everyone wished their birthday. An Longyi picked up the glass on the table and raised it high, said a few polite words on the scene, and then drank up the glass of wine.

Everyone picked up their glasses and drank the glass of wine, but only Du Yilin took a look at the wine in his glass and hesitated. He turned his head and looked at Leng Xuanrong not far away. Seeing that Leng Xuanrong was also looking at him with a wine glass, Du Yilin frowned slightly.

Leng Xuanrong picked up the corners of his mouth to show a smile, looked up and drank a glass of wine in his hand, and then easily put down the glass.

For the first time, Du Yilin felt the contempt for him between Leng Xuanrong's behavior.

Du Yilin cursed in the bottom of his heart and drank the wine in the glass.

Although the banquet officially began, few hundred people in the hall actually began to eat with their chopsticks. Almost everyone's eyes were focused on the main table. An Longyi and Du Yilin sat side by side, and there was no tension on their faces. An Pingzhi, who sat next to them, was even more peaceful and calm, just like usual. However, the three of them did not speak, and the whole hall suddenly fell into an awkward silence.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the yard outside the hall, and everyone in the hall was shocked. But then everyone saw the source of the loud noise, and their hearts were relieved.

The drums that had been arranged on both sides of the hall were played, and someone slowly pushed two wooden carts with four-sided cowhide drums. Four strong men beat around the hall with cowhide drums on all sides. As they came in, it was the dancers in the Prime Minister's mansion. These dancers were all dressed, waving wide robes and big sleeves, like butterflies shuttling between people, instantly sweeping away the silent atmosphere just now.

After a circle, the cowhide drums were pushed to the yard. The sound of the drums kept shining with the drums in the hall. The dancers danced happily and gradually withdrew from the hall. They danced in the courtyard, illuminated by the colorful lights, elegant and beautiful. All the doors of the hall are open, so people can enjoy delicious food while watching these dancers dance. This is the appearance of the Prime Minister's mansion, which is also a reasonable situation. Although there are still many people who can't fit into such a sudden warm atmosphere, at least it's good to avoid a lot of embarrassment.

When the dancers finished a song, they saw a group of boys suddenly rushing out of the dark place in the yard. The boys all wore small buns, with round red faces, and wore big red belly pockets, and the word "shou" was embroidered with bright yellow colors on their belly pockets. After they were arranged, the boys began to dance. The boys' posture was funny, which made many guests close their mouths. However, Leng Xuanrong sat there and observed carefully, and found that at this time, the number of light armored bodyguards hidden in the corner of the hall increased again. Not only that, but even the shadow of a circular shield appeared in the yard.

Leng Xuanrong's heart was raised. She looked at Du Yilin and saw that he was still calm. At this time, she looked at Miss Dou San sitting on the table of the imperial palace not far away, but found that Miss Dou San's face had shown an uneasy look.