Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 29 livelihood

The next day, Liu Yao, together with King Liu Mingqing and others in King Qing's Mansion, sent King Jing out of the north gate of the capital ten miles away. After he came back, he began to move. Although he was shocked and panicked by the news of the vassal, he had no say in this matter. As King Jing said, these things are not what he should have asked.

However, after knowing that the emperor was going to take the Jingwang Mansion, Liu Yao had resentment against King Qing and Liu Ming. He knew that he was angry. But he is very emotional, and he is only thirteen years old, so he can't be angry with the emperor's own brother's family. What made him more depressed was that he was very comfortable to borrow in the Qingwang Mansion for so long. This made it impossible for him to show his resentment towards King Qing, Princess Qing and others. Liu Ming is the only person who can let him open his mind and express his inner emotions.

So every time he faces Liu Ming these days, Liu Yao is annoyed with him and his face is ferocious. Anyway, his nose is not his nose and eyes. Who asked the person who wanted to cut their vassal land to be Liu Ming's uncle? Who is he not angry with? Liu Yao lost his temper in front of Liu Ming, which was taken for granted.

Fortunately, he still knew in his heart that Liu Ming really regarded him as a good brother, so at most he said a few more sour words and didn't do anything out of line. As Liu Ming said, except that he can't control his emotions when facing Jiang Ting, he is still very controlling others.

Of course, there is also a more important point that he has to control his emotions to ensure that Liu Ming can still tolerate him and will not let him go. This is that King Jing left and left nothing but a garden, shop and silver for him. There is no stewer in the garden or the shopkeeper's account room in the shop!

These were discovered after King Jing left, and Liu Yao took the land deed to see what he had got. He thought that King Jing finally remembered the feelings of father and son and couldn't bear to suffer in the capital to leave him so many things. But after looking at the empty old garden and empty shop, he really realized that he really thought too well. His father really took pleasure in torturing him.

10,000 taels of silver, to repair the garden, to do business... In the end, Liu Yao could only ask for help from Liu Ming, who was angry with him. Therefore, now he is very entangled with Liu Ming's attitude.

"Well, your father is really cruel. Ten thousand taels of silver is not enough to build such a large garden. There are two empty shops. Where else do you have any other money to do business? Cousin, you have to think clearly that we have to save 10,000 taels of silver, otherwise you will be hungry in the next five years. Liu Ming wandered around in Liu Yao's new old garden, shaking his head and sighing at the obviously deserted scenery, while discussing with Liu Yao how to deal with the garden, shop and silver.

"Does it cost so much money to repair the garden?" Liu Yao temporarily threw away his resentment against Liu Ming and turned his attention to his future residence. He has never been exposed to common affairs before, so he has no idea about these things. At the beginning, his yard was renovated almost every three years, and he didn't hear his mother say how much money it would cost.

"Of course, the garden left by your father should have been a separate courtyard of a rich family. It is estimated that the family built this garden mostly to come to enjoy the scenery on weekdays. Take a closer look, this garden is divided into four seasons, spring, autumn and winter. The place we just passed leads to the small lake in the center of the forest through a quiet bamboo forest path, the wooden corridor that goes straight into the center of the lake, and the octagonal wooden pavilion at the end of the corridor... Look, how interesting that exquisitely built it is. The lake used to be full of lotus flowers of all kinds. In summer, when the weather is hot, first enter the cool and comfortable bamboo forest path, then climb the octagonal wooden pavilion in the center of the small lake, drink a pot of tea, and enjoy the water hibiscus of the lake... What a beautiful enjoyment. Do you want such a scene? Do you want to fix it?" Liu Ming stared at Liu Yao excitedly, as if such a beautiful scenery was in front of him.

Liu Yao looked at Liu Ming and thought about the place he had just passed. Except for the bamboo forest, the lake was almost dry, and it was full of dead branches and leaves. As for the octagonal pavilion he said, it even collapsed... How much time would it take to repair it?

So, Liu Yao shook his head firmly and replied, "I don't want it, so I don't have to repair that place as it is. It's better to come easily."

Liu Ming stared at him, opened his mouth and only said, "You are really... Your father left this garden for you, which is simply ruined!"

Liu Yao ignored him and continued to walk forward like a little old man behind his back. He is under a lot of pressure now. Originally, he thought that 10,000 taels of silver should be enough to spend, but after listening to Liu Ming's talk, he found that it was not enough at all.

