Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 237 Pure Young Man Liu Yao

The married life is not as much as Jiang Ting imagined, and there will be so many intrigues. Perhaps because of her own identity as the county owner and the support behind the Zhenbeihou Mansion, the people in Jingwang Mansion, except for the eldest brother and sister-in-law and the two pairs of elders with three bedrooms and four bedrooms, are still warm and courteous to her.

Although in the attitude of those people, Jiang Ting is not sure how sincere she is. But at least at this time, it is rare for her that no one deliberately makes things difficult for her. During her wedding, her main task is to get familiar with and adapt to life here. She wants to straighten out her dowry industry and the large amount of private property thrown by Liu Yao as soon as possible. In addition to these, she has one of the most important tasks, which is to get pregnant as soon as possible!

As an 18-year-old girl, Jiang Ting feels that it seems to be a little too early to have a child at this age. But this is just her own idea. In the eyes of all the ancient people around her, she has already reached the age of childbearing.

Well, it has only been half a month of marriage, and just because she came to Kwai Shui, Mother Deng and Mother Wang looked very disappointed. It's like how unreasonable it is for Jiang Ting to come to Kwai Shui.

Can Jiang Ting tell them that she is actually secretly doing some contraceptive measures? Although she doesn't have much practical experience in that field, she is still quite rich in theory. Don't forget that she has two good sisters who grew up in the crowd. She doesn't listen to too much about how to safely use contraception. Although the two sisters are only sharing in the heart of gossip, they have to use it when it is time to use it.

However, after seeing the disappointed appearance of Mother Deng and Mother Wang, Jiang Ting still felt a little guilty. She understands that both of them are for her own good. However, she and Liu Yao have just got married. Although they have feelings, they don't know each other very well. If you are pregnant and have a child now, will you break your current peaceful life?

Jiang Ting knows very well. In ancient times, if a wife was pregnant, she could not have sex with her husband. She always feels that the relationship between her and Liu Yao is not strong now. She didn't even dare to think that once she got pregnant, the guy would not help ** and let other women climb the bed.

However, she also knows that it is not a good thing for her if she keeps procrastinating from getting pregnant. Now Liu Yao already has his own power. When King Jing no longer deliberately suppressed him, in fact, Ye Sidefei did not pose much threat to him. However, as the son of the world and the eldest son of King Jing, he got married after 20 years old, which was really late. The two sons of Ye Sidefei are married and have children, and one of them is about to be able to make soy sauce. If she doesn't delay giving birth to a child for Liu Yao, this may become Liu Yao's weakness. She really doesn't want to be his weakness one day.

At night, when Liu Yao wrapped her hands and feet around Jiang Ting, she took his hand with great embarrassment and said, "Liu Yao, I'm sorry, I haven't been inconvenient these days."

Liu Yao was stunned and asked, "What's wrong? Ting'er, are you sick?

Jiang Ting was also stunned. She was not sure whether Liu Yao really didn't understand or pretended to be confused. Therefore, she had to emphasize again: "No, I'm not sick, but it's not convenient to have sex with you these days."

"As long as you are not sick, as long as you are not sick." Liu Yao breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her gently with a smile and said, "It's my fault. I've been making too noisy for you these days. If you don't like it, you can rest for a few days..."

Jiang Ting was depressed, and several black lines appeared above her head. She gently pushed away Liu Yao's arms, looked at him seriously with a blurred light, and said, "I didn't say I didn't like that... Well, I mean, my body is inconvenient for yours these days. Do you understand? You don't even know this kind of thing about women in those days, do you?

"Really? Are you sure you don't like it? That's good. I was just scared to death. I thought you didn't like me to want you. If that's the case, what can I do in the future? Cough, by the way, what did you just say about women in those days? Under Jiang Ting's angry pressure, Liu Yao finally resisted his joy and asked the topic.

"You really don't know?" Jiang Ting was dumbfounded: "Didn't it say that the teenagers in the nobles will have someone to teach these things?"

"Tinger, what the hell are you talking about?" Liu Yao looked at Jiang Ting doubtfully and asked.

"Women's affairs!" Jiang Ting said virtly, "Women's bodies have secrets. You should know these secrets!"

Liu Yote looked at Jiang Ting innocently and didn't know what to say. Well, after exploring on the wedding night, he did know a lot of differences between women and men.

These days, in the harmonious relationship between the two, he constantly explores her body and feels warmth, lubrication, softness, slenderness, cuteness, sweetness... and so on. Well, he thought he knew enough about a woman's body, but now he was confused when he heard Jiang Ting say that. In addition to the secrets he explored, what secrets in women have he hasn't explored yet?

And at the thought of Ting'er's body and secrets that she couldn't explore, Liu Yao's body couldn't help but be excited. His breathing gradually became hot, and the movements of his hands began to become full of flirting: "Tinger, since you don't like it, then we..."

Jiang Ting grabbed his hand and put it in her mouth and bit him fiercely. She stared at him with hatred and said, "What are you thinking about? Did you hear what I said clearly? I'm coming to Kwai Shui. It's not convenient to sleep with you these days!"

Sunflower water? Liu Yao is really confused now. Because in his 20 years of life, he has really never heard of the word "Kwai Shui". This is really not his fault, because his youth was alone, and no one would remember to teach him about puberty. And he fell in love with Jiang Ting at the age of 13, so he has never been curious about other women, which directly caused him to be really ignorant of women's physiological problems now.

"Tinger... What on earth are you talking about?"

Jiang Ting looked at Liu Yao's confused expression and finally understood that he really didn't understand. And at this moment, she was really speechless. Because she never thought that one day she would explain the problem of "women's menstrual period" to a big man. Moreover, what makes her feel more embarrassed is that this man is still her husband.

"Well, let's not discuss this problem for the time being. As long as you know that it's not convenient for me to be with you these days... that, that's fine." Jiang Ting decided to give up. Because she really doesn't know how to explain the serious question of "women have to bleed for a few days every month" to the "pure young man" in front of her.

But she didn't say anything, but Liu Yao was just energetic. He suddenly jumped on her and shouted with a smile, "Tinger, just tell me. What the hell is sunflower? Ha ha...ah! Ting'er, you are bleeding! How could this happen? Come on, come on! Please, doctor..."

Jiang Ting covered his mouth with feverish eyes and roared angrily in his ear: " Shut up! Oh, I was really killed by you! Don't you want to know? Let me tell you, this is sunflower! Did you see it? This blood is sunflower water!"