Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 149 Separation

Out of the courtyard, Jiang Yong's face became gloomy again. He kept walking all the way and went straight out of the inner courtyard to the outer study.

After a while, General Manager Zhang trotted all the way into the study. After seeing Jiang Yong with a sinking face, he couldn't help lifting it up: "Sir, what happened to call me so urgently?"

Jiang Yong looked at General Manager Zhang with a calm face and asked bluntly, "Has anything special happened to Ting'er recently?"

General Manager Zhang was stunned and didn't understand why he suddenly asked Jiang Ting. However, although he is a little older, he is really a qualified manager. There are big and small things in this house all day long. Although he is very busy, he really doesn't dare to relax what he should pay attention to.

Therefore, as soon as Jiang Yong asked, he transferred all the things about the eldest girl in the house in his mind. Then after a brief review, he shook his head and said, "In my husband's words, there is nothing special about the eldest girl recently. She has always been the same as usual.

Jiang Yong shook his head and said, "No, something must have happened. Today, when she had dinner in the main room, she didn't look right. Tinger is a cheerful girl. Today, she is very silent, which is not normal.

General Zhang was stunned and wanted to say that the big girl has been quite silent for the past two years. Why is it abnormal?

But he didn't dare to say this anyway. Can he say bluntly to his master: Have you ignored the big girl in the past two years, and haven't you even noticed that her character has changed? The big girl is no longer the girl who loves to laugh more than two years ago!

In fact, General Manager Zhang is quite strange. For more than two years, the eldest girl has often been called to the palace to chat with the Empress Dowager, and also made friends with Princess Pingning in the palace and Princess Antai of Qingwang Mansion. Even if it's just for these honors, her little girl should become a little domineering. But who knew that she became more and more silent and cold?

But General Manager Zhang can't say these words. But he can't say nothing. Otherwise, after his master puts his attention back on the big girl in the future, he will have to find that she has changed, won't he? Therefore, he thought about it and said, "Go back to the master's words, the eldest girl went to Qingwang Mansion this morning and said that it was a post sent by Princess Antai and went to the lotus flower party. Oh, the people who followed said that this flower party was actually a blind date held by Princess Qing for the son of King Qing, who had just returned home. But don't worry, the eldest girl said that she was invited by Princess Antai to play.

Jiang Yong looked at General Manager Zhang for a while and then asked, "Ting'er, when did you become so silent?"

General Manager Zhang quietly raised his eyes, but was scared by the coldness in Jiang Yong's eyes and hurriedly lowered his head. He paused and muttered, "Master Hui's words, I can't remember the specific time. About... It seems that it was when the young master was born. As you know, not long after the young master was born, the eldest daughter moved from the original small yard to the current Fang Tingxuan. The master knew that Fang Tingxuan was deep in the backyard, and there were two grandmothers beside the big girl, and her maids were very obedient. You didn't say anything, and the little one didn't dare to pay attention to the girl's yard. Later..."

Jiang Yong's face froze. He raised his hand to stop General Manager Zhang's words and said, "Stop first. Do you mean that Tinger has become more and more silent since I let her move out of the Yueji courtyard?

General Manager Zhang nodded carefully and replied, "Sir, I feel that the eldest girl is becoming more and more mature and calm..."

"Mature and calm?" Jiang Yong suddenly smiled and asked General Manager Zhang, "Do you think you believe this? Ting'er has been very mature and calm since she was a child!"

General Zhang closed his mouth and dared not answer.

Jiang Yong exhaled a deep breath and said to Mr. Zhang: "Forget it, it's my fault that I don't blame you for this. You have to ask someone to find out what happened to her first. She is not in a good mood today. Something must have happened.

General Manager Zhang replied respectfully, "Yes, sir. I'll have someone check it right away."

Jiang Yong nodded and said, "She has grown up in the past two years and doesn't want to tell me anything. Since she didn't tell me what happened this time, she obviously didn't want me to worry about it. Check it quietly and don't let her notice it."

General Manager Zhang responded and turned around to go out to arrange. Jiang Yong stopped him again, pondered and said, "Arrange two women to watch Fang Tingxuan. The past doesn't count. If there is anything wrong in the future, you must report it to me in time!"

"Yes, what else does the master have to do?"

"It's gone." Jiang Yong waved his hand and finally let General Manager Zhang go.

After General Manager Zhang left, Jiang Yong sat quietly in the study outside for a long time. He quietly recalled everything that had happened in the past three years since he returned to Beijing from the northwest. Then, he found that except for the first half a year and more than two years left, he had not paid much attention to his daughter who had been with him for ten years.

