Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 198 Visit

After the third update at night, when Jiang Ting was sleeping drowsy, she suddenly felt something and woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw some hazy lights reflected outside the bed, and a standing figure was shining on the curtain.

Jiang Ting was shocked. The figure is very tall. At first glance, he looks like a man, and he is definitely not the person around her. However, although she was a little confused, there was a trace of clarity in her mind, and she resisted and did not exclaim.

At this time, being able to visit the house at night shows that this person is either strong or with a master around him. If the people who are worried about her come to see her, they will naturally leave after reading it. But if the people who want her to come to see her, they won't stand there without moving.

When Jiang Ting thought of this, she was slightly at ease. Then she had the mind to look at the figure carefully. From the dark figure, it can be faintly seen that people are dressed in short clothes that are convenient to move, but they don't have any weapons in their waist. Jiang Ting was immediately more relieved, and her lack of weapons showed that she was not here to kill her.

However, the man stood facing her bed frame in a daze, as if in a daze. This made Jiang Ting feel more and more weird. Moreover, Jiang Ting also found it strange that this person came in like this, not to mention turning off the oil lamp specially reserved for night lighting in the room. Isn't he afraid of being discovered from the outside? Also, how is Chuntao, the little girl who helped her watch the night? She won't be killed, will she?

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting couldn't help but worry again. At this moment, the figure suddenly moved. Jiang Ting suddenly stiffened nervously and stared at the figure reaching out to push her bed away.

The next moment, Jiang Ting, who was about to let go of her voice, shouted. After seeing the face behind the bed, the shouting between her throat instantly held back. She stared at the face, which looked very hazy in the dim light and muttered, "It's you..."

"Well, it's me." Liu Yao looked at Jiang Ting, who was lying in ** with pity and looked weak and haggard. His throat trembled twice, and then said, "I'll come to see you."

When Jiang Ting woke up just now, Liu Yao had just come in. After practicing martial arts for many years, he can naturally distinguish the frequency of her breathing. He didn't expect her to wake up as soon as he came in. Therefore, I hesitated for a moment. While she was asleep, he quietly looked at her and left. This is his previous plan. But now, she has woken up, so isn't it a little abrupt when he looks at her again?

Of course, he went into the room at night, which itself was very abrupt. But no one knows, and it is naturally different from being found. Liu Yao almost grabbed the door and fled the moment he found Jiang Ting wake up. However, his worries about her eventually exceeded the importance of etiquette. So he stayed and decided to see her after hesitating for a long time.

Jiang Ting looked at Liu Yao's face with pity and worry, and suddenly felt full of grievance. Her heart is sore, her nose is sore, and her eyes are slowly full of tears. Although she didn't say anything, the look on her face expressed all her thoughts.

Liu Yao looked at her tears, thought about her grievances, and looked at the shocking mark on her neck, and only felt heartache. In a panic of grief and guilt, he stretched out his hand to help her wipe her tears, but suddenly stopped three inches away from her face. It was rude enough for him to come to see her at night. Isn't it more rude to touch her again now?

But Jiang Ting doesn't care about those rudeness? She doesn't feel anything at this moment, but feels wronged. This grievance was unprovoked, but it was as turbulent as a tide, directly washing away all her little calmness. She suddenly reached out, grabbed Liu Yao's arm that was about to withdraw, and sobbed, "Didn't you say it would be solved soon? Why are things like this now?"

After saying that, Jiang Ting's tears surged out. She really feels wronged. She didn't plan to marry him either. If he hadn't touched her heart repeatedly, maybe she would have found someone to marry!

But who knows that after this guy successfully flirted with her heart, there was no movement behind her? In fact, it would be good if he really hasn't moved. She had planned to ask the princess and princess to speak for her in front of the empress dowager. In addition, if you suddenly get sick, this matter will be over. But he suddenly went to the palace to ask for marriage!

If this guy hadn't made these things, would she need to "suicide"? Doesn't he know that hanging really hurts? During the day, although she only hung for dozens of seconds at best, the feeling of suffocation and the pain that her neck was about to break...

She almost thought she was going to die at that time!

The more she thought about it, the more Jiang Ting felt that she was really wronged. If it hadn't been for the fact that hanging was easier to be rescued, she would not have chosen this way to commit suicide. But no matter how well she thinks, in order to convince everyone that she is really going to commit suicide, she has to play a trick. In this house, except for the two Mothers, no one knows that she is fake. It was because she was really in danger when others rushed in to save her.

However, when it happened, she was really scared. Because the moment she let go of hanging herself on the rope, she really felt the call of death. At that moment, in addition to her physical pain, her mind became blank in an instant, just like the moment when she was locked in the elevator and suddenly fell down...

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault..." Liu Yao apologized in a panic. Looking at her crying, he was heartbroken and guilty. He hates himself. When I was in the palace that day, why didn't I ask the emperor to drive out the maids and the maids before asking? If not, how could things get to this point?

"Yes, it's all your fault!" Jiang Ting muttered and pulled his arm directly and wiped the tears on her face with his sleeve. Then, she looked at him with tears in her eyes, but said fiercely, "You have made me like this. If you can't marry me later, I will definitely not forgive you!"

"I'm sorry, Ting'er, I'm really sorry. It's all my fault, it's my fault. I dare not ask for your forgiveness. But don't worry, I will definitely try to marry..." Liu Yao squatted down, apologized to Jiang Ting with wet eyes, and followed what she just said. But in the end, he was stunned.

Liu Yao looked at Jiang Ting in a staring and muttered, "Tinger, what did you just... say?"

Jiang Ting stared at him feverishly and hummed, "Don't you have ears? I just said, if you can't marry me, I will definitely not forgive you!"

Liu Yao was stunned for a while, and suddenly grasped Jiang Ting's hand tightly. His eyes were full of surprise and pity. He nodded to her firmly and said, "Tinger, don't worry, as long as you want to, I will marry you at all costs!"