Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 160 Jiang Yong's Memories

Wen stared at Jiang Ting with a ferocious face and shouted sharply, "Shut up!"

Jiang Ting squinted at her extremely angry appearance, and then looked at the little Jiang Cheng, who was pale in her arms by her cry, and suddenly felt quite boring.

The woman in front of her is a fool. She can't be stupid with her. Well, she is worried that she can't push back the matter of taking care of little Jiang Cheng. Since everyone has fell out now, her father should no longer force her to take care of Jiang Cheng.

Also, sometimes she is a little soft-hearted, but this does not mean that she will not fight back when others bully her. Today, Wen scolded her, and she will definitely make it clear to Jiang Yong. As for what Wen will do with her father, Jiang Ting doesn't want to care.

Jiang Ting looked at Zhihua and said, "Didn't I tell you something? Why don't you go?"

When Zhihua heard the words, he saluted Wen and said, "Madam, please get out of the way."

Wen still stared at Jiang Ting motionless, and the anger in her eyes seemed to burn into a blazing fire, which was about to burn Jiang Ting. Jiang Ting looked at her blankly and said lightly, "Madam, it's okay for you to stand at the door. Aren't you afraid that Cheng'll catch a cold?"

Wen's violent meal made him notice the child in his arms. Although it's summer now, it's still too cold for the baby to blow bare ass. Coupled with the shock just now, Xiao Jiang Cheng's face turned white, his lips were blue, his eyes were tearful, and his whole body trembled, which suddenly made Wen feel both distressed and angry.

Wen looked up again and stared at Jiang Ting fiercely. However, she was more worried about her son in the end. Therefore, she stopped blocking the road, walked back to the house with little Jiang Cheng in her arms, and put him in the room to dress him.

Jiang Ting looked at Wen's love for little Jiang Cheng and suddenly felt that this scene was very dazzling. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Wen's scolding her. No matter in her previous life or this life, she is a child with a mother but no mother...

She strode out of the stone house with a gloomy face and said to Wen behind her without looking back, "Today's incident has never happened. In the future, please don't come to my Fang Tingxuan. However, don't think that you can hide this from your father. Take care of yourself."

Wen made a pause and suddenly stood up to look back at her, but only saw Jiang Ting's lonely back walking out of the door.

Zhihua followed Jiang Ting out of the door and asked, "Girl, do I still need to go to the front yard to send a message?"

Jiang Ting shook her head and walked forward without saying a word. After walking out of the Meilin, she said to Zhihua, "You ask someone to go to the front yard to send a message. I will go to Zhuangzi in the western suburbs of the city to relax and ask Director Zhang to prepare the carriages and horses. Tell him that I'm leaving in half an hour!"

Zhihua was careful. She turned around and ordered the little girl beside her to say a few words. After watching her run to the front yard, she ran a few steps to follow Jiang Ting.

"Girl, are we going back to pack up?" Zhihua asked respectfully.

Jiang Ting paused and took a deep breath and said, "You can do this. I'll walk in the backyard for a while to relax. Well, you can take everyone back. Don't let people follow me."

Zhihua answered "yes" again and didn't dare to say anything more. He took the little girls around him to sort out his luggage.

Wen helped Xiao Jiang Cheng get dressed and took him out of the stone house. Outside the stone house were waiting for the two little girl she brought, and several women who Jiang Ting called to move things and smash things. There are really several sledgehammers standing around them, obviously they are really going to be smashed.

Wen's face frowned deeply and looked at the women and the hammer head beside them. She opened her mouth, but finally said nothing and took her girl away. As soon as the women waited for her to leave, they immediately entered the stone house and shouted to carry the bathtub and the small earthen stove for timely heating.

Out of Merlin, Wen heard a crisp shout. She looked over and saw Jiang Ting's figure jumping in the bamboo forest opposite. As she shouted, heavy punches hit the bamboo and wood with thick arms, shaking down the bushes of bamboo leaves.

Maybe she felt her eyes, Jiang Ting stopped and stood in the bamboo forest and turned her head to look at her. After such a long distance, Wen actually felt that her eyes had turned into a sword, pointing to the tip of her nose; she was so scared that a cold sweat flowed from her back in an instant.

She never knew that the girl had such a strong murderous spirit. If she was really angry enough to take action against herself...

seemed to see Wen's fear at that moment. Jiang Ting smiled contemptuously and stopped looking at her and turned to walk deep into the bamboo forest. Wen looked at the bamboo forest, which was no longer visible, and stood quietly for a long time. It was not until the fear in his heart slowly receded that he left with a gloomy face.

