Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 55 Emotional Chaos

At this time, several people in front of them had noticed something wrong on their side. Sun Yun and Sun Zhongmin came relatively quickly, but when they rushed over the bodyguards, almost everything that should be cleaned up on the ground had been cleaned up, and only the dagger that fell next to Jiang Ting had not been remembered to collect.

Sun Yun's eyes were sharp. At a glance, she saw the dagger stained with blood and screamed, "How can there be blood?"

Sun Zhongmin followed Sun Yun's eyes to the dagger on the ground and asked Jiang Ting directly, "Are you injured?"

Jiang Ting quickly shook her head and said to them, "It's okay. We're all fine. A snake suddenly appeared just now and has been killed.

Sun Yun came forward in consterling and pulled Jiang Ting up and down twice. After confirming that she was not injured, she was relieved: "I'm really scared to death. It's good that I'm not injured. It's good that I'm not hurt. Hey, isn't this dagger the one I gave you before? Since it's stained with blood, don't use it anymore. I'll find a new one to send it to you.

Jiang Ting had regained her composure and comforted Sun Yun, who was nervous, "It's okay. I was suddenly scared by the snake just now. In fact, I killed the snake. And this dagger is the first gift you gave me. How can you change it? Besides, it was really sharp. I waved my arm and the snake was cut in half. I don't want to change it.

Sun Yun stroked her chest and said, "For good, the shopkeeper of that store didn't lie. This dagger was specially made by me. Originally, it was intended to be used for... Cough, anyway, as long as you think it's okay, you don't have to change it. Otherwise, I have to go to that weapons shop again. It will take two months for them to play another one.

After listening to Sun Yun's words, Sun Zhongmin narrowed his eyes, lowered his head and carefully observed the small dagger for self-defense on the ground, and then looked at the dagger hanging around his waist. His eyes darkened inexplicably. However, in a blink of an eye, he felt better again, because anyway, the dagger played its own role and didn't hurt anyone.


Liu Yao, who was squeezed aside by the Sun brothers and sisters, was already covered with frost. He stared at Jiang Ting, who had begun to talk and laugh with the Sun brothers and sisters, and felt inexplicably annoyed again. He really couldn't see her gentle and charming appearance to everyone, so he couldn't help rushing out of his nose.

Liu Yao snorted coldly and finally let the Sun brothers and sisters notice him who was neglected. The two quickly apologized to him with great shame and greeted him very politely. Unfortunately, Liu Yao didn't appreciate it at all. He directly gave the two people a cold face and walked forward.

After walking a few steps in Jiang Ting's surprised eyes, Liu Yao suddenly stopped, turned around and stared at Jiang Ting and roared, "Why don't you follow me?"

Jiang Ting was stunned and did not answer. She really doesn't want to walk with this "little persimmon" anymore. He is in a good mood today. She is afraid that if she still goes with him later, she can't help pushing him into the river.

Sun Yun stretched out her arm to protect Jiang Ting and said, "Tingting, come with us!" What she didn't say in her heart was that it seemed that Tingting was born to be in trouble with this prince. She had been in danger several times because of him. She already knew that he didn't use the Yajian they used on the Dragon Boat Festival. He was the one who came to the critical point, but he let the two weak women block the disaster for him.

Liu Yao didn't look at Sun Yun at all, but just stared at Jiang Ting. Jiang Ting saw that he was not easy to pass, so she said bluntly, "I'd better go with Brother Sun and Sister Yun."

Liu Yao's eyes directly stabbed Sun Zhongmin beside him. When he saw him looking at Jiang Ting with a smile, he suddenly felt an evil fire coming out of his chest. But he never had too many emotional fluctuations with strangers, and the sudden evil fire made him angry and strange, so he endured it and did not vent it. After turning around and staring deeply at Jiang Ting, he saw that although she was smiling and looking at himself modestly, there was no previous temperature in her eyes. The anger in his chest was suddenly extinguished, and only the rest of suffocation made people crazy.

He didn't understand why he suddenly had such an easy mood swing today, so he didn't want to pester Jiang Ting any more. He just snorted coldly and walked forward alone.

Liu Ming, who had already heard the report from the bodyguard, also rushed over at this time. However, he came here by himself and did not take his two sisters back. However, before he came to the scene of the incident, he happened to walk forward alone with a cold face and couldn't help asking, "C cousin, what's going on?"

Liu Yao is in a bad mood, and naturally no one is happy. He replied in a hard tone, "If you want to know, just ask the guards."

Liu Ming was anxious and directly grabbed him and asked, "No, I mean, how did you meet a snake? Didn't you bring a medicine bag when you went out?

Liu Yao angrily grabbed a purse from his waist and threw it to Liu Ming, roaring, "Who said I didn't bring it?" I also want to know why you can meet snakes just by climbing a mountain? If you want to know the reason, you'd better ask the guards in your house! Aren't they responsible for vigilance? How could the snake come to us?"

Liu Ming was stunned by his roar. After flashing, he quickly caught up with Liu Yao, who continued to move forward, and took down his medicine bag and stuffed it into his hand: "Ok, I'll deal with this matter later. You can't wear your medicine bag. I'm afraid the powder in it has been changed. Take mine first. By the way, why are you the only one who came here? Where's Miss Jiang?

Liu Yao took the action of the medicine bag, and then roared with a dark face, "Don't mention that stinky girl to me!"

Liu Ming looked at him ironically and asked, "What's going on?" Did she mess with you again? Didn't you say that she killed the snake and saved you?

Liu Yao was stunned again, and his face changed again and again, and finally became angry and ashamed. He replied coldly to Liu Ming, "She is going to go with the Sun brothers and sisters. OK, I'll go by myself. There's no one else here. Let's see if anyone really dares to touch me.

A sharp look flashed in Liu Ming's eyes, and he turned his head and said coldly to the guards who followed Liu Yao: "If you can't protect the son of King Jing later, you don't have to live. Oh, not only you, but also your family, I also know that they will suffer a little for your dereliction of duty.

A group of guards were scared to death by Liu Ming's words. They all knelt down and worshipped and said loudly, "Don't worry, my lord, I should sacrifice my life to protect the prince!"