Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 200 Subsequent Development

It is naturally the credit of Princess Antai at the Qingwang meeting. Of course, Sun Yun also blew a lot of ear to Liu Ming. In addition, he also had some friendship with Jiang Ting, so he also encouraged his own father to say a lot of kind words.

Yesterday, King Qing deliberately pretended to be difficult and enjoyed the joy of his children for a long time before he reluctantly agreed. However, less than an hour after An Tai and Liu Ming's request, King Qing's folds had been on the emperor's table. Obviously, his folds have been written for a long time. It's just that An Tai and Liu Ming naturally don't know about this matter.

The officials here are being scolded by the emperor. The wives of several dignitaries are also kneeling tremblingly in the Taiji Palace to listen to the training. Of course, these are all the mistresses of the family. They have been fine people for many years and have not been involved in this matter.

However, these people are all close to the empress dowager's family, and there are also ignorant young women in their families who follow them. But don't care if it's them who are offending. They are the mistresses, and it's wrong to let their daughters-in-law and grandchildren follow them to coax. Which one is innocent in the capital? Therefore, they came to the palace to be scolded, and they were not wronged.

And these noble ladies also understand that the Empress Dowager called them into the palace to reprimand them at this time, which actually meant to protect them. The Empress Dowager herself disciplined and punished her. But instead, the Empress Dowager pointed out their difficulties in governing the family and fell lightly. After returning, these families were picked from the chaos deliberately stirred up by the emperor.

And there are also several ladies kneeling in the Queen's Fengyi Palace. However, those who kneel here are naturally from the queen's family. Fortunately, the queen knows that this is the most important moment for the prince, so she has always been very strict with her mother's family. Therefore, the queen's family really didn't dare to get into Jiang Ting's matter this time.

Indeed, this matter also involves the fact that the Empress Dowager wants to point out the girl of the Jiang family to the prince as a side concubine; and the prince is the queen's parent and child, and the princess and the queen are their own family... Anyway, the descendants should avoid suspicion. Therefore, at this time, the queen and the crown princess sat in Fengyi Palace, facing several ladies below. Although they looked serious, their eyes were still very gentle. They just warned these people again to be honest before the prince became emperor!

However, this matter is a little unexpected for Jiang Ting. That is, because she showed an attitude of refusing to be a side concubine for the prince; coupled with her current strong performance. Instead, the princess had a good impression on her. As long as you don't come to rob a man with her, the princess still likes such a strange woman with personality.

As for why the Empress Dowager and the Empress suddenly showed such an attitude of defending Jiang Ting. Naturally, the role of Princess Pingning is indispensable. Speaking of this, I have to say one more thing. Yesterday, after Princess Pingning went to see Jiang Ting with An Tai and Sun Yun, she first went to the Qingwang Mansion. Then, she happened to meet the little father-in-law of the Duke of Xinguo!

Princess Pingning knew the little prince and didn't want to marry her without seeing her. Although she didn't want to marry him, it was still difficult for Pingning, the proud daughter of heaven, to accept such a straightforward refusal to marry. Therefore, when she begged the Empress Dowager, she also asked the Empress Dowager to call Mrs. Xin Guo into the palace to be reprimanded.

Although no one in the Duke of Xinguo has talked about Jiang Ting, who let the Duke's wife raise such an annoying son? However, when she secretly hid in the harem of Taiji Palace and saw that the gentle Mrs. Xinguo was innocently reprimanded, Pingning's heart was seriously condemned. Therefore, she specifically asked Princess Qing to help her apologize to Mrs. Xinguo. However, this is a later story...

above is the reaction in the palace. And outside the palace, it is also very uneasy.

There is no other reason, but Liu Yao went crazy again. He arrested several children of the family, first beat them like pig's heads, and then sent them to the official government office to report the case, saying that they slandered his reputation...

In fact, gossip is not only liked by women, but also by men. In restaurants, teahouses, hooks, painting pens... As long as it is a place where men gather to drink and chat, it is actually full of all kinds of gossip. However, women gossip about Jiang Ting's misforth, while men gossip about Liu Yao's romanticity.

When everyone is talking about gossip, they will not pay attention to it. Therefore, it is not difficult for Liu Yao to investigate. Or, he has been paying attention everywhere from the beginning, and now he is just picking a few typical clean-up. And what's better is that the models he picked out were all a few prodigal who went to Jiang's family to ask for marriage and were returned. There are two, which have been cleaned up by him before...

What's more annoying is that Liu Yao not only beat people and sued them, but also broadcast all the stupid things that he found out. Now, don't fool around these sluts in the capital. Not to mention that they avoided the stupid things done by the family, they just said that they hated Jiang Ting for withdrawing their marriage, and helped them vigorously slander the selfishness between her and Liu Yao, which made them ashamed to gain a foothold in the capital.

However, those people were thrown into the prison by Liu Yao. At present, they don't know how much they have been retaliated by Liu Yao. And the parents of those people resented Liu Yao, but there was nothing they could do with him. Not to mention that as the son of King Jing, his identity is not something they can afford to provoke. Just saying that he has peace between the royal family and Lingnan, they dare not provoke him. Nothing else, because countless experiences have told them that the emperor is protecting this remanant son of Lingnan!

Therefore, several male masters rushed to the palace to ask for grace before Lord Fu Yin judged the case. The emperor scolded them first. As a court official, he can't even manage a son. Shouldn't he be disciplined? However, the emperor was very shrewd. After training people, he gave grace.

"Those men are too young and energetic, and it is normal to do things regardless of the consequences. King Jing's son is still young. Although he is the victim this time, he hit someone first, which is wrong. I pity that he is lonely in Beijing, so he has a lot of care. But I didn't expect him to have such a proud nature. In the end, the emperor only said Liu Yao lightly and said, "You are all the pillars of my court, so don't be angry with a child."

"The emperor said that he had no way to teach his son, which caused such things. The son of King Jing should teach them a lesson, and I dare not be angry with him. However, those children are also young and ignorant, and I beg the emperor to take it easy!" Several ministers kowtowed to the ground again and shed tears in pain.

The emperor felt that the beating was almost done. He turned his head and looked at the prince Liu Yu beside him: "Prince, don't you know Liu Yao well? I'll leave this matter to you."

"Yes, Father." The prince saluted, and then looked at the adults below and said, "Several adults, I'm afraid the princes are no longer suitable to stay in Beijing. Why don't you let them stay in the barracks for a few years and grind their temper? Maybe they will be able to make military achievements and win glory for the family in a few years.

Several adults looked at each other and gritted their teeth and responded: "Thank you for your kindness."

"A few adults don't have to be polite." Liu Yu turned his head and looked at the emperor and asked, "Father, Lord Jiang is coming back to Beijing soon. Why don't you put these people under him as soldiers?

The emperor looked at the prince seriously, then nodded and said, "Just follow what the prince said."

And when the ministers who were kneeling below heard the words, they were so shocked that they almost fell to the ground. They understand that this is just a trap! In this way, even if they have any ideas, they have to be honest. There is no way to be honest! The Jiang family made friends with the prince, and his son fell into Jiang Yong's hands in the future...

However, the Holy Word has come out. No matter how reluctant they are, they can only shout with their heads and shout: "Thank you, Lord Long's grace!"