Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 232 Jingwang Mansion

Back to Xiyuan, Jiang Ting quickly called Mother Deng: "Chuntao and Xia He broke their scalp. You can ask someone to ask a doctor to have a look. Don't break your head."

At this time, Mother Deng had heard that Chuntao and Xia He kowtowed and admitted their mistakes in Dongyuan, and she couldn't help showing some worry on her face. Those two girls were picked by her and Mother Wang when they were just seven or eight years old. They have seen the younger generation since childhood and have a deep affection for them.

"The concubine of the world, it is not suitable to hire a doctor in the house today. Why don't you let someone take Chuntao and Xia He to the hospital to have a look? Although she felt sorry for the two maids, Mother Deng still paid more attention to Jiang Ting's reputation. The bride asked the doctor to come in the next day when she entered the door, which was really unpleasant.

"Don't be so troublesome. Just ask someone to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine and apply it to the two girl. That little trauma can't happen. Besides, taking them to the outside medical center now is also to toss them. Liu Yao, who was beside him, couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help saying.

M Mother Deng paused, looked at Jiang Ting, and answered respectfully: "Yes, prince."

Mama Deng went down, Jiang Ting waved her hand to let the maids serving in the room also retreat, and then immediately turned her head and stared at Liu Yao: "Are they really all right? Don't you have a concussion or something?"

Liu Yao looked at her helplessly and nodded seriously: "I promise, it's really okay. Well, isn't it just a few kowtows? It's just a little bruised. It doesn't even flow blood. What can happen? You are too nervous about them."

"They are my close-up girls! Can I not be nervous?" Jiang Ting stared and shouted.

Liu Yao couldn't help feeling sour when he heard her words. He walked over and hugged Jiang Ting and said aggrievedly, "Yes, they are your close girls. You are so kind to them. I'm still your biological partner. Why didn't you treat me so well?

"I'm not good to you?"

"Well, you were angry with me last night." Liu Yao complained like a child, but his hand moved up from her waist dishonestly: "Tinger, does it still hurt there? Tonight..."

"No! It still hurts!" Jiang Ting stiffly opened his hand, and then didn't dare to look at him and ran away: "You take a break first. I'll go and see how Chuntao and the others are."

Liu Yao was frustrated to watch his beloved wife escape from his arms and secretly made up his mind to find more "pictures of men and women" to learn! Everything is for the harmony and happiness of the husband and wife!


After lunch, Jiang Ting and Liu Yao took various gifts together and began to visit the elders in each room. Jiang Ting is a newly married woman and has no specific impression of Jingwang Mansion. Therefore, she asked Liu Yao to tell her about the specific pattern of Jingwang Mansion.

The Jingwang Mansion is a vassal mansion, which is very different from the construction pattern of the prince's mansion in the capital. If Jiang Ting wants to say it, Jingwang Mansion is not like a mansion, but more like a small imperial city. However, in all the details, Jingwang Mansion has not exceeded the regulations of the system.

Jingwang Mansion is also heading north to south. The Nanyuan in front of the mansion is the House of Parliament, which is the place where Prince Jing and his men work. Lingnan now, except for the military, is under the direct jurisdiction of the imperial court. Other dignitaries from all over the country are under the management of Jingwang Mansion. That is to say, Lingnan is a highly autonomous vassal territory. In the past, when the military power was still in the hands of King Jing, it was not too much to say that this was a country in the country.

Although Jingwang Mansion now has no military power, the control over Lingnan is naturally not as strong as before. However, after hundreds of years of operation, in the hearts of Lingnan people, they have long regarded the Jingwang Mansion as the local emperor in their minds. Therefore, Lingnan is still under the control of Jingwang Mansion, both politically and economically.

This Jiang Ting knows. Originally, Jiang Ting thought that Prince Jing was a self-righteous person. But later, after many inquires, I learned that Prince Jing was actually a very decentralized person. In Jingwang Mansion, almost all adult men have errands. They are in charge of all aspects of Lingnan. King Jing played the role of the helm.

Of course, these things are mostly heard by Jiang Ting. In fact, she still doesn't know what it looks like. It's just that there are still many things to do now, and she doesn't have time to talk to Liu Yao in detail. Moreover, she doesn't know what Liu Yao's attitude towards women's stew. If he doesn't like her to interfere too much in external affairs, then she can't force him to tell her. Therefore, although others think that the two are quite familiar, it also depends on how to compare. Compared with the example of modern people getting married after several years of love, the two of them are actually not much better than strangers.

Because almost all the men in the house have errands, the former parliament accounts for almost one-third of the Jingwang Mansion. In fact, Jiang Ting is quite strange about this, because there are government s in every city. She didn't understand why those men had to work in the government office. Is it because they are too lazy to run back and forth? However, she restrained rationally and didn't ask about it.

In front is the parliament, and in the middle is Jing Ruitang. Strictly speaking, Jing Ruitang is a separate yard and the residence of the prince and princess. However, in terms of architectural pattern, Jingruitang is a whole connected with the east and west gardens. At the beginning, the two gardens of Jingwang Mansion should be two beautiful gardens. However, with the continuous increase of the personnel of Jingwang Mansion, the two gardens, which were supposed to be used for rest and play, were slowly expanded into two large courtyards for people to live in.

Now, Jingruitang and Dongxi Garden have become the daily residence of Jingwang's family. Jingruitang is the place where the prince lives; Dongyuan is where his concubines live; a small garden was built behind Dongyuan, which is where the two concubines of King Jing live; and Xiyuan has become the new home of Liu Yao and Jiang Ting after some recess and construction. This is also the unique treatment of Liu Yao as the son of the world.

The Beiyuan of Jingwang Mansion was originally supposed to be the place where the children of the old prince lived. Now, it has been divided into many large courtyards and become the residences of each room. In fact, as long as the gatehouses from Beiyuan to Jingruitang and Dongxiyuan are closed, Beiyuan is an independent place.

Moreover, in general, those rooms in Beiyuan will not come to Jingruitang if they have nothing to do. That is to say, although several other rooms still live in Jingwang Mansion, they have actually been separated from the center of Jingwang Mansion. As long as they talk about separation, the current Jingwang Mansion can immediately divide them.

"...So, you don't have to do that for this morning's marriage"

After listening to Liu Yao's narration, Jiang Ting suddenly felt much more relaxed. She couldn't help sighing, shook her head and smiled, "In the morning, I thought that if I couldn't remember all the people, it would be embarrassing for everyone to meet often in the future. It turns out that I'm worried about the sky."

She shook her head as she spoke, secretly feeling wronged for Chuntao and Xia He. If she hadn't thought it was impossible to distinguish people clearly and tell them to help her remember people, they wouldn't have been injured. Alas, it seems that her experience in dealing with things is still not enough.