Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 27 Coward

Jiang Ting looked at Liu Ming's back in a daze, and her mind was a little confused. What does it mean that she is her own person in Liu Yao's heart? She is a enemy in his heart, right? Who would have seen each other like this?

Jiang Ting shook her head and did not put Liu Ming's words in her heart. She turned around and smiled bitterly at Sun Yun, who had already been stunned: "Sister Yun, I messed it up. But anyway, we're all here. Since they don't look good, let's eat together. Tell the shopkeeper about the two bowls of hibiscus tofu that have been ordered. There should be more.

Sun Yun is still a little confused. Not only was she stunned, but Chunman and Zhihua who followed her were also stunned. The angry son of King Jing, the little prince with blue veins and a ferocious face, is really scary. These bystanders were so scared that they trembled. Why did the roared look like nothing happened?

"Sister Ting, are you all right?" Sun Yun asked in a loud voice, worried. The son of King Jing, who is so good-looking, is so horrible when he starts a fire. Originally, she also felt that although he had a little opinion about Jiang Ting, his full-body style was still quite attractive. But now... she's wrong. That guy is a tyrant!

"It's okay. What can I do?" Jiang Ting looked at Sun Yun, who was still covered with some doubts, waved her hand and smiled, "Sister Yun, don't worry, I have nothing to do. This is not a big deal, but it just angered the son of King Jing. He got angry and it was over. He didn't say how to retaliate against me. You don't have to worry. Although the prince is a little grumpy, people still listen to credit. He said forget it. He will never bother me with this matter again after that.

Sun Yun looked at the empty back door with lingering heart and said to Jiang Ting in a trance and dry voice, "No, I know, this is not a big deal. It's just that why did he get so angry about such a small thing? Also, why aren't you afraid when he yells at you so much? Sister Ting, if you are afraid, don't be bored. I... I was too useless to say anything to help you just now. Do you feel bad? Do you want to cry? You hug me. Every time I want to cry, I hug my mother, and I feel much better..."

Jiang Ting looked at Sun Yun, who was scared and was incoherent, and her heart suddenly came warm and moved. She walked over and hugged her and smiled gently: "Sister Yun, don't worry, I'm really fine. You forgot that I have encountered many more terrible things before, and they are all fine. Today's incident is really nothing to me. I just don't understand why he is so angry. Everything else is really okay. Let's go to Yajian to eat. Anyway, we have borrowed it. We don't have to use it for nothing. Well, let Chunman and Zhihua eat with us, which is also shocking..."


When he left Yumeizhai's backyard and was about to turn around the corner and enter the street, Liu Yao couldn't help kicking fiercely at the corner that blocked his view, as if he was going to kick someone standing there.

Unfortunately, he is not strong enough, at least his feet have not been harder than brick walls, and he has forgotten that today he is wearing soft-soled shoes, not hard leather boots. Therefore, after kicking, he only felt a pain from his heart to his whole body, and he held his feet and tilted to the ground.

"What's wrong with your cousin? What do you call a wall? Let me see, how's the injury?" Liu Ming originally thought it was interesting to see his little cousin annoyed, but he didn't expect that he would kick his foot in a blink of an eye.

Liu Yao was tough and endured the pain without moaning. It was a layer of sweat on his forehead at this moment, showing how painful his feet were.

Liu Ming felt angry and funny in his heart, and secretly said that Liu Yao would only be so upset when he met the little girl of the Jiang family. I really don't understand what he is thinking? Obviously, I think he is good, but he has to treat him like this again and again. Alas, it's hard for the child these days. He regrets taking this job from Uncle Huang.

Liu Ming helped Liu Yao take off his shoes and socks. When he saw his purple and swollen big mother's toe, he couldn't help exclaiming: "Oh, why did you hurt so badly? Come on, come on!"

Liu Yao was so painful that he just wanted to faint. In his life, he has never felt so much except the last time he fell from the horse. And that time when he fell on the horse, he was scared and fainted before landing. When he felt the pain, it was already after waking up. At that time, his wounds were all drugged, and even if it hurt, it didn't hurt as much as it is now.

He suddenly remembered that Jiang Ting turned down and became a cushion for him. At that time, she was so seriously injured that she lay in ** and was banded into a zombie. He just hurt one toe and it hurt so much. At that time, she was said to have broken several bones. How painful it was.

Inexplicably, Liu Yao felt blocked in his heart. For the first time, he really realized what kind of pain Jiang Ting had suffered instead of him. Even if he felt that it didn't matter whether he survived or not, she did hurt so much instead of him.

Liu Yao closed his eyes in pain and covered his face with his hands, feeling full of shame. If there is a little pain now, he will feel so unbearable. So what kind of pain will people experience when they are about to die? He only felt that his heart was full of self-weariness. At this time, he really understood that his life-seeking words were false and just his resentful nonsense. In fact, he can't even stand such a little pain. How can he not be afraid of death?

After all, he is just a coward who is afraid of death.

Li Ming's shout attracted two dark guards hiding to protect them. After silently saluteing Liu Ming and Liu Yao, they stood still waiting for Liu Ming's order.

Liu Ming said to them in panic, "Prince Jing was injured. Take him to the nearest hospital to deal with it first."

The two dark guards glanced at Liu Yao's swollen toes, which had been swollen like purple steamed buns, and one of them replied to Liu Ming very calmly: "Young master, the toes of King Jing's son were just hit and did not hurt his bones. It't matter. There are some ointments for fall and injury here. How about using it for the son of King Jing first, wait for the king to go back to the palace, and then ask the doctor in the palace to treat him?

Liu Ming listened to the bodyguard's words and calmed down. Yes, this injury was kicked by this guy himself. How strong can he be as a child? Since the bone is fine, that is, a small injury that has been swollen for a few days, there is no need to worry too much. Moreover, the ointment in the hands of Wangfu Anwei must be much better than the ointment in the ordinary hospital.

Liu Ming nodded, and the dark guard took out a small white porcelain round box from his arms, scraped a little white ointment with his fingers, and evenly applied Liu Yao to his injured toes. Then one of them carried Liu Yao on his back, and one of them guarded him from the side and sent Liu Yao to the carriage who called him.