Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 220 Reflection

After taking the two children down, Wen was stunned in the main hall for a long time. For Jiang Ting, in fact, she can't figure out what kind of psychology she is. A long time ago, she was very jealous of this stepdaughter who almost took away her husband's attention. Later, they finally fell out. Then, she was almost kicked out of the house.

At that time, Wen finally understood that even if she gave birth to the eldest son for Jiang Yong, she was still far less important than his eldest daughter in his heart. Or, in her husband's heart, everything in this house is not as important as his eldest daughter.

Originally, Wen thought that after that incident, she would hate Jiang Ting for the rest of her life. But later, Jiang Yong was suddenly ordered to be the commander and led the troops away from Beijing. Only she and Jiang Ting supported the huge Hou Mansion. At that time, she planned to take the opportunity to suppress Jiang Ting. But she never thought that the girl would take out 40,000 taels of silver to leave a writer's background for her sister-in-law without blinking.

That's 40,000 taels! Wen knew that Jiang Yong had left Jiang Ting a lot of dowry industry, and even she found someone to calculate all the benefits of those industries. Forty taels is more than 70% of all the gains in those years. Wen is not a fool who doesn't understand housework economy. She understands that the sum of the profits calculated by those accounts is not pure profit. It can be said that Jiang Ting took out half of her private property and gave it to her sister-in-law for nothing!

When he really received the 40,000 taels of silver tickets, Wen was really shocked. She found that she didn't seem to know the stepdaughter at all. If it is herself, her brothers and sisters may be willing to share, but it is only possible. If it weren't for compatriots, it might not have been at all. At least, she would not take out so much money from her arms to give it to others as simply as Jiang Ting.

Wen didn't understand why Jiang Ting did that in the first place. She didn't believe that Jiang Ting couldn't see that she was calculating her dowry at that time. According to Wen's understanding of Jiang Ting, she felt that Jiang Ting would definitely rebound fiercely after knowing everything. And the result she wants is to hope that Jiang Ting can do something irrational after the rebound. In this way, she can take advantage of Jiang Ting's right to speak in the house.

What Wen never expected was that Jiang Ting did not rebound at all. She didn't even have any resentment or dissatisfaction, so she just lost a large amount of money. Jiang Ting said that she wanted to give these silver to her sister-in-law, so Wen couldn't refuse. Originally, everything she did was for her own children. When there was a greater benefit in front of her, she had no reason not to choose.

As the saying goes, "The mouth is short and the hands are soft." Wen took Jiang Ting's silver for her children, so when she faces Jiang Ting in the future, she will always feel inexplicably as if she has become shorter.

Wen has never liked Jiang Ting. Even later, because of Jiang Cheng and Jiang Xian, her relationship with Jiang Ting eased a lot. But she still doesn't like this stepdaughter.

However, I don't know when Wen's mentality changed. She doesn't like Jiang Ting. But this does not mean that she is willing to watch Jiang Ting being bullied by outsiders. Therefore, when she is in the house, she will still find an opportunity to trick this stepdaughter who has been pretending to be an adult since childhood. But when she left the house, Wen would still do her best to protect her.

In the final analysis, Wen is a very selfish woman. She is very protective of her own things and her own people. Unconsciously, she has already regarded Jiang Ting as her own. Since she is her own, she will never allow others to bully her. So now, for Jiang Ting, who is about to leave home, she is inexplicably relaxed and awkwardly hopes that her life will be smoother in the future.

Jiang Ting naturally didn't know Wen's idea. Or, since the irreconcilable contradiction between her and Wen, she has no longer bothered to think about Wen's thoughts and likes and dislikes. Basically, her strategy is to "straighten the boat to the bridge." No matter what Wen does, she will deal with it with her own heart.

Over the years, small frictions between the two have occurred from time to time, but they are still harmonious on the general surface. Therefore, Jiang Ting didn't pay much attention to Wen's deliberate provocation today. Anyway, the two have been in the same family for six or seven years, and they are still a little affectionate.

Jiang Ting knelt alone in front of Li Yuer's card in the ancestral hall. At first, she had no intention of introspection. But as her mood slowly calmed down and looked at the rows of ancestral plaques in the room, her heart gradually became a little uneasy.

It has been 17 or 18 years since she came to this world. She began to think for the first time. Is it right that she still stubbornly adheres to the original ideas and refuses to be integrated into the values of the world?

Think about her life for more than ten years. If her father hadn't been guarding her by her side, she would not have developed such a casual nature.

