Reborn Marquess Laziness

Chapter 301 The Fire of War is ruthless

In the dust and smoke rising all over the sky, there were full of shocking horseshoes, shouts, slashes, screams... It was a large group of endless crowd fighting.

"Is this hell?" Jiang Ting looked at the battlefield in front of her with lost her soul, and her mind was out of control because of the cruel and bloody tragic scene.

Is this war? Human life was brutally hacked like grass mustard; blood became the cheapest red paint, constantly impregnating the yellow sand land. Even if she is hundreds of meters away from the battlefield, the strong smell of blood has filled her nose and chest. Death is there, and it becomes so easy...

"Girl, you can't move forward any more. Now the war is hot, and it's too dangerous to get close. Zhao Xizong immediately stopped Jiang Ting, who was still running towards the battlefield.

Jiang Ting subconsciously grabbed the horse, then looked at Zhao Xi and asked loudly, "Can you stop them all?" They are mostly from the Southern Tang Dynasty! What emperor? What King of Tang? It's all for your own self-interest and let others work! What on earth is such a war for? How many people will die if it goes on like this... Is it meaningless to kill like this? All the soldiers died... Stop, stop them all..."

"Girl!" Zhao Xi roared and made Jiang Ting, who was shouting unconsciously, shut up. However, her helpless eyes still did not come back, but she looked at him with tears and muttered in a low voice: "This is the war of cold weapons... Such a war is hell at all... How innocent those soldiers are..."

"Since he has joined the army and elected the master who wants to be loyal, he will naturally repay him with his life. This is the duty of being a soldier! On the battlefield, victory or death is a common thing for soldiers. To become a soldier is to tie this life to the battlefield. What a man wants, but there can be a vigorous event in his lifetime. If a soldier can die on the battlefield, that's the right place to die! If you can kill the heads of several enemies before you die, it will be an honor to die! Girl, what if you say this war is meaningless? Did the dead soldiers die in vain? Each is loyal to his lord, his own life, and his own death. This is the duty of being a soldier! They died in their right place, the glory of death!"

Zhao Xi's loud shout seemed to have overwhelmed the shouts of the battlefield in front of him, and finally fell into Jiang Ting's ears. She stared at him, and her eyes gradually became focused. She stretched out her finger to the battlefield and burst into tears: "They are all dead... That's all human lives..."

"Girl, they are soldiers! Soldiers on the battlefield either killed the enemy or were killed by the enemy. This is the mission of soldiers; this is the eternal truth. Don't you understand?"

Jiang Ting turned her eyes back to the battlefield, covered her mouth and cried bitterly. It's not that she doesn't understand. But she just can't understand. No matter what era, war represents countless deaths and inevitable turmoil. Without enough blood and pain, the war will not stop. And the war in front of us has just begun...

But how precious life is! She couldn't understand Zhao Xi's words. What did you say about the right place to die? What is the glory of death? If you lose your life, there will be nothing left! What about the family behind those people when they die? What about their parents and relatives?

"Girl, don't look, let's go back." Zhao Xi sighed deeply and stood in front of her: "It's too dangerous here. If someone rushes over, we alone can't protect you."

"No, I'm not leaving... I'm going to stay here and wait for them to finish the battle." Jiang Ting wiped away her tears and looked at the battlefield. In the city in the middle of the battlefield, there is her husband. Now she can't help him, but she can't escape back like this anyway! She is here to accompany him to watch the war. Even if it is of no use, she hopes to at least face it with him in this way.

Zhao Xi looked forward with his head held high. He was originally a soldier and naturally understood the flag mobilization on the battlefield. Previously, the Northwest Army suddenly entered the war, which made the Southern Defense Army suffer from the enemy. Now that a large army has been sent out of Yunwu City to meet the enemy, there is no doubt that the southern defense army will be defeated under the attack on both sides. Therefore, he no longer persuaded, but ordered his guards to disperse and surround Jiang Ting to ensure her safety.


A long time passed, from midday to sunset, which was a three-hour battle in a row. However, in Jiang Ting's mind, this battle seems to have lasted as long as three years. Her tears have already dried up in the wind and smoke.

From the beginning of the grief of facing so many deaths to the numbness of the countless corpses in front of her, Jiang Ting felt that in these three hours, she seemed to have walked back and forth from hell and been reborn again.

At this time, the enemy had been defeated and retreated, and Zhang Qinglin led the northwest army to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Outside Yunwu City, there were only the Lingnan army left to clean up the battlefield.

"Let's go there." Jiang Ting's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if the wind had blown through the cracked land.

At the end of the war, the mottled blood color was the main color on the battlefield. And the groans and pain became the last end of the battlefield. Compared with the wounded who were seriously injured and amputated, those soldiers who have died no longer have any pain, which may also be a relief.

Before Jiang Ting and the others arrived at the battlefield, the convoy originally responsible for transporting drugs came from another direction. The two teams gathered together again, under the banner of the Lingnan Army, carefully avoided the disabled and dead bodies all the way and quickly ran to the gate.

However, as you go in, the more bodies pile up, and there are no roads for motorcades to pass. The general frowned deeply and turned around and ordered the officers and soldiers escorting the convoy: "Come a team to clean the battlefield and clean up the passage."

They escorted life-saving drugs, which are exactly what they need most in the city now. If the medicine is not delivered to those military doctors in time, it may delay the treatment of many people. Therefore, the fleet cannot stop.

However, what is left on the battlefield are corpses and seriously injured. If you encounter corpses, just move away from the original place and give way. But if they encounter seriously injured people, the officers and soldiers can't stand by and can only find a way to carry people to the city. In this way, more and more people will be occupied. In the end, in addition to the driver in charge of driving, even Jiang Ting got off the horse to help Zhao Xi and others lead the rein to prevent the horse from running around and stepping on the bodies and wounded on the ground.

Their team came abruptly. At first, the defenders were very vigilant, but after seeing their flags and moves, they relaxed. The general guarding the door even sent more people to help Jiang Ting and others open the road into the city as soon as possible.

Even so, when the road was fully opened, there was only one general left in the convoy, leading a group of drivers into the city in a carriage. All the other officers and soldiers carried the wounded one by one and ran to the gate.

PS: In this chapter, I want to write a tragic feeling. Unfortunately, after writing for a few hours, I couldn't write down what I thought. It seems to have collapsed, alas.