Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 16 Li's calculation

Li Zhuer's face was obviously frozen. She looked at Wang in a blink of an eye. After seeing her face as usual, she lowered her head again and still looked docile and beautiful.

Wang took Li Zhuer to salute Jiang Yong and left the main hall. As soon as they left the courtyard, they saw two gorgeously dressed young men coming over under the guidance of their servants.

Li Zhuer looked at the two curiously and was immediately shocked by their elegant and handsome faces. Wang secretly pinched the back of her hand, and then she came to her senses and hurriedly lowered her head, but her face was suspiciously stained with a red cloud.

Wang has a headache. Her little daughter is too stupid. I don't know if they can take this step. The current marquis is no longer the simple concubine of the Hou family. But if this step is not taken, the contact between the Li family and Houfu will not be sustainable. Since it can't enter the eyes of the marquis, it will have to work hard on the only daughter of the Jiang family. But Pearl's stupid nature... Alas, I just hope that Pearl can be auspicious.

Wang took Li Zhuer and followed the leading servants to the backyard. Liu Yao, who was walking over, looked at the back of Wang and Li Zhuer, who had turned in a direction, and was puzzled.

There is only one daughter in Jiang's mansion, and only the second girl who has made friends with that girl is the minister of the Ministry of War. The woman staring at him just now was not a granddaughter... Which one are those two strange women from?

Jiang Yong listened to the notice and hurried out of the main hall to welcome him. After seeing Liu Yao and Liu Ming, he respectfully said, "It turned out that the two princes have arrived. Jiang has missed the distance. I hope the two masters will forgive me."

Master Li, who came out behind him, also bowed politely and dared not say more than half a word.

Liu Yao looked at the two masters who followed Jiang Yong with low eyebrows and smiles. After thinking about the two women who had just gone to the backyard, he always felt that there was a strange smell in the matter. However, he followed Liu Ming during this period, and he also learned to be much calmer and would not ask anything as straightforward as before. Just inquire about it afterwards.

Following Liu Ming with a few polite words, after listening to Jiang Yong introduce them to each other, Liu Yao understood a little. It turned out that the two women were the grandmother and aunt of the girl's grandmother's family. They took their aunt to meet Jiang Yong first and then to see the stinky girl... This thing seems to be very interesting.


The yard where Jiang Ting newly lived was originally named Hong Shaoyuan. The reason why it got its name is that there was a garden with a large area of red peony in the yard. But for ten years, no one has managed it, and those peony flowers have long been submerged in the weeds and almost died.

Jiang Yong knows his daughter's nature, and she can also distinguish between good-looking and bad-looking flowers and plants. As for the rest, I don't care at all. Moreover, the weather in the northwest is dry and windy, and it is not suitable for growing flowers and plants. He didn't want to cultivate Jiang Ting's sentiment in this regard.

Since Jiang Ting doesn't like those things, when decorating this small yard, Jiang Yong simply asked people to pull out the garden, all of which were planted with easy-to-live and long-flowered rose flowers. Today, Jiang Ting was very satisfied after seeing this purple and red garden, so the small courtyard was also changed to Yueji Courtyard by her.

Although Jiang Yong is speechless about Jiang Ting's ability to name, he is a spoiler of his daughter. Even if he lets people take off the house and play again.

Jiang Ting doesn't think there is anything wrong with being called Yuejiyuan. Compared with the house number of several units in the past, she thinks it's good to give her yard such a unique name. Besides, who made her like the rose flowers very much!

In fact, Jiang Ting didn't have much to clean up. In addition, Jiang Yong equipped her with two big maids, four little maids, and two rough maids at one time. So many people took action together and quickly cleaned up the inside and outside of Yueji's courtyard.

In addition to three upper rooms, there are also two wing rooms on both sides of the east and west, and even a small kitchen. Jiang Yong said that he hasn't found a suitable cook yet, so the small kitchen is empty first. In a few days, if you find a cook for her, she will really be able to live here.

Jiang Ting feels very satisfied and proud. If such equipment comes to the 21st century, how many people will be envied?

In her previous life, Jiang Ting wanted to live her most, that is, one day she could have someone to rely on, so that she could do nothing, and could be a rice worm who ate and waited to die. At that time, she would be happy. Now it seems that although she died once, she has really realized the dream of rice worm in her previous life. That's great. In the future, she can do nothing and don't want to do anything. She will stretch out her hands and open her mouth, bask in the sun when she is happy, and walk the puppy when she is sad... Anyway, she has a good life!

Jiang Ting indulged in her fantasy and wanted to cheer to express her inner joy. The arrival of Wang and Li Pearl directly pulled her back to reality.

