Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 293 Brother

Zhang Qingyan and Zhang Qinglin are twins. It was only when their mother gave birth that Zhang Qinglin was born a quarter of an hour early, which occupied the position of the boss. Unfortunately, Zhang Qinglin, who became the boss, has been naughty since he was a child and doesn't look like a big brother. However, Zhang Qingyan, who became a younger brother, has been quiet and obedient since childhood, and has become more mature and steady when he grows up. Standing together, Zhang Qingyan definitely has the style of the eldest brother.

Maybe because of the big difference in personality, although the two are twins, they are not as close as other brothers. At least, in Zhang Qinglin's opinion, it's better to take rhubarb to hunt rabbits than to play with his brother like a stuffy gourd.

Although it has never been said, the person who inherits the family is destined to be the more calm second brother Zhang Qingyan. Therefore, after Zhang Qinglin falsely reported his age to join the army, General Manager Zhang did not pull him back.

The day before Zhang Qinglin signed up for the army, he said to Zhang Qingyan for the first time: "My parents have always believed that they are still slaves of the Jiang family, but I don't want to recognize them. Staying at home, I will only feel aggrieved. It's better to go to the barracks to earn military achievements and get ahead. Even the third brother of the Jiang family can earn military achievements and raise the flag. I'm sure I can do it!"

"Dad said that it was the third young master of the Jiang family. If you say that, Dad will hear it and slap you again. Zhang Qingyan didn't understand why his eldest brother always didn't remember to beat him and talked so randomly after being slapped so many times.

"Isn't Dad here?" Zhang Qinglin stared at Zhang Qingyan. He specially pulled the honest child out, didn't he just to avoid their father? He stroked the thick back of the rhubarb and looked at the soldiers who were training in the distance, with a yearning face: "I'm so impatient that I can only cause trouble for you at home. I have martial arts foundation, and I will definitely eat it in the barracks. You don't know that there are real men in the barracks who have hacked barbarians with knives. Men have to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy like them. That's the real man!"

"Then I'll go too." The reason why Zhang Qingyan has been silent when he was young is actually because he knows that his brain is not as flexible as Zhang Qinglin. When the two were together, he always couldn't keep up with Zhang Qinglin's detached thinking, and he had to be silent over time. In fact, since they are brothers, their personalities naturally have something in common. For example, at this time, Zhang Qingyan also felt that he was a man. He felt that he should join the army with his eldest brother and learn to be a real man.

"You can't go." Zhang Qinglin shook his head: "You have to inherit your father's affairs in the future. I'm impatient and can't do that, so I want to go to the army. Although I don't want to be a slave like our father. But our father is loyal to the Jiang family and loyal to Lord Jiang's trust. He did the right thing. He is also an upright man. Besides, if we both leave, who will leave filial to our parents?

"Then go by yourself. I'll stay to take care of my parents and help my father save the Jiang family."

"Hmm. Don't worry, I will come back alive and return home as a great general. At that time, even if Jiang Laosan is a criminal, I can promote him to become a general.

The vows of childhood are still in my ears. Today, Zhang Qinglin, as a pioneer in the Northwest Army, has also achieved his wish. When Zhang Qingyan was a teenager, he followed General Manager Zhang to and from the northwest and Beijing, maintained contact with Jiang Yong and Jiang Fang's old department in Beijing, and finally helped the Jiang family recover and welcomed Jiang Yong and Jiang Ting back to Beijing. He also fulfilled his promise.

The life of Zhang's father and son can be said to have been dedicated to the Jiang family. Only this time, Zhang Qingyan came to the northwest for private business. General Manager Zhang is dying. He asked Zhang Qinglin to go back to visit his father for the last time. But Zhang Qinglin is a general of the Northwest Army. How can he leave his duty without permission? Therefore, Zhang Qingyan came to the northwest to replace Zhang Qinglin so that he could return to Beijing to visit his father for the last time.

However, Zhang Qingyan did not expect that he did not wait for Zhang Qinglin in the border city, but waited for a dying dog and a letter from Jiang Yong.

There is only one sentence in the letter: You go back to Beijing first and tell Zhang Yuan that we will be back soon.

Zhang Yuan is the name of General Manager Zhang. In the whole Jiang family, only Jiang Yong dared to call him by his name.

The content of the letter is clear. Jiang Yong decided to stop fighting this battle. The barbarians have retreated a long time ago, and he, the general of the West, has the final say. In this case, his family members will die. How can he still be in the mood to fight? Since the Jiang family almost died, he has taken great importance on the life and death of those close to him. In his heart, General Manager Zhang is a relative. His relatives are going to die, and he will definitely meet for the last time to feel at ease.

But Jiang Yong didn't let Zhang Qinglin know about this. Because he couldn't upset his vanguard before the army returned to the customs smoothly.

After receiving the letter, Zhang Qingyan immediately rushed back. Three days later, the army successfully returned to Guannei, and Jiang Yong told Zhang Qinglin the real content of the letter.

"My father... is dying?" Zhang Qinglin was stunned and couldn't believe it at all: "How is that possible? My father is first-class and strong. How can he not do it?"

Jiang Yong was silent for a while and said, "On the day of the death of the former emperor, the eldest prince rushed out of Beijing with his own guard. At that time, your father took the people in the house to stop him. He was stabbed in the chest and abdomen and almost lost his life. Later, he was rescued, and we thought that as long as we had a good rest, we would have no worries about life. Unexpectedly, now his injury has recurred, and the situation... has worsened.

"Isn't there a blue rock? Why did my father stop people? Zhang Qinglin's eyes were a little red, and his whole body was tense and angry.

Zhang Qingyan had a good talent, and later got the real inheritance of martial arts in Jiang's mansion. His skill has long been better than that of General Manager Zhang. If Zhang Qingyan was present that day, he would certainly not have been so seriously injured.

"At that time, Qingyan escorted Cheng'er to Lingnan and was not in Beijing." Jiang Yong was full of guilt and his face was bitter.

He planned to ask Zhang Qingyan to send Jiang Cheng to Lingnan to escape, and then let them come back as soon as possible to prepare for the upcoming battle between the prince and the eldest prince. But none of them expected that the emperor would die so suddenly. Because he wanted to escort Jiang Cheng, Zhang Qingyan took away half of the good hands in the house. Otherwise, they might not have been able to stop the eldest prince at the beginning.

"So it is." Zhang Qinglin gritted his teeth and said, "You arranged for Qingyan to protect your son, but you left my father to die in Beijing!"

Jiang Yong is silent. He doesn't want to explain anything. He did not regret his decision at the beginning, nor did he regret ordering General Zhang to intercept the prince. He only regretted that he had missed the opportunity to rescue because of his own personal hatred at that time.

In that turmoil, more than 50 good men were killed and injured in Jiang's government. Those people are mostly teenagers who watched him grow up in person. But he delayed the opportunity just to kill a woman with his own hands.

That day, he intercepted the mother of the eldest prince who escaped from the palace, the virtuous concubine of the former emperor. At that time, because Jiang Fang refused her solicitation, this woman was designed to frame Jiang Fang, causing the Jiang family to be exiled to the border, and eventually the family was destroyed. Although she was not the one who poisoned the Jiang family later, her thoughts in those years were still vicious. Participating in rebellion is the crime of extermination of the family. How could Jiang Yong let her go?

However, when he killed the virtuous concubine and then took people to rescue Zhang, he was already dead and injured all over the ground.