The first wife of rebirth

Chapter 354 Cause and Effect of the previous life, injustice in this life

In his sleep, Leng Xuanrong seemed to see herself in her previous life. She killed An Longyi, killed He Lijing, and fled desperately in the dark alone. I don't know how far she had gone, gasping and her whole body was sore. She didn't want to escape, but she couldn't stop. Finally, she was surrounded by a group of people. After a closer look, these people were not the light cavalry captain of the Criminal Division, nor Wang Jia's personal guards under Du Yilin, but the Han shopkeeper of Kunyan Moge, the land media woman in Kunyan County, Li Duen, Liang Qiurong, He Ruiping, He Lijing, as well as An Longyi and An Pingzhi.

The faces of these people were twisted, and they surrounded Leng Xuanrong with their teeth and claws. Leng Xuanrong was scared out of a cold sweat and wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound at all. She struggled, but her body couldn't move. The voices of these people were mixed and desperately asked her why she killed them. Leng Xuanrong wanted to explain and wanted to say the humiliation and pain she had suffered in her previous life. However, these people could not hear Leng Xuanrong's voice at all. They tore Leng Xuanrong like evil spirits until she The body was torn and blurred by flesh and blood. Heartbreaking pain and incomparable fear drowned Leng Xuanrong.


The call sounded in Leng Xuanrong's ear, and a trace of light finally appeared in front of Leng Xuanrong's eyes.

"Xuanrong...Wake up, wake up..."

The familiar voice made Leng Xuanrong's nightmare suddenly dissipate. She tried to open her eyes and saw the person who was calling her. Brother Yan Liang's face was full of worry. He held a soft cloth in his hand, gently wiped off the sweat on his forehead and tears from the corners of his eyes for Leng Xuanrong, and comforted him softly, "It's okay, Xuanrong, it's all over, it's over..."

Leng Xuanrong subconsciously stretched out her hands and grasped Zeng Yanliang's hand tightly, as if she was afraid that his appearance was also a dream.

However, the warmth of Zeng Yanliang's palm was not an illusion. Leng Xuanrong held the big hand tightly and finally showed a reassuring smile.

Turning her head and looking, it was already bright. Leng Xuanrong didn't know how long she had slept. She moved slightly, but her body seemed to be stuck to the bed, which was so heavy. At this time, Zeng Yanliang seemed to find that Leng Xuanrong was going to get up. He hurriedly patted Leng Xuanrong's head and whispered, "Let's have a rest. Shouju and his sister have gone to make breakfast, and they can be delivered in a moment. Eat something, then go outside to bask in the sun, and then it will be fine.

After saying this, Zeng Yanliang smiled. Zeng Yanliang's smiling face seemed to sweep away the shadow in Leng Xuanrong's heart, and she nodded with a smile.

It wasn't long before Shouju and his sister came in with two trays. There is steaming white rice porridge and a few dishes on the tray.

Zeng Yanliang got up and went to the table and praised with a smile, "I didn't expect you two to be so young, but these things are well done."

Shouju scratched his head with some embarrassment and whispered, "It's all made by my sister... I can't get it in at all..."

After saying this, he found that Leng Xuanrong woke up and hurried to Leng Xuanrong. He opened his mouth for a long time but said nothing.

Leng Xuanrong smiled and waved her hand slightly and whispered, "It's good to come back safely..."

Shouju's eyes suddenly turned red when he heard the words. He turned around and pulled his sister to kneel down in front of Leng Xuanrong's bed. He kowtowed heavily and said, "Miss, our brother and sister were coerced and did a lot of things that I'm sorry to you. Originally, I didn't have a face to see you, but you are kind to me. I I also want to give a confession to the lady, so..."

Speaking of this, Shouju paused for a moment, as if tears were about to fall in his eyes.

Leng Xuanrong sighed and said to Shouju with a wry smile, "Silly child, didn't I tell you that you can still live with me when you pick up your sister. Now Brother Yan Liang is also back..."

Leng Xuanrong wanted to say that they could live together in the future, but the second half of the sentence should not have been said by her, an unmarried woman, so it was omitted.

Even if Leng Xuanrong didn't say this, Zeng Yan's conscience was clear. He came with a bowl of white rice porridge and smiled. He helped Leng Xuanrong sit up and whispered while feeding her porridge, "If you two brothers and sisters are helpless anyway, just live here. In the future, Brother Yan Liang will teach you boxing skills, and Xuanrong can also teach you two to read and read. After a while, Mr. Leng came back and asked him to tell you a story. Mr. Leng is very powerful. He is a famous talent. If you follow him, maybe you can become a little talent in this imperial city in the future. Hahaha..."

The brother and sister looked at each other, and their heart, which had been hanging, finally fell down. They are really afraid that Leng Xuanrong will drive them out of this house after waking up. Now it seems that Leng Xuanrong is not only good to them, but also Zeng Yanliang is just as good to them.

