Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 129 Old Woman

In King Jing's mansion, Liu Yao stared at the ragged old woman in front of him with a gloomy face. This old woman was brought back by Geng Shan and others from the ruined temple. Her hair is white, her face is dark, and there is a long scar on her left face that spreads from the bottom of her eyes to the corners of her mouth. The ferocious scar made her already skinny face more horrible and ugly.

Geng Shan said that the old woman had always been confused. Some people said that when she first entered Beijing, she had talked nonsense to find the son of King Jing. She knew the son of King Jing. But who knows who is the son of King Jing? In addition, she was horrible. After everyone robbed all the remaining belongings from her, she was allowed to die.

This time, if it hadn't been for the porridge shed in front of the Prince of King Jing's Mansion, someone had inadvertently mentioned that they had met this confused old woman half a year ago. I'm afraid they would have made no progress in investigating the matter of Princess Jing.

Since receiving the news from Lingnan, Liu Yao has had great doubts about everything he knew before. He used to believe that everything he saw with his own eyes was real. But now, he suspects that everything he has seen in the past is fake.

He asked Geng Shan and others to investigate from the source of the Protectorate. He wants to find out how his mother, Princess Jing, grew up and what her real temperament was like. Why did such a shrewd mother raise him in such a way? And why does the father ignore his mother so? What is the truth of the matter? He wants to find out everything.

But the progress of things is slower than Liu Yao's imagination. Almost no one knew what happened to Princess Jing when she was a child in the Protectorate. Don't say how difficult it is to sneak into the government of Protectorate. The problem is that when Geng Shan and the others finally sneaked in, they found that no one in the Mansion of Protector knew what Princess Jing had experienced when she was a child!

In the Protector's Mansion, Princess Jing, the head of Xinyue County, is a taboo topic that cannot be talked about. Now decades have passed, and most of the slaves in the Protector's Mansion are new, and some don't even know that Princess Jing's mother's home is the Protector's Mansion.

The other place where Princess Jing grew up is the harem. No matter how bold Liu Yao is, he dares not find out the harem. As a result, things once reached a deadlock.

In the capital, only noble families know that the owner of Xinyue County is a noble daughter who was spoiled by the queen. But Liu Yao is inconvenient to find an insider to verify the authenticity of this matter.

And he wants to know what happened between his mother and father. How can outsiders know that?

Just when he was irritable because he couldn't imagine it, Geng Shan brought a message that made him excited and worried. There is a beggar in the room, who may be a former maid of Princess Jing.

Liu Yao even asked them to look for the beggar. But what he didn't expect was that when Geng Shan brought the old woman to him, she stared at him for half a salary and then rushed to him.

With Geng Shan and others on the side, naturally they will not let the old woman jump on Liu Yao. A knife in front of Geng Shan gently cut the back of the old woman's neck, and the old woman fell softly to the ground.

But Liu Yao was really scared by her action. Because when the old woman saw him, her eyes were not resentment, but a surprise from the inside out. Liu Yao's heart jumped wildly. He knew that the old woman must know something.

But he didn't understand why she was so happy after recognizing him. Her surprise and joy from her heart made Liu Yao feel cool and gradually spread to his whole body. He stared at the old woman lying on the ground, who was so dirty, ugly, so mean... His eyes were condensed, his heart was entangled, his thoughts were confused, and the unstoppable chills made a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

"The prince? What about this man?"

Geng Shan's questioning made Liu Yao in a trance come to his senses. He took a deep breath, regained his composure, and said coldly, "Go and hire a doctor for her first. Anyway, you have to let her live. Don't check it. It's almost the Spring Festival. Take a break. As for the questioning, let's ask when she wakes up."

Geng Shan didn't understand why Liu Yao suddenly changed his attitude. However, it is naturally good to have a few days off, and he also vaguely felt that there was a big secret in what Liu Yao wanted to investigate. For Geng Shan and others who have been living in the world for many years, the fewer secrets they know, the better. Wasn't their master chased thousands of miles just because he accidentally knew a secret? Since the master said that they could let it go first, they didn't ask anything, just put it aside.

Geng Shan took the old woman down, arranged people to take care of her, and invited the doctor.

That night, Liu Yao came to the courtyard where the old woman was placed. Because he personally ordered it, although the Shizi Mansion was not rich, the housekeeper still called two little maids to take care of the old woman.

The little girls endured the dirty smell of the old woman and wiped her body before they found that she had a high fever. After asking the doctor to see it later, he said that the old woman should have had a serious illness and was very weak. Now she is basically about to dry up. If she doesn't take good care of herself, I'm afraid it's not far from the limit.

