Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 19 Annoy

Liu Yao rushed out of the martial arts arena with anger. But after walking aimlessly for a while, he found himself lost. Now he was more annoyed and his self-esteem was seriously frustrated. He doesn't have much sense of direction, so he must be followed when he goes out.

When Jiang Ting met him, he was also lost alone in the woods. That time, he was just in a bad mood and wanted to be quiet alone, so he let the guard who followed him far away to relax alone. But I didn't expect that later, he couldn't find his direction as he walked in the forest, and finally completely lost his way. At that time, the bodyguard who followed him didn't know where to go, and he couldn't call anyone. He had too many grievances in his heart, and he was flustered at that time, so he squatted under the tree and cried sadly, and was found by the stinky girl.

Now, of course, he will never make such a mistake again. Even if he is lost now, there are still many people behind him. He will no longer find his way as last time. Liu Ming, who chased him, had been serving him, and the two little stewuls in Jiang's house, all followed him not far behind him. As long as he turns around and calls someone, they will come and tell him where it is.

Recalling the past made Liu Yao feel worse. Because memories reminded him how weak he was in front of the stinky girl. When he was weakest, he was seen by her and bullied by her! Of course, he was indeed saved by her at that time.

He hated her, but he couldn't retaliate because she saved him. And her second life-saving made him more grateful to her. But damn it, he can't be grateful to that stinky girl at all!

Liu Yao raised his hand and touched his face, thinking that he was deceived by Jiang Ting to wipe his face with her handkerchief to wipe his feet; thought that she fainted him and fainted in the stream; thought that she threw him off the crazy horse with her small body and saved his life with her small arms; thinking that she clearly Lying weakly like a zombie, but toughly negotiated with him, saying that they have been cleared up from now on...

Damn it! With so many entanglements between them, how can they be so simple?

Liu Yao knew in his heart that if he really counted, he owed Jiang Ting more. But he still felt unable to forgive what she had done to him at the beginning. He hated her so much that he wanted to say a few words every time he saw her, and so angry that he lost his mind every time he saw her. Even if he knew that he should not do that, he just wanted to do it in his heart.

Is he really a must-have villain as she thought?

Liu Yao was stunned. He looked down at his open hands, which were once clean and not stained with any blood. When his mother was alive, she tried her best to help him clear all the obstacles. Therefore, he lived happily until he was ten years old. He lived arrogantly and believed his mother's words wholeheartedly.

He is the best and the best. Only he can inherit everything from his father!

But after the age of ten, his mother, who protected him, fell ill and died in less than a year. He ran to ask his father why he didn't find the best doctor to save her; why he let her die like that; and why he let the culprit bitch live. But his father just looked at him coldly and told him coldly that his mother would take the blame on her day.

Then, he began to live more flamboyantly. Because without this, he can't hide the sadness in his heart. Because of this, he can't be sure that he is still the unique prince in King Jing's mansion.

His father has always allowed him to live like this because his hands were not stained with other people's blood. However, someone began to assassinate him, and he also began to fight back. His counterattack was brutally suppressed and attacked by his father.

In two years, his father slowly grabbed or destroyed what his mother left him. There are no chips in his hands. He is just an empty son. Then, he was exiled to the capital by his father.

Liu Yao began to feel heartache. Suddenly, I felt that my resentment against Jiang Ting was really insignificant compared with this heartache. He still can't believe that what his father said to him that day was true. If she can't save him, he will ask for it. Father doesn't care about his life or death. But the stinky girl who had nothing to do with him tried her best to save him.

He doesn't appreciate her. He only hates her and can't help hating her. Because she saved him and left him in this world full of pain. Why did you save him?

Liu Yao finally understood that he could not get along well with that stinky girl anyway. He is not a person who must be rewarded, because his arrogance does not allow him to do so. But he couldn't be indifferent to her. Because when he was most unbearable, he was seen by her. In this case, he is naturally an unbearable person in her heart.

But damn it, he didn't want her to see her unbearable!

"I want to go back." Liu Yao stood and turned his head to Liu Ming and said lightly.

Liu Ming looked at Liu Yao, who seemed to have regained his senses, and smiled very gently: "Why do you suddenly want to go back? Lord Jiang agreed to have a banquet at noon. Since we are here, of course we have to ask for a drink before we can go back.

Liu Yao's eyes gradually calmed down, slowly shook his head and said, "I don't want to stay here anymore."

"My son, what's wrong with us?" A stew official of Jiang's mansion went forward and saluted in fear: "If you feel that the little people have not treated you well, I hope you can punish the little people so that you can calm down. I beg the prince to calm down..."

Liu Yao frowned. He didn't understand why everyone was so careful about him. He just got a little bored and wanted to leave. Why are they so panicked? He has never paid attention to other people's thoughts before, so he has never paid much attention to the overreaction of some people. This time, he also decided to ignore it.

"Cousin, I really want to go back." Liu Yao did not look at the two little stewuls kneeling in front of him, but only expressed his thoughts to Liu Ming. He was really afraid that if he didn't leave, he would rush into the backyard to settle accounts with the stinky girl. In fact, he doesn't know what he wants to do. But he knew that the calm surface in his heart was a rolling impulse. So he wants to leave. He hates her, but he doesn't want to really hurt her.

Liu Ming looked at Liu Yao with a wry smile, looked at the calmness in his eyes, and sighed helplessly, "I don't know what happened between you and Miss Jiang. She is just a child, and you don't have to take a few unpleasant words seriously. Oh, forget it, since you want to go back, go back."

Liu Yao lowered his eyes and avoided the inquiry in Liu Ming's eyes. He didn't want to take it seriously, but the contempt in her eyes made him unable to take it seriously. When he sees her, he can't control himself. Now he is on the verge of an outbreak, and it's better to leave.

"Go to send a message to Lord Jiang, and say that I and the son of King Jing suddenly went back in advance. Remember, don't spit out half a word about what happened in today's martial arts arena. If we hear any rumors outside and come back to say a few words to Lord Jiang, you must also know what will happen to you at that time. Liu Ming took away the gentle smile on his face and rarely showed some deterrrent majesty. He turned to himself and Liu Yao's attendant and said, "You are the same. If someone dares to go out and spread nonsense and damage the reputation of the two girls, don't complain that the masters are too cruel.