The two got up and talked with Leng Xuanrong and Zeng Yanliang for a while, and then retreated from the room.

Liang Xuanrong said to Zeng Yanliang, "Father... I don't know what's going on..."

"Don't worry, Uncle Leng is with General Gu and is protected by the Kirin Camp. It will be fine." After saying this, Zeng Yanliang thought of Dou Yandong, the fifth gentleman with them, but since Dou Yandong was a close friend with Leng Chengqi, he probably would not harm him. In order to avoid Leng Xuanrong's wild thoughts, Zeng Yanliang never mentioned this person.

At this moment, Zeng Yanliang frowned and heard the sound in the distance. Before long, he heard the sound of rapid footsteps and ran in breathlessly.

"Miss! Brother Yan Liang! No way! It's not good!"

When Zeng Yanliang heard Shouju's words, he obviously felt Leng Xuanrong's body tremble. He hurriedly patted Leng Xuanrong on the shoulder, frowned and asked Shouju, "What's wrong?"

Shouju stared in horror and said in panic, "Many people came to the front yard, saying that they were the king's driver of Xiaohan's palace. They wanted to find Brother Yan Liang and said that they had to see you..."

When Zeng Yanliang heard that he was talking about Wang's personal guard, he took a long breath and said with a smile, "What's the panic? Yan Liang is also Wang's personal guard. Probably the prince had something to order, so they came to me." After saying that, he turned his head and said to Leng Xuanrong, "Xuanrong, I'll go and see what's going on. Don't worry."

After saying that, Zeng Yanliang got up to leave, but Leng Xuanrong's hand grabbed the corner of Zeng Yanliang's clothes.

Zeng Yanliang held the bowl and looked back to see Leng Xuanrong with an uneasy face. He smiled and said, "I'll come as soon as I go."

Looking at Zeng Yanliang walking out of the door, Leng Xuanrong sat on the bed with a blank mind. After she woke up, she seemed to think of something and couldn't remember anything. This confused feeling lasted for a long time, which made Leng Xuanrong a little at a loss.

After a while, Leng Xuanrong suddenly widened her eyes. She hurriedly got up from the bed and didn't even have time to wear shoes. She rushed out of the door and ran straight to the front yard.

Zeng Yan actually has some doubts in his conscience. Generally speaking, even if the prince comes to him at this time, he will never send a group of royal drivers and guards here. When Zeng Yanliang came to the front yard, he immediately felt the hostility from these familiar people.

Zeng Yanliang kept his mind and smiled and punched these people when they were far away. "Brothers have worked hard all night. Now that you are here, come to the hall for a cup of tea."

The head Wang Jiawei was also very familiar with Zeng Yanliang. He looked embarrassed, but he didn't hesitate at all. He only heard him say loudly, "Brother Yan Liang, we have been ordered by the prince to take you back to the palace. Don't embarrass your brothers. Let's go with us."

Zeng Yanliang immediately stopped when he heard the words, frowned and asked doubtfully, "Brother, is this true? What mistake did I make to ask the prince to send so many people to arrest me early in the morning?

Wang Jiawei sighed and shook his head and said, "We don't know exactly what the reason is. Anyway, the prince gave this order after the deputy of the prisoner Niu Camp returned to the Prime Minister's mansion in the morning. Brother Yan Liang, what's the reason? I think you'd better talk to him after you see the prince.

Wang's personal guards who came here are actually confused. Most of them have some friendship with Zeng Yanliang, so no one wants to really use force against Zeng Yanliang, but these people also know that Zeng Yanliang is a special case among Wang's personal guards. He has been charged and has many mysteries that they don't know. The secret, based on his friendship with those people of Qilin Camp, has made many people feel mysterious, so it is not surprising to say that he has committed something to let the prince arrest him.

Just as the two sides were deadlocked, I heard the scream of the little boy in the distance, "Miss! What's wrong with you, miss? Why don't you even wear shoes..."

Zeng Yanliang didn't care about Wang's personal guard when he heard this voice and hurriedly ran to the back yard. When he bypassed a moon door hole, he saw Leng Xuanrong falling to the ground and trying to get up.

Zeng Yanliang stepped forward to help Leng Xuanrong up and asked sadly, "What's wrong with Xuanrong? How do you..."

Before Zeng Yanliang finished speaking, Leng Xuanrong grabbed Zeng Yanliang's arm, gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Run! Brother Yan Liang! Run away quickly! Hurry up!"

Zeng Yanliang was stunned when he heard the words, but he immediately realized that Leng Xuanrong obviously knew something. She even knew why Du Yilin sent someone to catch him at this time!


Zeng Yanliang wanted to ask, but Leng Xuanrong pushed him desperately, "Brother Yan Liang, don't say anything now. You run away, run away quickly, don't care about anything! I will figure out the rest, and I will make you safe! I won't let them kill you! Run! Run!"