Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 83 Three Dynasties Return to the Door

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, she ignored Wen, who was so angry that she was about to faint, and Shi Shiran left.

"She, she..." Wen was so angry that he grabbed the bowl in his hand and was about to throw it on the ground. Mother Tang, who was beside her, rushed over and caught it. She didn't let the lid bowl fall to the ground and break it.

"Madam, calm down..." Mother Tang couldn't help being anxious and annoyed and said bluntly, "Madam, how can you be angry with the girl now? Today is the return day of three dynasties, but the master went straight out of the study early in the morning and didn't even come to the main room. If you continue to be so capricious, do you want to return to peace alone?

Wen was stunned when he heard this, and then he reacted and cried, "Yes, today is the day of return... But he left early in the morning, and he didn't plan to go back with me at all! How can he have my wife in his heart? And that girl, there is no stepmother like me in her eyes..."

Mother Tang took a deep breath and patiently coaxed Wen like a child: "Madam, don't cry first. I don't think the master will let you go back to peace alone. He finished ninety-nine steps ahead of this marriage, and there is no reason why he is short of this door, but he doesn't step over. Even for the sake of Hou's face and maintain the relationship with the Wen family, the master will definitely accompany you back. I think you'd better clean up quickly. Maybe the master will ask someone to call you in a moment. Come on, madam, you have to change this dress and go out..."

Mother Tang was right. At that moment, Wen had just changed her clothes when she went out, Jiang Yong asked someone to send a message to her, asking her to pack up and go straight to the front yard. He wanted to accompany her back to the Wen family.

Wen's anger, anger, panic and messy mood were so calmed down by the little girl who spread the message. He is still willing to accompany her to return to peace, and he must not want to offend his father. After going back, she must complain to her mother. They are really bullying people too much.


Mrs Wen looked at her daughter who was pulling her grievances with disappointment and heartache, but there was a strong sadness and anger in her heart. She specifically asked the dowry girl who followed the Wen family before, and she already knew exactly what had happened in the past two days.

Those things were Lian'er's fault, but in what she said to herself now, she pushed all the mistakes on others. No matter what, others wronged her and neglected her... She thought that although her daughter was a little petty and a little self-righteous, she had always been obedient in front of her. There must be something clear in mind. But I didn't expect her to be so stupid, so... stupid!

"...Mom, they bullied me so much, you must help me get justice!" Wen wiped her tears and hugged Mrs. Wen's arm and cried.

"Who taught you that you didn't see Miss Jiang on the wedding day?" Mrs. Wen asked with anger.

Wen knew that she was wrong in this matter. She glanced at Mrs. Wen with serious eyes and said cowardly, "It's the nurse. She said that she had to shock the girl on the wedding day and let her understand that she would respect me in the future..."

Mrs. Wen closed her eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

Wen opened his mouth and dared not lie in front of his mother: "I, I just don't want to see her..."

Mrs. Wen suddenly opened her eyes and stared at her. After seeing the shrinkage in her eyes, she closed her eyes in pain. She took a deep breath and asked, "What's wrong with Mother Tang's silver reward?" Why do you want to be greedy for her four taels of silver?

Wen blushed and argued, "Mom, Mother, Mother Tang is just a slave. How can she be rewarded with so much silver? The moon silver at home is only five taels. That girl obviously mocked me with silver..."

"How do people know how many monthly silver you have at home? Why do people mock you with money? Mrs. Wen didn't want to ask more questions anymore. She shouted directly at Wen, "Why did I give birth to such a fool as you? Have you ever remembered what I said to you? That's Houfu! That one is the legitimate daughter of Houfu! Is it someone you can neglect? And the matter of this silver, not to mention five taels, what about ten taels or a hundred taels? She is the legitimate daughter of Houfu. She is willing to give so many silver rewards to your dowry mother. She looks up to you! What are you jealous of? How did I teach you? You should be generous, gentle, and know your true nature. You can't just look at it in front of you! But look at you, what stupid things did you do on the first day of your wedding?

