Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 74 Climb the wall to see the fun

The sixth day of October is a good day to find someone to get married. This day is really a sunny and cool autumn day. Since Mao, all the people in the Jiang family have been busy. Because today is a big day to welcome the new hostess in the house, people can't help but pay attention to it.

Yesterday, the Wen family's dowry was sent, not much, but there were also 32 full lifts. Jiang Ting asked someone to see it. To be honest, from the dowry, the Wen family is really a poor family. Among other things, those antiques alone are not as good as one-tenth of Jiang Ting's current private property.

Jiang Ting calmed down after hearing this. It's not that she feels that she can be despised because of the little sister Wen's dowry. However, after understanding what the dowry standard is for ordinary people to marry their daughters, Jiang Ting was inexplicably relieved. Because she found that she could buy a very decent addition of what she had now. Therefore, she no longer has to worry about her future dowry.

And as for whether the dowry of the Wen family is more or less, this is not something she needs to consider. Because the dowry is a woman's private property, if Wen can manage it herself, she can't start from this dowry. In less than ten years, she can turn her private property ten times. Moreover, the father married the little sister of the Wen family, not for her dowry. I just hope that she is a gentle and virtuous person, so that my father can live a better life in the future.

Jiang Ting dressed up early in the morning and circled around the Yueji courtyard. In fact, there is nothing wrong with her today. Her direct daughter, born from her ex-wife, appeared at the wedding to embarrass her little stepmother. She really wants to have a good relationship with her little stepmother, so she will be more nervous now. When her father and stepmother worshipped heaven and earth and sent the bridal chamber, and everyone went to have a wedding banquet, she quietly went to meet the little stepmother. This is a considerate way.

However, Jiang Ting is inconvenient to go out, which does not mean that people can't go to the fun. In addition to the fact that Zhihua was left by her, even Lianxiu was sent by her to watch the fun. The main reason is that Jiang Ting thinks that she is also a married person and will get married in more than a year. Now it's good to see her first. Although Lianxiu was so ashamed at that time, he still went to see it obediently. It was agreed that as soon as the sedan chair came and worshipped heaven and earth, she would come back to report to Jiang Ting.

"Well, why don't you think this sedan is still coming? I don't know if my little stepmother is good or not... Zhihua, I can't stand it anymore. Let's go and have a look. Today is my father's happy day. Even if I can't show up openly, let's go to see the lively. You have to let me know what the little stepmother is like..." Jiang Ting could no longer stand the anxious waiting and pulled Zhihua to go out.

"Hey, girl, didn't you say that? If people find you going to the front to watch the bustle, someone will laugh. Zhihua dragged Jiang Ting and didn't let her step out of the door.

"I'll just go to see the bustle and not let people find out, right? I haven't seen this worship of heaven and earth. I want to see it too!" Jiang Ting wrinkled her little face and said to Zhihua, "Look, I just want to see what kind of person the little stepmother is. Also, today is my father's marriage. It's okay if I can't appear. I can't stop me from watching the fun. This is too human rightsless!"

Zhihua looked at Jiang Ting with a wry smile. Although she really didn't understand the meaning of the new words that her girl came out from time to time, she also understood that she must go to the fun. However, Zhihua is still struggling: "Girl, you are recognized by such a cluster of new clothes at a glance when you go out. Don't you still want to make a good impression on the new host mother? If she knew that you ran out so dishonorously, wouldn't all the things we did before be in vain?

When Jiang Ting heard this, she frowned and muttered, "That's what you said. Not to mention this dress, even if I change into other old clothes, I'm afraid someone will recognize it soon. Oh, no, I can't go out in my clothes. I have to find a girl's clothes to change. Zhihua, go to the little girl's room and find clean clothes. Well, it's better to find someone similar to me. I'll dress up as a girl and follow you. Let's go to the fun.

"Girl..." Zhihua still wanted to argue that it was not polite, but was interrupted by Jiang Ting with a wave.

She straightened her face and said, "If you let you go, go quickly!"

Zhihua came out of the Yueji courtyard with a nervous face and walked around the path to the direction of the front yard. Although the people of Yuejiyuan have nothing to do today, everyone also acquiesce that the Yuejiyuan came out, and they were all sent by girls to watch the fun. But the so-called internal and external difference, even the people in the Yueji courtyard did not say that they could go out of the second door to see the lively in the front yard. The people served in the front yard are all specially ordered by the general manager. How can idle people like them go to the front yard to make trouble?