Sure enough, it is impossible for people to really live a life of eating and waiting to die. Jiang Ting looked at the enthusiastic second wife in front of her and Li Zhuer, who was absent-minded, and really felt that her biological mother's family in this life was really not good. The second lady's eyes were full of shrewd calculations. And Li Zhuer, with lax eyes and a trance smile, is obviously immersed in her imagination and is not yet awake.

"Miss Tinger, your aunt has been thinking about coming to see you since she heard that you and the marquis have returned to the capital at home..."

Jiang Ting glanced at Li Zhuer, who was still not here, and said in her heart that she was not calm: Please, girl, can you also cooperate with your mother's performance?

"The master asked someone to hand over the post to the marquis. The marquis said that you are just living in the inn now, which is inconvenient to treat guests, so I advised your aunt to hold back first and didn't dare to disturb you. Two days ago, when I heard that you were finally moving back, your aunt asked me to take her to see you..."

Jiang Ting glanced at Li Zhuer, who had lowered her head and lowered her eyes with a suspicious smile at the corners of her mouth, and couldn't help complaining in her heart: Hey, girl, can you cooperate with enthusiasm? It's really boring to watch your mother perform alone.

"Although this is a little rude, she really misses you..."

Jiang Ting's smile remains unchanged, and she keeps nodding to show that she is listening carefully, but she continues to complain: Second wife, I'm afraid your daughter is thinking about others. Well, looking at this, I'm afraid it's Sichun...

Sichun? Whose spring is she thinking about? Nowadays, there are only two fathers and daughters in the Jiang family. Today, Li Zhuer came to Jiang's house for the first time. If you talk about Sichun, who else will be there besides her father Jiang Yong? Jiang Ting came to be energetic. Originally, when she heard Mrs. Li's lies, she wanted to sleep, but now all the sleepy heads flew to Java.

She simply stopped hiding it and stared directly at Li Zhuer, who was flying for nine days, and interrupted Mrs. Li Er's words and asked, "Second wife, how old is she this year?"

Mrs. Li was stunned and looked at her daughter. She was so angry that her brain hurt. This girl told her a lot when she was at home, but she didn't expect it to be useless at all! Those two teenagers are all dressed in purple. Can people like them think about it? Even if this has been defeated Hou Mansion, she can't come in if she wants to!

"Pearl, why are you so shy? Didn't you say that you must come to see your sister Yuer's daughter before you came here? Why did you see someone and be shy instead? Mrs. Li Er reached out and grabbed Li Zhuer's little hand fiercely. After attracting her to her senses, she smiled and said to Jiang Ting, "You little aunt, are the most shy. Even if she has it in her heart, she is too ashamed to say anything after seeing someone.

Jiang Ting looked at Li Zhuer with a smile and looked at Mrs. Li Er in a panic, and hurriedly lowered her head following her words and looked shy. Suddenly, Jiang Ting's anger dissipated again. Her father can't like such a stupid girl. No matter what the Li family thinks about, Dad will not be trapped. Forget it, she doesn't mind her own business. Calm down. Let's watch a monkey play today.

When Jiang Ting watched the play happily, Sun Yun finally arrived.

"Sister Yun, I came to see you!" Sun Yun was followed by the little girl who was about to come in to report. The little girl's face became frightened. Obviously, she was afraid that she did not rush in front of Sun Yun to inform her.

Jiang Ting stood up to greet her. First, she waved her hand to the little girl to let her go out, and then happily grabbed Sun Yun's hands and smiled, "Sister Yun is here. I've been waiting for you all morning."

"It was Dad who said that it was not appropriate for me to come today. I begged him for a long time before he agreed to bring me here. Let me tell you secretly, I robbed my father's post, and he couldn't bring me here, hehe. Sun Yun smiled and didn't feel anything wrong with talking like this. However, in a blink of an eye, she saw Wang Shi and Li Zhuer following Jiang Ting, but immediately stopped laughing on her face and secretly stared at Jiang Ting and said, "So there are other guests here. I don't know which lady and girl are. Please ask your sister to help introduce them.

Jiang Ting was stared at by her and was very helpless. Obviously, this guy's mouth was too fast. She spoke nonsense without seeing anyone, and now she came to complain that she didn't remind her... This girl had a good teacher. Jiang Ting stared back at Sun Yun and then turned her head to introduce to each other: "This is the second girl in Lord Sun's mansion of the Ministry of War. Sister Yun, they are Li Er's wife and Jiu girl Li Zhuer from my grandparents' family.

Jiang Ting didn't like the Li family, so she didn't show too closeness in the introduction. Instead, after listening to her words, Sun Yun's eyes flashed with a strong gossip: "Ah, you are the Li Zhuer who retreated because her fiance is ugly!"