"But the milk said..."

"Is it your mother, or is your nurse your mother?" Mrs. Wen was so angry that she patted Wen's head fiercely and said to the outside, "Come on, drive Lin Wu's family to the suburbs of Nancheng to guard Zhuangzi!"

"Mom, the nurse is old, how can you let her guard Zhuangzi..." Wen is eager to take back Mrs. Wen's life.

But Mrs. Wen slapped her there and interrupted her angrily: "She taught my daughter badly. It's mercy if I don't break her legs and sell her family! Lianer, let me tell you, you will be in such a situation now, all because of the words of that stupid slave! Don't you understand? I didn't let that stupid woman dowry with you, but I'm afraid that her playful nature will hurt you! If you marry a small family and become the wife of a small family, her careless children can still be of some use to you. But now you are married to Houfu! What you have to do is their step-in-law and their stepmother! If you want to gain a firm foothold in the deep house of the Hou Mansion and be a veritable Mrs. Hou, you must first learn to tolerate, learn to be generous, and learn to be humble! If you can't recognize your identity and listen to the instigation of that fool, you will only hurt yourself!"

Wen was stunned by Mrs. Wen's scolding, tears kept pouring out, and her heart was full of grievances: "Mom, even if I do something wrong, he can't help but have a bridal chamber with me..."

Mrs. Wen wiped the tears on her face with distress and sighed, "How can he not be angry if you spoil his daughter's heart so much? Where does he want to have a bridal chamber with you? You don't know how to respect his beloved wife... He is already merciful if he is not angry with you! And today, you dare to put on the air of your stepmother to Miss Jiang! Don't you have a brain? She is the tip of Lord Jiang's heart! If you dare to teach her a lesson, you don't pay attention to Lord Jiang! Lian'er, what did your mother say to you at the beginning? If you want Marquis Jiang to reassure you, you have to learn to tolerate first!"

"Mother, my daughter is wrong, woo-woo..." Wen was ashamed by what Mrs. Wen said, and it was even more painful. It's not that she didn't remember her mother's teaching, but she really didn't think that she would really have any place in his heart as her mother said.

"Lian'er, I know what you are thinking. You like Marquis Jiang. You want him to treat you well. You want to get his heart. You want to be a superior Mrs. Hou. But you don't understand. If he wants to have you in his heart and be the hostess of that house, you don't just need to marry into that house!" Mrs. Wen gently touched her daughter's head and advised bitterly, "You have to endure it, learn to be generous, let Lord Jiang and Miss Jiang see your kindness and generosity, let them fall in love with you, or at least, let them not hate you, so that you have a chance to really get everything you want."

"Mom, what should I do?" Wen looked at Mrs. Wen with tears in her eyes and asked.

Mrs. Wen looked at her daughter quietly. She never thought that her daughter would be so vain and selfish. She comforted herself. Her daughter was still young and she could teach again. Even if you can't come back, you can't let her go the wrong way. She smiled and said to Wen, "Didn't you say that? You have to learn to tolerate first. After going back, you have to apologize to the marquis and Miss Jiang. For the time being, don't think about anything else. You have served Lord Jiang and Miss Jiang. First, you will give birth to their legitimate son for their Jiang family, and it is serious to inherit the clan. Mother Tang is the dowry specially selected for you. She has a good heart. You should listen to her more in the future, understand?"

"Well, mother, I understand." Wen wiped the tears on her face, as if she had found a direction. Her eyes were no longer confused, and all that was left was firm.

My mother is right. She shouldn't think about anything else now. What she should think about now is to give birth to their legitimate son! As long as she gave birth to a legitimate son for him, he will not ignore her and neglect her as he does now! As for that girl, as long as she gives birth to the legitimate son of the Jiang family, what other qualifications does she have to show off in front of her? She is 11 years old. As long as she endures her for four years and finds someone to marry her, won't she be 100 years old? She is so stupid that she competes with a girl.