"Girl, let's go to the main courtyard and wait. Anyway, when the new mother enters the door, the worship hall will also go to the main courtyard." Zhihua couldn't help asking Jiang Ting, who dressed as a little girl.

Jiang Ting stared at her and then said, "You pretended to be a little bit. I'm following your little girl now. Don't you talk to me so respectfully that people can see it? Since we have all come out, of course we have to see the end from the beginning. No, I must go to the gate and watch it from the bride's sedan chair!"

"But we can't get out of the second door, girl. General Manager Zhang has issued a strict order. The girls and women in the inner courtyard have to stay in the inner courtyard today and can't go out of the second door!" Zhihua continued with a bitter face, "Which woman in our house doesn't recognize me? Girl, let's go to the courtyard and wait.

"Yes, everyone in our house recognizes you. I'm sure I can't go out of the second door with you." Jiang Ting stopped and muttered.

"That is to say, girl, let's go to the main courtyard in another direction."

"Oi, then you can go to the main hospital and wait. I'll go to the front yard by myself. Anyway, there have been a lot of newcomers in our house during this period. I may not recognize the woman who guards the door today. All right, go back. I'll go by myself!" Jiang Ting waved her hand to Zhihua, who was already stupid, and ran away alone.

"Oh, girl..." Zhihua looked at Jiang Ting, who had run away, and really wanted to cry without tears.


Jiang Ting frowned and looked at Mother Li, who was sitting outside the second door to drink tea not far away, and was very annoyed. She really didn't expect that the doorkeeper had changed temporarily! Mother Li was a wet nurse when she was a child, and the whole family, including her father, had three respects for her. Jiang Ting really didn't have the face to lie in front of Mother Li and pretend to be stupid. And she has good reason to believe that she can't deceive Mother Li at all.

No, she has to go to see the bustle. I heard that at today's wedding, the bride doesn't use a red cover at all. Therefore, as soon as she steps out of the sedan chair door, everyone can see her appearance. Jiang Ting was anxious to see what the little stepmother looked like. At this time, there was no calmness at all, and her heart was on how to cross the second door.

Not to mention, it really made her come up with a good way in the end. The inner courtyard and the outer courtyard are just separated by a wall. She just climbed over the wall, didn't she? As long as she was not found, after watching the bustle, she climbed back to the wall and quietly rushed back to Yuejiyuan... Well, this method is feasible.

When she thought of doing it, Jiang Ting quietly turned around and began to study where it was safer to climb the wall.

Liu Yao wandered away from the crowd alone and walked to a secluded corner. He was in a bad mood, so he didn't want to talk nonsense with a group of people there like Liu Ming. So he said hello to Liu Ming and wandered alone in the front yard of Jiang's mansion. Unexpectedly, as he strolled around, he actually went to the second door.

He looked at the strange old woman outside the doorway, touched his nose very consciously and went in the other direction. Today, although he is a guest, there is no rule that male guests can enter the inner courtyard. As far as he knows, even Jiang Ting, the second girl of the Sun family, didn't let her come, so where will there be a female guest?

Liu Yao walked alone along the wall of the inner courtyard and looked at the towering wall as if he saw the insurmountable barrier between him and her. No matter how strong he misses her, no matter how determined he is to be with her, he can't do anything with this wall.

He hasn't seen her for more than two months. For the first time, he found how painful it was to want to see someone but not to see it. He arranged for the servants around Jiang's mansion to inquire about the news, and was beaten back. He understood that Jiang Yong wanted to completely prevent him from meeting Jiang Ting. Although he knew that he would come here today, he could not see her. But if he can come to Jiang's house once and get closer to her, his heart can be slightly comforted.

Liu Yao feels that he is really strange now. He doesn't understand why feelings make people humble. Now he feels that he is particularly humble. Humble hope, even if you can see her once from afar...


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground interrupted Liu Yao's thoughts. He looked around and found that he had entered a small sycamore forest at some point. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a little girl in Houfu's clothes, clapping her hands and turning around.

"Oh, I didn't expect this wall to be so difficult to climb." Jiang Ting clapped her hands on the dirt and dust when she climbed the wall just now, and pulled out a veil to wipe the dirt on her body: "Fortunately, this dress is red, and even if it can't be wiped clean, it can still be covered. If it's white, it will be miserable..."


Jiang Ting wiped her movements and slowly raised her head to meet Liu Yao's smiling eyes. Suddenly, she jumped back and pointed to him and exclaimed, "Liu Yao, why are you here?"