Every day, he thinks about how to be a good person, how to establish a dignified foundation in the court, and how to restore the former glory of his Jiang family...

Later, he had a son. How touching and happy it is that he has a son. Although he doesn't like his son's mother. But she gave birth to a son for him, so he began to be willing to let go and ignore some of her practices.

Originally, he thought that Ting'er would be happy because she had a younger brother. She used to hope that she could have younger brothers and sisters. At first, he was worried about whether she would not like Wen's children. But after the birth of little Jiang Cheng, she kept running to see him happily, and he was released. She really likes her younger brother, that's fine.

He has been busy and has ignored a lot of things. Although others know that the eldest girl of the Jiang family is the most favored by the Marquis Jiang. But in fact, he has not really paid attention to her for more than two years. Then, until today, he found that his lovely daughter was missing. She grew up and seemed to be more mature, but in fact she was more indifferent.

For a whole meal, she smiled perfectly, and the etiquette of eating was more generous and decent. But from beginning to end, she was like an outsider, watching them laugh and watch them happy. There was no dissatisfaction, jealousy or resentment in her eyes, just cold as if there was no temperature. This kind of indifference and coldness made Jiang Yong frightened.

How could this happen? Since when did she isolate herself from her family? Even when she looked at his father, she seemed to be looking at outsiders? Is he going to lose his lovely daughter?

After sitting in the outer study until late at night, Jiang Yong returned to the inner courtyard with a heavy heart. Instead of going straight back to the main courtyard, he turned to Fang Tingxuan. Since Jiang Ting moved there, he has almost never been here.

A man quietly picked up the lantern from the second door to Fang Tingxuan, and he found that it was so far away from the second door. He stood outside Fang Tingxuan's door for a while and closed the door tightly, but finally did not knock on the door.

Jiang Yong slowly walked back to the main courtyard from Fang Tingxuan, and then he found that it was almost as far away from Fang Tingxuan from the main courtyard.

When he agreed to move from Yuejiyuan to such a far away from the main courtyard, did she also push his father farther in her heart?


When Jiang Yong stood outside Fang Tingxuan's gate and sighed, Jiang Ting had not slept yet. It's about her life. She has been anxious and irritable for a long time. How can she still want to sleep? Moreover, what really makes her feel depressed is that she has no credible people to discuss!

She didn't want Jiang Yong to worry, so she couldn't help telling him. But the person she trusts the most in her heart is Jiang Yong. No one dares to tell such a big thing except Jiang Yong. Of course, Sun Yun and others already know, but is Sun Yun a person who can discuss things? It's good for that girl not to make a big fuss.

As for Princess Antai and Princess Pingning, they are quite righteous if they don't persuade her to marry into the East Palace honestly. She is really embarrassed to bother people any more. Besides, they really can't help.

Since she couldn't sleep, Jiang Ting simply didn't sleep. She got up again, and then woke up the Zhihua who slept in the warm pavilion for her vigil.

"Girl, do you want to drink water?" Zhihua asked. Jiang Ting usually gets up at night, that is, she wants people to drink water, and there is really nothing else.

Jiang Ting shook her head and said, "No, you go to bed first. I just got up and sat down for a while and thought about something.

Zhihua looked at her cold face all day, and she didn't sleep soundly tonight. She was lying with clothes, but now she simply got up and went to pour a bowl of boiled water warm on the small stove for Jiang Ting. When Jiang Ting got up at night, she only drank water, not tea.

"Girl, what the hell is going on? If you feel uncomfortable in your heart, or talk to the maidservant. The girl can rest assured that although my mouth is a little broken, I will definitely not talk nonsense about the girl. Zhihua handed the bowl to Jiang Ting and sat on the edge of her bed and asked.

Jiang Ting took the bowl, gently took two mouthfuls of hot water to moisten her throat, looked at Zhihua and asked, "Do you see that I have something to do, so I specially changed it with the little girl on duty?"

"Well, I'm worried about you." Zhihua nodded and replied.

Jiang Ting has always felt that Zhihua has a good straightforward nature, so she can keep it. But as she became more and more indifferent to people, Zhihua rarely talked to her like this. Maybe because of the silence in the middle of the night, the two have become a lot closer, so that Zhihua will say such close words as before.

Jiang Ting was silent for a while, looked up at Zhihua, and slowly said, "Zhihua, I have encountered a particularly big thing now. I really don't want that to happen, but I can't think of a way to stop it. So now I'm anxious and can't calm down. Do you think people have to believe in fate?

Zhihua looked as if she was talking to her, but more like Jiang Ting said to herself. She smiled and said, "I don't know others, but I know that you are not a believer."