The general manager has reported these things to Liu Yao. At that time, he was restless, so he only said something, bought everything he needed, and took good care of people.

So the general manager felt that the old woman was probably very important, so he sent two more women to take care of her. After all, the little girl is weak. Now that the old woman is so weak that they are unable to do many things.

Sure enough, the two women went there and were busy boiling medicine for the old woman and feeding her. After she began to sweat, she burned hot water for her. After she sweated, she took a bath thoroughly and changed into new clothes temporarily bought from the garment store outside.

So, when Liu Yao came to see the old woman, she had been cleaned up and was sleeping comfortably.

Liu Yao screened the servants serving in the room and sat by the bed quietly looking at the ferocious and horrible face of the old woman. The scar is so long and the position is so dangerous. Someone must have wanted to cut her with a knife. If you take a few inches, the person who cuts it a little harder, and the whole head can also be cut off.

Now, the scar is still very ferocious. It can be imagined that when she was injured, it must have been an extremely deep wound. Her half face was distorted by the existence of the scar and was not commensurate with the other face. Even if it has been cleaned, the old woman's face still makes people feel cold.

An old woman who escaped from the knife said that she knew him. Who was she?

Liu Yao is sure that he doesn't know her. Even if the current old woman may deviate from her original appearance because she is too thin, Liu Yao can still be sure that he has not seen her. Because even if a person's appearance changes again, it will not change between eyebrows. But he doesn't have the slightest sense of familiarity with the man in front of him. If she had been a close waiter who followed his mother, he should have been impressed. Unless she was a person he had a relationship with when he didn't remember.

So, who is she?

Maybe Liu Yao's eyes were too sharp, ** the sleeping old woman frowned, and then slowly woke up. She turned her head and was in a trance and stunned for a long time after seeing Liu Yao.

Liu Yao let her eyes look straight at herself without saying anything. Then, he saw excitement, surprise and joy in her eyes. She struggled to sit up, but she lost some strength because of the medicine. Unable to sit up, she stretched out her hand to grab Liu Yao's hand. Her surprised eyes kept burst into tears and muttered excitedly, "It's the prince. I finally saw the prince..."

Liu Yao's eyes turned to her hand, which was a dry and thin hand. The bone joints on the fingers were clear, as if there was only a layer of skin covered on it, but there was no meat under the skin. He only felt that his heart was cold and had no temperature. Even if he looked at such an unusual hand, he did not have any sympathy. On the contrary, his heart was even colder because of the old woman's reaction.

Who is she? Why would you be so surprised to see him? Who cut the scar on her face? Why did she come here? What does she know...

Liu Yao's heart is full of questions, but at this time he can't ask. He doesn't understand what's wrong with him. He felt that he had stood in front of the door to the truth, but he did not dare to open the door to discover it.

Finally, Liu Yao took away the old woman's withered hand and fled.

Because it is almost the end of the year, Liu Yao also began to be busy. Although he has nothing to do, he has something else to do. Hu Qing has sorted out his shop and the books on Zhuangzi and sent them to him to have a look.

Anyway, Hu Qing has made him a lot of money in the past six months. In addition to the monthly money to be given to him, Liu Yao decided to add some hard work to him. And other people in the shop can't fall behind. Whether it's things or money, they have to be rewarded more or less, so that they can have more energy to do things in the coming year.

There will be a holiday during the Spring Festival. Who doesn't want to take more money home? If this matter had been put on hold, Liu Yao would certainly not have thought of it. But he has learned too much in more than half a year. He has long been the prince who doesn't eat fireworks in the world.

Thinking of those people in the shop, his mind turned to his house. Because his hands are tight, he has never dared to add manpower to the house. There are only 20 or 30 servants in the house. Although many places are locked and unopened, some people are already out of hand in cleaning and daily maintenance of the garden alone.

Therefore, Liu Yao felt that his servants should also be rewarded. So he began to study his family with incomparable attention, and figured out how to reward it to be good-looking without being too expensive.

He deliberately didn't think about the old woman, but he didn't expect that some things could not be avoided.

"My son, Aunt Qing vomited blood and fainted!" The housekeeper came in with a heavy face and reported to Liu Yao.

Aunt Qing is the old woman caught by Geng Shan. Her brain is a little muddy, and when she wakes up, her mind is sometimes good and bad. When people asked her what her name was, she only said that her name was Qinger, and she didn't even remember her last name. So everyone in the house called her Aunt Qing.