Actually, seriously recall that she was not the wayward and casual person in her previous life. At that time, she looked self-proclaimed on the outside, but her heart was actually very fragile. Otherwise, she would not have fallen just because of a failed confession. At that time, she had no one to rely on, so when her mental defense was destroyed, she collapsed.

And now, her father's love for more than ten years has changed Jiang Ting's mind. Not only her father, but also the dependence of two siblings made her stronger and more optimistic. Even Wen's awkward concern sometimes makes her feel warm in her heart. She always knows that there is a family behind her. That's why she sometimes does it without scruples.

However, Jiang Ting also understands that such capriciousness is wrong. Dad is right. If she still has such a nature when she arrives at her mother-in-law's house, I'm afraid she won't understand how she will die.

Jiang Ting knew that Liu Yao loved her. But if she wants to stand in King Jing's Mansion, she can't rely on Liu Yao's favor alone. Not to mention that she can't guarantee how long this love will last, and there will be no new people to share the love in his heart in the future. Just from her own heart, she is unwilling to do that.

Jiang Ting clearly understands that she will be Liu Yao's wife in the future; the concubine of King Jing; and the future Princess Jing. She has her own identity. If she wants to consolidate her position, she needs not only Liu Yao's favor, but also his respect for her. What's more, Jiang Ting has already made a decision in her heart. She married him not to hold her back. She wants to stand with him and help him achieve his wish!

However, if she still stubbornly follows the concept of her previous life in the future, how can she do everything she thinks in her heart? What she is going to is a completely strange place. What she will face is the sinister hearts of many people who can't see through; and countless plots and tricks. Now when she arrives at Jingwang Mansion, I'm afraid it's like a little sheep being thrown into the wolf's den. In the face of the unknown, if she can't restrain herself and act cautiously, I'm afraid she will be gnawed so that there is no bone dregs left!

The more Jiang Ting thought about it, the darker the future became. Although she has the courage to face difficulties with her heart. But the problem is that many things can't be solved by courage. If the fist is bigger in Jingwang Mansion, Dad won't worry about her so much.

It's just that it's a little late to think of all this now. She is getting married tomorrow. Can she expect that she can change her character on the way in the next half month? This is too unreliable.

Jiang Ting's back was cold and sweaty. Her underwear has been completely soaked by her own sweat and sticks to her body. But she has always loved to be clean and refreshing, but she has no sense at this time.

At this time, Fang Tingxuan is about to turn upside down. Chuntao and Xiahe, as well as the four maids of autumn chrysanthemum and winter plum, turned around and looked out of the door. It was not until Mother Wang and Mother Deng came in that the four people found the backbone. The four girls' eyes were all red, and their faces were pale, holding the arms of the two mothers respectively. You ran Jiang Ting out to see her uncle, and then came back and was punished by the master to kneel in the ancestral hall.

M Mother Wang and Mother Deng, look at me and I look at you, and then there is a helpless wry smile on their faces. The two of them have been busy arranging Jiang Ting's dowry and dowry domestic slaves these days.

Originally, Wen, the hostess in his own house, has the full authority to handle this marriage. Although the two of them are the most honorable sisters around Jiang Ting, they can't be replaced. Besides, in a marriage, this dowry and dowry are the top priority. That's why the two of them were in charge of the dowry and the dowry slaves. However, they didn't expect that the marriage was coming soon, and their girl would dare to run out. And I still ran out to see my uncle! This is really...

"M Mother, what do you think we should do?" Chuntao's tears came out and cried, "The girl is going to get married tomorrow. What if her legs and feet are kneeled?"

"Bah, pooh! What did you say? Unlucky!" Mother Wang looked down and said a word to Chun Tao. Then she looked at Mother Deng and sighed and said, "But Chuntao is right. You can't let the girl kneel like this all the time, right? What should we do?

Mama Deng also sighed helplessly: "Oh, what can I do? Go and ask your wife for mercy. The master is angry now, and there must be no way to find him. I can only ask my wife to persuade the master.

Mama Wang's heart surged with bitterness, but she really didn't want to bow her head in front of her wife. However, thinking that the girl is going to get married tomorrow, she can only admit: "Oi, let's go together."

"Well, Chuntao, you four are really waiting here. Remember this first and wait until you get to Lingnan to be punished." Mother Wang stared at the four maids with a gloomy face. Then she went to the main room with Mother Wang to plead with Wen.