Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 230 Recognizing Family

Jiang Ting and Liu Yao went back to pack up and tidy up, and then took the carriage to Dongyuan where Ye sidefei lived. But hurry up. When they arrived at Dongyuan, it was still a little late. After the servant announced, a girl came to lead Liu Yao and Jiang Ting into the main room of Dongyuan. The concubines of King Jing live in this Dongyuan. As a side concubine, Ye is the leader of Dongyuan.

However, Jiang Ting always feels a little strange about such an arrangement. According to the distribution of children in Jingwang Mansion, Ye Sidefei gave birth to two sons, which should be regarded as a very favored woman. But let's say that she was favored. After Princess Jing's death, King Jing did not ask for an order to be promoted to princess for her. Moreover, when King Jing's Mansion was forced to hand over the military power by the emperor, it also ordered the execution of her father and brother's family. If she is unfavored, now King Jing not only restores her identity, but also lets her continue to be the hostess in King Jing's mansion...

The more Jiang Ting thought about it, the more strange she felt, so she didn't dare to think about it anymore. She restrained her mind, slightly behind Liu Yao, and followed the girl into the main hall with him. A lot of people have gathered in the hall. Jiang Ting glanced at it and only saw a middle-aged beautiful woman sitting on the main seat, with a long line of young people sitting on both sides.

"My son (daughter-in-law) has met the side mother and said good to the side mother."

Jiang Ting followed Liu Yao to give a junior salute to the middle-aged beautiful woman on the throne, but did not pay a big salute. Although the side concubine is also a concubine, the side concubine is also a concubine, which is not higher than the official princess. Just like the imperial concubine in the palace, she is lower than the queen. At this time, the grade of Ye Sidefei is the same as that of Jiang Ting. Therefore, Jiang Ting and Liu Yao did not have to salute her.

"Get up quickly. Come on, look up and let me see what kind of person he is, which has made our son think about us for so many years. Ye Sidefei's voice was very gentle and sweet, and people couldn't help but want to have a sense of closeness.

After Jiang Ting calmed down, she slowly looked up and looked at Concubine Ye with a reserved smile.

Ye side concubine looked at Jiang Ting softly and nodded repeatedly with a smile: "It's really a beautiful person. No wonder the prince didn't look down on any of them in the past. Come on, this is the meeting gift I prepared for you. Do you like it?"

A little girl came up with a red lacquered wooden plate, covered with red silk, and a set of exquisite red gold head was placed on the red silk. This is a very regular meeting gift. Jiang Ting hurriedly added a little smile and replied, "Thank you for the reward. My daughter-in-law likes it very much. This is a little thing given by my daughter-in-law to the side mother, and I also hope the side mother will like it.

With that, Chuntao behind her held a set of summer clothes and handed it to the girl beside Ye Side Concubine, and turned from the girl to Ye Side Concubine.

Ye Sidefei looked over a few times, smiled gently and said to Jiang Ting, "I like it very much. By the way, all the people sitting here are your brothers and sisters-in-go. The two here are the eldest brother and sister-in-law of your uncle's family. Come and get to know each other.


Jiang Ting heard Jiang Yong say that King Jing himself is the second and the son of a concubine, and he is not qualified to inherit the throne. But Lao Jingwang and the old princess had only one eldest son. Later, the eldest son died of illness for a long time. King Jing inherited the King's mansion as the eldest son of a concubine. Now what Ye Sidefei said is the only son he got before his death.

At this time, Liu Yao gently held Jiang Ting's arm, led her to the young couple sitting on the left lower head of Ye's side, and introduced to her, "This is the eldest brother Liu Min and sister-in-law Wu."

"I've met my eldest brother and sister-in-law." Jiang Ting followed Liu Yao with a smile and bowed to the two. Although she didn't look carefully, she could still see that the expressions of the two were very alienated. Obviously, the relationship between them and Liu Yao is not very harmonious.

"My sister-in-law is polite." Liu Min and Wu returned the gift together, asked people to send the gift to the couple, and then sat down indifferently again.

"Brother Xie and sister-in-law." Jiang Ting thanked her carelessly, asked Chuntao to present her return gift, and then followed Liu Yao to the next pair.

Liu Yao didn't care and continued to introduce: "This is Liu Peng, the second brother of the third uncle's family, and Yang's second sister-in-law."

"I've met my second brother and second sister-in-law." Jiang Ting saw the gift again, and then received the gift, thanked and returned the gift.

After such a circle, Jiang Ting was a little dizzy. She had made psychological preparations before, but she still overestimated herself. Originally, she heard that King Jing didn't have many children, so she thought that interpersonal relationships would not be complicated. But the problem is that Jingwang doesn't have many children, but the Jingwang brothers have many children.

Except for the dead uncle's family, there is only a pair of brothers and sisters-in-law. Three rooms, four sons and five daughters, four rooms, six sons and three daughters. Five rooms are less, three sons and three daughters. And what makes her more depressed is that except for the fourth uncle and fifth uncle's family's two youngest sons who have not yet grown up, all the others are older than Liu Yao and are also married. Liu Yao ranked 11th all the way!

Except for a few married girls, there will be more than 20 people in this room. In addition, the two sons and daughters-in-law of Concubine Ye, and the two common daughters of King Jing's other concubines... Jiang Ting felt that her brain capacity was seriously insufficient. I just recognized it, and now she can't tell who is who.

Jiang Ting wanted to break the can and let them go. However, the current Jingwang Mansion has not been separated. Although King Jing Chengjue lived in Jingrui Hall, several other rooms have not moved out. Although Jingwang's mansion is very large, it is still in the same house. I can't see you when you look up in the future. If you don't recognize everyone today, won't you make a joke when you meet them in the future?

Jiang Ting wants to take a closer look at each other and try to remember who they are. I think it's too rude and faceless to do so. When she couldn't think of a way, she quietly gave an order to Chuntao and Xia He who followed her: "Be careful and recognize these people clearly!"

After hearing this, Chun Tao and Xia He suddenly looked bitter. But the master gave the order, what can they do? Therefore, I had to look at the people here quietly from time to time and try to recognize them clearly.

"Eleven sister-in-law, the girl behind you looks very sharp. In a moment, he glanced at me several times. The little girl looks quite beautiful, not as good as her sister-in-law..." Suddenly, a strange teenager's voice sounded, interrupting Jiang Ting's attention.

Jiang Ting looked along the voice and saw a young man who had just met her, staring at Xia He behind her.

She frowned slightly and turned around and said to Chuntao and Xia Hexun, "Why are you two so rude? The people sitting here are all masters. Can you look at them randomly? Why don't you go and kowtow to others!"

After saying that, she stood up again and saluted the young man Yaoyao: "Let the fourteenth brother laugh. I have never seen such a big scene. I was a little panicked and out of proportion for a moment. I'm really sorry. Well, this is all because I usually indulge them too much, and I apologize for you here.

At this time, Chuntao and Xia He had also come out. They knelt down and kowtowed to Liu Shisi: "The maidservants are wrong. Please punish and forgive the fourteenth master."

Liu Shisi originally wanted Xia He's, but he didn't expect Jiang Ting to apologize to him directly, which made him difficult for him to say anything. He had to wave his hand randomly with an embarrassed face and said angrily, "Ok, that's it."

The whole hall was quiet because of Liu Shisi's untimely words. Jiang Ting calmed down with just a flash of thought. She scolded her girl on the surface, and then immediately apologized to Liu Shisi, hoping that he would not blame her for the past.