Jiang Ting vented in the bamboo forest in the back garden and scared Wen as she wished, and most of her anger had subsided. But even if her anger subsided, she still wanted to go out for two days. During this period, too many things have happened, which makes her feel a little physically and mentally exhausted. Therefore, she wants to go out for a walk.

Although there are actually various inconveniences in living in Zhuangzi, it is much cleaner than in the house, making it easier for people to calm down. Well, in fact, Jiang Ting just wants to hide. She didn't want to have such a confrontation with Wen. In fact, she knew very well that she was so noisy with Wen, and the most difficult thing to be caught in the middle was her father.

She left for a period of time. No matter how her father dealt with Wen, her absence would not make the three of them feel embarrassed. As for whether her father would blame her, Jiang Ting didn't think about it at all. Because Dad is not confused, it is Wen who is looking for trouble this time. And at best, she didn't let her abuse herself and said two more unpleasant words.

Jiang Ting believes that Jiang Yong can still clearly distinguish between right and wrong.


Jiang Ting went out of the city in a carriage in the afternoon. Wen asked someone to stop him, but unfortunately he couldn't stop him. She once again understood that both Fang Tingxuan's slaves and the stewsars in the front yard were actually more respected by Jiang Ting. In the front yard, what the eldest girl said is more useful than what she, Mrs. Hou, said.

This made Wen feel angry and worried. After returning, she slowly calmed down and found that she had really done something wrong this time. At that time, she only cared about Jiang Ting's abuse of her son, so she scolded her words. Just like Jiang Ting said, as long as Jiang Yong wants to know about this, she can't hide it from him at all.

Moreover, Wen didn't believe at all that Jiang Ting would really do as she said that nothing had happened. If she was replaced by Jiang Ting, she would not be able to let go of such a good opportunity to deal with her stepmother.

In the evening, when it came to Jiang Yong's government, Wen sent someone to invite him early. She had a lot of thoughts and wanted to tell Jiang Yong the truth and admit her mistake first. But when she met Jiang Yong's deep and wise eyes, Wen couldn't say anything. Because she felt that she had been seen through by Jiang Yong, she didn't need to say those hypocritical words. He knew it was fake.

"Do you have anything to say to me when you asked me to come here so early?" Jiang Yong quietly looked at Wen and asked.

Wen's mouth opened and closed, but finally said nothing. She looked at Jiang Yong with a panicked look and didn't even dare to sit down. She stood in front of him and shouted carefully: "Sir..."

Jiang Yong seemed to know that she would have such a reaction, and there was not much surprise. He nodded to her and said, "Since you have nothing to say to me, let me tell you." But it's a long story. You can sit down first. It's tired to stand.

Wen paused and looked carefully at Jiang Yong. Seeing that his eyes remained unchanged, his expression remained unchanged, and he was still so scary. She said, "I, I don't have to sit, just stand..."

Jiang Yong looked at her and said coldly in a commanding tone, "Let you sit down."

Wen didn't dare to say more and honestly sat back to his position.

Jiang Yong stopped looking at her, took a cup of tea, and then said in a light voice, "It was my negligence before, and I haven't talked to you about Ting'er in detail. Today, I'll tell you more about her since she was a child.

Wen's heart jumped violently, stood up and said to Jiang Yong, "Sir, it's my fault..."

"Hit." Jiang Yong glanced at her coldly, interrupted her, and pointed to her seat: "Sit back and listen to me. Don't interrupt."

Wen was panicked and suffered in his heart. She wanted to cry and beg for Jiang Yong's forgiveness first, but his attitude was cold and majestic, which made her dare not speak out. Wen sat back tremblingly, lowered her eyebrows and did not dare to move at all, which condensed the spirit of her whole body to listen to Jiang Yong's words.

Jiang Yong seemed to be quite satisfied with her attentive attitude. He hooked the corners of his lips and began to say, "You know, our family suffered a great disaster that year. Within a few days, an epidemic killed my father, eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother and sister-in-law, nephew and niece, and my wife Yuer. In the end, I was the only one who survived. You don't know, watching them all close their eyes and die miserable, my heart has collapsed. At that time, I thought that all my relatives died, and the people I loved and those I cared about died, so what's the point of me living? But just when I wanted to die, Ting'er, who was finally infected, was rescued. She lay in my arms and cried like a newborn cat, which broke my heart. I just thought, what would she do if I die too? So, I'm not dead."

Jiang Yong looked at Wen with cold eyes, looked at the shock in her eyes, and slowly said, "At that time, it was because of Ting'er that I could survive."