The garden has to be repaired, because he has no place to live if it is not repaired. He can't have lived in Qingwang Mansion for five years. The shop also has to do business, because he has to have living money to really guarantee his future life. Therefore, Liu Yao is a little miser now. He has made up his mind that this garden can be simply repaired first, how to do it easily, and how to save money. He still has to take out part of the money saved to do business. There are only two shops. Although he has never taken care of the shop, he believes that with the help of Liu Ming, he should be able to learn it soon.

In five years, if he can't do all this well, let alone enjoy wealth, I'm afraid that his normal life will be unsustainable in the future. If people know, the prince of Lingnan Jingwangfu is so poor that he can't even afford to eat...

No, he can't afford to lose that man!

So, hardships make people grow. Now Liu Yao can't remember the little festivals he had with Jiang Ting before. The most important thing in front of him is the livelihood that is directly related to his future survival. Other than that, it's too far away for him now.

Unlike Liu Yao, who is running around for a living, Jiang Ting's life is getting more and more comfortable. Of course, it would be nice if dad could not remind her so often to learn so many beautiful girl's rules and talents. Because she really has no talent in these areas. Speaking of which, this can be traced back to her previous life.

In her previous life, Jiang Ting's parents died in a car accident and became an orphan. Later, she lived in several distant relatives for two years, but she did not feel the love of her so-called relatives except for being beaten and scolded for hard work. Fortunately, her parents left some money for her, and she was also shrewd. She remembered the account number and password without telling anyone, at least she was 15 years old. She spent all her money and had no tuition, and her grades were really bad, so she simply dropped out of school.

Later, she mixed around in the market. First, she served plates and washed dishes for people, and later she didn't make much money, so she went to work in an electronics factory. But the life of three shifts is really hard. After working for more than a year, she saved some money and quit. I continued to come out and changed several jobs one after another, but I still didn't like it. Finally, she was confusedly pulled to the foot washing room as a little sister.

Don't get me wrong, she is really a little girl who pinches people's feet and doesn't provide special services. The main reason is that she is not good-looking, fat, has a round face, single eyelids, and has a big mouth. At the beginning, people took her to be a little sister, basically to make a foil for those beautiful girls. Every time a guest washes her feet, she is very popular because she is strong. But when someone ordered someone to serve, she stood aside because no one looked up to her.

It's just that such a place is too chaotic. Although she feels that she doesn't have to do those dirty things, she can make a lot of money, which is good. But in the end, she fell. Because she fell in like a customer and confessed, but they didn't look at her and scolded her directly: "Ugly, don't be delusional!"

Then, that night, she fell. He took drugs with a sister in a store and got lost in the fantasy joy. For a whole year, I don't know how many needle holes she has pierced her body and how much debt she owes. She has been drowsy all day long. Finally, she was kicked out by the shop owner's wife and thrown on the street.

She had nowhere to go and had a drug addiction attack. She was caught by the police on patrol and entered the drug rehabilitation center. For a whole year, she didn't know how she survived. She thought she would die in the drug rehabilitation center, but she finally came out. The doctor at the drug rehabilitation center said that the drugs she took were not easy to quit, and it was a miracle that she could quit. So on the day she left the institute, the institute specially prepared a farewell party for her.

That time, she cried until she broke her intestines. For the first time, I found out that there were still good people in the world. For the first time, I felt that there were still people who were willing to treat her well. So she made up her mind to start a new person. Unfortunately, she made up her mind very well, but she came out and ran into a wall everywhere. But it seems that a woman is naturally resilient. With her indomitable spirit, she found herself a shopping guide. She thinks very well. As long as the job is done well, the commission will be very high. She saves more money, and has no worries about food and clothing even if she can't get married in the future.

Unfortunately, she worked for a month and sold a lot of things. She calculated that she could get a salary of more than 3,000 yuan, but something happened on the day she was paid. It was an elevator accident. She didn't feel anything when she died. When she woke up, she was in Jiang Yong's arms. Later, her life began to change dramatically...

Jiang Ting looked at the blood beads pricked out of her finger when she was just distracted and smiled in her mouth. Yes, she has lived such a hard life in the past, but now she is just learning to embroider, learn to play the piano, learn to read, read, write and draw. What's so difficult? She will definitely do it well. Besides, she now has food and drink to serve, but learn some talents, or learn the same thing in less than an hour a day... What else is she dissatisfied with such a comfortable day?

So, such a lazy girl's life is happiness for her!