Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 299 I'm going to find reinforcements

It took less than five days to send the letter from the soldiers, and there was news that the northwest reinforcements had arrived in Lingnan and should be able to reach Yunwu City three days later. After getting the news, Jiang Ting did not dare to hide it and hurried to inform King Jing. At this time, she was about to lose a square inch, and subconsciously regarded King Jing as the backbone. It is really unreasonable for reinforcements to come so fast. It is not known whether the letter they sent will reach Dad.

"It came so fast!" King Jing's eyes lit up and he was energetic: "Okay, okay! With these reinforcements, Xiaowu can not only defend Lingnan, but also counterattack southern Xinjiang!"

Jiang Ting didn't understand where King Jing got such great confidence. Before that, he said that the situation was so serious, as if he didn't borrow troops, Lingnan would be defeated immediately. And now there is only a wave of reinforcements, and it seems that he can beat people back...

"Your Majesty, I want to go to the front line." Jiang Ting is not going to be patient anymore. She feels that if she continues to stay in the house, she will worry about death.

"Nonsense! What are you going to do? Who will take care of the house when you leave? King Jing was surprised and disagreed: "Besides, how can you go away with the drug supply of the army? Besides, it's not safe on the road at this time. Aren't you afraid of being cut off halfway? Don't think that with your three-legged cat's kung fu, you can really walk around the world.

Jiang Ting said firmly, "I have decided. This time, I went with the convoy delivering medicinal materials. There is a special route, and there is a brigade of soldiers to guard the safety. Don't worry about problems on the road. And if you are in the house, you can't get confused. You are energetic again, and some people are much more honest. There should be no problem if I am not here for a few days. Don't worry, I'm not going there to make trouble. I have to go there.

"What's the important thing that requires a woman to show her face? Don't you know the rules of etiquette? War is a man's business. What are you going to get in? King Jing narrowed his eyes: "How did Marquis Jiang teach his daughter?"

"Hey, what my father taught me most is to do what I want and live at will." Jiang Ting smiled and said that she saluted King Jing deeply: "My daughter-in-law will be back in five days. I hope your father will take care of yourself."

"Hmm! What's the use of unworthy descendants?" King Jing sneered, not worth the sun.

From Xingyuan City to Yunwu City, you need to pass through five cities by taking the official road. Generally speaking, it takes three days to travel between the two places. However, Jiang Ting and others walked on a military road. They did not enter the city or enter the post station. At night, they camped in the wild and rested, and the sunrise began to rush. In this way, you can save nearly half of the time.

Two days and one night from Xingyuan City, and at noon the next day, Yunwu City was already far away. Looking at the black dot-like city, Jiang Ting couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

She was excited because the city guarded millions of people in the whole Lingnan. Although she could not see the golden horses in the past, it made people excited just thinking about it.

Her heart trembled, but because there was a man in the city, she hadn't seen him for more than half a year. Has he lost a lot of weight and haggard? He left that day, and the wound on his shoulder has not healed. How is the injury recovering now? It is said that the two armies have had several small-scale confrontations, resulting in mutual victory or defeat. Is he under too pressure to sleep...

"Is the master tired? Do you want to take a break?" Zhao Xi turned his head and asked in a low voice to Jiang Ting, who followed him.

"Don't be tired, don't rest." After saying that, Jiang Ting looked down at her entourage's outfit and smiled, "Shopkeeper Zhao is really, I didn't tell you, I'm your entourage. How can the shopkeeper ask his entourage?"

"Then why don't we stop and rush to Yunwu City to rest?"

Jiang Ting's eyes lit up and couldn't help nodding, "Okay!"

Zhao Xi smiled, then patted the horse's buttocks and ran a few steps forward, and came to the two leaders and deputy leaders of the team: "Two generals, it's only half an hour away. Why don't you guys put up with it first? How about I invite you to eat something good when you enter the city?"

"Good!" The leader nodded in response.

"Then listen to shopkeeper Zhao!" The deputy general also nodded and smiled.

The medicinal materials brought by this convoy were all prepared by the shopkeeper Zhao under the imperial concubine. Although they are responsible for escorting safety along the way, sometimes they have to accommodate the opinions of the shopkeeper Zhao. Besides, it's only half an hour away, and everyone can still hold on. Besides, they also want to deliver the goods quickly.

However, the next moment, there was yellow smoke around the black city in the distance. The two generals were immediately smart and stared at the yellow smoke and shouted, "Stop! Go back!"

The deputy general quickly took several soldiers to hit the horse and ran back. As he ran, he shouted at the convoy: "Go back! Return to the mountain forest just now!"

Jiang Ting watched the soldiers begin to retreat and couldn't help screaming. Why do you want to withdraw? Why do you want to return it when it's coming soon? What the hell happened?

She didn't care that everyone around her turned around, rushed to the front and asked in a shrill voice to the gloomy general, "Why do you want to retreat?"

The general's face was as heavy as water, and his eyes looked over like a knife. Jiang Ting was so shocked by the murderousness in his eyes that she regained some reason and wanted to ask again, but saw that the general had turned his eyes and looked at Zhao Xi.

"The yellow smoke around the city must have been caused by the siege of many military horses. We can't get through this. With that, he turned his eyes back to Jiang Ting's face and asked, "Why are you a woman? Manager Zhao, I hope you can give me an explanation.

Zhao Xi looked at Jiang Ting with a solemn face. Seeing her nod, he said honestly, "General Qi, she is my master, the concubine of King Jing."

The general raised his eyebrows and then bowed: "The last general has seen the imperial concubine! Please withdraw from the army. Although the future is uncertain, the last general will vow to protect the safety of the imperial concubine!"

"I don't need your protection for my safety." Jiang Ting turned her eyes to the large yellow smoke that could no longer see the shadow of Yunwu City and said calmly, "What the general just said is very right. The number of people in our team is too small. Even if it passes, it will be a drop in the bucket, but it will only increase the casualties. Heavy military protection in Yunwu City should be able to hold it for a period of time. The convoy was handed over to the general and avoided the dense forest in the mountains for a while. The general remembers that during this period, please exchange messages with the rear cities from time to time. If you stay here, even if you can't serve as reinforcements, you can make a response.

"The last general is ordered." The general took the order in awe, looked up at Jiang Ting and asked, "I don't know if the imperial concubine wants to go back to Xingyuan?" The last general will send a hundred elite soldiers to guard the side of the imperial concubine to protect your safety.

"I said, you don't have to send troops to protect me." Jiang Ting turned to Zhao Xi: "Take our people with me. Let's go to the west."

"Princess, please go back to Xingyuan!" The general hit the horse and stood in front of Jiang Ting: "If there is anything wrong with the concubine, the last general is hard to redeem!"

"Don't worry, Zhao Xi is safe in me!" Jiang Ting pulled the horse's head and turned back. She didn't forget to look back and smiled at the general: "Don't be afraid, I'll find reinforcements and come back soon!"